
Friday, May 16, 2008

Mars avalanche surprise
by Claudia Sonea

Mars, our planet's neighbor, still represents a mystery, but for how long? There were a couple of probes sent to study the planet and most of them did not return with much information, except the last one sent in 2006 whose entire mission had a cost of $ 720 million. Let us hope that this one will not get lost like that sent in 1996, the silent Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft that had a great significance for scientist and influence on the future probes. The images from Mars were recorded by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and sent back to hearth, what amazed everyone was the changes that are taken place modifying the planet's landscape. If for millions of years nothing important happened, last month four avalanches of fine ice and dust breaking off took place at Mars' north pole, according to the press release on Monday. It is of enormous importance for scientists to actually view a natural event on the surface of Mars, especially this one that might be linked to the seasonal changes. The avalanches that broke part of a steep cliff created a cascade and massive debris clouds are suspected to take place due to springtime changes and Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist Candice Hansen stated that this is the theory they are testing right now. However, they still have no clue about the avalanches and what triggered them, thus it is a must to stay connected and be the first to find out what they discovered. Enjoy!

related story:;_ylt=As6u5DKAnMaoyK7R2e.TpHis0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

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