
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

3D with holographic displays
by Barbora Misakova

Imagine you are in the cinema, sitting in your chair, eating popcorn and drinking cola, you know just enjoying some movie. And suddenly the biggest shark you have ever seen is swimming towards you. You can clearly see him as you were just swimming in the ocean, you can see his little black eyes, those big sharp teeth and this big, meat-eating fish is still closer and closer to you. Now it is so close you can even touch it! In a short second it is opening its big mouth and swallowing you! Don't worry you are still alive, only scientist of the University of Arizona have nothing better to do than scary you to death by their new 3D technology which will maybe somewhere in the future enable watching movies without those funny spectacles. Of course this incredible technology would be used on better purposes not only having fun. First of all it could be very useful for military purpose when it could make a three-dimensional picture of a battlefield and it could be handy also for surgeon who could use it to see inside a patient and easier detects the tumor or some sludge. How all this technology works? Well the truth is this wonder is only 10 centimeters by 10 centimeters measuring screen. Scientists from University of Arizona created holograms by laser which was shining on an object and its image falls on this photosensitive screen and then the beam of another laser falls on this screen and creates condensed contours of the object. In easier way they just recorded, displayed and updated some images of object on this little screen. And it is not the end. For those who know what I am talking about and are able to imagine it, there will be also a third laser called reading beam, which will be directed onto the screen and its function will be to resurrect this "interference pattern" created by two previous lasers into an image in three dimensions. I know for us, girls it is quite complicated, but imagine that incredible experience you got from 3D movie with Jonny Depp or Jake Gyllenhaal.

related story:;_ylt=AnJ0jKjumuDoIL4xqNWeLnGs0NUE
by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

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