
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mars Land rover
by Silvia Szarkova

Another unique mission by NASA- this time happening on Mars. Lander called Phoenix reached the surface of this forth planet on Sunday and it has been yet preparing for its first action- to dig in aim to make clear whether the site could be once habitat by humans or anything living. Phoenix landed on on Sunday setting off ten months ago- last summer. It was sailing through 422 million miles in space to arrive to Red planet in hope to be helpful for scientist by sending back images of specific arctic surface. During sailing through space, there were almost no complications- the most hazardous situation came up exactly seven minutes before landing, when Phoenix coordinated by autopilot should have to use atmosphere' s friction, employ parachute mechanism and fire its twelve rockets that control the altitude to be able to slow down to landing speed. Although the hard situation, the Phoenix managed this- thanks to NASA specialists. Two hours after arrival, Phoenix send back the first fruits of its seeking- brief pictures revealing the polar background, including the body of lander in its space habitations. Mars Lander spend its first day by preparing for the next action of digging into the row soil. It landed to the surrounding of polygon shaped fissures possibly created by the repeated freezing. They resemble to the ones found on Earth' s polar areas- that is the reason why scientists are really interested in them.During its next performance, Phoenix joining the rovers Spirit and Opportunity previously send to Mars, will study whether the ice melts and will examine the soil to find organic evidence. This mission costing more than 420 million dollars is led by University of Arizona – but the expiry of Phoenix is in winter of this year- then it would be covered by frost.

related story:;_ylt=AvMYnbuBdOOKYEHLWXfXxmms0NUE

by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

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edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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