
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New atom smasher reveals the Big Bang
by Magdalena Rosova

The most powerful atom-smasher developed by scientists from all over the world who have been waiting for this moment for two decades comes online Wednesday.

Large Hadron Collider will be able to explore the smallest particles and allow scientist to come closer to understand the big bang theory (that a big explosion created the universe).

To try the controlling strength scientist will fire the first beams of protons the 17-mile tunnel. It will take a month before beams traveling in opposite directions come together in collisions. Many skeptics are afraid that it will create micro "black holes“ and endanger the planet.

Researchers of 80 nationalities are involved in the project of CERN, the European Organization of Nuclear Research.

The new collider has ability to push the proton beam close to the speed of light. The scientists will fire one beam one direction and then fire another beam opposite direction so that protons collide, shatter into fragments and release energy.

However, critics filed the European Court of Human Rights and U.S. District Court in Hawaii and call to stop the project.

The collider is financed by 20 European states and has been under construction since 2003. USA and Japan are involved in the project as well.

CERN hopes they will recreate conditions same as after the big bang in laboratory. That will teach them more about creation of universe so that scientist can find still missing information in the theory or formulate a new one.

Kate McAlpine, 23, a graduate at CERN, has produced the Large Hadron Rap, an innovating video clip about the project on YouTube. CERN spokesman James Gillies said "It's quite brilliant."

related story:

by Magdalena Rosova
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