
Sunday, May 30, 2010

So short is a human memory.
by Milota Sidorova

There is one old saying. You can't understand who you are, if you don't know your past. Another one says, the future is just handling things from the past. And I add the last one – Remember. I am a member of happy generation living and growing in relative peace. I haven't tasted the war (thanks God) and I enjoy the fruits of democracy (although I have some objections against the system) and more less believe in positive future (however, I am worried about the environmental and economy problems). But still I can be happy to go to school, to go to work to walk the streets without a fear (except of increasing number of extremists in European region).But when I speak with! my grandfather, it is like speaking with the ghost. He has survived both world wars and the circumstances of these days seem just different to him. He was one of million who feared their lives, lost all the money during hyperinflation and was forced to give up his property. When I speak of him I see survivor, sometimes it's so bitter I can't help my tears, sometimes I feel anger about the cruelty of war and regimes that took over millions of Europeans.Comparing his experiences my fears about mortgages or better position seem to be only a buzz. He is my mirror, I reflect the real life in his words. What If it happened and the war would taken over me? What if I lost all my hopes for better career, house or freedom? What would happened then?Would I become a monster watching only my own good?I think this is happening even with my generation. Young people seem to be much too lost in the noise of consumption. They care just for the clothes, image and iPhones. Sometimes I doubt ! they can even talk about anything but themselves, sex, money a! nd viole nce. This dump minded consumer is definitely in.So little do they think about the past. So little do they think that the war can start during the peace. They are so careless they don't even notice the real enemy – they are loosing their souls and humanity and few years later as aged people they drow in depressions or divorces or another civilization illnesses. I don't know, but people of my generation don't even consider holocaust or world war a real thing – they don't notice their grandparents and their words. I believe they are becoming blind – and how can blind people lead our generation into the better future?Media, politicians, businessmen – they all seem to talk about war as a normal, natural thing – like it is just a walk or a glass of a water. I am worried about devaluing the importance of meaning the word – war. Boredom and apathy is our daily bread. We need violence to comfort ourselves. We eat false pictures of war in the movies! , we praise agression in every aspect of our lives. I am afraid of this... I feel trapped between horrors of my grandfather's saying and the horrors of behavior of a 21st century modern man.

related story (sgx17419):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to ! your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Atlantis back on the Earth.
by Milota Sidorova

Wednesday May 26th 2010, 8:58 a.m. EDT space shuttle Atlantis touched the ground of Kennedy Space Center and forwarded dismission of space-shuttle program. Although they were flying there and back for over decades this year seems to be the last one.Space shuttles proved to be insufficient if taken from cost and safety perspective. Atlantis is over and waits for Discovery and Endeavour that are scheduled to their final missions in September and November.Atlantis spent 12 days in space and carried Russian docking laboratory, supplies and the crew to the International Space Station a project of 16 nations constructed for 12 years. The crew installed the laboratory, six huge ba! tteries for the station solar system, a spare communication antenna and a work platform.Atlantis is processed to become the permanent exposition of a museum, but until the final flight it will be ready to support landing space shuttles decending from the atmosphere. So far, Nasa has considered the proper museum for space shuttles and so far, the name of Smithsonian Air and Space Museum has been known.Endeavour will carry $2 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer particle detector in November. Descending Endeavour also means the dismission of more than 1,000 jobs required in space shuttle program. Florida that has become known because of it will face the drop in toursim activities. Along with the oil catastrophe coming from the Muexican Gulf, the consequences may be serious.Nasa is also solving a matter of a follow-on program to develop rockets and capsules that should serve for returning U.S. astronauts to the moon. So far, president Barack Obama stopped this proposal and sugg! ested the agenture should focus on travels farther from Earth.!

related story (sgx17403):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mankind's Breakthroughs
by Claudia Sonea

The evolutionist process started when the first Homo erectus used the rock as a tool. After that the urge for inventing, creating and developing has lit like a fire in the heart of our ancestors and burns still in our hearts. Most of the times, the urge led to the creation of some wonderful things like cures for rare diseases or electricity, but there are also many negative aspects that had as result the death of many people and the destruction of the environment: the atomic bomb, guns, military tanks, drugs. Nowadays, due to the fact that the process of inventing and creating that accompanied the evolutionist process has caused a lot of ! harm to the environment, the main target is to make ecologic goods, laying thus the stress on the green technology. There are cars that work on electricity rather than oil or gas that caused so much damaged to our atmosphere; there are a lot of ongoing process to recycle all the goods we throw, factories must come up with filters and different solutions to prevent pollution. More and more companies have been created to come up with ecological products in the cars industry, in telecommunications, agriculture, and many others. E-Green Technologies is one of the companies that try to provide clients with a diverse range of ecological solutions which would also be cost effective. The company’s core activity is, however, to create lighter-than-air vehicles which fuel with algae, thus protecting the environment. The latest project called the Bullet 580 is the world's largest airship and it will be used as a stratospheric satellite. A trial flight w! ill take place later this year, having as goal the measuring o! f moistu re content in the soil. According to the company, this type of airships will lead to commercial airship production and generate hundreds of jobs. E-Green Technologies has high expectations from this product, but the huge balloons are not extremely reliable. Just recently a huge NASA science balloon crashed in Australia. History also records many disasters like Hindenburg.

related story (sgx17371):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Reusite ale umanitatii
by Claudia Sonea

Procesul evolutionist a inceput atunci cand Homo erectus a folosit pentru prima data piatra ca instrument. Dupa aceea indemnul pentru inventare, creare si dezvoltare s-a aprins ca un foc in inima stramosilor nostri si arde inca in inimile noastre. De cele mai multe ori, aceasta nevoie a dus la crearea unor lucruri minunate cum ar fi leacurile pentru boli rare sau energia electrica, dar exista, de asemenea numeroase aspecte negative care au avut ca rezultat moartea multor oameni si distrugerea mediului: bomba atomica, tunuri, tancuri militare, droguri. In zilele noastre, datorita faptului ca procesul de inventare si cr! eare care a insotit procesul evolutionist a cauzat o multime de daune mediului, obiectivul principal este de a face bunuri de consum ecologice, astfel accentual fiind pus pe tehnologiile ecologice. Acum exista masini care functioneaza pe energie electrica, mai degraba decat pe baza de petrol sau benzinca care au contribuit enorm la deteriorarea atmosferei noastra; exista o multime de procese continuue de a recicla toate bunurile pe care le aruncam, fabricile trebuie sa vina cu solutii diferite pentru a preveni poluarea. Tot mai multe companii au fost create pentru a veni cu produse ecologice in industria automobilelor, in telecomunicatii, agricultura, si multe altele. E-Green Technologies este una dintre companiile care incearca sa ofere clientilor sai o gama variata de solutii ecologice care ar fi, de asemenea, eficiente din punct de vedere al costului de productie, totusi activitatea de baza a companiei este sa creeze vehicule mai usoa! re decat aerul, care folosesc drept combustibil alge, protejan! d astfel mediul inconjurator. Cel mai recent proiect numit Bullet 580 este cel mai mare dirijabil din lume si va fi folosit ca un satelit stratosferic. Un zbor de proba va avea loc in cursul acestui an, avand ca scop masurarea continutului de umiditate din sol. Potrivit companiei, acest tip de aeronave va duce la productia de dirijabile comerciale si va genera sute de locuri de munca. E-Green Technologies are asteptari mari de la acest produs, dar baloanele imense nu sunt extrem de fiabile. Doar recent un imens balon de stiinta al lui NASA s-a prabusit in Australia. Istoria inregistreaza de asemenea multe dezastre precum Hindenburg.

related story (sgx17375):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Greenland is rising as icebergs and ice sheets melt
by Zuzana Zelenakova

It is estimated that eighty percent of Greenland´s surface is covered by ice, which is about 1,700,000 square kilometers. Only the Antarctic Ice Sheet is bigger than the one at Greenland. The real surface of Greenland was pushed by enormous weight of ice almost at sea level, so it the ice was to disappear Greenland would most probably look like an archipelago. Greenland is one of the places most affected by global warming. Scientists are worried about acceleration of ice sheet melting that occurred in recent years. The melting not only contributes to the rise of sea level, but it is also responsible for freshwater in the ocean that could affect ocean circulation and s! ubsequently also result in some climate changes in the area. Recently, scientists confirmed that the entire island of Greenland is rising from the waters at an extremely accelerated pace. The reason is that the island becomes lighter and lighter as its ice sheets and icebergs melt. Scientists determined it is being pushed up by 1 inch per year. "It's been known for several years that climate change is contributing to the melting of Greenland's ice sheet," Dixon said in a statement. "What's surprising, and a bit worrisome, is that the ice is melting so fast that we can actually see the land uplift in response." said Tim Dixon, professor of geophysics at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), who is the principal investigator of the study. According to him, the pace could accelerate to as much as 2 inches per year by 2025. The same situation is also in other places, for example, the European Alps. “During ice ages and in tim! es of ice accumulation, the ice suppresses the land. When the ! ice melt s, the land rebounds upwards. Our study is consistent with a number of global warming indicators, confirming that ice melt and sea-level rise are real and becoming significant,” says RSMAS research associate professor Shimon Wdowinski.

related story (sgx17344):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting couple! d with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Najnova arheološka senzacija od Erusalim
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Gradot Erusalim sé ušte krie nekoi tajni od minatoto i neodamnešnoto arheološko otkritie go dokažuva toa. Vo vtornikot beše objaveno deka arheolozi otkrile delovi od akvadukt vedaš nadvor od zidovite na Stariot grad na Erusalim. Akvaduktot pretstavuva zdanie od stari vreminja što se sostoi od sistem na most kako konstrukcii i drugi, čija cel bila da prenesuvaat voda do gradovite i isto taka da gi navadi žitarkite. Povekjeto od lugjeto go povrzuvaat akvaduktot so Rimjanite, zašto tie se najdobro začuvani, no vistinata leži vo toa deka tie postoele od mnogu porano vo Bliskiot Istok i vo Indija. Akvaduktot od 1! 4.vek go snabduval Erusailm so voda rečisi 600 godini. Fotografii od docniot 19.vek, koga gradot go rakovodele Otomancite. Napis vpišan na mostot pokažuva deka bil izgraden od mamlučkiot sultan Naser al-Din Muhamed vo 1320 godina. Otkritieto nastana za vreme na rekonstrukcijata na aktuelniot voden sistem vo gradot. Timot go vodeše arheologot Hehiel Zelinger iskopa dva zasvodeni sekcii od mostot što bea visoki okolu devet stapki. Faktot što go pokažuva otkritieto vo ušte pointrigantno svetlo se sostoi vo toa što akvaduktot se protega po ruta što datira od vremeto na Isus. Vo bibliskoto vreme, koga populacijata vo gradovite se zgolemuvala brzo, liderite bile prisiluvani da baraat alternativen izvor za voda i tie otkrile eden na okolu 10 km odalečen od Vitleem. Spored Zelinger, prviot akvadukt na rutata sponata pogore bil konstruiran pred približno 2.000 godini. „Ako možeme da iskopame i da dojdeme d! o znaenje i togaš da napravime da funkcioniraa – to! a e ona što obično go pravime“, reče Zelinger, mislejkji na ekipata na vodenata kompanija koja raboti na mestoto, isto taka. „Se trudime da ne im prečime, no dokolku se pojavi nešto unikatno – zakonot e na naša strana.“

related story (sgx17331):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital b! roadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tri misii pretstojat
by Milota Sidorova

Sme go slušnale toa porano. Amerikanskata NASA gi objavi nejzinite planovi da se otkaže od programite na Vselenskiot brod pred nekolku meseci i godini. NASA ja stopiram programata posle rečisi tri decenii. Spored izvestuvačot Pet Dagins, tie bile prestari, neefikasni i možele da se soočat so bezbednosni problemi, no direktniot i sporedniot efekt na Florida (mestoto za poletuvanje) bea navistina zabeležliv. Taka, ovaa godini, se podtogvuvaat samo tri novi misii so vselesnki brodovi. Poletuvanjeto kje se sluči na 14 maj i brodot "Atlantis" se očekuva da ponese ekipaž od šest astronauti i rezervi so namirnici za Megjunaro! dnata vselenska stanica. Pogolemiot del od tovarot e prenačičkan vo ruski modul što se očekuva da bide povrzan za Megjunarodnata vselenska stanica. Ekipata planira da napravi tri prošetki vo vselenata za da smeni baterii i da se spravi so slobodna antena. Toa kje bide poslednata misija za "Atlantis". Celiot proekt kje trae 12 dena. Posle toa kje bide skladiran, no nema da bide rasturen i kje í se pridruži na muzejskata izložba, kako što e planirno. "Atlantis" kje ostane podgotven za konečnoto patuvanje na brodot "Endeavour" (Nastojuvanje"). "Atlantis" kje bide lansiran dokolku nekoja greška ili tehnička greška se sluči so "Endeavour"."Endeavour" e planiran za noemvriskata misija, no pred toa "Didcovery" kje go doživee posledniot pat vo septemvri. Državata Florida gubi del od imidzot, a da ne se spomnat iljadnici rabotni mesta povrzani so vselenata. Zasega, pretstavnicite na NASA objavija deka p! laniraat da gi objavija deka tie planiraat da gi prefrlat ovie! vrabote ni vo različni oblasti i da spasat što e možno povekje rabotni pozicii i da gi eliminiraat ovie vidovi negativni aspekti.

related story (sgx17313):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed! to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Najnovšia archeologická senzácia z Jeruzalema
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Mesto Jeruzalem ešte stále skrýva tajomstvá minulosti, a najnovší archeologický objav je toho dôkazom. V utorok sa na verejnosť dostali oficiálne správy o tom, že archeológovia objavili v blízkosti hradieb Starého mesta časti akvaduktu. Akvadukt je stavba pochádzajúca zo starých čias, ktorá pozostáva zo systému konštrukcií podobných mostom a iných a jej cieľom bolo privádzať vodu do miest a tiež zavlažovať úrodu. Mnoho ľudí si akvadukty spája najmä so starými Rimanmi, pretože ! tie ich patria medzi najzachovalejšie, no pravdou je, že prvé akvadukty sa objavili už omnoho skôr na Blízkom východe a v Indii. Akvadukt , o ktorom je reč teraz pochádza zo 14. storočia a zásoboval mesto vodou takmer 600 rokov. Dokazujú to i fotografie z konca 19. Storočia, kedy mestu vládli Turci. Nápis vytesaný do mosta hovorí, že ho dal postaviť mamelucký sultán Nasser al-Din Muhammed v roku 1320. Akvadukt bol objavený počas opráv dnešného moderného vodného systému mesta. Tím vedený archeológom Yehielom Zelingerom dve deväť oblúkové sekcie mosta, ktorý siahal do výšky troch metrov. Fakt, ktorý vrhá celý objav do ešte zaujímavejšieho svetla je ten, že akvadukt lemuje trasu ešte z čias Ježiša Krista. V biblickom období, k! eď sa počet obyvateľstva rapídne zvý&! #353;il, vodcovia mesta boli nútení hľadať alternatívny zdroj vody, a našli ho v približne 10 kilometrov vzdialenom Betleheme. Podľa Zelingera, prvý akvadukt na zmienenej trase bol postavený asi pred 2 000 rokmi. „Snažíme sa venovať svojim vykopávkam, získať potrebné informácie a nechať ich pracovať,“ hovorí Zelinger na margo ľudí z vodárenskej spoločnosti, ktorý na mieste tiež pracujú. „Snažíme sa nezavadzať, no pokiaľ ide o niečo jedinečné – právo je na našej strane.“

related story (sgx17278):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Latest archeological sensation from Jerusalem
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The city of Jerusalem still hides some secrets from the past, and latest archeological find is the proof. It was announced on Tuesday that archeologists made a discovery of aqueduct segments just outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. An aqueduct is a construction from ancient times consisting of system of bridge like constructions and others, whose purpose was to convey water to cities and also to irrigate crops. Most of people associate aqueduct with the Romans, because those are best preserved, but the truth is they were introduced much earlier in the Near East and India. The 14th century aqueduct supplied Jerusalem with water for almost 600 years. Photographs ! from the late 19th century, when the city was ruled by the Ottomans prove that. Inscription carved into the bridge shows that it was built by Mamluk sultan Nasser al-Din Muhammed in 1320. The discovery was made during the repairs on the city´s current water system. The team led by the archeologist Yehiel Zelinger unearthed two nine arched sections of the bridge that was about nine feet (three meters) high. The fact that shows the discovery in even more intriguing light is that the aqueduct runs along a route that dates back to the times of Jesus. In biblical times, when the population of the city grew rapidly, the leaders were forced to look for alternative source of water, and they found one in about 10 kilometers distanced Bethlehem. According to Zelinger, the first aqueduct on the route mentioned above was constructed approximately 2,000 years ago. “if we can excavate and get the knowledge, and then let them work – that´s what we usually do,” ! said Zelinger referring to the water company crew that is work! ing on t he site too. “We´re trying not to be in the way, but if there´s something unique – we have the law on our side.”

related story (sgx17274):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content thr! ough proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, May 10, 2010

V skutku originálna oslava!
by Barbora Misakova

Meno Isaaca Newtona je nám pravdepodobne všetkým známe. Tento anglický fyzik, matematik a astronóm sa stal jednou z najvplyvnejších osôb v ľudskej histórii. Narodil sa v roku 1643 a musel čakať viac ako 40 rokov, kým napísal jedno zo svojich najvplyvnejších diel – Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Bolo to však aj Newtonovo zdráhanie a strach z kritiky a kontroverzie, ktoré spomalili publikovanie tejto, dnes tak známej štúdie. Tá sa napokon stala majstrovským dielom, ktoré popisuje univerzálny zákon gravitácie a tr! i zákony pohybu, čím z Newtona urobila jedného z najvplyvnejších mužov všetkých čias. Príbeh o Newtonovej jabloni by sa dal dnes považovať za rozprávku, ktorú poznajú deti po celom svete. Tie sa isto dodnes smejú na tom, ako jablko spadlo zo stromu priamo na vedátorovu hlavu, čím ho donútilo zamýšľať sa nad tým, čo sa dnes označuje ako gravitácia. Prečo jablko padne vždy na zem a nepohybuje sa smerom hore či nabok? To boli otázky, ktoré Newtonovi vírili v hlave. Minimálne preto si táto jabloň zasluhuje našu úctu. Kráľovská spoločnosť sa rozhodla, že kúsok z Newtonovho stromu vyšle do vesmíru. Úlomok o veľkosti 4 palcov bude na palube vesmírnej lode Atlantis spolu s astronautmi, keď budúci týždeň! ; vzlietnu do nekonečného orbitu. Ako humorne poznam! enal ast ronaut Piers Sellers: „Vezmem tento kúsok stromu do vesmíru a nechám ho nech sa trošku vznáša okolo, to Isaaca určite zmätie.“ Časť jablone by mal byť darom pre Kráľovskú spoločnosť, ktorá oslavuje svoje 350. výročie. Ako súčasť osláv spoločnosť zverejnila na internete dokument z 18. storočia, v ktorom Newton popisuje incident s jablkom a stromom. Podľa mňa ide o jednu z najoriginálnejších spôsobov, ako si uctiť nielen ľudského ducha a jeho úspech, no v neposlednom rade i Newtona samotného!

related story (sgx17239):! /20100507/ap_on_re_us/us_space_shu...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Very original celebration
by Barbora Misakova

The name Isaac Newton is probably well known to all of us. This English physicist, mathematician, astronomer became one of the most influential people in human history. He was born in 1643 and he had to wait more than 40 years to write one of his the most influential books called Principia. It was also Newton’s reluctance and fear of controversy and criticism which slowed down publication of his calculus. But after all it became a masterpiece which described universal gravitation and the three law of motion and made from him one the most influential people on planet. The story of Newton’s apple tree became as popular as a fairytale and many children around the w! orld are laughing at the modified version of story, when the apple fell down directly on scholar’s head and so made him to think about gravitation. Why is apple always falling down and is not going upwards or sideways? These were the questions spinning in Newton’s head. This apple tree “deserves” our respect and that is why this piece of Newton’s apple three will be flying aboard space shuttle Atlantis next week. As humorously informed astronaut Piers Sellers who will take 4-inch sliver of the tree to the space: “I will take it up into orbit and let it float around a bit, which will confuse Isaac.” This should be kind of a present for The Royal Society that is celebrating 350th anniversary. As part of the celebration they made the 18th-century document detailing Newton’s account of the famous apple incident available online. According to me, this is the most original way how to celebrate human success and Newton himself!
related story (sgx17235):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Three missions to go
by Milota Sidorova

We have heard that before. American NASA announced it was planning to drop off Space Shuttle programs few months (years) ago. NASA is stopping the program after nearly three decades. According to Pet Duggins, a reporter they were too old, not effective and could face the security problems, but the direct and side effect on Florida (taking-off place) were really remarkable So this year, only three more Space Shuttle missions are prepared. The upcoming will take place in May 14 and Shuttle Atlantis is expected to carry a crew of six astronauts and a load of supplies to the International Space Station. Most of the load is crammed inside Russian-built module that is expected to! be attached to the ISS. The crew is planning to make three spacewalks to change batteries and handle a spare antenna. It will be the last mission for Atlantis. The whole project will take 12 days. After that it will be stored, but won't be dismantled and join the museum exhibition as planned. Atlantis will stay ready for the final trip by Shuttle Endeavour. Altantis will launch if there would be any mistake or technical error with Endeavour. Endeavour is scheduled for November mission, but before that Discovery is making its final trip in September. State of Florida is loosing part of the image not to mention thousands of space-related jobs. So far, NASA representatives announced they were planning to move these employees to different areas and to save as much jobs as possible and eliminate these kinds of negative aspects.

related story (sgx17210):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Spánok – najlepší liek
by Milota Sidorova

To, že spánok ovplyvňuje našu výkonnosť počas dňa nie je pre nás žiadnou novinkou. Nedostatok spánku sa obyčajne prejavuje na druhý deň, avšak s postupujúcim vekom sa čas na obnovu predlžuje. Pamätám si, bolo to nedávno, mala som šestnásť a dokázala som fungovať 9 hodín v škole, stretnúť tri skupiny kamarátov, zapadnúť do nejakého podniku, potom trieliť na hodinu klavíra, večer vybehnúť na hodinu vzdialený kopec, vychutnať si západ slnka a skončiť na nejakej! párty. Pretancovať noc, pospať hodinku na lavici a ísť do školy. Občas som tento kolobeh dokázala pretočiť aj dva, trikrát za sebou. Dnes mám dvadsať tri a podobnú sprostosť by som si nechcela zopakovať. Nevydržala by som to. Tak ako predtým, ani teraz nie som fanúškom podporných látok typu káva, energetické drinky a čokoláda. Ak sa mi aj stane, že vydržím hore celú noc (bývam dosť workoholická), druhý deň mám isté zahmlené vnímanie. Mám sklony prepočuť veci, ktoré mi hovoria ľudia, chce sa mi smiať alebo plakať, ale najviac zo všetkého túžim po nejakom mieste, kde by som sa mohla natiahnúť. Niekedy sa z prebdených nocí skombinovaných s náročnými dňami nespamätám celý ! víkend.Nerobím si ilúzie. V budúcnosti to ! bude e&# 353;te horšie. Existujú ale ľudia, ktorí tento životný štýl praktizujú celé roky. Nehovorím o tých party people, ale o workoholickej mase, ktorá ma obklopuje. Mnoho z nich pracuje aj 18 hodín denne. Mnoho z nich musí byť na telefóne 24 hodín 7 dní v týždni. Zvládajú to lepšie, či horšie. Čo je však najhoršie je, že to začínajú považovať za normálne. Je normálne vyhorieť počas desiatich rokov. Je to dokonca in. Je in spať štyri hodiny denne, zvládať kopu práce, byť sexi a úspešný.Nevábne predpovede odhadujú, že takmer polovica ľudí mojej generácie nedožije päťdesiat rokov. Príčinu pripisujú civilizačným chorobám – vysokému krvnému tlaku, srdcovo-cievn! ym príhodám, cukrovke, rakovine. Na tomto má zasa zásadný podiel spánkový manažment. Respektíve jeho nedostatok v kombinácii so stresom. Aké sú následky prebdenej noci? Okrem spomínanej zníženej koncentrácie a únavy sa začína akcelerovať proces starnutia – pokožka je suchšia, zvrásnenejšia, oči sú matné a prepadlé, vlasy suchšie. Objavujú sa kruhy okolo očí. Niekto takéto veci rieši make upom, ale nedá sa to kamuflovať nadlho. Niekto toto rieši podpornými látkami, existuje celá paleta energetických prípravkov, piluliek, avšak tie stimulujú telo krátkodobo – miera vyčerpania sa v skutočnosti prehlbuje – mozog vyčerpáva svoju energiu, prerušujú sa nervové spojenia, horšie si pamätáme! , neuvedomujeme si. Telo sa však bráni, vytvára! endorf& #237;ny, tzv. hormóny radosti, ktoré nám dodávajú oný vznostný pocit. Endorfíny redukujú pocit bolesti a pomáhajú telu prežiť následné obdobie. Avšak toto trvá len istú dobu. Ak nespíme dlhodobo, môžeme stratiť schopnosť spať. Nielen zaspať, ale mať spánok, ktorý obnovuje. Toto niektorí riešia tabletkami na spanie. Avšak tie nevrátia energiu – zaspíme po nich rýchlo, ale zobúdzame sa rovnako unavení, ako predtým. Čo nasleduje potom? Vysoký krvný tlak, nízky krvný tlak, zmeny nálad, srdcová arytmia?Naozaj musíme ísť tak ďaleko? V každej práci sme nahraditeľní, avšak zdravie je stále iba jedno.Naše telo sa nedá oklamať. Nie je schopné jednostranne zvládať tento typ stresu. Nie! je shopné byť dlhodobo výkonné a sexi súčasne. Je nutné všímať si jeho mechanizmy, je to krehký boj o rovnováhu. Mali by sme mu venovať veľkú dávku pozornosti. O to viac v prípade, že plánujeme žiť dlhšie ako 40 rokov a nezomrieť bolestivou smrťou.

related story (sgx17214):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fizičari go fatija spinot na elektronot
by Zivka Deleva

Ušte eden golem den za fizičarite! Tie uspeaja da gi napravat prvite sliki od vrtenje na elektronite, koristejkji specijalen mikroskop. Za da bidam poprecizna za čitatelite, spinot e edna od najvažnite karakteristiki na elektronite, zaedno so nabojot i masata. Toa ja opišuva nasokata što ja zazema elektronot – gore i dolu. Mnogu naučnici dosega bile skeptični za možnosta za spinot da se vidi na indidualni atomi. Sudijata ja napravija fizičari od Univerzitetite od Ohajo, SAD i od Hamburg vo Germanija i beše objavena od spisanieto „Nature Nanotechnology“. Naučnicite koristea mikroskop za da ja sle! dat promenata na spinot na elektronite na atomi od kobalt. Ovoj metal ima 27 protoni i isto tolku broj na elektroni. Mikroskopot imaše vrv pokrien so železo. Slikite pokažaa deka atomite se pojavuvaa kako poedinečno ispapčuvanje koga spinot bil nagore i dvojno ispapčuvanje koga spinot bil vo sprotivna nasoka. Otkritieto može lesno da vlijae na razvojot na skladiranjeto na magnetite na nano-nivo, na kvantnite kompjuteri, isto taka. „Različni nasoki na spinot može da značar različni sostojbi za skladiranje. Memoriskite uredi na aktuelnite kompjuteri sodržat desetici iljadi atomi. Vo idnina, možebi kje možeme da koristime eden atom i da ja smenime mokjnosta na kompjuterot na iljadnici“ – reče Sau Vai Hla, pridružen profesor po fizika i astronomija na Univerzitetot vo Ohajp, Institutot za kvantni fenomeni i eden od osnovnite istražuvači na studijata. Eden od profesorit! e na Univerzitetot vo Hamburg, Andre Kubecka reče deka za! da se n apravi slika na spinot, timot koristel manganska površina so spin što im dozvolil na naučnicite da go manipuliraat spinot na atomite što bea podložni na eksperiment. Što se slučuva koga nekolkumina pametni momci kje se soberat vo edna laboratorija i imaat edna cel, da odat podlaboko vo znaenjeto?
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Physicists caught the spin of an electron
by Zivka Deleva

Another big day for the physicists! They have succeeded to capture the first images of the spinning of the electrons using a special microscope. To be more precise to the readers, the spin is one of the most important characteristics of the electrons, together with charge and mass. It describes the direction that the electron takes – up or down. A lot of scientists by far have been skeptical about the possibility for the spin to be seen in individual atoms. The study was done by physicists from Ohio University and the University of Hamburg in Germany, and was published by the journal “Nature Nanotechnology”. The scientist used a microscope to follow the ch! ange of the spin of electrons in cobalt atoms. This metal in has 27 protons and the same number of electrons. The microscope had a iron-coated tip. The images showed that the atoms appeared as a single protrusion if the spin direction was upward and double protrusion when the spin was with the opposite direction. This discovery can be very influential on the development of the nanoscale magnetic storage, on quantum computers, as well. "Different directions in spin can mean different states for data storage. The memory devices of current computers involve tens of thousands of atoms. In the future, we may be able to use one atom and change the power of the computer by the thousands" - said Saw-Wai Hla, an associate professor of physics and astronomy in Ohio University's Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute and one of the primary researchers on the study. One of the professors of the University of Hamburg, Andre Kubetzka said that to take an image of the spin, the team ! used a manganese surface with a spin that allowed the scientis! ts to ma nipulate the spin of the atoms that were experimented. What happens when few smart guys gather together in one lab and have one goal, to go deeper in the knowledge?
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Maori Warriors return home
by Claudia Sonea

Finally, there is a country that would not hold on to its power over other smaller countries. Although France is well known for its chauvinist views and often criticizing those who are different, the country has managed to improve its bad image abroad by deciding to return the tattooed mummified Maori warrior heads to the rightful owner, New Zealand. The tattooed heads are in fact Mokomokai, indigenous people of New Zealand called Maoris who had the skin carved by uhi (chisels). If the Maoris wanted to keep the tattooed heads of warriors in order to honor them and thinking that they were in fact keeping the warrior’s spir! its alive, the Europeans wanted to keep the heads as collection pieces just perfect to be shown up in museums. In spite of the fact that its reasons are shallows, France refused to give up the artifacts that were plundered by explorers, by the crusaders, by the soldiers during their military expeditions. On Tuesday the French National Assembly after a debate that took place on the 29th of April, approved the restitution of the mummified heads of Maoris to New Zealand. It is a success for activists campaigning for the restitution of bodies and antiquities, although there are still a lot of other mummies and archaeological treasures that U.S. and European museums are holding back. The heads will be repatriated to “Te Papa museum” in Wellington and are part of the museum’s attempt to bring home the Maori ancestral remains. Moreover, since 2003 Te Papa registered 180 repatriations from 39 countries. New Zeala! nd had the bravery to fight for its rights, for getting back i! ts ances tors, but what about other countries that suffered the same fate and are powerless in confronting other countries like France, England or US? Let’s just hope the Maori story will open the road for other countries and to other bold attempts.

related story (sgx17182):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone ca! lls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.