
Friday, May 16, 2008

Uncovering of indiscoverable
by Lenka Lehenova

We all know how the scientists and technology are important for population. I think I don't have to speak about it a lot because that is not a new and we can see their improvements every day. I can just only inform you about some innovations or discoveries. Today, thanks to intelligent world's scientists, mathematicians, physicists or technologist we know a lot about our Earth, space, biology... just about everything. Imagine that in the past people knew only small chip compared with present. They thought that the eclipse is a result of gods' anger or that it is the end of life. But the fact also is that there were a lot of great people who didn't need perfect technology like today but they were so intelligent that found out many things which we use daily now, for example Edison, Einstein, Marconi or Columbus... There is very important to organize some expeditions to find out how much how is possible. It is the way how to uncover indiscoverable. One of these expeditions has been just organized by Uruguay-Venezuelan scientists and military officers. Their collaboration opened the South American nation's first expedition to the frozen Antarctica. Although they didn'd have favourable conditions because of windy weather and choppy seas, the Venezuelans on an Uruguayan naval ship reached a voyage of 3 700 kilometers. The scientists will study a range of subjects, including the effects of climate change in Antarctica.The Venezuelan president Tabare Vazquez has been criticized by his opponents that he allowed Venezuelans aboard the Uruguayan ship. Uruguay's congress called this mission a gesture of friendship.

related story:;_ylt=Ah1W221Y2ePeNKI9p9lX4I6s0NUE

by Lenka Lehenova
for PocketNews (

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