
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Na najväčšom urýchľovači častíc na svete sa pokazil transformátor
by Radka Konkolova

Ľudia sú od prírody veľmi zvedavými tvormi. Myslím si, že vždy sme chceli vedieť viac o svojej minulosti a o minulosti planéty, na ktorej žijeme. Určite to musí byť veľmi zaujímavé, ale stále je tu niekoľko nejasností, čo sa týka zrodu našej planéty, Zeme.

Preto aj vedci odjakživa chceli zistiť viac a skonštruovať zariadenie, ktoré by bolo schopné simulovať „Veľký tresk“. Nakoniec sa im to podarilo a vytvorili najväčší urýchľovač častíc atómov na svete. Tento leží v podzemí na území dvoch štátov Európy, a to Švajčiarska a Francúzska. Je to skutočne niečo obrovských rozmerov s obvodom 17 míľ (27 km). Vlastne je to obrovský tunel, ktorým prechádza dlhý lúč protónov. Všetko pracuje na princípe zrážania častíc. A toto sa deje pri veľmi veľkej rýchlosti a veľmi nízkych teplotách, to znamená pri teplotách približujúcich sa „absolútnej nule“. 0K (0 Kelvina) alebo -273,15°C je teplota, pri ktorej sa pohyb čohokoľvek znižuje natoľko až sa všetko prestane hýbať, dokonca aj častice atómov.

Zostrojenie tohto zariadenia bolo tak chválené ako aj zatracované, lebo má aj veľa svojich proti, pretože niektorí ľudia sa obávali jeho možného dopadu na ľudstvo či na celú planétu v prípade, že by sa niečo prihodilo.

Tento prístroj bol uvedený do prevádzky niekedy minulý týždeň, ale už sa vyskytli aj nejaké problémy. Jeho činnosť musela byť na krátky čas zastavená, lebo sa stalo niečo s jednou jeho dôležitou súčasťou. Mimo prevádzky bol jeho chladič kvôli nejakej poruche v elektrickom systéme. A pretože elektrina je v tomto prípade veľmi dôležitá, lebo tento chladič je niečo ako obrovská chladnička, aj zvyšok prístroja musel byť odstavený z prevádzky.

Ale už všetko vyzerá, že je v poriadku. No napriek tomu sa vždy môže vyskytnúť niečo nečakané. V každom prípade je táto „mašinka“ v niečom, ako vo fáze testovania a predpokladá sa, že plný výkon dosiahne niekedy v priebehu roka 2010.

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by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Transformer breaks on world's largest atom smasher
by Radka Konkolova

People are very curious creations from the nature. I think we have wanted to know more about our history and of history of the planet we live on. This must be certainly very interesting, but there are still many obscurities about the “born” of our home planet, Earth.

So scientists have always wanted to find out more and construct the device which would be capable to simulate the “Big Bang”. Consequently they have been successful in creating of this thing. They have created the world’s largest atom smasher. It lays underground two countries of Europe, Switzerland and France. It is really something huge with circumference of 17 miles (27 kilometres). Actually it is big tunnel where the long ray of protons goes through. All of this works on the principal of collision of particles. This happens in very high speed and in very low temperatures that means near the temperature of “absolute zero”. 0K or -273, 15°C is the temperature where the movement of anything, even movement of protons and electrons, should be entirely delayed.

The construction of this machine has been praised but on the other hand, there were also many cons, because some people are afraid it could have a bad impact on the whole population and generally on the Earth when something happened.

This machine was put into the operation some time last week, but problems have already occurred. It had to be stopped for some short time because there was something wrong with one very important part of it. Its transformer was out of operation for some time because of damage in the electricity. And because the electricity is very important for the transformer what is something like a huge fridge, also the rest of the machine had to be set away.

Now it seems everything is alright, although there can always happen something unexpectedly. Anyway, this machine is in something like phase of testing and it is predicted it will reach the full performance in 2010.

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by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Transformatorstörung auf weltweit größtem Atombeschleuniger
by Radka Konkolova

Der Mensch ist von Natur sehr neugierig. Seit immer wollen wir mehr über unsere Geschichte und die Geschichte unseres Planeten, auf dem wir leben. Sie muss sicher sehr interessant wein, es gibt aber noch immer viele Unklarheiten über die "Geburt" unseres Heimatsplaneten, die Erde.

Also wollten die Wissenschaftler schon immer mehr darüber herausfinden und ein Gerät erfinden, das den "Urknall" simulieren konnte. Folglich waren sie mit der Erfindung dieses Dings erfolgreich. Sie konstruierten den weltweit größten Atombeschleuniger. Er liegt unter zwei europäischen Staaten, der Schweiz und Frankreich. Es handelt sich um etwas wirklich Riesiges mit Kreisumfang 17 Meilen ( 27 Kilometer ). Eigentlich geht es um einen Tunnel, in dem ein langer Protonenstrahl kreist. Das Ganze funktioniert auf dem Prinzip einer Kollision von Teilchen. Dies geschieht in sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit und bei sehr niedriger Temperatur, nahe der Temperatur "absoluter Nullpunkt", das heißt 0K oder -273,15°C. Das ist die Temperatur, bei der die Bewegung von allem, sogar die Bewegung von Protonen und Elektronen gänzlich eingestellt werden sollte.

Die Konstruktion dieser Maschine wurde und wird gelobt, aber auf der anderen Seite gibt es auch viele Kontras. Viele Leute befürchten nämlich, es könnte negative Auswirkungen auf die ganze Population und allgemein auf die Erde haben, falls etwas schief geht.

Diese Maschine wurde vorige Woche in Betrieb gesetzt, allerdings tauchten bereits Probleme auf. Sie musste für eine kurze Zeit abgestellt werden, da ein sehr wichtiger Teil davon nicht funktionierte. Ein Transformator wurde einige Zeit lang eingestellt, da es eine Elektrizitätsstörung gab. Und da der Strom für den Trafo sehr wichtig ist, der etwas wie ein riesiger Kühlschrank ist, musste auch der Rest der Maschine abgestellt werden.

Nun sieht es so aus, dass alles in Ordnung ist, obwohl jeder Zeit etwas Unerwartetes passieren kann. Immerhin ist diese Maschine in ihrer Testphase und die volle Leistung wird 2010 erwartet.

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by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Prvé fotografie okapi v divočine
by Martina Janeckova

Vo štvrtok 11. septembra zoológovia poskytli prvé fotografie okapi v divočine. Toto zviera je ťažké odfotografovať, pretože je plaché a zvyčajne sa pohybuje v pároch. Okapi, ktorého môžeme nájsť v zoologických záhradách po celom svete, je príbuzným žirafy, ale na nohách a na zadku má pásy ako zebra. Tieto pásy sa niekedy nazývajú „poď, nasleduj ma“, pretože sa predpokladá, že pomáhajú mladým okapi nasledovať ich matky cez les. Noelle Kumpelová, ochrankyňa z londýnskej zoologickej spoločnosti, povedala, že sa verí, že toto zviera inšpirovalo tvrdenia o zhliadnutí jednorožca prieskumníkmi z viktoriánskeho obdobia, pretože samček má dva rohy, ale keď sa letmo pozriete z jednej strany, môžu vyzerať ako jeden roh. Fotografie boli urobené v národnom parku Virunga, Kongo. V podstate je známe, že okapi žije iba v Kongu, predovšetkým na severe v chránenom území okapi v provincii Ituri. „Sme povzbudení dôkazmi toho, že okapi vo Virunge prežili napriek rokmi trvajúcemu konfliktu,“ povedal riaditeľ národného parku Virunga Emmanuel de Merode. „Správcovia parku získali len nedávno kontrolu nad týmto územím, ktoré bolo predtým okupované ozbrojenými milíciami. Ale zatiaľ čo je priaznivé, že populácia okapi zostáva zachovaná, sme si vedomí jej zraniteľnosti vzhľadom na vysoký stupeň pytliactva.“ Okapi sú ohrozovaní pytliakmi, ktorí chcú predať ich mäso, povedala Kumpelová. Vo Virunge, blízko hraníc s Rwandou a Ugandou, žije tiež niekoľko z posledných horských goríl na svete. Časť tohto územia stále okupujú rebeli z Konga a Rwandy. Tento rok vedci zo zoologickej spoločnosti odfotografovali v Libérii aj ďalšieho plachého cicavca, trpasličieho hrocha, ktorý tu ešte nikdy nebol odfotený.
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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First photos of okapi in the wild
by Martina Janeckova

On Thursday September 11, zoologists presented first photos of the okapi in the wild. This animal is difficult to capture because it is shy and usually moves around in couples. Okapi, which can be found in zoos worldwide, is a relative of giraffe but has zebra-like stripes on its legs and rear. These stripes are sometimes called “come follow me stripes”, because they are believed to help young okapi follow their mothers through the forest. Noelle Kumpel, a conservationist with the Zoological Society of London said that it is thought that this animal has inspired claims of unicorn sightings by Victorian-era explorers, because the male has two horns on its forehead, but if glimpsed from one side, they can look like one horn. The photos were taken in the Virunga National Park, Congo. In fact, the okapi is only known to exist in Congo, primarily further north in Ituri provinces’s Okapi Wildlife Reserve. “We are encouraged by the evidence that okapis have survived in Virunga, despite the years of conflict,” said Virunga National Park Director Emmanuel de Merode. “Park rangers have only recently regained control of this area that was formerly occupied by armed militias. But while it is positive that the okapi population remains, we are aware of their vulnerability to intense levels of poaching.” The okapi is also threatened by poachers who want to sell its meat, Kumpel said. In Virunga, near Rwanda and Uganda borders, live also some of the world’s last remaining mountain gorillas. Part of the area is still occupied by Congolese and Rwandan rebels. This year the Zoological Society photographed another shy mammal, a pygmy hippopotamus, in Liberia, which had not been photographed there before.
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited bz Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Los excavadores israelíes destapan unas partes de pared antigua
by Veronika Pellerova

Hace un siglo, comenzó un proyecto de destapar las paredes antiguas de Jerusalén. Y ahora este proyecto trae sus frutos como los arqueólogos demandan que realmente destaparon las nuevas partes de aquellas paredes antiguas. Una parte proviene del tiempo de Cristo, y la segunda es del período cuando los Cristianos Bizantinos gobernaban Jerusalén cinco siglos más tarde.
Esto podría ayudar a los arqueólogos imaginarles como era la posición de la ciudad antigua en sus tiempos.
Las excavaciones las hace la Autoridad de Antigüedades de Israel, un cuerpo gubernamental. Pero hasta ahora no comunican con el público y los periodistas tendrán la posibilidad de verlos por primera vez el miércoles.
El proyecto comenzó en los años 1980 por dos hombres, el arqueólogo americano Frederick Bliss y su ayudante británico, Archibald Dickie. En aquel tiempo excavaban a lo largo de la pared y marcaron su ruta. Ahora, según Yehiel Zelinger de la Autoridad de Antigüedades de Israel hasta ahora han encontrado una torre de 10 pies que era probablemente una parte de la pared de tiempos antiguos a partir del Segundo período de templo alrededor de 70 AD, cuando los Romason alcanzaron este área.
Y como hemos mencionado antes, también encontraron la pared construida por reglas Bizantinas. Ambas paredes eran la parte de la ciudad cuando tenía su tamaño más grande. En aquel tiempo, la ciudad era un centro de peregrinos judíos de todo el mundo.
Pero además de las excavaiciones principales, los arqueólogos también encontraron algunos "recuerdos" que había abandonado allí la primera expedición hace un siglo. Entre aquellas cosas había una lámpara y aún un zapato viejo más de 110 años.
Estas excavaciones deberían ser una parte de atraction para turistas del Mount of Zion.

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by Veronika Pellerova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Noviot atomski kršač go otkriva Big Bang
by Zivka Deleva

Najmokniot kršač na atomi razvien od naučnicite od veliot svet koj čekaše na ovoj moment poveke od dve dekadi se pojavi na internet vo sredata.

Large Hadron Collider ke bide vo možnost da gi istražuva najmalite čestički i da im dozvoli na naučnicite da se približat i da ja razberat Big Bang teorijata (golemata eksplozija koja go sozdala univerzumot).

Da probaat da ja kontroliraat silata naučnicite ke go ispalat prviot kup od protoni vo tunel dolg 17 milji. Ke treba eden mesec za kupot da dopatuva vo sprotivna nasoka zaedno vo kolizija. Mnogu skeptici se isplašeni deka ke sozdade mikro "crni dupki" i ke ja zagrozi planetata.

Istražuvači od 80 nacionalnosti se vklučeni vo ovoj proekt na CERN, Evropskata Organizacija za nuklearni istražuvanja.

Noviot kolider ima sposobnost da go turne protonskiot snop blisku do brzinata na svetlinata. Naučnicite ke ispalat eden snop vo edna nasoka i potoa ušte eden snop vo sprotivnata nasoka pa taka protonite ke može da se sudrat, da se razdelat na fragmenti i na toj način da oslobodat energija.

Kako i da e, kritičarite go ispolnija Evropskiot sud za čovekovi prava i Okolniot sud na SAD vo Hava i povikaa da se sopre proektot.

Koliderot e finansiran od strana na 20 evropski državi i e pod izrabotka od 2003 godina. SAD i Japonija se isto taka vklučeni vo proektot.

CERN se nadeva deka tie ke gi sozdadat uslovite koi bile vednaš po big bang vo laboratorija. Tie ke gi naučat poveke za sozdavanjeto na univerzumot taka što naučnicite ke može da gi pronajdat informaciite koi im nedostigaat vo teorijata ili ke formuliraat nova.

Kejt MekAlpin, 23 godišna, diplomec na CERN, im proizvedeno Large Hadron Rap, inovativno video za proektot na YouTube. Portparolot na CERN Dzejms Gilies izjavi deka e "Navistina brilijantno."

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by Zivka Deleva
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by beata Biskova

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Neuer Atombeschleuniger enthüllt den Urknall
by Barbora Haramiova

Der kräftigste Atombeschleuniger, der von Wissenschaftlern aus der ganzen Welt entwickelt wurde, die auf diesen Augenblick seit zwei Jahrzehnten warteten, wurde am Mittwoch online vorgestellt.

Der Große Hadron-Beschleuniger ist fähig, die kleinsten Teilchen zu erforschen und den Wissenschaftlern zu ermöglichen, dem Begreifen der Urknalltheorie (das Universum soll durch eine große Explosion entstanden sein ) näher zu kommen.

Um die Kontrollfähigkeit zu überprüfen, werden die Wissenschaftler die ersten Protonstrahlen durch einen 17 Meilen langen Tunnel schicken. Es wird einen Monat lang dauern, bis diese Strahlen, die sich in gegengesetzten Richtungen einander annähern, aufeinander aufprallen. Viele Skeptiker befürchten, die Kollision könnte mikroskopische "schwarze Löcher" schaffen, die dann den Planeten gefährden könnten.

Am Projekt von CERN, der Europäischen Organisation der Atomkraftforschung, nehmen Forscher aus 80 Ländern teil.

Der neue Beschleuniger hat die Fähigkeit, Protonstrahlen nahe der Lichtgeschwindigkeit zu beschleunigen. Die Wissenschaftler werden einen Strahl in eine Richtung senden und dann einen anderen Strahl in der gegengesetzten Richtung, sodass die Protonen kollidieren, in Teile zerfallen und Energie freilassen.

Allerdings gibt es kritische Stimmen gegen dieses Projekt, die bereits den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte und den US-Landgerich in Hawaii ansprachen und Abbruch des Projekts verlangten.

Der Beschleuniger wird von 20 europäischen Staaten finanziert und wird seit 2003 konstruiert. Die USA und Japan nehmen am Projekt auch teil.

CERN hofft, dass man gleiche Bedingungen als bei einem Urknallversuch im Laboratorium wieder herstellen wird. Das wird ihnen mehr Informationen über die Entstehung des Weltalls liefern, sodass die Wissenschaftler neue, noch fehlende Bausteine der Theorie finden oder eine neue Theorie aufstellen können.

Kate McAlpine, 23 Jahre alt, eine Absolventin an CERN, schaffte den Large Hadron Rap, ein innovatives Video über das Projekt, das auf YouTube abrufbar ist. Sprecher von CERN James Gillies sagte: "Es ist wirklich wunderbar."

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by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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New atom smasher reveals the Big Bang
by Magdalena Rosova

The most powerful atom-smasher developed by scientists from all over the world who have been waiting for this moment for two decades comes online Wednesday.

Large Hadron Collider will be able to explore the smallest particles and allow scientist to come closer to understand the big bang theory (that a big explosion created the universe).

To try the controlling strength scientist will fire the first beams of protons the 17-mile tunnel. It will take a month before beams traveling in opposite directions come together in collisions. Many skeptics are afraid that it will create micro "black holes“ and endanger the planet.

Researchers of 80 nationalities are involved in the project of CERN, the European Organization of Nuclear Research.

The new collider has ability to push the proton beam close to the speed of light. The scientists will fire one beam one direction and then fire another beam opposite direction so that protons collide, shatter into fragments and release energy.

However, critics filed the European Court of Human Rights and U.S. District Court in Hawaii and call to stop the project.

The collider is financed by 20 European states and has been under construction since 2003. USA and Japan are involved in the project as well.

CERN hopes they will recreate conditions same as after the big bang in laboratory. That will teach them more about creation of universe so that scientist can find still missing information in the theory or formulate a new one.

Kate McAlpine, 23, a graduate at CERN, has produced the Large Hadron Rap, an innovating video clip about the project on YouTube. CERN spokesman James Gillies said "It's quite brilliant."

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by Magdalena Rosova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: 19 Quadratmeilen große Eisdecke verloren in Kanada
by Barbora Haramiova

Im nördlichen Teil der Arktis in Kanada brach ein großes Stück der Eisdecke vom Ilesmere Island ab. Dieses Eisstück hat ungefähr die Größe von Manhattan. Laut Wissenschaftlern stellt dieser Vorfall einen anderen Beweis des Einflusses des Klimawandels, der durch die globale Erwärmung des Planeten verursacht wird, in Polargebieten dar.

Laut Derek Mueller, einem Spezialisten auf die arktische Eisschicht an der Trent University in Ontario, wird das Eisstück als das Markham-Schelfeis bezeichnet. Es handelt sich um einen 4500 Jahre alten Gletscher, der sich in den ersten Augusttagen abzutrennen begann. Unerwartet verschwand es plötzlich im wölkigen Wetter. Und wenn sich das Wetter wieder verbesserte, stellten die Forscher fest, dass es dort plötzlich kein Schelfeis mehr gab.
Natürlich ist es keine gute Nachricht, da es auf die Geschwindigkeit der Wetter- und Klimaänderungen hinweist.
Ein anderer Experte, Luke Copland, Direktor des Laboratoriums für die Kryosphärenforschung an der University of Ottawa, glaubt, dass dieses Ereignis wichtig ist, um aufzuzeigen, dass das verbliebene Schelfeis in den nächsten Jahren auseinanderfallen wird. Diese Schelfeisschichten sind sehr wichtig, da sie eine Mischung aus altem Meereseis sind, das durch Anhäufung von Schnee und schmelzendem Meereswassereis entstanden ist. Dadurch entstand auch ein rares Ökosystem, das nun durch das Aussterben bedroht wird, da die Lebewesen vom Eis anhängig sind.
Auf jeden Fall ist die Situation wirklich schlimm. Tausende Jahre lang wurde der Gletscher durch das Klima im Gleichgewicht gehalten, aber jetzt, wenn sich die Erde erwärmt und es sich um einen irreversiblen Prozess handelt, gibt es keine Hoffnung mehr auf eine Erholung. Das Eis stellte für kaltes mikrobiologiosches Leben den Lebensraum dar und das Markham-Schelfeis verkörperte die Hälfte der Biomasse der ganzen kanadischen Arktis. Nun ist das Gleichgewicht zerstört. Man sollte jetzt zumindest eine strengere Regelung für in dieses Gebiet kommende Schiffe verlangen.

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by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Ledena podloga so površina od 19 kvadratni milji se otcepuva vo Kanada
by Zivka Deleva

Vo severniot Arktik od Kanada vo sredata, golemo parče od ledena podloga se otcepi od Ilesmir ostrovot i e so golemina kolku Menhetn. Spored naučnicite ova e drug dokaz za klimatskite promeni vo polarnite oblasti poradi zatopluvanjeto na našata planeta.

Narečena e Ledenata polica Markham kako što reče Derek Mueler, specijalist za ledeni površini na Arktikot vo Univerzitetot vo Trent vo Ontario za mediumite. Toa e okolu 4500 godišen glečer koj započnal da se oddeluva vo prvite denovi od avgust. Isčezna neočekuvano vo matnite vodi. I koga povtorno beše jasno, istražuvačite vidoa deka poveke nema ledena polica.
Se razbira ova ne e dobra vest, poradi toa što ukažuva na brzinata na vremenskite klimatski promeni.
Drug ekspert Luk Kopland, direktor na Laboratorijata za Kriosferični istražuvanja na Univerzitetot vo Otava misli deka ovoj nastan e važen za pokažuvanje na ostanatite ledeni polici koi ke se raspadnat vo narednite godini. Ovie polici se navistina važni zatoa što tie se kombinacija od star morski mraz koj se sozdal so akumuliranje na sneg i voda koja se topi. Tie sozdavaat redok eko sistem koj sega ke bide na rabot na isčeznuvanje zatoa što toj zavisi od niv. Kako i da e, situacijata e mnogu loša, iljadnici godini klimata gi oddržuvaše glečerite vo ramnoteža, no sega, kako što se zatopluva Zemjata procesot e nepovraten i nema nadež za zazdravuvanje na situacijata. Tie bea domovi za studenito mikrobiološki život i Markam ledenata polica pretstavuvaše polovina od biomasata za celiot kanadski arktik. Sega ramnotežata e narušena. Sega treba da napravat poteški uslovi za brodovite koi doagaat vo ovaa oblast.

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edited by Beata Biskova

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Monday, September 8, 2008

19-square-mile ice sheet breaks loose in Canada
by Paulina Neshybova

In the northern Arctic of Canada on Wednesday, a big piece of ice sheet has broken away from the llesmere Island and it is about the size of Manhattan. According to scientist this is another prove of the changing climate in polar areas due to warming of our planet.

It is called The Markham Ice Shelf as told Derek Mueller, an Arctic ice shelf specialist at Trent University in Ontario to The Associated Press. It is about 4,500 year glacier which began to seperate in the first days of August. It disappared unexpectedly in the cloudy wather. And when it was clear again, the researches sae there was suddenly no more ice shelf.
Of course it is not good news, becuase it indicates the rapidity of weather climate changes.
Another expert Luke Copland, director of the Laboratory for Cryospheric Research at the University of Ottawa thinks that this event is important for showing that the remaining ice shelfs are going to disintegrate in coming years. These shlef are really importatnt as the are a combination of ancient sea ice made by accumulating of snow and melting water. They create a rare ecosystem which will be now on the brink of extinciton as they re depnded on them. However, the situation is really bad, For thousand of year the climate kept the glaciers in balance, but now , as the earth is warming this process is irreversible and there is no hope for recover. They were homes for cold microbial life and The Markham Ice Shelf presented a half of the biomass for the entire Canadian Arctic. Now the balance is crashed.
Now they should make tougher requirements for incoming ships to this area.

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by Paulina Neshybova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Ľadovec o veľkosti 19 míľ štvorcových sa odlomil v Kanade
by Paulina Neshybova

TORONTO – Kus ľadovca veľkosti zhruba Manhatanu sa odlomil z ostrovu Ellesmere v Kanadskom severnom arktiku, ďalšie dramatické znamenie toho ako horúce teploty menia polárnu hranicu, povedali v stredu vedci.
Derek Mueller, špecialista na ľadovce na an Trent University v Ontario, povedal The Associated Press, že 4,500 rokov starý ľadovec oddelený skoro v auguste a 19metrov štvorcových je teraz v Arktickom oceáne.
" Markhamský ľadovec bol veľkým prekvapením, pretože zrazu zmizol.Chvíľu bolo pod mrakom počas nášho výskumu a keď sa počasie vyčasilo, zrazu tam nebol žiadny ľadovec. Bola to pre nás šokujúca udalosť, ktorá podčiarkuje rapídnosť zmien v Arktíde ," povedal Mueller.
Mueller tiež povedal, že tie dve veľké sekcie ľadu oddelené z Serson Ice Shelf, skrátili tým tento ľadový charakter o 47 štvorcových míľ – alebo 60 percentsquare miles .
Mueller oznámil minulý mesiac, že 7 štvorcových míľ zo 170 míľového 130 placov hrubého ľadovca sa zlomila
Toto prichádza k päte neobvyklých zlomov v severnom ľadovci, rapídne rozpúšťanie južného Greenland ľadovca, a takmer rekordná strata pre ľadovce Arktického mora toto leto.
"Zredukované ľadové morské podmienky a neobvykle vysoké teploty umožnili toto leto straty ľadovcov," povedal Luke Copland, riaditeľ laboratória pre Cryospheric Research na Otawskej univerzite. " A nové rozsiahle zlomy pri zostávajúcich častiach najväčšieho ostávajúceho ľadovca Ward Hunt, znamená, že bude pokračovať v drvení v prichádzajúcich rokoch."
Sformované naakulomovaných snehom a mrznúcou topiacou sa vodou, ľadové plochy sú veľkými plošinami silného, anitckého morského ľadu ktorý sa vznáša na povrchu oceána ale je spojený so zemou.
Ellesmere Island bol kedysi kompletne obkolesený samostatným obrovským ľadovcom v rokoch 1900. To všetko čo dnes ostalo sú 4 omnoho menšie plochy, ktoré spolu pokrývajú o trochu viac než 299 štorcových míľ.
Martin Jeffries z U.S. National Science Foundation a University of Alaska Fairbanks povedal v tvrdení v utorok, že letná strata ľadovcov je ekvivalentná k zhruba trikrát územiu Manhatanu, s okolo 82 štvorcových míľ – stratu, ktoré zredukovali ľadovcovú pokrývku Arktického oceánu na svoju druhý najväčší ústup od satelitných meraní začatých pred 30timi rokmi.
"Tieto zmeny sú nezvratné pod súčasnou klímou a naznačujú že enviromentálne podmienky ktoré udržiavali ľadovce v balancií po tisíce rokov už tu jednoducho nie sú," povedal Mueller.
"Dnes, teplejšie teploty a zmena klímy znamená nulovú nádej pre reparáciu. Je to strašný scenár," povedal Mueller.
Strata týchto ľadových plôch znamená, že vzácny ekosystém ktorý je na nich závislý je na hranici vyhynutia, Warwick Vincent, riaditeľ Laval University's Centre pre Northern Studies a researcher v programe ArcticNet.
" Markham Ice Shelf mal polovicu biomasy pre celý Kanadský arktický ľadový ekosystém ako prostredie pre chladný, mikrobiologický život. Teraz keď zmizol, pozeráme sa na ekosystémy na hranici vyhynutia ,' povedal Mueller.
Popri zničených ekosystémoch, plávajúcich ľadových plochách a teplejších teplotách ktoré neskôr spôsobia topenie Ľadovca je hazardom pre osídlené cesty v Arktickom regióne .
Harper oznámil minulý týždeň, že plánuje rozšíriť bádanie ropy v neznámom regióne a minerálnych záloh, možnosť ktorá sa stala viac evidentnou ako dôsledok topiaceho sa ľadu. Harper tiež povedal, že Kanada by mala stvrdiť požiadavky na lode vstupujúce do vôd v Ďalekom severe, kde niektoré z týchto teritoriálnych požiadaviek sú konfliktné od United States a iných krajín.

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by Paulina Neshybova
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edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Israelische Ausgräber entdecken Teile einer altertümlichen Mauer
by Barbora Haramiova

Ungefähr vor einem Jahrhundert wurde ein Projekt ins Leben gerufen, um die altertümlichen Mauern der Stadt Jerusalem zu entdecken. Nun erreichte das Projekt endlich sein Ziel, da Archäologen behaupten, sie hätten wirklich neue Sektionen von den altertümlichen Mauern entdeckt. Eine Sektion stammt aus der Zeit Christi und die zweite aus der Epoche, wenn byzantinische Christen fünf Jahrhunderte später Jerusalem regierten. Diese Entdeckung könnte den Archäologen helfen, zu einer richtigen Vorstellung davon zu kommen, wie die altertümliche Stadt damals verteidigt wurde.
Die Ausgrabungen werden von der Israelischen Altertumsbehörde durchgeführt, einem Regierungsorgan. Bisher waren sie für die breite Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich und auch Journalisten bekamen erst am Mittwoch die Chance, sie zum ersten Mal zu sehen.
Das Projekt fing 1980 an. Zwei Männer waren dafür verantwortlich - amerikanischer Archäologe Frederick Bliss und sein britischer Assistent Archibald Dickie. Damals gruben sie der Mauer entlang und markierten ihre Trasse. Jetzt fanden sie laut Yehiekl Zelinger aus der Israelischen Altertumsbehörde einen 10 Füße hohen Turm, der wahrscheinlich ein Teil der Mauer im Altertum war, konkret in der Epoche des Zweiten Tempels ca. 70 v. Ch., wenn die Römer in dieses Gebiet vorgedrungen waren.
Und wie man bereits früher erwähnte, fanden sie auch eine von den byzantinischen Herrschern gebaute Mauer. Beide Mauerteile gehörten zu der Stadt zu der Zeit, wenn sie am meisten expandiert war. In der Periode stellte die Stadt ein Zentrum von allen jüdischen Pilgern aus der ganzen Welt dar.
Neben den hauptsächlichen Ausgrabungen fanden die Archäologen auch einige "Souveniere", die dort von der ersten Expedition vor einem Jahrhundert hinterlassen waren. Unter den Sachen finden man Bierflaschen, eine Lampe und sogar einen 110 Jahre alten Schuh. Diese Ausgrabungen sollten später ein Anziehungsmonument für Touristen sein, die um den Berg Zion vorbeigehen sollen.

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by Barbora Haramiova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Izraelski kopači otkrivaat delovi od star dzid
by Zivka Deleva

Pred okolu eden vek, započna proekt koj trebaše da gi otkrie starite dzidovi vo Erusalim. No sega, ovoj proekt dojde do svojot vrv zatoa što arheolog tvrdi deka tie navistina otkrile novi sekcii od onie stari dzidovi. Edna sekcija e od vremeto na Hristos i vtorata e od periodot koga Vizantiskite Hristijani vladeele so Erusalim pet vekovi podocna.
Ova može da im pomogne na arheolozite da zamislat kako bil dizajniran stariot grad vo tie vreminja.
Iskopuvajnata gi vršat Izraelskite vlasti za antikviteti, vladino telo. No dosega tie ne se otvoreni za javnosta i novinarite imaa šansa da gi vidat za prv pat vo sredata.
Proektot započna vo 1980 godina od strana na dvajca maži, amerikanskiot arheolog Frederik Blis i negoviot britanski asistent Arčibald Diki. Vo toa vreme tie kopaa po dolžinata na dzidot i ja obeležuvaa nivnata ruta. Sega, spored Jeniel Zelinger od Izraelskite vlasti za antikviteti tie imaat pronajdeno kula visoka 10 stapki koja verojatno e del od stariot dzid od Vtoriot svet period okolu 70 godini posle hrista, koga Romanite stignale vo ovaa oblast.
I kako što spomenavme prethodno, tie isto taka našle dzid izgraden od vizantiskite vladari. I dvata dzida se del od gradot koga ja imal svojata najgolema veličina. Vo toa vreme, gradot bil centar za evrejskite adzii od sekade vo svetot.
No pokraj glavnite iskopuvanja, arheolozite isto taka pronašle nekoi "suveniri" koi gi ostavila prvata ekspedicija pred okolu eden vek. Pomegu ovie raboti tie našle šiše od pivo, lamba i preku 110 godini star čevel.
Ovie iskopuvanja se planiraat da bidat del od atrakciite za turistite koi treba da odat okolu planinata Zion.

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by Zivka Deleva
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Cementerio antiguo descubierto en el Sáhara
by Veronika Pellerova

Paul Sereno de la Universidad de Chicago y sus colegas buscaban los restos de dinosaurios en Níger cuando encontraron los restos de un cementerio. Proporcionaron los detalles en una conferencia el 14 de agosto de 2008. Aproximadamente 200 tumbas de esceletos humanos fueron encontradas en el sitio en 2005 y 2006 así como restos de animales, que no viven en el desierto. Helene Jousse, una zooarchaeóloga del Museo de Historia natural en Viena, Austria dijo que los huesos de animales encontrados allí son conunes para los animales que hoy viven en Serengeti, Kenia, como elefantes, jirafas, antilopas y jabalís. Sereno dijo: " Me dí cuenta de que estábamos en el Sahara verde". El cementerio se sitúa en una región llamada Gobero, en el Desierto de Tenere del Níger, donde en aquel tiempo había un lago. Los restos humanos pertenecen a 2 poblaciones distintas que vivían allí durante tiempos húmedos. El primer grupo, llamado Kiffian, colonizaban el Sáhara hace 10.000 y 8.000 años. Chris Stojanowski, un bioarcheólogo de la Arizona State University dijo que los huesos de un hombre de Kiffian demuestran que tenía enormes músculos de pierna, " que sugiere que él comía mucha proteína y tenía una forma de vida activa, vigorosa. " El segundo grupo, llamado Tenerians se asentó en el área entre 7.000 y 4.500 años atrás. Eran personas más bajas y pequeñas que cazaban, pastoreaban y pescaban. Los entierros a menudo incluían la joyería o posturas rituales. Por ejemplo los restos de polen muestran a una mujer y dos niños enterrados en una cama de flores. Mientras hoy el Sáhara es un desierto, antes debido a la pequeña diferencia en la órbita de la Tierra los monzones estacionales humedecían el paisaje y atraía a la gente y animales.
by Veronika Pellerova
for PocketNews (

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posted by Lucia Adamova

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sea turtle Dylan back to the nature
by Silvia Szarkova

An incredible gift! Some biologist and scientists would say this about the loggerhead sea turtle called Dylan, which was found nine years ago. In that time, Dylan was just born, she was wondering around abandoned by his nest mate. Now, she has just left the Georgia Sea Turtle Center at Jekyll Island. After a year-long period of preparing for life in freedom and after a nine years of captivity, Dylan was finally released to the sea on Monday. Maybe sometimes it was heart breaking to for biologists to see they baby is leaving, but Dylan has to return to its natural habitat to live full filled and valued life. In August 1998, humans find him struggling on Jekyll Island´s beach. Spending her lifetime in two different nature centers, she once moved to Georgia Aquarium and afterwards to Georgia Sea Turtle Center at Jekyll Island, where she was at last released from. This 150-pound loggerhead sea turtle is classified as a threatened specie. Seven another variety of sea turtles are endangered, too. When releasing, she could hardly find the way to the sea, but veterinarian Terry Norton, helped her to turn back to the sea, as 300 people were watching them from the beach. Norton said that although she was trying to swim out, she was confused by the shallow water and that is why she started to swim back to the beach. But finally, everything has gone well. During her stay in centre, the stuff recognized Dylan is a female. This is very important, because in most cases it is almost impossible to tell the age of turtle until it is 30. Another biologist from Georgia Department of Natural Resources Mark Dodd said Dylan is wearing a transmitter, which signals within 100 yards. It is set to start signalise when she surfaces. He also said about Dylan: “ The best thing for her would be to hang out here, get fat eating crabs and maybe 20 years from now we´ll see her again laying eggs.“

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by Silvia Szarkova
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posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Dali se sekavaš na mene?
by Zivka Deleva

Odam po ulicata polna so luge. Lugeto stojat blisku do trafikite, sedat na terasite od kafulinjata ili na klupite. Lugeto se nasekade kade i da poglednete. Kako što se dvižite niz ovaa polna ulica nešto vi go faka okoto. Zabeležuvate edno poznato lice vo ovaa golema grupa od nepoznati i strani lica. I pokraj toa što ne znaete koja e taa ličnost, znaete so sigurnost, deka veke ste go videle ova lice nekade. Ne možete da se setite kade ste ja sretnale ovaa ličnost, i ne možete da se setite na nejzinoto ime, no možete da se setite na najvažnata rabota - liceto. Kako e možno da se sekavame na licata na lugeto koi gi srekavame samo ednaš vo životot?Ili zošto e tolku teško da go zapamtime imeto na ličnosta, koga nemame problem da go prepoznaeme negovoto ili nejzinoto lice pomegu mnogu grugi lica? Nevrolozite go znaat odgovorot - fuziform oblast na liceto ili FFA. Mački, kučinja, kuki ili delovi na teloto e teško da se prepoznaat, zatoa što kako što velat naučnicite, FFA e specijaliziran sistem koj e posveten na procesiranje lica. Togaš što e FFA? FFA sistemot mala oblast od našiot mozok koja leži na sredinata od pozadinata vo našata glava. Poveketo od lugeto imaat dve FFA - edna na levata strana od glavata, no desnata e sekogaš povlijatelna. Naučnicite velat deka odgovorot na prašanjeto "Zošto možeme da prepoznavame lica?" leži vo evolucijata. Tie velat deka našite predci i lugeto gi razvile svoite mozoci na način na koj lesno i brzo ke može da gi prepoznaat svoite prijateli i neprijateli što im pomagalo na predcite da ostanat živi. Naučnicite go identifikuvale FFA pred desetina godini koga skenirale čovečki mozok i mozok na majmun so funkcionalna magnentska resonantna slika (isto taka narečena fMRI). Ovie denovi fMRI im dozvoluva da go zumiraat i proučuvaat mozočnoto tkivo poblisku od porano. Kako što izjavi Kalanit Gril-Spektor, nevrolog na Stenford Univerzitetot vo Palo Alto "toa e kako da gi gledate granulite od šekerot namesto celata kocka." Osven soznanieto kako prepoznavame lica, ova otkritie može da ni pomogne pri depresii, autizam i socijalni poremetuvanja.

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by Zivka Deleva
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

attle Spontaneously Lining North-South Direction. Could It Be a Prove to Detect Inner Magnetic Sense?
by Milota Sidorova

Magnetic orientation within several bird's species has been proved long time ago. It's generally known that droves of migrating swallows use their own sensors to find the right direction traveling north-south and back. Kind of a sensor behavior has been detected even among insect, literally honey bees and termites. Their hive kingdoms have their steepest side always north orientated. This phenomena is declared in every survival handbook.

The magnetic sense within smaller non-mammals has been detected in more or less developed level.

However, recent study, coming out German-Czech research team may prove that even cattle has kind of magnetic sense within their bodies. Hynek Burda along with Sabine Begall of faculty of biology at the University of Duisburg-Essen have opened horizons for the study of magnetoreception in general.

The idea of the research was simple. Surprisingly, not direct measurement, but one of the world's most popular websites helped the international team. Aerial scenes from on-line Google Earth Satellite maps have been monitoring 8,510 cattle in all over 308 pastures. According the findings almost 70 percent of animals during grazing or resting lined their bodies with north-south direction. North-south direction dominated regardless of what continent the cattle were on.

Defining this observation as a key evidence of magnetic sense would be surely at least not sufficient.
There's been more factors to be considered. At first – the weather conditions. Cattle tended to face the winds and lined their body axises to catch maximum of sun heat during the cold days.
However, the experiment has taken part during mostly spring and summer months, north-south direction could be a result of an opposite situation. Cattle bodily temperature tends to be higher than human and dressed in the thick leather they may simply look for the most cooling comfortable position, that is assured by north lining.

If those factors could be excluded, still would be the most important finding withing higher mammals.
Naturally based entirely on correlations, it need more to prove the magnetic sense.
Josheph L. Kirschvink of the California Institute of Technology also discussed whether the fenced did impact cattle bodily orientation.

The research also arises question whether humans show such a spontaneous behavior as well.
However also it would be more difficult to prove our magnetic sense. Apart from unconscious instinct, north is traditionally considered as the most healthy side to point the head during the sleep.
Some of the theories say sleeping south could messed up our apparatus, so even the sleep wouldn't be that refreshing the very next morning. The second optimal side is supposed to be eastern side, based on Earth's movement and sunrise. We can compare it with taking positions in high speed train. Most of people will logically sit in the forward direction of the train to avoid travel sickness.

However, back to cows, the research will be continuing on deer, sheeps, goats and wild boars to reduce, either crashing down the hypothesis whether higher mammals have ability to sense magnetic field, like birds and insect do.

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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