
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Diamonds May Have Jumpstarted Life on Earth
by Paulina Neshybova

A new reasearch is again here. Nobody so far could really prove how the life on the Earth began. But researches from Germany Andrei Sommer, Dan Zhu, and Hans-Joerg Fecht from the University of Ulm came up with a new theory, which is again connected with diamonds.According to last news from the scientific world diamonds maybe were responsible for damaging all the life, but as we can see now, they also probably originated the life.
The stable theory done by the researhes is that the life on Earth began in primordial soup composed of various chemicals. However, there is no explanation up to now how the important building blocks amino acids began to connect to a complex of polymers which are highly necessary for genesis.
Rsearches found out that dimaonds are crystallized forms of carbon. So they did some experiments in their labs to confirm that. So they worked with hydrogen and noticed that the diamonds create a crysatlline water layers on the surface. Another importatnt fact they found out was about electric counductivity. This is essential too, becuase it could create the needed impulses for chemical reactions which began life. Together with water they are really vital for life.
The final conlusion of these chemical reactions is, that when the primitive molecules reached the hydrogenated diamonds a billion yeras ago in that atmosphere, it could probably later create more organic molecules which eventually gave birth to everything. For sure, this is only one of the theories of course. Another for example is totally different, becuase it counts with meteors and big comets which insie them could have organisms. They then fall down on the Earth. This second theory is called panspermia.

related story:;_ylt=AqCnySdgqnbqqIRaBd6cMbys0NUE

by Paulina Neshybova
for PocketNews (

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