
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Stonehenge
by Lucia Hrusovska

There are many mysterious places on the earth, that has been attracting the attention of people for centuries. The main reason why they are so weird and special is because they are located in strange areas most of times, people do not know their meaning, their past. People do not anticipate any facts and events, which are hidden in them, and as it is usual, what we do not know, we always want to find out, it just can not let us be. One of these enigmatic places is also Stonehenge. According to its popularity, I am sure, that everybody had to heard something about it. Scientists assume, that Stonehenge most likely used to served as a gathering and especially burial place for all the term of its operation. As researches collaborating in recent Stonehenge study said Thursday, the oldest remains are dated to be buried as early as 3000 B.C. They also believe, that burials in this location continued for another 500 years at least. Erection of the massive sarsen stones, thanks to which Stonehenge is so well-known, is also estimated approximately to that time. Mike Parker Pearson, who is a reputable archaeology professor at the University of Sheffield in England and also a leader of the Stonehenge Riverside Archaeological Project said, that now is more than certain that burials was the main reason for a birth of Stonehenge and they continued for a quite long time after it. All this research was supported by the National Geographic Society and even more information you can gain on National Geographic Channel on Sunday.

related story:;_ylt=AlBycWUud_nA2SOB5men9oqs0NUE

by Lucia Hrusovska
for PocketNews (

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edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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