
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Seeschildkröte Dylan zurück in die Natur
by Barbora Haramiova

Ein unglaubliches Geschenk! Einige Biologen und Wissenschaftler würden das über die unechte Karettschildkröte sagen, die vor neun Jahren gefunden wurde. Damals wurde Dylan nur geboren und wurde von einem ihrer Geschwister aus dem Nest hinausgedrückt. Nun verließ sie eben das Georgia Seeschildkrötenzentrum auf der Jekyll Island.

Nach einer ein Jahr dauernden Vorbereitungsperiode für das Leben in der Freiheit und neun Jahren von Gefangenschaft wurde Dylan am Montag schließlich ins Meer freigelassen. Für die Biologen war das vielleicht herzzerreißend mit anzusehen, wie das Baby wegschwimmt, aber Dylan musste in ihren natürlichen Lebensraum zurückkehren, um einen ausgefüllten und wertvollen Leben zu leben.

Im August 1998 wurde sie auf einem Strand auf der Jekyll Island von Menschen gefunden. Sie strengte sich an und kämpfte ums Überleben. Danach verbrachte sie ihre Lebenszeit in zwei verschiedenen Naturzentren, einmal wurde sie ins Georgia Aquarium übergelegt und dann ging sie ins Georgia Seeschildkrötenzentrum auf der Jekyll Island, wo sie schließlich freigelassen wurde.

Diese 150 Pfunde wiegende unechte Karettschildkröte ist als eine gefährdete Art klassifiziert. Sieben andere Seeschildkrötenarten sind auch gefährdet.

Wenn sie freigelassen wurde, konnte sie den Weg ins Meer nicht gleich finden, aber Veterinär Terry Norton half ihr dabei, zurück ins Meer zu kriechen. Sie wurden von 300 Menschen auf dem Strand beobachtet. Norton sagte, obwohl sie habe losschwimmen wollen, sei sie durch das seichte Wasser verwirrt worden und daher habe sie angefangen, zurück zum Strand zu schwimmen. Letztendlich ging aber alles gut.

Während ihres Aufenthalts im Zentrum stellten die Angestellten fest, Dylan sei ein Weibchen. Das ist sehr wichtig, da in den meisten Fällen es nahezu unmöglich ist, das Geschlecht der Schildkröte noch vor ihrem 30-ten Geburtstag zu bestimmen.

Ein anderer Biologe aus der Abteilung für Naturquellen in Georgia Mark Dodd sagte, Dylan trage einen Funksender, der alle 100 yard ein Sinal aussendet. Er ist so eingestellt, zu signalisieren anzufangen, nachdem sie auftaucht. Er sagte noch über Dylan: "Das Beste für sie wäre, wenn sie sich irgendwo dort einsiedeln würde, fette Krabben essen würde und vielleicht nach 20 Jahren wir sie wieder zu sehen bekommen werden, als sie Eier legt."

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by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Morská korytnačka Dylan je naspäť v prírode
by Beata Biskova

Neuveriteľný dar! Nejaký biológ a vedci by mohli povedať o tejto morskej korytnačke, ktorá sa našla pred deviatimi rokmi. V tejto dobe sa Dylan narodila, a opustila svoje hniezdo. Teraz práve opustila Centrum morských korytnačiek na Jekyllových ostrovoch.

Po roku príprav na život na slobode a po deviatich rokoch zajatia, v pondelok bola Dylan konečne oslobonedá a vypustená. Možno to trhalo biológom srdce keď videli ako ich dieťa odchádza, ale Dylan sa musela vrátiť naspäť do prírody a začať žiť plnohodnotný život.

V Auguste v roku 1998 ju našli bojovať na pláži na Jekyllových ostrovoch. Svoj čas trávila v dvoch prírodných centrách, bola premiestnená z Georgia akvária do Centra morských korytnačiek na Jekyllových ostrovoch odkiaľ bola potom vypustená.

Táto morská korytnačka je chráneným druhom. Sedem iných druhov korytnačiek sú tiež ohrozenými druhmi.

Keď bola vypustená, ťažko hľadal cestu do mora, ale veterinár Terry Norton jej pomohol nájsť cestu do mora a 300 ľudí na neho pozeralo z pláže. Norton povedal, že bola zmetená a plávala naspäť na pláž, ale nakoniec odišla.

Počas jej pobytu v centre zistili, že Dylan je samička. je to dôležité zistenie pre určenie veku.

Biológ Mark Dodd povedal, že Dylan ma na sebe vysielač, ktorý má dosah 100 yardov.Tiež povedal o Dylan: " Najlepšie pre ňu by bolo aby ostala tu, jedla veľké tučné kraby a možno o 20 rokov ju uvidíme zvova ako liahne vajíčka."

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by Beata Biskova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Tortuga marina Dylan vuelve al mar
by Veronika Pellerova

¡Un regalo increíble! Algunos biólogos y científicos dirían esto sobre una tortuga marina llamada Dylan, que fue encontrada hace nueve años. En aquel tiempo, Dylan fue nacida, vagueaba alrededor abandonada por sus compañeros del nido. Ahora, abandona Centro de Tortugas Marinas de Georgia en Jekyll Island.

Después de un año de prepararación para la libertad y después de nueve años de cautividad, el lunes Dylan fue finalmente liberada al mar. Tal vez para los biólogos fue difícil de ver que su bebé se marcha, pero Dylan tiene que volver a su ambiente natural para vivir la vida idónea y valorada.

En agosto 1998, la gente le encuentró cuando recién había salido del cascarón en una playa de Jekyll Island. Pasando su vida en dos centros diferentes, una vez vivía en Aquario de Georgia y después la trasladaron al Centro de Tortugas Marinas de Georgia en Jekyll Island, de donde le liberaron.

Esta tortuga marina de 150 libras es considerada una especie amenazada. Otras siete variedades de tortugas marinas están en peligro de extinción.

Durante la liberación, casi no pudo encontrar el camino al mar, pero el veterinario Terry Norton, le ayudó volver al mar, con 300 personas mirando de la playa. Norton dijo que la tortuga intentaba alejarse, pero aparentemente se confundió por las aguas poco profundas y el lodo, por lo que nadó de manera paralela a la playa por un momento. Pero finalmente, la liberación tuvo éxito.

Durante su permanencia en el centro, los empleados reconocieron que Dylan es una hembra. Es muy importante, porque en la mayoría de los casos es casi imposible decir la edad de la tortuga hasta sus 30 años.

Otro biólogo del Departamento de Recursos naturales de Georgia, Mark Dodd dijo, que Dylan lleva un transmisor, que señala hasta 100 yardas. Señalará cuando saldrá a la superficie. También dijo sobre Dylan: " La mejor cosa para ella sería de andar aquí, conseguir cangrejos gordos y tal vez después de 20 años la veremos otra vez poniendo huevos. "

related story:;_ylt=As6.Y_lxu80Tg1T2zx1iPyCs0NUE

by Veronika Pellerova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rome´s Lupa is medieval
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Capitoline wolf, or in Italian Lupa Capitolina, is the true symbol of the city of Rome. 75 cm high and 114 cm long it depicts a she-wolf that according to the legend suckled the founders of the city, human twins Romulus and Remus. The sculptures of the infants made in obviously different style compared to that of the she-wolf were added in the late 15th century and were probably made by the sculptor Antonio Pollaiuolo. However, now a fierce dispute is going on about the dating of the female wolf itself. So far the general public believed that it was an Etruscan work from 5th century BC. But according to the latest research, including radiocarbon dating, it has been found that it was actually manufactured in the 13th century AD. Anna Maria Carruba, a researcher who was appointed with the restoration works on the statue in 1997 and had the opportunity to examine it closely, is a firm supporter of this new theory: “It´s decisively medieval. As I went ahead with my research, I was ever more sure,” she said in a telephone interview on Wednesday. She observed that Lupa had been made in a specific casting technique that was not used with the ancient Greek and Roman bronzes. Radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating was carried out at the University of Salento in February 2007 to resolve the question only to confirm Carruba´s theory. Though the sculpture´s origins are still uncertain it is believed that it was manufactures somewhere in Tiber valley between Rome and Orvieto. Well, of course there are voices still skeptic about the new dating theory. “Leaving aside the point of pride about Rome´s symbol, arguments for the medieval are weak,” said Alessandro Naso, an Etruscan expert at the University of Molise. Anyway, whatever the discussions Capitoline she-wolf still remains a powerful image in the minds of all Italians who do not care that much about its precise dating.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Rímska vlčica pochádza zo stredoveku
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Kapitolská vlčica, či Lupa Capitolina v taliančine, je skutočným symbolom mesta Ríma. 75 cm vysoká a 114 cm dlhá zobrazuje vlčicu, ktorá podľa legendy kojila bájnych zakladateľov mesta dvojičky Romula a Rema a tak ich zachránila pred smrťou. Sochy detí, ktoré sú očividne v inom štýle než socha zvieraťa, boli pridané až koncom 15. storočia a sú pravdepodobne dielom sochára Antonia Pollaiuola. V súčasnosti však prebieha zanietené diskusia o datovaní samotnej sochy vlčice. Doteraz bola verejnosť presvedčená o tom, že ide o etruské dielo z 5. storočia pred Kristom. No podľa najnovších výskumov, ktoré zahŕňajú aj techniku datovania pomocou rádioaktívneho uhlíku, sa zistili, že v skutočnosti bola vyrobená v 13. storočí po Kristovi. Anna Maria Carrubová, výskumníčka, ktorá bola v roku 1997 poverená reštauračnými prácami na soche a mala tak možnosť ju skúmať zblízka, je presvedčeným zástancom tejto teórie: „Rozhodne ide o stredoveké dielo. Čím viac som napredovala so svojim výskumom tým som si tým bola istejšia,“ povedala v stredu počas telefonického interview. Prišla na to, že vlčica bola vyrobená špecifickou zlievárenskou technológiou, ktorá sa pri výrobe antických gréckych a rímskych bronzových sôch nepoužívala. Určovanie veku sochy pomocou rádioaktívneho uhlíku a termoluminiscencie sa uskutočnilo na univerzite v Salente vo februári 2007. Výsledkom bolo potvrdenie Carrubovej teórie. Hoci pôvod sochy je stále nejasný, je pravdepodobné, že bola vyrobená v údolí rieky Tiber, niekde medzi Rímom a Orvietom. Samozrejme, že sa ozývajú i hlasy, ktoré voči tejto novej teórii zaujímajú skeptický postoj. „Pokiaľ ponecháme stranou otázku hrdosti nad symbolom Ríma, argumenty v prospech stredovekého pôvodu sochy sú stále nedostatočné,“ povedal Alessandro Naso, expert na etruskú problematiku z univerzity v Molise. Akákoľvek je už pravda, Kapitolská vlčica stále predstavuje v mysliach Talianov mocný symbol a tí sa veľmi nestarajú o jej presné historické datovanie.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Plastics expert wins $500K Lemelson-MIT award
by Radka Konkolova

Almost everything is improved every day. So as inventions, especially those from the medical environment. Nowadays people are interested in their health and environment probably more that in the past, because they want to live healthier life in healthier surrounding. So also scientists want to do their best to find something special which should satisfy the request of all the people.

And those scientists who are successful in inventing something cataclysmal are awarded. So as Joseph DeSimone, professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and at North Carolina State University. This 44 years old man is one of the best plastics expert, which means that he is chemist by body and soul. I think very interesting thing is, how he got to such work or what influenced him to become a chemist. It was thanks to his younger sister chemical set and maybe thanks to his jealousy as well.

In 1990s he was searching for the environmentally friendly way of making plastics and he was successful. Then he developed a process to reduce pollutants from manufacturing plastics. This process involves substituting carbon dioxide for an acid normally used in manufacturing process, what eliminates chemicals which could remain in human bloodstream and mean many risks of causing diseases. It is also very expensive, because building a plant with such technology cost about 40 million USD. This plant went online in Fayetteville in 2002.

Recently he has cooperate with a Duke University cardiologist, Dr. Richard Stack and together they have created an alternative to the metal coronary stents. They have wanted to create something, which should help prevent heart attacks and avoid open-heart surgery. These stents, no matter the material, is implanted into the vessels in order to hold arteries open. This should avoid to the vessels clogging. But the problem of the metal stents has been, that eventually, they can slightly increase a risk of blood clots forming months or years later. But these polymer stents differ from those metal. These should help to open arteries (as well as metal ones) but they shouldn't means such a high risk of vessels clogging, because they should thoroughly dissolve in two years after implementation of them. This solution is certainly better one, because arteries stay open and thanks to polymer, which will fall apart in relatively short-term, the body slowly heals itself and this also reduces the risk of creating fatal blood clots and other diseases.

Here we can see how nanotechnology is spreading, what is in my opinion very important and good too, because it means progress and it is need especially nowadays and in such departments as medicine is. DeSimone, who has won the Lemelson-MIT award of $500,000 wants to use this money to another research, because he thinks that nanomedicine has got “big future” and he hopes that thanks to this every illness, as cancer, diabetes or multiple sclerosis, will be curable. I hope so, because this would be truly perfect and make the lives of people who suffer from these illnesses as well as the lives of their families easier.

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by Radka Konkolova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Špecialista na plasty vyhral 500 000 dolárovú Lemelson-MIT cenu
by Radka Konkolova

Takmer všetko sa každým dňom zlepšuje. Tak aj vynálezy, zvlášť tie z lekárskeho prostredia. V dnešných dňoch sa ľudia zaujímajú o svoje zdravie a životné prostredie asi viac ako v minulosti, pretože chcú žiť zdravší život v zdravšom prostredí. Takže aj vedci robia všetko pre to, aby vynašli niečo špeciálne, čo by uspokojilo požiadavky všetkých ľudí.

A tí vedci, ktorí sú vo svojom bádaní úspešní a vynájdu niečo prevratné, sú aj odmenení. Tak ako Joseph DeSimone, profesor na Severokarolínskej univerzite v Chapel Hill a na Severokarolínskej štátnej univerzite. Tento 44 ročný muž je jedným z najlepších expertov na plasty, čo znamená, že je chemikom telom i dušou. Myslím, že veľmi zaujímavé je, ako sa vlastne k takému niečomu dostal, alebo čo ho ovplyvnilo v tom, aby sa stal chemikom. Bolo to vďaka chemickej sade jeho mladšej sestry a možno aj vďaka jeho závisti.

V deväťdesiatych rokoch pracoval na vynájdení spôsobu výroby plastov, ktorý by bol priateľský k životnému prostrediu a bol v tomto veľmi úspešný. Následne vyvinul metódu, ktorá mala redukovať znečistenie spôsobené priemyselnými plastmi. Tento proces zahŕňa nahradenie oxidu uhličitého kyselinou normálne využívanou v procese výroby, čo znižuje pôsobenie chemikálií, ktoré by mohli zostať v ľudskom tele a znamenať nebezpečenstvo vzniku rôznych chorôb. Je to aj veľmi nákladné, pretože stavba závodu s takouto technológiou stála okolo 40 miliónov amerických dolárov. Tento závod bol uvedený do prevádzky vo Fayetteville v roku 2002.

Teraz spolupracoval s doktorom Richardom Stackom, kardiológom z Duke University a spolu vytvorili alternatívu za kovové srdcové stenty. Chceli vytvoriť niečo, čo by pomohlo predchádzať srdcovým infarktom a otvoreným operáciám srdca. Tieto stenty, bez ohľadu na materiál, z ktorého sú vyrobené, sú implantované do ciev, aby tepny zostali priechodné. Malo by to zabrániť upchávaniu ciev. Ale problém kovových stentov je v tom, že nakoniec môžu mierne zvýšiť riziko vzniku krvných zrazenín, ktoré môžu vzniknúť o niekoľko mesiacov alebo rokov neskôr. Ale tieto polymérové stenty sa od tých kovových líšia. Tieto by mali pomôcť nechať artérie priechodné (rovnako ako tie kovové), ale nepredstavujú také vysoké riziko upchávania ciev, lebo by sa mali do dvoch rokov po ich zavedení do tela úplne rozpadnúť. Toto riešenie je určite lepšie, lebo ostanú cievy preichodné a vďaka plastu, ktorý sa rozpadne za pomerne krátky čas, telo sa pomaly lieči samo a taktiež sa tým znižuje riziko vzniku krvných zrazenín, ktoré môžu spôsobiť smrť, a iných chorôb.

Tu môžme vidieť, ako sa rozširuje nanotechnológia, čo je podľa môjho názoru veľmi podstatné a tiež dobré, pretože to znamená pokrok a ten je nutný zvlášť v dnešnej dobe a v takých odvetviach, ako je medicína. DeSimone, ktorý vyhral 500 000 dolárovú Lemelson-MIT cenu, chcie tieto peniaze použiť na ďalšie výskumy, pretože si myslí, že nanomedicína má “veľkú budúcnosť” a dúfa, že vďaka tomuto bude každá choroba, ako rakovina, cukrovka či skleróza multiplex, vyliečiteľná. V to dúfam aj ja, lebo toto by bolo naozaj úžasné a zjednodušilo by to životy nielen ľuďom trpiacim týmito chorobami, ale aj ich rodinám.

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by Radka Konkolova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Kedy prišiel domov?
by Beata Biskova

Meno Odysseus má dnes pravdepodobne takú silu ako malo pred 1000 rokmi. Odysseus, legendárny grécky kráľ z Itaky a manžel Penelopy, známej ako jeho vernej manželky. Jeho 10 rokov cestovania, aby sa vrátil domov nebolo ľahkých. Tak ako nebolo ľahké bojovať desať rokov v Trójskej vojne. Informácie o tomto starovekom kráľovi boli storočia rôzne, kým v Homérovej poviedke Iliada a Odyseus bol vykreslený ako hrdina. Rímania vytvorili o ňom iný obraz.Volali ho "dirus Ulixes" čo znamená krutý Odyseus. Je nespočetné množstvo píbehov o tomto veľkom mužovi a ešte viac malieb a sôch. Ale najslávnejšia pamiatka na Odysea je už od spomínaného Homéra.

Mnoho vedcov a výskumníkov analyzovalo Homérov epos a cítili, že sa za ním niečo ukrýva. Mali pravdepodobne veľa otázok. V tomto období je ešte jedna dôležitá a nezodpovedaná otázka, kedy sa kráľ Odyseus vrátil domov z Trójskej vojny?
Marcelo O. Magnasco, vedúci celého výskumu, krotý zistil, že skutočný deň jeho návratu bol 16. apríla 1178 p.n.l. Prišiel na to z Homerovej práce a z toho ako opisuje pozíciu hviezd a slnka. Jeho opisy sú také presné, že nie je pochýb, že " Homér vedel o určitých astronomických javoch, ktoré sa diali v jeho dobe." Po rozboroch všetkých opisov z Iliady a Odysea ako napríklad viditeľnosť Venuše a pozícia Merkúru, prišiel na toto zistenie. Najdôležitejšou vecou je teraz porkačovať v čítaní Odysea znova a znava, uvažovať nad tým a nikdy nezabudnúť, že " naše pochopenie týchto textov je celkom neúplné."

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by Beata Biskova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Kedy sa vratil domov?
by Lucia Adamova

Meno Odyseus ma pravdepodobne rovnaku vahu aku malo pred tisickami rokov. A dokonca mozno aj vacsiu. Odyseus bol legendarny grecky kral z Itaky a muz Penelopy, ktoru vsetci poznali ako vernu manzelku. Jeho 10 rocny navrat domov nebol lahky, tak ako nebolo lahke bojovat 10 rokov vo vojne s trojanmi. Informacie o tomto starovekom kralovi sa po starocia lisili. Zatial co v Homerovej Iliade a Odysei bol hrdinom, rimania ho vykreslili v uplne inom svetle. Volali ho "dirus Ulixes" co v preklade znamena kruty Odyseus. Existuje nespocetne mnozstvo legiend, malieb ci soch tykajucich sa tejto vyznamnej osobnosti. Avsak najviac nam ho pripomina uz spominany Homer.

Mnoho vedcov a badatelov skumalo Homerove epicke basne akoby mali pocit, ze nieco ukryvaju. Pravdepodobne mali mnoho otazok lenze vacsinou je len mala sanca, ze ich odpovede na ne budu povazovane za spravne. Podla mna je to vsak uspech dostat odpoved aspon na jednu z otazok. Tentokrat dostali odpoved na jednu z nich a to: Kedy sa kral Odyseus vratil z Trojskej vojny? Marcelo O. Magnasco veduci celeho vyskumu sa domnieva, ze zistili ozajstny datum Odyseovho navratu, ktory bol 16.4.1178 pnl. Vychadzaju pritom z Homerovho diela, presnejsie povedane z jeho opisu postavenia hviezd a uplneho zatmenia slnka. Jeho opis bol tak presny, ze niet pochyb, ze "Homer vedel o urcitych astronomickych javoch, ktore sa udiali davno pred nim." Vdaka analyze opisov v Iliade a Odysei, ako napriklad viditelnost Venuse alebo postavenie Merkuru na oblohe, sa dostali az k spominanym zisteniam. Napriek tomu, ze vedci veria svojim objavom, vsetci su si vedomi, ze nemaju dostatok presvedcivych dokazov na obhajenie svojho nazoru. Najdolezitejsou vecou nadalej ostava neprestajne citat Odyseu znova a znova a rozmyslat nad jej jednotlivymi castami, no pritom nezabudat, ze "nase chapanie tychto textov je dost neuplne."

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by Lucia Adamova
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NASA beefs up next-generation moon rocket
by Radka Konkolova

The Earth inhabitants, especially scientists are very curious people. They have already been in the universe, but they are still trying to get more information about the space that surrounds our home planet. So they do various researches and think about the best possibilities how to detect more. Besides sending rocket and satellites aloft, for some of them it is not enough and they want to be a part of this amazing performance. So they are willing to spend some time without their families and friends above our heads somewhere far from our planet on the place from where they are not seen.

Everybody knows, that people have already had their “envoys” on the Moon, but now they want to send back another people. NASA has been preparing this project for some time and now it is sure how the spacecraft will look like. The names of these vehicles, that will be send to the Moon and back and later maybe also to Mars and back, is Ares I and Ares V. Ares I will carry astronauts to the Moon's surface and Ares V is constructed to carry supplies and other cargo. The numbers in names of these vehicles are devoted to the honour of the first space shuttles Saturn I – V used in the first Moon mission named Apollo.

This is something like new generation of space shuttles. But the original concept of this huge vehicle was a bit different. Ares is capable to carry four members cosmic crew, lunar lander and equipment and because it main task is to carry cargo, the capacity and size of it spreads. This one will be about 20 feet, what is about six meters, longer than it originally should be, so it will measure 381 feet, so it will reach approximately the same hight as the highness of 38 floor building. It is expected that it will be able to carry approximately 156,600 pounds (about 70 500 kg) of cargo to the Moon and once maybe also to Mars. Suppose, every such vehicle is powered by liquid oxygen and hydrogen. Ares V will be created with six such engines instead of five and these will be larger what means also bigger efficiency.

Astronauts should reach the Moon's orbit aboard the reusable Ares I probably in 2020 and other equipment and things important and needed to research will be carried in Ares V.

Choosing the design of this vehicle wasn't easy because they have been choosing from about 1700 various projects and it took about nine-month study while NASA decided to approve the project. Supposedly the major work of Ares V should begin in 2010, after the space shuttle is retired.

This mission will be more sophisticated than the Apollo project was and this probably will mean a huge success for NASA, astronauts and researchers as well.

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by Radka Konkolova
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edited by Beata Biskova

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From climate change to insecurity
by Silvia Szarkova

U. S intelligence agencies' reported judgment have always been based on the deeply understanding of the situation. Well, here is an another issue released by these agencies, which states things we have been recognized for ages, but we have never spoken about it so loudly as we do in last years.

Global changes we are facing to, especially global warming, are more likely to cause humanitarian disasters, illegal immigration and the destabilizations of the local governments can lead to threaten national security and independence of the countries worldwide, stated the last report.

Africa is extremely susceptible, the report says. Especially Sub- Saharan regions and the Middle East parts are expected to increase in droughts & agricultural yields of rain dependent crops are supposed to decline by a half in the next 12 years.

Southern and eastern Asia parts are more likely to both droughts and floods, expecting a 10 percent decrease in number of bred rice and grain crops.

Latin America could not deal with the increased number of precipitation,

In addition, another 50 million of people will suffer hunger by 2020. The population is still growing, consumption twice faster, glaciers are melting faster and faster. From 120 million to 1.2 milliard people in Asia have not enough water supply and continue to suffer from water stress.

The intelligence assessment also warn of harmful consequences of spillover. Tom Fingar, deputy director of national intelligence for analysis, sees the biggest problem in the fact, that these changes have a planetary impact, not local, but global. He also says of USA: " We judge that the most significant impact for the United States will be indirect and result from climate- driven effects on many other countries and their potential affect U.S. National security interests. "

According to another expert Adm. T. Joseph Lopez, who was in charge of peacekeeping in Bosnia in 1996, climate change will probably provide conditions to extend war on terror.

The assessment released by U. S intelligence agencies was required by the government on year ago.
by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

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edited by Beata Biskova

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Can Atom Really Threaten Our Planet?
by Milota Sidorova

Atom energy is clearly the most ecological and effective source of energy now days. Despite lines of considerable advantages, the most discussed black bug here is a maintenance of safety.

However, the chance of explosion touches a chance somewhere over horizon, let's admit, a little group of devoted ones can still successfully operate with kind of 'Cernobyl' disaster and ubiquitous radial contamination.
And still, we have these 'terrorists' exactly waiting for every opportunity to tear down western pro-American orientated culture. With there kind of ' relevant' facts you can easily form something like ' general opinion.
Use extremists from Greenpeace, one or two studies published by some university professors and nothing can stop you.

Atom energy is bad! Really bad! That is what the highest representatives of EU say. Therefore, smaller and economically just developing countries have to give up the idea of easy going energy. Who cares if Slovak people will have to buy expensive energy from its neighbors, who told them to stop?

''Bad! Really bad!'', say Austria and France. Showing us angry fingers, pretending to be caring mother, they sell their own atom energy to the rest of the world. OF COURSE, it will take a long time, to make even European laws binding for everyone. Like my friend uses to say:''money talk!''

Whether just for this reason on not, the atom discussion has become again more than actual, however, dear reader must recognize true media interest and lobbing following the largest and the most powerful atom smasher, called Large Hadron Collider by himself or herself.

Swiss based international project, located 330 feet underground French Swiss borders is about to begin its run test in August. LHC, atom accelerate will create approximately 7 times more energy than its Chicago rival Fermilab. 27 kilometers long vacuum tubes, able to speed up billions of protons via magnet bending can help to understand better many of still mysterious science questions, such as Big Beng theory.
Still admired and considered the most sophisticated machine ever built, more and more let's say kind of populist critics have appeared. Safety, safety and again safety. Not only for Swiss, but for the whole planet. Some say that LHC will explicitly threaten Earth, changing blue planet into dead plains of dessert.
It's necessary to thank these people for amazing imagination literally worth Hollywood's script writers. Doubts about micro black wholes, passing through our planet, captured in its core and eating masses of the Earth, are still far from reality. It is true that micro black holes will appear, but not more than for several nano seconds.

Despite of artificial red alert, caused (how I believe) by lobbing money hunters, the whole crew of scientists remain calm and peaceful. There's no reasonable proof, that LHC will bring our planet to crash. Swiss seem to not worry, on the contrary, its public support collider in every way.

Thanks God, they are not planning to sink in the bureaucracy law swamp of blessed EU.

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by Milota Sidorova
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edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Interesting finding in Latvia
by Zuzana Fabcinova

Scientists have been delighted by finding a skull of a four-legged animal recently. Nothing surprising, you would say, even a dog has four legs. Exciting fact (exciting at least for scientists) about this is that the skull has once probably belonged to a most primitive four-legged creature in Earth's history. What a unique discovery! The skeleton consisting of skull, shoulders and and part of the pelvis was found in Latvia and is likely to become crucial demonstration of the evolution of fish to advanced animals that can walk on land, including amphibians, birds and mammals.
Ventastega curonica, that is the real name of the prehistoric fish, lived approximately 365 million years ago, in Late Devonian time, which is long before first dinosaurs appeared. It probably lived in swamps and shallow fresh or brackish water lakes and could easily crawl through banks. Its most common sustenance were small fish.
It had been believed until the finding was made that Ventastega didn't have digits or limbs, but probably had paddle-like limbs or fins. Some scientists though argued that it was four-legged and the Latvian finding made their hypothesis sound much more realistic, as key parts of pelvis and shoulders were found and that is why they suppose that limbs with digits were attached to the animal. It is pity that limb bones weren't found because that would be an irrefutable evidence and would beat any other assumptions about Ventastega not being a tetrapod.
The finding might be very helpful for evolutionary biologists as it offers a basis for new evolution theories. It has also aroused numerous questions about the reason why water dwellers started to develop primitive legs, whether they needed them to get from one place to another and fins weren't enough any more.

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by Zuzana Fabcinova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Un hallazgo interesante en Letonia
by Veronika Pellerova

Los científicos han sido encantados por su descubrimiento de un cráneo de un animal de cuatro patas. Nada sorprendente, usted diría, aún un perro tiene cuatro piernas. Lo interesante es (al menos a los científicos), que el cráneo probablemente pertenecía a la criatura de cuatro patas más primitiva en la historia de la Tierra. ¡Qué hallazgo! El esqueleto que consiste del cráneo, los hombros y de una parte de la pelvis, fue encontrado en Letonia. Probablemente se convertirá en la demostración de la evolución dezde la pez hasta los animales avanzados que pueden andar por la tierra, incluyendo anfibios, pájaros y mamíferos.
Ventastega curonica, que es el nombre del pez prehistórico, vivió hace aproximadamente 365 millones de años, que es mucho antes de que los primeros dinosaurios aparecieron. Probablemente vivía en pantanos y lagos poco profundos o salobres y podría pasar fácilmente por los bancos. Su sustento más común eran unos pequeños pesces.
Hasta el hallazgo se creía que Ventastega no tenía dedos o miembros, pero probablemente tenía miembros que se parecían a remos o aletas. Algunos científicos dijeron que tenía cuatro patas y el hallazgo ha hecho su hipótesis mucho más realística, como las partes de la pelvis y los hombros fueron descubiertos y por eso suponen que los miembros con los dedos fueron conectados al animal.
Que lástima que los huesos de los miembro no fueron descubiertos porque sería una prueba irrefutable y disiparía cualquiera otra duda sobre que Ventastega era un tetrapod.
El hallazgo podría ser muy provechoso para los biólogos porque ofrece unas nuevas teorías evolutivas. Esto también ha despertado numerosas preguntas, por qué a los animales aquáticos comenzaron desarrollarse las piernas primitivas, si las necesitaron para moverse de un lugar al otro y las aletas ya no eran suficientes.

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by Veronika Pellerova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Del cambio clim√°tico a la inseguridad
by Veronika Pellerova

Las agencias norteamericanas de inteligencia siempre informaban con el entendimiento de la situación. Bien, aquí está una otra publicación liberada por estas agencias, que declara cosas que hemos conocido desde hace siglos, pero nunca lo hemos hablado con tan importancia como lo hacemos en estos años.

Cambios globales que afrontamos, sobre todo el calentamiento global, con mayor probabilidad causarán muchos desastres humanitarios, la inmigración ilegal, la inestabilidad política y hasta pueden amenazar a la seguridad nacional y la independencia de los países por todo el mundo, eso declara el último informe.

África es muy sensitiva, dice el informe. Sobre todo las regiones de Sub-Sahara y las partes de Oriente Medio son extremamente vulnerables a sequías. Un incremento de las sequías pudiera reducir a la mitad el rendimiento agrario de cultivos dependientes de las lluvias en los próximos 12 años.

En el sur y este de Asia se esperan tanto sequías como inundaciones, esperando una declinación del 10 por ciento de la cosecha de arroz y de grano.

Latinoamérica pudiera experimentar un aumento en las precipitaciones.

Además, otras 50 millones de personas sufrirán de hambre para el 2020. La población todavía crece, el consumo es dos veces más rápido, los glaciares se derriten cada vez más rápido. Entre 120 millones y 1.200 millones de personas en Asia no tienen bastante agua y continuarán enfrentando problemas con el agua.

La evaluación de las agencias también advierte de las consecuencias dañosas de excedente. Tom Fingar, subdirector nacional de inteligencia para análisis, ve el problema más grave en el hecho, que los cambios tienen un impacto planetario, no local, sino global. También dice sobre EE.UU.: "Nosotros pensamos que el impacto más significativo para Estados Unidos será indirecto y resultado de los efectos del clima en otros países y su potencial para afectar gravemente los intereses de seguridad nacional estadounidenses".

Según otro experto, Adm. T. Joseph López, que fue responsable de la misión de paz en Bosnia en 1996, el cambio de clima probablemente proporcionará condiciones para ampliar la guerra terrorística.

El gobierno requirió la evaluación liberada por las agencias norteamericanas de inteligencia hace un año.
by Veronika Pellerova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Kann Kernkraft unseren Planeten wirklich gefährden?
by Barbora Haramiova

Heutzutage stellt Atomenergie zweifellos die ökologischste und effektivste Energiequelle dar. Trotz einer ganzen Reihe von beträchtlichen Vorteilen ist die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit das am meisten diskutierte Thema.

Allerdings erreicht die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Explosion nur geringe Werte, man sollte aber zugeben, dass eine kleine Gruppe von Anhängern sich noch immer erfolgreich mit einer Art "Tchernobyl"-Katastrophe und allgegenwärtiger Radialkontamination beschäftigt. Und zusätzlich gibt es noch diese "Terroristen", die genau auf eine solche Gelegenheit warten, um die pro-amerikanisch orientierte westliche Kultur niederzuschlagen. Mit diesen "relevanten" Fakten kann man etwas wie "Allgemeinmeinung" aufstellen.
Man wende Extremisten von Greenpeace an, eine oder zwei Studien von irgendwelchen Universitätsprofessoren und nichts kann einen aufhalten.

Atomenergie ist schlecht! Wirklich böse! Das sagen die höchsten Vertreter der EU. Daher müssen kleinere und sich wirtschaftlich nur entwickelnde Länder die Idee von leicht zu gewinnender Energie aufgeben. Wen interessiert denn nur, dass die Slowaken teuere Energie von ihren Nachbarstaaten kaufen müssen, wer gibt ihnen das Erlaubnis, es nicht mehr tun zu müssen?

"Schlecht! Wirklich schlecht!", sagen Österreich und Frankreich. Sie zeigen verärgert mit ihren Fingern auf uns, sie täuschen vor, eine sorgvolle Mutter zu sein und sie verkaufen selbst ihre eigene Atomenergie dem Rest der Welt. Natürlich wird es noch eine Weile dauern, bis das europäische Gesetz für alle verbindlich sein wird. Wie meine Freunde gewöhnlich sagen: "Geld hat das Wort!"

Ob aus diesem Grund oder nicht, die Diskussion über Kernenergie ist wieder mehr als aktuell, allerdings muss der liebe Leser das wahre Interesse der Medien und Lobbisten erkennen, das dem größten und mächtigsten Kernmordskerl entsprechen, nämlich dem sogenannten Hadronbeschleuniger.

Dieses internationale Projekt mit Sitz in der Schweiz, das 330 Füße tief unter den französisch-schweizer Grenzen angelegt wurde, sollte im August seinen Testlauf erleben. Der LHC, ein Atombeschleuniger, wird 7-Mal mehr Energie erzeugen, als sein Rivalle aus Chicago Fermilab. 27 Kilometer lange Vakuumröhren, die fähig sind, Milliarden von Protonen mithilfe von Magneten zu beschleunigen, kann helfen, viele von noch immer mysteriösen wissenschaftlichen Fragen, zum Beispiel die Big-Beng-Theorie, besser zu verstehen.
Obwohl man die höchstentwickelte Maschine, die je gebaut wurde, bewundern und in Betracht ziehen muss, sind einige populistische Kritiken erschienen. Sicherheit, Sicherheit und noch einmal Sicherheit. Nicht nur für die Schweiz, sondern für den ganzen Planeten. Einige sagen, dass LHC die Erde ausdrücklich gefährden und folglich den blauen Planeten in Wüstenregionen verwandeln würde.
Man muss sich bei diesen Menschen für ihr Vorstellungsvermögen bedanken, das dem der Szenaristen aus Hollywood gleicht. Zweifel über winzige schwarze Löcher, die unseren Planeten durchlöchern und im Kern versteckt Teile der Erde verschlucken, sind von der Realität noch immer weit entfernt. Es stimmt, dass schwarze Mikrolöcher auftauchen werden, aber nur für einige Nanosekunden.

Trotz der künstlichen roten Alarmstufe, die von lobbierenden Geldjägern ( glaube ich ) verursacht wurde, bleibt das Wissenschaftler-Team ruhig und friedlich. Es gibt keinen vernünftigen Beweis, dass der LHC unseren Planeten zum Zusammenbruch führen würde. Die Schweiz zeigt keine Sorgen, ganz im Gegenteil, der Beschleuniger wird von der Öffentlichkeit stark befürwortet.

Gott sei Dank haben sie nicht vor, das Projekt im Bürokratie-Sumpf der verletzten EU zu versenken.

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by Barbora Haramiova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Interessanter Fund in Lettland
by Barbora Haramiova

Vor kurzem erfreuten sich Wissenschaftler über den Fund eines Schädels eines vierbeinigen Tieres. Nichts Überraschendes, würden Sie sagen, auch ein Hund hat vier Beine. Das aufregende Faktum dabei ist ( aufregend zumindest für die Wissenschaftler ), dass der Schädel einmal wahrscheinlich dem primitivsten vierbeinigen Wesen in der Geschichte der Erde gehörte. Was für eine einzigartige Entdeckung! Das Skelett, dass sich aus Schädel, Schultern und einem Teil des Beckens zusammenstellt, wurde in Lettland gefunden und stellt wahrscheinlich den ausschlaggebenden Beweis der Evolution von Fisch bis zu höher entwickelten Tieren dar, die den Wasserlebensraum verlassen hatten, inklusive Amphibien, Vögel und Säugetiere.
Ventastega curonica, was der eigentliche Name des prähistorischen Fisches ist, lebte ungefähr vor 365 Millionen Jahren, im Zeitraum des späten Devons, der lange vor der Erscheinung der ersten Dinosaurier datiert wird. Er lebte wahrscheinlich in Sümpfen und seichten süßen oder leicht salzigen Teichen und konnte problemlos übers Ufer kriechen. Seine hauptsächliche Ernährung bestand aus kleinen Fischen.
Vor dem Fund des Schädels hatte man geglaubt, dass Ventastega keine Finger oder Gliedmaßen gehabt hätte, wahrscheinlich hatte sie schaufelähnliche Glieder oder Flossen gehabt. Einige Wissenschaftler stritten sich auch, dass er vier Beine hatte, wobei der lettländische Fund ihre Hypothesen viel mehr realistischer machte. Es wurden nämlich Schlüsselteile vom Becken und Schultern gefunden und daher nehmen sie an, dass das Tier auch über Gliedmaßen und Finger verfügt hatte. Es ist Schade, dass keine Gliedmaßenknochen gefunden wurden, denn es wäre ein unverwerflicher Beweis gewesen und es hätte jegliche andere Annahmen über Ventastega niedergeschlagen, die behaupten würden, Ventastega sei kein Vierbeiner gewesen.
Der Fund könnte für Evolutionsbiologen sehr hilfreich sein, da er eine Basis für neue Evolutionstheorien bietet. Er rufte auch zahlreiche Fragen über den Grund hervor, warum sich bei Wasserbewohnern primitive Beine zu entwickeln angefangen hatten, ob sie sie gebraucht hätten, um sich im Raum zu bewegen und Flossen nicht mehr ausreichend gewesen wären.

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by Barbora Haramiova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Von Klimawandel zu Unsicherheit
by Barbora Haramiova

Die von den US-Geheimdienstagenturen berichteten Urteile beruhten immer auf einem tiefen Verständnis der Situation. Hier ist eine andere Veröffentlichung von diesen Agenturen, in der Dinge offenbart werden, über die wir uns seit Jahren bewusst sind. Wir haben darüber nur nicht so laut gesprochen wie in den letzten Jahren.

Globale Änderungen, denen wir in die Augen schauen, im Besonderen die globale Erwärmung, können mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit humanitäre Katastrophen verursachen. Illegale Immigration und Destabilisierung von lokalen Regirungen können zur weltweiten Gefährdung der nationalen Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit von Ländern führen. Das behauptete der letzte Bericht.

Afrika ist extrem empfindlich, sagt der Bericht. Vor allem die sub-saharischen Regionen und die Teile des Mittelostens sollten mehr Dürresaisonen erleben - landwirtschaftliche Gewinne aus regenabhängigen Kulturen sollten in den nächsten 12 Jahren um eine Hälfte sinken.

Südliche und östliche Teile Asiens werden wahrscheinlich im höheren Maße sowohl von Dürren, als auch von Überflutungen betroffen, man erwartet einen 10%-en Verfall in Reis- und Getreideernten.

Lateinamerika könnte mit gestiegenen Regenfällen nicht zurecht kommen.

Zusätzlich werden bis 2020 weitere 50 Millionen Menschen unter Hungersnot leiden. Die Population wächst ständig an, Konsumation zweimal schneller, Gletscher schmelzen schneller und schneller. Ab 120 Millionen bis 1,2 Milliarden Menschen in Asien haben nicht genug Wasservorräte und leiden ständig unter Wassermangel.

Die Einschätzung des Geheimdienstes warnt auch vor gefährlichen Folgen von Nebenwirkungen. Tom Fingar, stellvertretender Direktor des nationalen Geheimdiensts für Analyse, sieht das größte Problem in der Tatsache, dass diese Änderungen einen planetenweiten Einfluss haben, nicht nur lokalen, sondern globalen. Über die USA sagt er: "Wir nehmen an, dass der bedeutendste Einfluss auf die Vereinigten Staaten indirekt sein und von klimatischen Effekten auf viele anderen Länder und ihren potenziellen Einfluss auf die Interessen der US-Nationalen Sicherheit stammen wird.

Laut einem anderen Experten Adm. T. Joseph Lopez, der bei der Friedenserhaltung in Bosnien 1996 im Dienst war, werden klimatische Änderungen wahrscheinlich Bedingungen vorbereiten, um den Krieg gegen Terror auszubreiten.

Die Einschätzung der Situation von den US-Geheimdienstagenturen wurde vor einem Jahr von der Regierung verlangt.

by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Dali atomot može navistina da i se zakani na našata planeta?
by Zivka Deleva

Atomskata energija e najekološkiot i najefektivniot izvor na energija ovie denovi. I pokraj linijata na vidlivite prednosti, najdiskutiranata crna bubačka e oddržuvanjeto na bezbednosta.

Kako i da e, možnosta za eksplozija dopira nekoja možnost preku horizonztot, ajde da priznaeme, mala grupa na posveteni luge može sé ušte da operiraat so katastrofa od tipot na "Černobil" i séprisutnoto radiokativno zagaduvanje. I sepak, gi imame ovie teroristi koi ja čekaat sekoja možnost da ja uništat pro-Amerikansko orientiranata kultura. So nivnite nekako relevantni fakti može lesno da formirate nešto kako opšto mislenje.
Koristenjeto na ekstremistite od Greenpeace, edna ili dve studii se objaveni od nekoi univerzitetski profesori i ništo ne može da ve spreči.

Atomskata energija e loša! Toa e ona što go izjavuvaat najvisokite pretstavnici na EU. Zatoa, pomalite i zemjite vo ekonomski razvoj mora da se otkažat od idejata za lesno dostapna energija. Koj se griži za toa ako Slovačkiot narod ke treba da kupuva skapa energija od svoite sosedi, koi im rekle da prekinat?

"Lošo! Navistina lošo!", velat Avstrija i Francija. Pokažuvajki ni luti prsti, prepravajki se deka se majki koi se grižat, tie ja prodavaat svojata atomska energija na ostatokot od svetot. Se razbira, potrebno e dolgo vreme, a se napravat pa duri i Evropskite zakoni obvrzuvački za sekogo. Kako što ima običaj da kaže mojata prijatelka: "Parite zboruvaat!"

Dali samo poradi ovaa pričina ili ne, atomskata diskusija povtorno se aktuelizira, kako i da e, drag čitatelu mora da go prepoznaete vistinskiot mediski interes i lobiranje sledejki gi najgolemite i najmoknite atomski uništuvači narečeni Golemiot Hadron Kolider po samiot on.

Megunarodniot proekt baziran vo Švajcarija, lociran na 330 stapki vo podzemjeto na Francusko Švajcarskata granica treba da počnat da vršat istražuvanja vo Avgust. LHC, atomskiot akselerator ke sozdade približno 7 pati poveke energija od rivalot vo Čikago, Fermilab. 27 km dolgata vakuumska tuba, sposobna da se zabrza do milioni protoni preku magnet može da pomogne da se razberat mnogu misteriozni naučni prašanja, kako što e Big Beng teorijata.

Sé ušte počituvana i smetana za najsofisticiranata mašina koja nekogaš e izgradena, može da kažeme deka sé poveke i poveke kritike se pojavuvaat. Bezbednost, bezbednost, i povtorno bezbednost. Ne samo za švajcarcite tuku i za celata planeta. Nekoi velat deka LHC ke i se zakani na Zemjata, promenuvajki ja sinata planeta vo mrtvi polinja na pustini.
Potrebno e da im se zablagodarime na ovie luge za nivnata iamginmacija koja bukvalno im koristi na holivudskite scenaristi. Somnevanjata za mikro crnite dupki, pominuvajki ja našata planeta, zarobeni vo srceto i jadejki masi od Zemjata, se sé ušte daleku od realnosta. Vistina e deka crnite dupki ke se pojavat povtorno, no ne za poveke od nekolku nano sekundi.

I pokraj veštačkoto crveno svetlo, predizvikano (kako što veruvam jas) so lobiranje na lovci na pari, celiot tim od naučnici ostanuva smiren. Nema razumen dokaz, deka LHC ke ja uništi našata planeta. Švajcarcite očigledno ne se grižaz, duri sprotivno na toa, celata javnost ja poddržuva akcijata na bilo kakov način.

Blagodarenie na Gospoda, ne planiraat da potonat vo močurišteto na pravna demokratija na blagoslovenata EU.

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by Zivka Deleva
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edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Zaujímavý objav v Litve
by Katarina Gaskova

Vedci sa potešili, keď prednedávnom objavili lebku štvornohého zvieraťa. Povedali by ste si, že nič zvláštne na tom nie je, veď aj pes má štyri nohy. Zaujímavým faktom (aspoň pre vedcov) je, že lebka pravdepodobne patrila prvého primitívnemu štvornohému zvieraťu v histórií celej zeme. To už je unikátny nález! Kostra pozostávajúca z lebky, ramien a z časti hrude sa našla v Litve a stala sa rozhodujúcim prvkom, pri poznávaní evolučného vývinu z rýb na vyvinutejšie zvieratá, ktoré sa môžu pohybovať po zemi, zahrňujúc obojživelníky, vtáky a cicavce.
Ventastega curonica, čo je skutočné meno prehistorickej ryby, žila približne pred 365 miliónmi rokov, v neskorom čase Devónu, čo je ešte dávno pred tým, ako sa objavili prvé dinosaury. Pravdepodobne žila v bažinách a plytčinách sladkých alebo poloslaných jazier a mohla sa ľahko plaziť po ich svahoch. Jej bežnou potravou boli malé rybičky.
Verilo sa, až kým nebol nájdený nový objav, že Ventastega nemala prsty ani končatiny, ale pravdepodobne mala plutvy alebo blany na nohách. Niektorí vedci sa hádali o tom, či mala naozaj štyri nohy, alebo nie a Litvanský objav ich obrazu o danom zvierati priniesol realistickejšie predstavy, keďže kľúčové časti - ramená a hruď boli nájdené, preto predpokladajú, že zviera malo končatiny zakončené prstami. Je škoda, že kosti končatín neboli objavené, pretože by zmizli všetky pochybnosti o tom, ako Venestega vyzerala, teda že bola štvornohá.
Objav može byť veľmi užitočný pre evolucionárny vývin pre biológov, keďže ponúka podklady pre nové evolucionárne teórie. Tiež priniesol množstvo otázok, prečo sa vodným obyvateľom začali vyvíjať primitívne nohy, či ich potrebovali, aby sa mohli pohybovať z miesta na miesto a plutvy im na to nestačili.

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by Katarina Gaskova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Father faces son
by Claudia Sonea

The misunderstanding between fathers and sons is deeply encored in history or at least that is what it seems when NASA scientists gave course to the debate: who is better, Jupiter or Ares. In Roman mythology Jupiter is the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus, while Ares is the son of Zeus. STOP! This is not a debate concerning the Gods although it is somewhat in connection to people’s desire to reach them.
Actually there are two projects that deal with the next flight to the moon. As many of you know NASA is planning to withdraw the space shuttle called Space Transportation System after finishing to assembly the International Space Station in 2010. Then by 2015 Ares I and Ares V will be used for orbital flights and if possible to get on the moon again by 2020. Marshall Space Flight Center and other NASA facilities have come up with a project to introduce a capsule at board of Ares I and then dock with a lunar stage carried by Ares V and head to the moon. According to Cook, the head of Ares office the first test flight will take place in less than a year.
On the other side the rival Jupiter is a project created by the same engineers that have worked at Ares. Not all, but most of them have joined hands with retirees and other space specialist using concepts from proposals that Marshall received from the 80s and 90s and some new ones. They worked on their own time and wished to maintain their identity anonymously, but sustain that Jupiter is better and would save NASA $35 billion of the $230 billion required for the Ares project. Yet, they are somehow similar, both needing two separate launches, the difference is that Jupiter’s rockets rely not on a shuttle booster rocket situated at core, but rather on a shuttle external tank.
Although Cook confessed they looked over the Jupiter plan and thought it was based on rather insecure numbers and rejected all critics referring to the fact that information is being suppressed. Ross Tierney who speaks on behalf of those who worked at Jupiter asks only for an independent commission to analyze both projects. Stay connected to find how the situation is unfolding.

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by Claudia Sonea
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Römische Lupa ist mittelalterlich
by Barbora Haramiova

Kapitolinischer Wolf oder auf Italienisch Lupa Capitolina ist das wahre Symbol der Stadt Rom. 75 cm groß und 114 cm lang stellt es eine Wölfin dar, die einer Legende nach die Gründer der Stadt - Menschenszwillinge Romulus und Remus - erzogen hatte. Statuen der Kinder, die offenbar in einem unterschiedlichen Stil als die Skulptur der Wölfin gemacht wurden, wurden im späten 15.Jahrhundert hinzugefügt und kreiert wurden sie wahrscheinlich vom Bildhauer Antonio Pollaiuolo. Jedoch wurde nun ein heftiger Streit über die Datierung der Wölfin selbst ausgelöst. Bisher glaubte die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit, es wäre ein etruskisches Werk aus dem 5.Jahrhundert v.Ch. Aber der neuesten Untersuchung nach, bei der auch die Radiokarbonmethode eingesetzt wurde, soll das Werk eigentlich im 13.Jahrhundert n.Chr. entstanden sein. Anna Maria Carruba, eine Forscherin, die mit der Restauration der Statue 1997 beauftragt wurde und die Möglichkeit hatte, sie gründlich zu untersuchen, ist eine feste Anhängerin dieser neuen Theorie. "Sie ist bestimmt mittelalterlich. Wie ich mit meiner Forschung weitermachte, wurde ich mir dessen immer mehr sicher," sagte sie in einem Telephon-Interview am Mittwoch. Sie entdeckte, dass Lupa mit einer spezifischen Gußtechnik gemacht wurde, die bei antiken griechischen und römischen Bronzestatuen nicht verwendet worden war. Die Radiokarbonmethode und Thermolumineszenz wurden an der Universität Salento im Februar 2007 durchgeführt, um die Frage zu lösen und Carrubas Theorie zu beweisen. Obwohl der Ursprung der Statue noch immer unbestimmt bleibt, glaubt man, dass sie irgendwo im Tiber-Tal zwischen Rome und Orvieto hergestellt wurde. Natürlich gibt es auch skeptische Stimmen bezüglich der neuen Alterstheorie. "Wenn man den Stolz auf das römische Symbol zur Seite legt, sind die Argumente für das Mittelalter schwach," sagte Allessandro Naso, ein Experte auf etruskische Kultur an der Universität Molise. Wie auch immer, trotz aller Diskussionen bleibt die kapitolinische Wölfin immer ein mächtiges Bild in Köpfen von allen Italienern, die sich nicht so sehr um ihr genaues Alter kümmern.

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by Barbora Haramiova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Römische Lupa ist mittelalterlich
by Barbora Haramiova

Kapitolinischer Wolf oder auf Italienisch Lupa Capitolina ist das wahre Symbol der Stadt Rom. 75 cm groß und 114 cm lang stellt es eine Wölfin dar, die einer Legende nach die Gründer der Stadt - Menschenszwillinge Romulus und Remus - erzogen hatte. Statuen der Kinder, die offenbar in einem unterschiedlichen Stil als die Skulptur der Wölfin gemacht wurden, wurden im späten 15.Jahrhundert hinzugefügt und kreiert wurden sie wahrscheinlich vom Bildhauer Antonio Pollaiuolo. Jedoch wurde nun ein heftiger Streit über die Datierung der Wölfin selbst ausgelöst. Bisher glaubte die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit, es wäre ein etruskisches Werk aus dem 5.Jahrhundert v.Ch. Aber der neuesten Untersuchung nach, bei der auch die Radiokarbonmethode eingesetzt wurde, soll das Werk eigentlich im 13.Jahrhundert n.Chr. entstanden sein. Anna Maria Carruba, eine Forscherin, die mit der Restauration der Statue 1997 beauftragt wurde und die Möglichkeit hatte, sie gründlich zu untersuchen, ist eine feste Anhängerin dieser neuen Theorie. "Sie ist bestimmt mittelalterlich. Wie ich mit meiner Forschung weitermachte, wurde ich mir dessen immer mehr sicher," sagte sie in einem Telephon-Interview am Mittwoch. Sie entdeckte, dass Lupa mit einer spezifischen Gußtechnik gemacht wurde, die bei antiken griechischen und römischen Bronzestatuen nicht verwendet worden war. Die Radiokarbonmethode und Thermolumineszenz wurden an der Universität Salento im Februar 2007 durchgeführt, um die Frage zu lösen und Carrubas Theorie zu beweisen. Obwohl der Ursprung der Statue noch immer unbestimmt bleibt, glaubt man, dass sie irgendwo im Tiber-Tal zwischen Rome und Orvieto hergestellt wurde. Natürlich gibt es auch skeptische Stimmen bezüglich der neuen Alterstheorie. "Wenn man den Stolz auf das römische Symbol zur Seite legt, sind die Argumente für das Mittelalter schwach," sagte Allessandro Naso, ein Experte auf etruskische Kultur an der Universität Molise. Wie auch immer, trotz aller Diskussionen bleibt die kapitolinische Wölfin immer ein mächtiges Bild in Köpfen von allen Italienern, die sich nicht so sehr um ihr genaues Alter kümmern.

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by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Römische Lupa ist mittelalterlich
by Barbora Haramiova

Kapitolinischer Wolf oder auf Italienisch Lupa Capitolina ist das wahre Symbol der Stadt Rom. 75 cm groß und 114 cm lang stellt es eine Wölfin dar, die einer Legende nach die Gründer der Stadt - Menschenszwillinge Romulus und Remus - erzogen hatte. Statuen der Kinder, die offenbar in einem unterschiedlichen Stil als die Skulptur der Wölfin gemacht wurden, wurden im späten 15.Jahrhundert hinzugefügt und kreiert wurden sie wahrscheinlich vom Bildhauer Antonio Pollaiuolo. Jedoch wurde nun ein heftiger Streit über die Datierung der Wölfin selbst ausgelöst. Bisher glaubte die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit, es wäre ein etruskisches Werk aus dem 5.Jahrhundert v.Ch. Aber der neuesten Untersuchung nach, bei der auch die Radiokarbonmethode eingesetzt wurde, soll das Werk eigentlich im 13.Jahrhundert n.Chr. entstanden sein. Anna Maria Carruba, eine Forscherin, die mit der Restauration der Statue 1997 beauftragt wurde und die Möglichkeit hatte, sie gründlich zu untersuchen, ist eine feste Anhängerin dieser neuen Theorie. "Sie ist bestimmt mittelalterlich. Wie ich mit meiner Forschung weitermachte, wurde ich mir dessen immer mehr sicher," sagte sie in einem Telephon-Interview am Mittwoch. Sie entdeckte, dass Lupa mit einer spezifischen Gußtechnik gemacht wurde, die bei antiken griechischen und römischen Bronzestatuen nicht verwendet worden war. Die Radiokarbonmethode und Thermolumineszenz wurden an der Universität Salento im Februar 2007 durchgeführt, um die Frage zu lösen und Carrubas Theorie zu beweisen. Obwohl der Ursprung der Statue noch immer unbestimmt bleibt, glaubt man, dass sie irgendwo im Tiber-Tal zwischen Rome und Orvieto hergestellt wurde. Natürlich gibt es auch skeptische Stimmen bezüglich der neuen Alterstheorie. "Wenn man den Stolz auf das römische Symbol zur Seite legt, sind die Argumente für das Mittelalter schwach," sagte Allessandro Naso, ein Experte auf etruskische Kultur an der Universität Molise. Wie auch immer, trotz aller Diskussionen bleibt die kapitolinische Wölfin immer ein mächtiges Bild in Köpfen von allen Italienern, die sich nicht so sehr um ihr genaues Alter kümmern.

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by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Russian Spacewalkers Volkov And Kononenko Handling Explosive Bolts
by Milota Sidorova

Late that afternoon, as I was walking home, I was wondering how is the whole planet moving. The idea of that, there is still someone working, learning, cooking, running or sleeping made me feel like a small link in the planetary chain. However, my thoughts embraced just the Earth, those universal perpettum mobile principle spreads out into the space. And so it was with yesterday's space mission of two Russian astronauts. Just few minutes past seven p.m. they left the International Space Station and set up on theirs even second spacewalk this week.

During these following almost 6 hours they installed one science experiment, brought back another one, disposed explosive bolt from the space capsule Soyuz and straightened a radio antenna.
At first of all, both astronauts, International Space Station Commander Sergei Volkov and Flight Engineer Oleg Kononenko, living on ISS since April 2008 poured themselves into including a docking target of a Russian mini research module on the space-facing side of Zvezda. Module should aid to cover the demand of upcoming double sized Russian crew.

Volkov and Kononenko made a quick switch off, when abolishing space Biorisk experiment focusing on space influence on bacteria and fungi. The experiment had been established by Expedition 15 spacewalkers and lasted almost a year. They also adjusted an experiment monitoring seismic effects via high-energy particle streams in the very close Earth's environment.

After few more reparations, they underwent the most difficult part of their trip – to remove the explosive bolt of space capsule Soyuz, that has been having significant problems while descending last months. According technicians it was a mistake of bolts that had speeded up the capsule and exposed the crew extremely high G-forces and landed hundreds miles from the planned area.. Volkov and Kononenko manipulated with a box of a force of M-80 firecracker and was easily to blown off. Naturally, one needs more than a rocky solid personality to handle this one. Moreover, when it's been more than quarter a year that you have been breathing natural Earth's air. Well, fair enough, that is the destiny of astronauts.

Due the possible failures and emergency, also American Flight Engineer Greg Chamitoff has been called on to enjoy the crew of Russian spacewalkers, during the entire mission.
However, this time except of enormous portion of physical and mental exhaustion, nothing worse has happened.

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by Milota Sidorova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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New Orleans excavations
by Silvia Szarkova

New Orleans' St. Louis Cathedral named after significant French king Louis XIV. in heart of the French quarter is one of the nation's oldest cathedrals and according to new facts revealed on Tuesday , maybe one of the most mystic ones.

The very first archaeological dig in its fields revealed some unclear facts from New Orleans history and finally also has gone to find out some amazing treasures dating back to city’s foundation in early 1700s.

Discoveries leading by Shannon Lee Dawdy include also a small silver crucifix, possibly from 1770s or 1780s and significant ruins of previously unknown comlpex of buildings dating back to 1718, when the city is supposed to be founded.

Experts say the crucifix might have belonged to Pere Antoine, a Capuchin monk and the first rector of St. Louis Cathedral, which now dominates to Jackson Square. Shannon Dawdy told the press on Tuesday also about the history of his arriving to United States. Under the Spanish Inquisition Pere Antoine came to New Orleans as Rev. Antonio de Sedello and lived in a hut in the cathedral’s garden from late 1700s till his death- until 1829. The silver crucifix probably proofing his presence in the past will be sent to be investigated, said Dawdy. She and her team of 8 students of University of Chicago were working in Cathedral and surrounding gardens for a month, concluded their work on Monday.

St. Louis Cathedral was built in 1851 to replace the ruins made by one of the fires in 1788 and until now there has been no archaeological excavation, but after Hurricane Katrina they used money og Getty Foundation to grant digs to Cathedral’s history, said Nancy Averett, spokeswoman of the Cathedral.

Finds also include clay pipes, children’ s marbles, remains of china dolls and bits of Indian trade-like goods in Louisiana but the most important is maybe the fragment of Native American pottery.

by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Astronauts take another spacewalk for tamer job
by Radka Konkolova

People and scientists are usually so curious about the universe. So they have been preparing astronauts who then goes aloft and do some research there for many years. The biggest rivals in this direction are Russian and Americans. They have competed since the first flight to the space and actually that fight had probably started many years before that occassion. But recently it seems they perhaps started to cooperate, because they can offer information to each other which is cheaper than it would be when doing alone.

There have been comparatively enough humans somewhere above our heads, somewhere above the Earth atmosphere. And although we can say the technology and construction of space shuttles are in high quality, there are still some problems with some components of Russian shuttle Soyuz. The members of Expedition 17, what is the seventeenth crew which will stay in cosmos on the board of International Space Station (ISS) for quite long time, got something special as a task. First two members of the crew, commander Sergei Volkov and flight engineer Oleg Kononenko, are already aboard. This expedition is split to two phases. It started on April 8, 2008 when the space shuttle started from Russian cosmodrom Bajkonur. Both Russian from Federal Cosmic Agency of Russia (RKA) will stay aboard till October this year. The third member of the group is not „stable“. There have been two of them and they are both Americans from NASA. The first one was the part of the expedition from April to June. The second one arrived on space shuttle Discovery in June and will stay there to the end of the mission, till October as well. His name is Gregory Chamitoff.

These astronauts otherwise got tasks, but they should make only one spacewalk. First time they left ISS last Thursday, July 10, 2008. But only one left was impossible because of the risk of possible explosions, which could damage their scafanders. So within five days they negotiated the discharge twice.

These all were because there have been problems with landing, because there are explosive bolt in every shuttle which should split the „ship“ when landing. But this bolt is probably not very certain, because it didn’t explode. So the main task of their was to remove this bolt very carefully and carry it to the space shuttle. It will fly to the Earth with them in October and will be dismount in order to detect what is the reason why it don’t want to explode when it is needed.

The main reason of Tuesday action was preparation to seismologic experiment, which should be a system of warning against earthquakes in the time.

Because in the universe everything lasts much more than on the Earth, quite easy process took about six and half hour. It is quite long time and both astronauts were very exhausted when finally finished. They had to take photos of this action and of results their finished work, too. Afterwards they had to carry „bottles“ with bacteria, fungi and maggots which have been in the space for 18 months. The reason why this is so is the fact that scientists have wanted to know if they would stay alive in such conditions. During this Chamitoff was on the board of Discovery because of the safety and he secured them in the case of immediate happening of anything. So thanks God they survived it in the health, although this action was very uphill.

So they will spend the rest of the time probably only in the space shuttle and won’t go for such dangerous and uphill spacewalks till their departure on the Earth.

I don’t know exactly, but probably I wouldn’t want to see Earth from such perspective, because stay in the space is in my opinion extremely challenging and can even damage people’s health. But on the other hand, there are not many people in the world who can say: „I was there and see the whole Earth and part of endless universe...“

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by Radka Konkolova
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posted by Lucia Adamova

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When do we say STOP to it?
by Barbora Misakova

Nature suffer. We are pretending that we don't know about it, that we can't see it, but the truth is that nature gives us more than evident signals. More cyclones and hurricanes, more people with asthma and strong allergy symptoms, more animals dying uselessly. I really feel like we were incapable to feel. To feel any empathy to the others. Not only humans. Almost every day we can hear on the TV or radio news about mass death of some species. Fishes or penguins. Dolphins or whales stuck in the sand banks. Pollution, destruction, noise, smell, chaos. And what about us? We are just asking ourselves what happened? And from time to time I have a strong urge to shout: “We happened! It's us!” Spoiled human kind with its endless and selfish demands. We just want the most comfortable houses and cars. And why should we drive one car when we can buy two? I am shouting: We just happened! And those weaker and smaller ones can be only doing their best to go through this all. Hundreds of gulls and fishes drenched in petroleum. Even bigger number of those little ones who won't survive. Hundreds of baby penguins found in Brazil. There are different opinions why these little penguins died and why is still more and more of them dying. Some experts think that redundant fishing force penguins to swim further from shore and so there is bigger possibility they will be caught by strong ocean currents. As they are too small and cannot swim as well as bigger ones, they just drown. Other experts believe that the biggest problem is with penguins' immunity which is still weaker and weaker. They blame pollution which leaves them vulnerable to funguses and bacteria. Some experts maintain that global warming affects everything. It affects ocean currents and creating cyclones, what after all have the great affect on the seas themselves. They are too rough, even for those who live there from their birth.

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by Barbora Misakova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Kedy tomu konečne povieme DOSŤ?
by Barbora Misakova

Príroda trpí. Viem, je to strašne otrepaná fráza, no je to tak. A čo robíme my? My len predstierame, že o tom nevieme, že to nevidíme. No pravda je taká, že príroda k nám vysiela viac než zjavné signály. Viac cyklónov a hurikánov, oveľa viac ľudí trpiacich na astmu a rôzne alergické ochorenia, oveľa väčšie množstvá nezmyselne uhynutých zvierat. Skutočne mám niekedy pocit, že nie sme schopní žiadnych citov. Nie sme schopní žiadnej empatie k ostatným. A to nemyslím len empatiu k ľuďom. Takmer každý deň počujeme v televíznych správach či rádiu o ďalšom masovom úhyne zvierat. Ryby či tučniaci doslova obalení v rope. Delfíny či veleryby uviaznuté v plytčine. Znečistenie, skaza, hluk, smrad, chaos. A čo my? My sa len jednostaj pýtame: “Čo sa stalo?” Z času na čas mám neskutočné nutkanie zakričať: “MY sa dejeme! To sme my!” Rozmaznané ľudské plemeno so svojimi nekonečnými a sebeckými požiadavkami. My chceme pohodlnejšie a výkonnejšie vozidlá, priestrannejšie byty a domy. A prečo sa obmedzovať jedným autom, keď mám na to kúpiť si aj druhé? Čo na tom, že sa v každom z nich vozí len jeden človek? Preto teraz kričím: “To MY sme sa stali! Sme to my!” A tí malí a slabí sa musia zo všetkých svojich síl snažiť, aby sa cez toto všetko dostali. Aby sa cez to dostali živí. Stovky čajok a rýb zmáčaných v nafte. Ešte väčšie množstvá druhov, ktoré to ani neprežijú. Podľa posledných správ sa našli stovky mŕtvych malých tučniakov v Brazílii. Samozrejme, opäť je tu viacero názorov, prečo k tomu došlo a čoraz častejšie opätovne dochádza. Niektorí experti sa domnievajú, že nadbytočný lov rýb spôsobuje, že tučniaci sú nútení hľadať si potravu ďalej od brehu. To potom spôsobuje, že mnohých zachytí niektorý zo silných oceánskych prúdov. A keďže sú mláďatá ešte slabými plavcami, jednoducho sa utopia. Iný odborníci zasa veria, že najväčším problémom je ich imunita, ktorá je stále slabšia a slabšia. Obviňujú znečistenie ovzdušia, ktoré podľa nich spôsobuje, že pľúca tučniakov slabnú a čoraz častejšie sú napádané rôznymi baktériami. Je tu však aj názor, že za všetkým stojí globálne otepľovanie. To podľa niektorých ovplyvňuje rôzne oceánske prúdenia a vznik cyklónov, čo sa napokon prejavuje aj na správaní samotných morí a oceánov. Tie sú príliš drsné a nebezpečné, dokonca aj pre tých tvorov, ktorí v ňom žijú už od narodenia. No ktorý z odborníkov sa odvážil povedať, že nie znečistenie, nie globálne otepľovanie, ale že to MY sme tí, ktorí to spôsobili?

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by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Excavation of Egyptian boat
by Silvia Szarkova

Another work on Egyptian field, another excavation to our history, another dream of archaeologist to reveal the secrets kept by Pyramids… Egypt is a place where hundreds of archaeologists try to find something interesting with a great value to earn fame and power. Also Egypt is a place where hundreds of archaeologists end up with empty hands without fame, without money, without hope, but with the feeling of emptiness. This story is not about one of them hoped for fortune in fact earned nothing; this story is about people who have just started to dream the big Egyptian dream and who still believe dreams can come true.

Well, yes. There is another excavation in Egypt. There will be. Archaeologists and scholars will excavate vast fragments of ancient Egyptian wooden boat buried in an underground chamber just few steps away from Great pyramid in Giza.

It is interesting, that the boat is a sister ship of one similar boat removed in 1945 from another chamber. Experts suppose both boats were meant to transfer pharaoh who had the pyramid done in afterlife.

Starting on Saturday of previous week, tourists can view the images taken from the second boat, which is 4, 500 years old. It is possible thanks to a camera placed to a hole in the chamber’s limestone ceiling. Tourists can now preview almost whole boat pit.

Excavation could possibly start from November, to investigate around 600 simple pieces of timber, said Professor Sakuji Yoshimura of Japan’s Waseda University, who is one of scholars taking part in this great project. Lot of luck and patience!

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by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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You can smell the past
by Barbora Misakova

The past. Things and incidents which happened many years ago. All those strange people living hundreds, thousands years ago. Their strange faces and names. Lot of unknown stories and just a few famous stories. Those are shining like yellow dandelions in the grass. They are shining like a diamonds. The past – that period which is over but is still living with us somehow. Why it is that we are so fascinated? Fascinated by the times which are gone, which never come back, which never repeat. Why are we cannot stop listening the same old stories and legends, why are we sitting without a move on the chair every time we are reading some myth? And what about old fragments of material world? Little pieces of some plate or bowl, old sword, and old smelly chambers! All of them were connected with someone. With a person with his or her own destiny. And even though it was just an ordinary men or woman, we are just caught. Caught in the past. Just for a while. So imagine you, ordinary workman, find the 4,500-year-old vessel dig in the ground. In the old chamber. How would you feel? Hard to say, I know. I was fascinated so much, and I was just reading about it. Just the idea that such an old boat was found and it is going to be excavated again hold me spellbound. Around 600 pieces of timber will be removed in November and all put together to rebuild an ancient narrow vessel which measured 142 feet. Egyptologists want also to find out if the boat was used or it was just a symbolic funerary boat. Yahi Hawass, director of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, believes that solar symbols which were found inside the second pit are the evidence that both boats (the buried one and one already displayed in the museum) were supposed to carry Khufu's soul in the afterlife. If it was used in real or it was just a symbolic vehicle only time and research will show. By that time we must be just patiently waiting till the boat is reassembled.

related story:;_ylt=AkeMCDxnk6nQjnSmG63NdOqs0NUE

by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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