
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Man-made inventions originating in the nature
by Martina Harvanova

Although the present times prefer discovery of sociology or political science, in the history of research the knowledge about the nature laid the foundations of all the inventions, discoveries and innovations in the scale starting in health care and ending with technologies. The process, life and entire basis of existence of live organisms have been observed and basically, all the current man-made products work on the same principle as animals and plants do. Let's take a mayfly, for instance. Who would think of this tiny creature as of a forerunner for the particular means of transport? Have you ever imagined the comparison of a helicopter to an insect? Probably not, but it is definitely true. The invention of a certain kind of aircraft that is lifted and propelled by one or more horizontal rotors, each rotor consisting of two or more rotor blades, originates in the discovery of the mayfly's ability to sustain the same level on the same spot while moving. Not researching the insect's curiosity, we wouldn't be able to transport the injured ones from the mountains difficult of approach. Another related example is a generally known ability of a bat. The mammal distinguished by its forelimbs developed to the wings disposes of a unique capability to emit high-pitched sounds and moreover, to listen to the echoes. Consequently, this special kind of feature is used to be compared to a radar-like ability, as the bat is able to navigate and locate airborne insects at night. However, in fact the whole idea of radar & its project, evolution and usage & emerged as a reaction to the research about the unusual animal. Without the knowledge about the bat's ability, nobody would probably even conceive to start locating planes or ships on the screens using the radar device. The two mentioned examples are just a little view how essential the discovery of the nature still is. Despite the technologies and growing feeling we can afford and achieve anything we consider, ever-lasting the nature still remains the source of knowledge, development and beauty.

related story:;_ylt=AhoQQp.QqqUKGerxylGJ9tes0NUE
by Martina Harvanova
for PocketNews (

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