
Friday, August 15, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Lionfish problems in Caribbean
by Silvia Szarkova

It seems like the whole ecosystem in Caribbean area is dealing with venomous predator-red lionfish is relocating in this area and already has done some serious damages on natural habitat.

The lionfish is also known as Turkey, Dragon or Scorpion fish and those who are expert in this field say it should be threaten with respect and care. Lionfish is especially famous for its stunning fins and spines filled up with poison- that's why the respect is important why handling it. Its body is crossed in vertical way with maroon stripes and eyes are hidden by color pattern.

Lionfish is a voracious predator- and it needs a constant amount of live food. This has been causing sever problems in last six months. Although lionfish's original habitat is Southwest Asian water, it has been rapidly multiplying in the Caribbean warm waters and it swallows native species, stings divers and turning the delicate ecological region upside- down.

The crustacean is a tropical native of Pacific and Indian oceans, but on the waves it has spread thanks to Gulf Stream north from the coasts of Cuba and Hispaniola to Little Cayman and to the north cost of U. S. & it has been seen from North Carolina to Bermudas. Scientists suppose it escaped from the fish tank in Florida. Observed lionfish ate 20 small fish in less than 30 minutes.

Mark Hixon, marine ecology expert of Oregon State University, says this could be the most devastating invasion in history. "There is probably no way to stop the invasion completely."

But the invasion would be really devastating to fisheries and recreational diving if it reached Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands- the worst would be the disappearing of the most reef fish. Fortunately, they are not dangerous to human- they are not aggressive towards them and the sting is not fatal. But ecologists continue to warm before loosing the smaller reef fish as food to the lionfish. Very bad thinks can happen.

related story:;_ylt=Ap6LDVpOOKbLEdWy3FHcT2Gs0NUE

by Silvia Szarkova
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