
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can Atom Really Threaten Our Planet?
by Milota Sidorova

Atom energy is clearly the most ecological and effective source of energy now days. Despite lines of considerable advantages, the most discussed black bug here is a maintenance of safety.

However, the chance of explosion touches a chance somewhere over horizon, let's admit, a little group of devoted ones can still successfully operate with kind of 'Cernobyl' disaster and ubiquitous radial contamination.
And still, we have these 'terrorists' exactly waiting for every opportunity to tear down western pro-American orientated culture. With there kind of ' relevant' facts you can easily form something like ' general opinion.
Use extremists from Greenpeace, one or two studies published by some university professors and nothing can stop you.

Atom energy is bad! Really bad! That is what the highest representatives of EU say. Therefore, smaller and economically just developing countries have to give up the idea of easy going energy. Who cares if Slovak people will have to buy expensive energy from its neighbors, who told them to stop?

''Bad! Really bad!'', say Austria and France. Showing us angry fingers, pretending to be caring mother, they sell their own atom energy to the rest of the world. OF COURSE, it will take a long time, to make even European laws binding for everyone. Like my friend uses to say:''money talk!''

Whether just for this reason on not, the atom discussion has become again more than actual, however, dear reader must recognize true media interest and lobbing following the largest and the most powerful atom smasher, called Large Hadron Collider by himself or herself.

Swiss based international project, located 330 feet underground French Swiss borders is about to begin its run test in August. LHC, atom accelerate will create approximately 7 times more energy than its Chicago rival Fermilab. 27 kilometers long vacuum tubes, able to speed up billions of protons via magnet bending can help to understand better many of still mysterious science questions, such as Big Beng theory.
Still admired and considered the most sophisticated machine ever built, more and more let's say kind of populist critics have appeared. Safety, safety and again safety. Not only for Swiss, but for the whole planet. Some say that LHC will explicitly threaten Earth, changing blue planet into dead plains of dessert.
It's necessary to thank these people for amazing imagination literally worth Hollywood's script writers. Doubts about micro black wholes, passing through our planet, captured in its core and eating masses of the Earth, are still far from reality. It is true that micro black holes will appear, but not more than for several nano seconds.

Despite of artificial red alert, caused (how I believe) by lobbing money hunters, the whole crew of scientists remain calm and peaceful. There's no reasonable proof, that LHC will bring our planet to crash. Swiss seem to not worry, on the contrary, its public support collider in every way.

Thanks God, they are not planning to sink in the bureaucracy law swamp of blessed EU.

related story:;_ylt=Aqa8TDTOBDXMjgfCikcra8ys0NUE

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

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