
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Es wird wackelig
by Clara Hrabovec

Die Natur scheint trotz vieler Katastrophen noch immer strafend gesinnt zu sein. Erdbeben gehören zu jenen Unglücken, die einem Gänsehaut verursachen. Wissenschaftler versuchen sie in den Vordergrund zu schieben, um nicht nur materiellen Schäden sondern auch Todesopfern vorzubeugen. Reno ist eine Stadt in Nevada (der nach Alaska und Kalifornien drittaktivste seismische Staat) die kürzlich von Hunderten kleiner Erdbeben heimgesucht wurde. Das Seismologische Labor an der Universität von Nevada versucht schon seit 28. Februar einen Grund für die rund 500 Minibeben zu finden. Obgleich Gouverneur Jim Gibbons über den Krisenzustand informiert ist, kann man nicht festsetzen ob und wann weitere eintreten werden. Obwohl es unter den kleineren auch ein Großbeben gab, sind außer emotionalen keine Schäden entstanden. Lasst uns also für die Menschen in Reno beten, sodass sie keine Beben der Größe 6 oder 7 der Richterskala erleben müssen. 1914 geschah so ein Unheil zum letzten Mal. Diane dePolo, eine Mitarbeiterin des Seismologischen Labors an der Universität von Nevada gibt zu, keine genauen Fakten in den Händen zu haben.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Computer program to help astronauts with depression
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The work of an astronaut is one of the most stressful. Isolated space you share with few colleagues for several month even years can really start to get on your nerves and make you feel depressed. And that is why NASA is seriously trying to fight this problem. It plans the long-duration missions to the Moon and Mars for astronauts it means a lot of psychological pressure, interpersonal conflicts and subsequently also depression. "If things go down the wrong pathway, you're depending on each other for your survival. So you want to make sure you're working together well and trust each other implicitly," said Dr. Jay Buckey, a former astronaut on the Space Shuttle Columbia who's collaborating on the program. Such a research can help to understand how isolation affects human mental health in general, not only in space environment but also here on Earth. Group of scientists is working on a series of interactive computer programs that are together called “Virtual Space Station”. Onboard the astronaut can access the program, which is basically a recording of Dartmouth psychologist Dr. Mark Hegel, through his own personal laptop. Such a virtual therapist at first helps you indicate the source of the depression, after you type in the symptoms, and then will guide you to make a plan to relieve your problem. "Before being used by astronauts, this system needs to be further developed and tested for efficacy in an analog population. The countermeasure we are developing is intended for use both in pre-flight training and on the International Space Station. The program has substantial Earth benefits,” says the project webpage. So the project could very well help also the patients on Earth, who refuse to visit a therapist because of various reasons, whether it is pride or the cost of treatment. And it will be these ordinary citizens that will take part in the initial tests in Boston, not astronauts.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

India launces first moon mission
by Magdalena Rosova

India launched its first unmanned mission to the moon. A satellite´s mission is to redraw maps of the lunar surface.

The satellite called Chandrayaan-1, which means “Moon Craft,” was rocketed from the Sriharikota space center in in southern India.

The main mission goal is to map the surface of the moon and to find out what lies beneath. India is intending to create a high-resolution map of the moon surface.

Until now only the U.S., Russia, the European Space Agency, Japan and China have ever rocketed missions to the moon.

India´s economy boom has allowed the country to build the nation´s hig-tech sector. Only few months ago a deal with the United States, that recognizes India as a nuclear power, was finalized. India hopes the moon mission will enhance its status.

Althougt the technology needed to reach the moon has not changed since the Soviet Union and the United States did it more than forty years ago, new mapping equipment allows the exploration of new areas.

Asian nations have taken the leading position in moon exploration recently. Japan sent up the Kaguya spacecraft in October 2007 and only a month later China sent up Change´e-1. In 2003 China became the first Asian country which put its astronauts into space.

However, Indian mission is not only about rivalry and prestige. The mission is deserved reward for the technology India developed.

The mission costs $80 million and will test systems for a future moon landing. India is dreaming of a manned space program, even though it has not been authorized yet.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: India vyslala prv√∫ misiu na mesiac
by Magdalena Rosova

India vypustila na mesiac svoju prvú misiu bez ľudskej posádky. Misiou satelitu je prekresliť mapy povrchu mesiaca.

Satelit nesie meno Chandrayaan-1, čo v preklade znamená „Mesačná loď.“ Satelit bol vypustený na mesiac z vesmírneho centra Sriharikota v južnej Indii.

Hlavným cieľom misie je zmapovať povrch mesiaca a zistiť, čo je pod jeho povrchom. India má v úmysle vytvoriť mapy s vysokým rozlíšením.

Do dnešného dňa vypustili misie na mesiac iba krajiny USA, Rusko, Európska vermírna agentúra, Japonsko a Čína.

India však v poslednom období zaznamenala ekonomický boom, ktorý umožnil krajine investovať a vybudovať národný high-tech sektor. Iba pred niekoľkými mesiacmi uzavrela India s USA dohodu, v ktorej USA uznáva Indiu ako nukleárnu mocnosť. India preto dúfa, že lunárna misia posilní jej status.

Hoci sa technológia potrebná na dosiahnutie mesiaca nezmenila od vtedy, čo pred štyridsiatimi rokmi pristála na mesiaci loď Sovietskeho zväzu a USA, novo vyvinuté zariadenia umožňujú podrobnejšie preskúmanie oblastí.

Ázijské krajiny postupne prebrali vedúce postavenie v dobývania mesiaca. Japonsko vyslalo na mesiac svoju vesmírnu loď Kaguya v októbri 2007 a iba mesiac neskôr vyletela čínska loď Chang´e-1. V roku 2003 sa Čína stala prvou ázijskou krajinou, ktorá vyslala svojho astronauta do vesmíru.

Akokoľvek, indická vesmírna misia nie je iba o rivalite a boji o prestíž. Misia je zaslúženou odmenou za dlhoročnú prácu na vývoji novej technológie.

Indická misia stojí 80 miliónov amerických dolárov a je zároveň skúšobným testom pre pristátie na mesiaci v budúcnosti. India už totiž sníva ďalej, novým cieľom by malo byť pristátie človeka na mesiaci, hoci oficiálne program ešte nebol schválený.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Istražuvanjata nad majmunite može da im pomognat na paraliziranite luge
by Magdalena Rosova

Ima novo istražuvanje za tretmanite za pacientite so udar ili povreda na ´rbetot. Naučnicite otkrija deka majmunite koi naučile da igraat kompjuterski igri se sposobni da gi nadminat paralizite so specijalen aparat.

Majmunite naučile da kontroliraat edna edinstvena mozočna kletka koja im pomaga da gi vratat vo upotreba paraliziranite muskuli.

Don Tejlor od Case Western Reserve University vo Klivlend, koj ja proučuva upotrebata na mozočnite signali da ja nadminat paralizata i ne beše vklučen vo novata rabota, izjavi deka rezultatot od otkritieto e "važen čekor napred."

Aparatot ja nabljuduval aktivnosta na mozočnite kletki i dobil informacija koja se koristi da se stimuliraat muskulite elektronski. Aparatot može da koristi mozočni kletki koi normalno ne gi kontroliraat zglobnite muskuli.

Istražuvanjeto može da im pomogne na lugeto so paraliza vo zglobovite da držat čaša so kafe ili da si gi isčistat zabite i mnogu drugi sekojdnevni raboti. Kako i da e, ke trebaat godini pa duri i dekadi dodeka ova ne počne da se primenuva.

Aparatite za funkcionalna električna stimulacija (FES) im pomagaat na delumno paraliziranite da stanat, odat, da gi koristat racete i dlankite i mnogu drugi raboti. Ovie denovi tie koristat prekinuvač da gi kotroliraat ovie aparati.

Koristenjeto na mozočnite signali može značitelno da im pomogne na paraliziranite luge od vratot nadolu so samo nekolku muskuli koi tie može da gi kontroliraat.

Vo eksperimentot so majmunite istražuvačite privremeno gi paralizirale zglobovite na majmunot. Dlankata na majmunite bila postvena na ramna površina. Tie naučile da upravuvaat so kurserot na kompjuterot so pritiskanje na svojot zglob gore i dole. Naučnicite gi nabljuduvale električnite signali koi gi ispuštala mozočnata kletka. Majmunite naučile da gi koristat svoite mozočni kletki za da gi kontroliraat svoite paralizirani muskuli i bile sposobni da igraat kompjuterska igra.

Kako i da e, lugeto treba da nadgleduvaat mnogu mozočni kletki naednaš za poveke kompleksno dviženja. "Imame ušte mnogu rabota," izjavi koavtorot na studijata Čet Moric.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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translated by Zivka Deleva

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These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Z√°hada ponorky H.L. Hunley v novom svetle
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Na úvod treba spomenúť zopár faktov z histórie. H.L. Hunley bola ponorka konfederačných štátov v období občianskej vojny v USA a bola to zároveň prvá ponorka, ktorej sa podarilo potopiť nepriateľskú vojnovú loď. No po úspešnom útoku v roku 1864, ktorý sa odohral v Charleston harbor, ponorka zmizla, zjavne sa potopila aj so svojou osemčlennou posádkou. Vrak bol vylovený v roku 2000. Naďalej zostáva záhadou prečo sa vlastne ponorka nevrátila do prístavu. Medzinárodný tím vedcov vo Warren Lasch Conservation Center pracuje pod záštitou Naval Historical Center na zreštaurovaní ponorky a zároveň sa snaží vyriešiť záhadu jej zmiznutia. A zdá sa, že len nedávno prišli na dôležitý objav. Posádka plavidla podľa nich neuviedla do chodu čerpadlo na odstránenie vody z priestorov určených pre posádku, čo by mohlo znamenať, že tie neboli zaplavené. „Začína to vyzerať tak, že to bol nedostatok kyslíku, ktorý spôsobil bezvedomie posádky,“ povedal predseda komisie South Carolina Hunley Commission. „Možno si zle vypočítali koľko kyslíku im ešte zostáva.“ No i tieto najnovšie závery nie sú práve najjasnejšie. „Môžeme s istotou povedať, že sa nesnažili ako blázni odčerpať vodu? Nie, nemôžeme,“ hovorí archeologička Maria Jacobsenová. „Naozaj si nemyslím, že už sme v bode kedy môžeme hovoriť o tom čo tí muži na konci robili, pretože jednoducho nepoznáme zoradenie všetkých ventilov.“ Len jedna vec je istá, a to, že záklopka, ktorou bolo možné odčerpať vodu z priestorov pre posádku bola zavretá. Ôsmi muži z H.L. Hunley sú i naďalej jediní, ktorí poznajú skutočnú pravdu. Všetci odpočívajú na cintoríne v Charlestone, kam boli so všetkými vojenskými poctami pochovaní v roku 2004.

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H.L. Hunley mystery in a new light
by Zuzana Zelenakova

At first, a bit of a history insight into the matter we are going to talk about is needed. H.L.Hunley was a submarine of Confederate States of America and it was the first submarine to sink an enemy warship. But after the successful attack in 1864 during the Civil War which took place in Charleston harbor it disappeared, apparently sank, together with its 8 crewmen. The wreck was recovered in 2000. It has always been a mystery why the submarine failed to return safely. At the Warren Lasch Conservation Center the team of international scientists has been working under the Naval Historical Center at conserving the sub and trying to solve the mystery of its disappearance. And it seems recently they have come across an important discovery. They reported the vessel´s crew had not set the pump to remove water from the crew compartment, which might mean it was not flooded. "It now really starts to point to a lack of oxygen making [the crew] unconscious," the chairman of the South Carolina Hunley Commission said. "They may have been cranking and moving and it was a miscalculation as to how much oxygen they had." But even the latest conclusions are not clear enough. "Can we definitely say they weren't pumping like mad to get water out of the tanks? No we cannot," said archeologist Maria Jacobsen. "I'm not really at a point where I think we should really be talking about what these guys were doing at the very end because we simply don't know all the valve settings." Only one thing is for sure – that the valve that could remove the water from the crew compartment was closed. The eight Hunley crewmen still remain the only ones to know the truth. Now they rest in Charleston´s Magnolia Cemetery where they were interred in 2004 with full military honors.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Comment Brachiosaurs est devenu si énorme
by Magdalena Rosova

Les chercheurs ont découvert pourquoi le Brachiosaurus et d'autres dinosaurs long-étranglés végétariens étaient si grands. Le poids de ces bêtes était comparable à 10 éléphants africains. Les chercheurs pensent que leur taille et poids ont été provoqués par l'avalement des nourritures de grande énergie tout en entier.

Sauropods, qui ont vécu il y a environ 210 millions d'années et ont régné l'écosystème de la Terre pendant plus de 100 millions d'années, ont eu le corps d'environ 40 mètres de long et leur taille était environ 17 mètres. Sauropods étaient les plus grands mammifères jamais existants.

P. Martin Sander, un paléontologiste à l'Université de Bonn en Allemagne, et Marcus Clauss de l'Université de Zurich ont affirmé que les Sauropods n'ont pas écouté leurs mères et probablement n'ont pas mâché leur nourriture correctement. Sauropods stockent à la place beaucoup de nourriture dans leur estomac géant. Les fougères et d'autres plantes dans leurs ventres étaient une bombe d'énergie supportant la croissance.

En raison de ce qu'ils n'ont pas mâché la nourriture ; ils n'ont pas eu besoin de grandes mâchoires. Une plus petite mâchoire signifie une plus petite tête, qui est une chose nécessaire pour avoir un long cou. Leurs longs cous leur ont également permis d'atteindre les feuilles nutritives vers le haut des arbres, ce qui était impossible pour les dinosaurs carnivores de court cou.

Cependant, la taille énorme signifie également beaucoup de problèmes. Par exemple, se débarasser de la chaleur excessive de corps ou la respiration avec un si long cou, a pu être un grand ennui pour des Sauropods. Mais tous ces problèmes ont été résolus par le système respiratoire des oiseaux. Ils n'ont pas eu des poumons mais les sacs aériens qui renvoyaient l'air pompé à travers des poumons rigides. D'autres cavités ont aidé à la chaleur non désirée d'exclure du corps.

La recherche sera détaillée dans le numéro 10 d'Octobre du journal Science

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: El misterio de H.L. Hunley en una nueva luz
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Al principio, un poco de historia en el asunto del que vamos a hablar. H.L.Hunley era un submarino de los Estados Confederados de América y era el primer submarino que hundió un buque enemigo. Pero después del ataque en 1864 durante la Guerra civil que ocurrió en el puerto de Charleston desapareció, aparentemente se hundió, junto con sus 8 tripulantes. La ruina fue recuperada en 2000. Siempre era un misterio por qué el submarino no volvió seguramente. En Warren Lasch Conservation Center el equipo de científicos internacionales ha estado trabajando bajo el Centro Naval Histórico en la conservación del submarino y trataban de solucionar el misterio de su desaparición. Y parece que han encontrado descubrimiento importante. Divulgaron que el equipo no había puesto la bomba para quitar el agua del compartimento de equipo, que podría significar que no fue inundado. " Ahora realmente comienza a indicar una carencia del oxígeno que causó la inconsciencia del equipo" dijo el presidente de South Carolina Hunley Commission. " Ellos podían hacer maniobras y movimientos y era un cálculo equivocado de la cantidad del oxígeno que tenían." Pero aún las últimas conclusiones no son bastante claras. ¿" Podemos definitivamente decir que bombeaban como loco para conseguir el agua de los tanques? No, no podemos, " dijo la arqueóloga Maria Jacobsen. "Realmente no estoy en un punto donde deberíamos hablar de lo que el equipo hacía al final porque simplemente no sabemos todos los ajustes. " Sólo una cosa es segura - que la válvula que podría quitar el agua del compartimento de equipo estuvo cerrada. Los ocho tripulantes de Hunley quedan los únicos que conocen la verdad. Ahora descansan en el Cementerio de Magnolia de Charleston donde fueron enterrados en 2004 con honores militares.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Misterijata na H. L. Hanli vo novo svetlo
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Za pocetok, malku istorija za da navlezeme vo suštinata za ona što ke zboruvame. H.L. Hanli e podmornica na Konfederativnite amerikanski državi i toa beše prvata podmornica koja potona neprijatelski brod. No posle uspešniot napad vo 1864 godina za vreme na Graganskata vojna koja se sluci vo pristaništeto na Carlston iscezna, verojatno potonala zaedno so 8 cleniot ekipaž. Ostatocite se pronajdeni vo 2000 godina. Otsekogaš bilo misterija zošto podmornicata ne uspea da se vrati bezbedno. Vo Warren Lasch konzervatoriumskiot centar timot od megunarodni naucnici raboteše pod Primorskiot Istoriski Centar na konzerviranje na podmornicata i obiduvajki se da ja rešat misterijata za nejzinoto isceznuvanje. I se cini deka posledno došle do nekoi važni otkritija. Tie izvestija deka ekipažot ne ja namestil pumpata da ja otstrani vodata od delot na ekipažot, što može da znaci deka ne e poplavena. "Sega pocnuva da ukažuva na nedostig od kislorod pravejki go (ekipažot) nesovesen," izjavi pretstavnikot na Komisijata Hanli vo Južna Karolina. "Tie možebi se dvižele i ne presmetale dobro za toa kolku kislorod im treba." No i poslednite zaklučoci ne se dovolno jasni. "Možeme li definitivno da kažeme deka tie ne ja ispumpuvale kalta za da ja izvadat vodata od cisternite? Ne ne možeme," izjavi arheologot Marija Jakobsen. "Sega sum na točka koga mislam deka treba navistina da zboruvam za ona što ovie momci go pravele na samiot kraj zatoa što ednostavno ne gi znaeme site klučni momenti." Samo edna rabota e sigurna - deka otvorot što možel da ja isfrli vodata od kabinata na ekipažot bil zatvoren. Osumčleniot Hanli ekipaž sé ušte ostanuva edinstveniot koj ja znae vistinata. Sega tie počivaat vo grobištata Magnolija vo Čarlston kade bea zakopani vo 2004 godina so kompletni voeni počesti.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Kako Bračiosaurusite stanale tolku golemi
by Magdalena Rosova

Istražuvači otkrija zošto bračiosaurusite i drugite vegetarijanci dolgovratesti dinosaurusi bile tolku golemi. Težinata na ovie dzverovi se sporeduva so onaa na 10 afrikanski slonovi. Istražuvačite mislat deka nivnata golemina i težina e predizvikana od goltanje na visoko energetska hrana.

Sauropodite, koi živeele pred okolu 210 milioni godini i vladeele so ekosistemnot na Zemjata poveke od 100 milioni godini imale telo so dolžina od 40 metri i nivnata visočina bila okolu 17 metri. Sauropodite bile najgolemite cicači na site vreminja.

P. Martin Sander, paleontolog na Univerzitetot vo Bon vo Germanija, i Markus Klaus od Univerzitetot vo Cirih velat deka sauropodite verojatno ne gi slušale svoite majki i ne ja dzvakale svojata hrana pravilno. Sauropodite namesto toa ja čuvale hranata vo svoite gigantski stomaci. Papratite i drugite rastenija vo nivnite papoci bile energetska bomba koja go poddržuvala nivnoto rastenje.

Poradi toa što ne ja dzvakale hranata nemale potreba od golemi vilici. Pomalite vilici značat pomala glava, što e predispozicija za dolg vrat. Nivnite dolgi vratovi isto taka im dozvoluvale da stignat do hranlivi lisja visoko na drvata, što bilo nevozmožno za mesojadnite kratkovrati dinosaurusi.

Kako i da e, goleminata isto taka im nosela i mnogu problemi. Na primer, osloboduvanjeto na ogromnata telesna toplina ili dišenjeto so tolku dolg vrat, moželo da znači nevolja za sauropodite. No site ovie problemi se rešeni so sistemot za dišenje kako kaj pticite. Tie nemale beli drobovi tuku vozdušni torbi koi ispumpuvale vozduh preku zdrvenite beli drobovi. Drugi dupki im pomagale da ja oslobodat nesakanata toplina od svoeto telo.

Istražuvanjeto ke bide detalno opišano vo 10toto izdanie od oktomvri vo naučniot žurnal.

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Another man in space
by kristina leskova

Richard Garriot is an American multimillionaire. He is 47 years old and he fulfilled his dream to reach the space. He was born in Cambridge, England, but he grew up in Texas, where he gained American citizenship. His father is Owen Garriott, 77 years old, became an astronaut and flew with Skylab in 1973. From the childhood Richard was interested in computers and so he became game designer. He gained a nickname Lord British, because he spoke with British accent. How did the flight into the space begin? On September 27, 2007 Space Adventures announced that Richard will fly to the Space Station in October 2008 as the sixth space tourist. He paid for this trip 30 million dollars. Richard Garriott followed the steps of his father. On October 12, he reached the space. The Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft carried him and two other crewmates. One of them is Mike Fincke, an American astronaut who spent six months on the international space station in 2004; another one is Russian Yuri Lonchakov. These two will stay in space station for months and their task is to enlarge the space station so, that it will be available for six persons. Richard will remain in space station only 10 days which he will spend with doing experiments. Of course, he will take some photos of the Earth. He will return on October 24, in a Soyuz capsule with two other members – cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Sergei Volkov. Volkov is the firs second generation traveler.

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edited by Beata Biskova

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: ¿Cómo el braquiosaurios se hizo tan gigante?
by Magdalena Rosova

Los investigadores averiguaron por qué el braquiosaurios y otros dinosaurios vegetarianos de cuello largo eran tan grandes. El peso de estos animales era comparable a10 elefantes africanos. Los investigadores han descubierto la respuesta: tragaban sin masticar comida con alto contenido energético.

Saurópodos, que vivían hace unos 210 millones de años y y dominaron los ecosistemas de la Tierra por más de 100 millones de años, tenían el cuerpo de más de 40 metros de largo y su altura de 17 metros. Sauropods eran los animales más grandes que hayan existido.

P. Martin Sander, un paleontólogo de la Universidad de Bonn en Alemania, y Marcus Clauss de la Universidad de Zurich dicen que saurópodos probablemente no escuchaban a sus madres y no masticaban su comida correctamente. Sauropódoss en cambio tenían panzas gigantes en las cuales almacenaban grandes cantidades de comida. Los helechos y otras plantas en sus vientres eran una bomba energética que apoyaba su crecimiento.

Como no masticaban el alimento; no necesitaban grandes mandíbulas. Pequeña mandíbula signinifica pequeña cabeza, lo que también los habilitó a tener cuellos más largos. Sus cuellos largos les permitían alcanzar hojas nutritivas encima de los árboles, que era imposibles para dinosaurios carnívoros de cuellos cortos.

Sin embargo, el enorme tamaño causa también muchos problemas. Por ejemplo, deshacerse del calor de cuerpo o respirar con un cuello tan largo, podría ser un problema grande para saurópodos. Los paleontólogos creen que los dos problemas se podía haber solucionado con un sistema de respiración parecido al de las aves. No tenían pulmones flexibles sino tenían un sistema de sacos de aires que bombeaban aire a través de pulmones rígidos. Otros huecos ayudaron expulsar el calor no deseado del cuerpo.

La investigación más detallada podéis leer en el diario Ciencia el 10 de Octubre.

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translated by Veronika Pellerova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Ušte eden čovek vo vselenata
by kristina leskova

Ričard Garot e amerikanski multimilioner. Toj ima 47 godini i toj go ispolni svojot son da stigne do vselenata. Toj e roden vo Kembridz, Anglija, no porasnal vo Teksas kade dobil amerikansko državjanstvo. Negov tatko e Oven Gariot, 77 godišen, bil astronaut i letal so Skylab vo 1973 godina. Od negovoto detstvo Ričard bil zainteresiran za kompjuteri i taka stanal dizajner za igri. Toj go dobil svojot prekar Lord Britanec, zatoa što zboruval so britanski akcent. Kako započnal letot vo vselenata? Na 27 septemvri 2007 godina Space Adventures najavile deka Ričard ke leta na Vselenskata stanica vo oktomvri 2008 godina kako šesti patnik vo vselenata. Toj za ova patuvanje platil 30 milioni dolari. Ričard Gariot gi sledel čekorite na svojot tatko. Na 12 oktomvri toj stigna do vselenata. Sojuz TMA-13 vselenskiot brod go nosel nego i drugi dva členovi na ekipažot. Eden od niv e Majk Fink, amerikanski astronaut koj pominal 6 meseci na megunarodnata vselenska stanica vo 2004 godina, a drugiot e rusinot Juri Lončakov. Ovie dvajca ke ostanat vo vselenskata stanica nekolku meseci zatoa što nivna zadača e da ja zgolemat vselenskata stanica, taka što ke bide dostapna za 6 luge. Ričard ke ostane vo vselenskata stanica samo 10 dena koi ke gi pomine vo pravenje eksperimenti. Se razbira i ke slika nekoi sliki od Zemjata. Ke se vrati na 24 oktomvri vo kapsulata na Sojuz so drugi dvajca členovi - kosmonautite Oleg Kononenko i Sergej Volkov. Volkov e prviot patnik od vtorata generacija patnici.

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by kristina leskova
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translated by Zivka Deleva

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Monkey Studies Could Help Paralyzed Humans
by Magdalena Rosova

There is a new study in treatments for patients with stroke and spinal cord injury. Scientist discovered that monkeys taught to play computer game were capable to overcome wrist paralysis with a special device.

The monkeys learned to control a single brain cell which helped them to regain use of paralyzed muscles.

Dawn Taylor of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, who studies the usage of brain signals to overcome paralysis and was not involved in the new work, said the result of discovery is “an important step forward.”

The device monitored the activity of a brain cell and gained information used to stimulate wrist muscles electrically. The device can even use brain cells that normally do not control wrist muscles.

The research could help people with paralyzed wrist to grasp a coffee cup or brush their teeth and many other everyday things. However, it will take years or even decades to come into use.

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) devices help partially paralyzed people to stand, walk, use arms or hands and many other things. Nowadays, they use switch to control those devices.

Using brain signals could markedly help people paralyzed from the neck down with only few muscles they can control.

In the monkey experiment the researchers temporarily paralyzed monkey´s wrists. The monkeys had a hand placed on a flat surface. They learned to move a computer cursor by pressing their wrists downward or upward. Scientists monitored electrical signals fired by a brain cell. The monkeys learned to use the brain cells to control their paralyzed muscles and were able to play computer game.

However, people would need to monitor many brain cells at once for more complex movements. "There's a long ways to go,” study co-author Chet Moritz said.

related story: Brain signals re

by Magdalena Rosova
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These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Un autre homme dans l'univers
by kristina leskova

Richard Garriot est un multimillionnaire américain. Il a 47 ans et il a accompli son rêve pour atteindre l'espace. Il est né à Cambridge, Angleterre, mais il a grandi au Texas, où il a gagné la citoyenneté américaine. Son père est Owen Garriott, 77 ans, est devenu astronaute et a volé avec le Skylab en 1973. Depuis son enfance Richard était intéressé par les ordinateurs et ainsi il est devenu concepteur de jeu. Il a gagné le pronom de "Lord British", parce qu'il a parlé avec l'accent britannique. Comment le vol dans l'univers a-t-il commencé ? Le 27 septembre 2007 Space Adventures ont annoncé que Richard volera à la station spatiale en octobre 2008 comme le sixième touriste de l'espace. Pour ce voyage il a payé 30 millions de dollars. Richard Garriott a suivi les pas de son père. Le 12 octobre, il a atteint l'univers. Le vaisseau spatial de Soyuz TMA-13 lui a porté avec deux autres membres d'équipe. L'un d'entre eux est Mike Fincke, un astronaute américain qui a passé six mois sur la station spatiale internationale en 2004 ; l'autre est russe Yuri Lonchakov. Ces deux resteront dans la station spatiale pendant des mois et leur tâche serait d'agrandir la station spatiale ainsi qu'il soit disponible pour six personnes. Richard restera dans la station spatiale pendant seulement 10 jours qu'il passera en faisant des expériences. Naturellement, il prendra quelques photos de la Terre. Il retournera le 24 octobre, dans une capsule de Soyuz avec deux autres membres - cosmonautes Oleg Kononenko et Sergei Volkov. Volkov est l'un des prémiers voyageurs de la deuxième génération.

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by kristina leskova
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translated by Kristina Popovicova

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edited by Beata Biskova

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Phoenix coming to the end of its mission on Mars
by Zuzana Zelenakova

NASA Mars Lander Phoenix was sent to Mars to collect samples of soil on the planet and find out more about its atmosphere, it landed there in late spring this year. The Phoenix mission was originally planned for three months on the “red planet”, but has exceeded the expectations of all by more than two months now. However, it already faces some technical difficulties, the most serious among them being the gradual decline in solar energy that is further expected to reduce until the Lander ends its mission by the end of the year. Before that happens the Phoenix team is going to attempt to activate the microphone with which the Phoenix is equipped and capture some sounds on Mars. "For nearly three months after landing, the sun never went below the horizon at our landing site," said Barry Goldstein, JPL Phoenix project manager. "Now it is gone for more than four hours each night, and the output from our solar panels is dropping each week. Before the end of October, there won't be enough energy to keep using the robotic arm." Setting sun means also the colder atmosphere which will only contribute to the end of Phoenix´s functioning. These days the daytime temperatures are going down under -30 C, the nighttime temperatures are somewhere around -90 C in average (by the half of November this number will rise to -120 C). After the point (after October presumably) where the Phoenix is no longer able to collect samples it will basically turn into a weather station. Another problem is the frost which began to form in the area around Phoenix´s landing site. For now the Lander is safe from this threat, it is warmer than the ground around it. "It's a bit like the top of a relatively warm computer, if you like," said Phoenix meteorological team member Peter Taylor.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Feniks ja zavr√Ö¬°uva svojata misija na Mars
by Zuzana Zelenakova

NASA Mars Lander Feniks beÅ¡e praten na Mars da sobere primeroci od zemjata na planetata i da otkrie Å¡to e možno poveke za atmosferata tamu, sleta tamu docna proletta ovaa godina. Feniks misijata beÅ¡e originalno planirana za tri meseci na crvenata planeta, no gi nadmina svoite očekuvanja vo samo dva meseci. Kako i da e,veke se sooči so nekoi tehnički poteÅ¡kotii, od koi najserioznite pomegu niv se postepenoto opaganje na solarnata energija koja ponatamu se očekuva da se namaluva sé dodeka Lander ne ja zavrÅ¡i svojata misija do krajot na ovaa godina. Pred da se sluči toa Feniks timot ke se obide da go aktivira mikrofonot so koj Feniks e opremen i da snimi nekoi zvuci na Mars. "Skoro tri meseci po sletuvanjeto, sonceto nikogaÅ¡ ne pomina pod horizontot od naÅ¡ata strana kade Å¡to sletavme," izjavi Beri Goldstajn, JPL feniks proekt menadzerot. "Sega go nema poveke od četiri časa sekoja nok, i ishodot od naÅ¡ite solarni paneli se namaluva sekoja nedela." Pred krajot na oktomvri, nema da ima dovolno energija da se prodolži so rabotata na robotskata raka." Zaoganjeto na sonceto isto taka znači i poladna atmosfera Å¡to samo ke pridonese kon prestanot na funkcioniranje na Feniks. Ovie denovi dnevnite temperaturi se pod -30 stepeni celziusovi, noknite temperaturi se okolu -90 stepeni celziusovi vo prosek (do polovinata na noemvri ovaa brojka ke porasne do -120 stepeni celziusovi). Posle taa točka (posle oktomvri verojatno) koga Feniks nema da bide vo možnost da sobira primeroci poveke samiot po sebe ke se pretvori vo vremenska stanica. Drug problem e ledot koj započna da se formira vo oblasta kade Å¡to sleta Feniks. Za sega Lander e bezbeden od ovaa zakana, zatoa Å¡to zemjata odokolu e potopla. "Toa e slično kako vrvot na relativno topol kompjuter, ako sakate," izjavi členot na Feniks za meteorologija, Piter Tejlor.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Feniks ja zavr√Ö¬°uva svojata misija na Mars
by Zuzana Zelenakova

NASA Mars Lander Feniks beÅ¡e praten na Mars da sobere primeroci od zemjata na planetata i da otkrie Å¡to e možno poveke za atmosferata tamu, sleta tamu docna proletta ovaa godina. Feniks misijata beÅ¡e originalno planirana za tri meseci na crvenata planeta, no gi nadmina svoite očekuvanja vo samo dva meseci. Kako i da e,veke se sooči so nekoi tehnički poteÅ¡kotii, od koi najserioznite pomegu niv se postepenoto opaganje na solarnata energija koja ponatamu se očekuva da se namaluva sé dodeka Lander ne ja zavrÅ¡i svojata misija do krajot na ovaa godina. Pred da se sluči toa Feniks timot ke se obide da go aktivira mikrofonot so koj Feniks e opremen i da snimi nekoi zvuci na Mars. "Skoro tri meseci po sletuvanjeto, sonceto nikogaÅ¡ ne pomina pod horizontot od naÅ¡ata strana kade Å¡to sletavme," izjavi Beri Goldstajn, JPL feniks proekt menadzerot. "Sega go nema poveke od četiri časa sekoja nok, i ishodot od naÅ¡ite solarni paneli se namaluva sekoja nedela." Pred krajot na oktomvri, nema da ima dovolno energija da se prodolži so rabotata na robotskata raka." Zaoganjeto na sonceto isto taka znači i poladna atmosfera Å¡to samo ke pridonese kon prestanot na funkcioniranje na Feniks. Ovie denovi dnevnite temperaturi se pod -30 stepeni celziusovi, noknite temperaturi se okolu -90 stepeni celziusovi vo prosek (do polovinata na noemvri ovaa brojka ke porasne do -120 stepeni celziusovi). Posle taa točka (posle oktomvri verojatno) koga Feniks nema da bide vo možnost da sobira primeroci poveke samiot po sebe ke se pretvori vo vremenska stanica. Drug problem e ledot koj započna da se formira vo oblasta kade Å¡to sleta Feniks. Za sega Lander e bezbeden od ovaa zakana, zatoa Å¡to zemjata odokolu e potopla. "Toa e slično kako vrvot na relativno topol kompjuter, ako sakate," izjavi členot na Feniks za meteorologija, Piter Tejlor.

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translated by Zivka Deleva

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Phoenix beendet bald seine Mission auf Mars
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Der von der NASA konstruierte Mars-Geländewagen wurde auf den Mars geschickt, um dort Bodenproben anzusammeln und mehr über seine Atmosphäre herauszufinden. Die Landung erfolgte im späten Frühling dieses Jahres. Planmäßig sollte die Phoenix-Mission auf dem "roten Planeten" ursprünglich drei Monate dauern, der Aufenthalt wurde dann aber um mehr als zwei Monate verlängert. Die Sonde hatte auch mit einigen technischen Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen, zu den ernsthaftesten gehörte sukzessive Verringerung der Solarenergiegewinnung, die noch bis Ende dieses Jahres, wenn Phoenix seine Mission beenden soll, erwartungsgemäß weiterschreiten sollte. Bevor es dazu kommt, wird das Phoenix-Team versuchen, das Mikrophon zu aktivieren, mit dem Phoenix ausgerüstet ist und damit er einige Geräusche auf dem Mars auffangen soll. "Seit nahezu drei Monaten nach der Landung ging die Sonne auf unserer Landungsstelle nie unter den Horizont," sagte Barry Goldstein, Projektmanager von JPL Phoenix. "Momentan verschwindet die Sonne für mehr als vier Stunden jede Nacht und die Menge der durch unsere Solarkollektoren gewonnene Energie wird jede Woche kleiner. Vor dem Ende von Oktober wird es nicht genug Energie geben, um den robotischen Arm zu betreiben." Die untergehende Sonne bedeutet auch kühlere Atmosphäre, die auch zum Ende von der Funktionsfähigkeit von Phoenix nich beitragen wird. In diesen Tagen sinkt die Tagestemperatur unter -30 Grad, nachts bewegt sich die Temperatur um -90 Grad ( bis Hälfte November wird sie noch auf -120 C weiter senken). Nach diesem Zeitpunkt ( voraussichtlich nach Oktober ), wenn Phoenix nicht mehr fähig sein wird, Stichproben zu sammeln, wird er grundsätzlich in eine Meteorologiestation umgewandelt werden. Ein anderes Problem stellt der Frost dar, der sich im Gebiet herum um die Landungsstelle von Phoenix bildet. Zurzeit wird die Sonde durch diese Gefahr nicht gefährdet, sie ist wärmer als der Boden rund herum. "Es ist ein bisschen wie ein Deckel eines relativ warmen Computers, wenn Sie so wollen," sagte Mitglied des meteorologischen Phoenix-Teams Peter Taylor.

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Ike und was er hinterließ
by Barbora Misakova

Manchmal kann die Natur mehr als zerstörerisch sein. Außer ruinierten Häusern, beschädigten Autos und Kommunikationsnetzen gibt es oft auch hohe Opferzahlen. Und manchmal ist die Natur so mächtig, dass jedes einzige Lebewesen auf dem Planeten in Gefahr sein kann. Wenn Ende August sich ein tropischer Luftstrom irgendwo in der Nähe von Afrika zu formen begann, keinem wäre eingefallen, dass er der intensivste Sturm in der atlantischen Hurrikansaison 2008 ( zumindest bis jetzt ) werden würde. So weit ist es aber gekommen und Ike wurde ein Hurrikan der Kategorie 4 auf der Skala von 1 bis 6 ( 6 ist der zerstärerischste Grad ), wobei er auch die Stärke 5,2 erreichte! Das ist schon ganz schön mächtig, nicht wahr? Leider wurde die Macht nicht für gute Zwecke benutzt. Der Wind vernichtete fast alles und auch die Unweltschäden sind sehr umfangreich.
In den Tagen vor und nach dem Sturm berichteten viele Bürger und Firmen Spuren von Erdöl, Benzin und anderen Substanzen in der Luft, im Wasser und Boden. Überall herum um Louisiana und Texas tauchten Propanbehälter, Farbendosen und andere Behälter mit gefährlichen Stoffen auf, die Ike aus Industriezentren nahe Houston, Port Arthur in Texas und auch aus Erdölförderungsstationen mit sich nahm und übers Land verstreute. Die Situation ist ziemlich kompliziert - ständig gibt viele Leute, die über neuentdeckte gefährliche Stoffe in der Nähe ihrer Häuser, in den Sümpfen, Hinterhöfen und an anderen Orten berichten. Das Nationale Überwachungszentrum des Küstengebiets sammelt alle Informationen über chemische und biologische Spuren und leitet sie weiter zu Dienststellen, die vor Ort arbeiten. Dann müssen die die Stoffe identifizieren und entsorgen. Das größte Problem stellen wahrscheinlich beschädigte Erdölleitungen dar. Die meisten sind so stark beschädigt, dass der Stoff daraus "tropft" und ins Wasser gelangt. Man fand zum Beispiel so viel ausgeschiedenen Roherdöls, dass man damit ein ganzes olympisches Schwimmbecken füllen könnte! Die Situation mit der Luftverschmutzung ist besser. Tests der Luftqualität entdeckten keine Probleme, jedoch beschädigte der Sturm komplett viele beständige Luftverschmutzungsüberwachungsstationen im Gebiet. Auch Tieren bereitete Ikes starker Wind viele Schwierigkeiten. Der Wind war so stark, dass mehr als 1000 Eichhörnchenjungen aus ihren Nesten weggeblasen wurden. Der Sturm wird sich wahrscheinlich auch auf der Vogelmigration auswirken - viele Vögel verloren ihre Nahrungsquellen und es kommt dabei die Frage auf, ob sie da bleiben oder irgendwo anders fliegen werden, um sich Futter zu suchen. Manchmal kommt es mir so vor, als ob die Natur ihr eigener größter Feind wäre.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Figure beyond imagination
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Can you imagine how much money is $700 billion? Well, that is not an easy thing to do even for the richest people in the world, not to speak about common people. Let´s just say that if every person in the United States – current population is about 305 million people – pay $2,300 they could raise the jawdropping figure of $700 billion, which is the price tag of bailout plan introduced by Bush administration on Friday in an attempt to remedy the financial crisis or better to say catastrophe on Wall Street. After that stocks went finally higher not only on Wall Street but all around the world. No doubt we are talking here about the most significant government intervention to rescue financial institutions since the Great Depression. President Bush himself confessed that there are risk in this action for taxpayers, but “The risk of not acting would be far higher,” he added. The administration asked Congress for new powers so that it would be possible to take over troubled mortgages from banks and other companies. Both sides should work out the whole process into details during the weekend. "Every American should know that the federal government continues to enforce laws and regulations protecting your money," said President Bush at the White House. Even Democrats and Republicans are united as far as the bold move taken by the administration is concerned. “Truly, we are all in this together,” said Barrack Obama stressing that both parties should work in concert. Republican presidential nominee John McCain stated that "any action should be designed to keep people in their homes and safeguard the life savings of all Americans." Treasury secretary Henry Paulson said that the rescue program must be large enough to have the necessary impact while tax payers are protected as much as possible.

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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Brojki nad zamislivoto
by Zuzana Zelenakova

AMože li da zamislite kolku mnogu pari se 700 bilioni dolari? Dobro, toa ne e lesno duri i za najbogatite luge vo svetot, a da ne zboruvame za običnite luge. Samo da rečeme deka sekoja ličnost vo SAD - momentalnata populacija e okolu 305 milioni luge - da platat po 2300 dolari tie može da ja soberat sumata od 700 bilioni dolari od koja ke vi padne vilicata, što e del od planot za spasuvnje pretstaven od administracijata na Buš vo petokot kako obid da se zaleči finansiskata kriza ili podobro kažano katastrofata na Wall Street. Posle toa akciite konečno skoknaa ne samo na Wall Street tuku nasekade niz svetot. Nema somnevanje deka zborvame za najznačajnata vladina intervencija da se spasat finansiskite institucii posle Golemata Depresija. Pretsedatelot Buš samiot prizna deka ima rizik vo akcijata za danočnite obvrznici, no "Rizikot od neprezemanje akcija ke bide ušte povisok." dodade toj. Administracijata go zamoli Kongresot za nova mok za da može da gi prezemat problematičnite hipoteki od bankite i drugite kompanii. Dvete strani treba da go razrabotat celiot proces vo detali za vreme na vikendot. "Sekoj amerikanec treba da znae deka federalnata vlada prodolžuva da donesuva zakoni i regulativi so koi gi štiti vašite pari," izjavi pretsedatelot Buš vo Belata kuka. Duri i demokratite i republikancite se obedineti što se odnesuva na hrabriot čekor napraven od strana na administracijata. "Navistina, site sme zaedno vo ova," izjavi Barak Obama potencirajki deka dvete partii treba da rabota so koncept. Republikanskiot pretsedatelski kandidat Dzon MekKein izjavi deka "sekoja akcija treba da bide dizajnirana taka što lugeto ke može da si gi začuvaat sopstvenite domovi i obezbeduvanje na životnite zaštedi na site amerikanci." Sekretarot za bogatstvo Henri Polson izjavi deka planot za spasuvanje mora da bide dovolno golem za da može da go ima potrebnoto vlijanie dodeka danočnite obvrznici se zaštiteni kolku e možno poveke.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Ike and what remained after it
by Barbora Misakova

Sometimes the nature can be more than destructive. Except ruined houses, damaged cars and transmission lines, there can be heavy death toll. And sometimes the nature is so powerful, that single living creature on the planet can be endangered. When at the end of August a tropical disturbance started somewhere near the Africa no one thought that it could become the most intense storm in 2008 Atlantic hurricane season (at least so far). But it happened and Ike became a category 4 hurricane which on the scale ranges from 1 to 6 (while 6 is highest destructive potential) earned a 5.2! That’s the power, isn’t it? Unfortunately it wasn’t used for good. But it destroyed almost everything, and cause environmental toll.
During the days before and after the storm, lot of residents and companies was reporting releases of oil, gasoline and other substances in the air, water and ground. All around Louisiana and Texas were appearing propane tanks, paint cans and other hazardous materials containers which Ike spread from industrial centers near Houston, Port Arthur in Texas and also other oil production facilities. Situation is quite complicated – lot of people is calling about new discoveries of hazardous materials which appear near their houses, in the marshes, backyards and other places. The Coast Guard’s National Response Center is collecting all information about chemical and biological releases and passes it to agencies working on the ground. They then have to identify the materials and clean it up. Probably the biggest problem is with damaged pipelines. Most of them are damaged so much that substance is “spewing” from them and so spreading into the water. For example there was enough spilled crude oil to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool! The situation of the air is better. Air quality tests found no problems, but the storm totally damaged many of the state’s permanent air pollution monitors in the region. Ike’s strong wind caused lot of troubles to the animals as well. Wind was so strong that more than 1000 baby squirrels were blown from their nests, and the result of storm will probably show on the bird migration – lot of birds lost their food sources and it is questioning if they stay here or fly away to find some food. Sometimes it just seems to me like the nature was its own worst enemy.

related story:;_ylt=Api.hu4jc.bhi32hcAJ0NS0PLBIF

by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New animal species found on Australian reefs
by Martina Janeckova

Marine scientists have discovered hundreds of new animal species on Australian reefs during expeditions organized by the Australian chapter of CReefs, a global census of coral reefs. Researchers organized three expeditions, two in the waters off the Great Barrier Reef’s Lizard and Heron islands and one in the Ningaloo Reef. Julian Caley, a scientist from the Australian Institute of Marine Science said that “people have been working at these places for a long time and still there are literally hundreds and hundreds of new species that no one has ever collected or described and if we don't understand what biodiversity is out there, we don't have much of a chance of protecting it.” Among the creatures found were about 130 soft corals, also known as octocorals, which have never been described in scientific literature but they make up a large part of the Great Barrier Reef. Scientists have also found lots of previously undescribed crustaceans. Scientists plan to explore the three sites annually for the next six years. The 10-year census, scheduled for final publication in 2010, is supported by governments, divisions of the United Nations and private conservation organizations. Researchers also fixed 36 plastic house-like structures to the ocean floor and want to study the life inside each house over the next few years. “The scientist’s findings could have direct benefits for humans,” said Ron Johnstone, a marine science professor at the University of Queensland. “Marine life is used in medicines, and the creatures could also provide clues as to how they cope with climate change and pollution - issues people wrangle with as well.”
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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