
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Trees can suffer too
by Barbora Misakova

There are still new discoveries from the nature world and all of them just show us how "clever" and perfect nature is. American zoologists from University of Florida found out interesting cooperation between some trees and its ant parasites. They discovered that number of plant-eating animals is connected with ecosystem and it can have a big impact on it. In the concrete their research refers to Acacia, Latin name of this tree is Acacia drepanolobium, which is spread especially in tropical regions such as Africa, southern Asia and the Americas. They claim there is mutual relation between Acacia trees and ants. While big swollen thorns of these trees are used by ants as nests and shelters, and from its leaves they take nectar, ants have their own function too & to protect trees from these plant-eating animals. On the other hand, if number of these animals declines it has a bad influence on the trees. Zoologists made an experiment when they fenced some of these trees and animals which are eating its leaves couldn't reach them. After some time they noticed that relationship between the tree and ants is upset. As soon as the number of ants decreases or when ants leave these trees their thorns are shorter, trees have less nectar and they grow more slowly and die sooner & in general it has a negative effect on them. It is incredible but also a bit ironic that mammals such as giraffes or elephants can have so far-reaching effects on our ecosystem. But we have to realize that though Zoologists came with very important information it is all up to us & we have to protect what we got, because we didn't get it just like that.

related story:;_ylt=AkXzyyPKVP84puMxmezdWues0NUE
by Barbora Misakova
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