
Sunday, February 17, 2008

New fossils of dinosaurs found in Africa
by Sandra Stoklaskova

While we are working in our comfortable seat in the middle of the office, fossil hunters are going to the landscape trying to find some bones, which could advance folks history of people and nature, history of the world as the whole. Latest news say, that they have been successful in their work. In Africa were found fossils of two colossal meat-eating dinosaurs, who were living in the Earth approximately 110 million years ago at the period known as Cretaceous. Paleontologist from University of Chicago Paul Sereno and co-author of the study Stephen Brusatte named one of the animals Kryptops palaois with the nickname "old hidden face". He earned this monicker thanks to his fearsome visage as his face is nearly all covered in horns. The second discovery is called Eocarcharia or "fierce-eyed dawn shark" because of its razor-sharp teeth and bony brow. They were both living in the southern continent, Gondwana, which became South America, Africa, Antarctica, India and Australia. Neck and neck these 25 meter long dinos, weighting roughly 3 to 4 tons were not existing as a rivals. Both were feeding by dino herbivores Lurdusausrus and Nigersaurus, which were both about the same size. It was kind of cooperation between these discoveries, as Eocarcharia hunted the bread and Kryptops was a kind of modern Hyena, because he likely ate Eocarcharia's leftovers. "This is an important slice in geological time, and we don't yet fully comprehend how dinosaurs on the southern continents were evolving then," said Peter Makovicky, curator of dinosaurs at the Field Museum.

related story:;_ylt=ArN.P4Cmy3rXyMFwaNqdB0ms0NUE
by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

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