
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Trening za zemjotres
by Claudia Sonea

I pokraj toa što ekonomijata pominuva niz seriozni krizi, amerikancite silno se držat i prodolžuvaat so nivniot sekojdneven život. Posle sé, go imaat ova pominato vo minatoto i go imaat preživeano. Sega, ekonomijata može sekogaš da se reši i da se raboti so nea, no prirodata ne čeka nikogo, ova treba da bide pod postojano nabljuduvanje. Zemjotresite se važna rabota i pokraj toa što tie ne se taka organizirani kako vo Japonija (godišen trening za zemjotres vo sekavanje na golemiot zemjotres od 1923 godina Golemiot Kanto), amerikanskite žiteli se na praviot pat.
Vo četvrtokot vo Južna Kalifornija, vo oblasta San Andreas, trening za zemjotres beše oddržan vklučuvajki golem broj na luge i beše narečen "Golemiot". Hipotetička magnituda od 7.8 potres beše predizvikana vo južniot del od San Andreas sozdavajki dviženje so brzina od 200 milji. Tresenjeto ke trae tri minuti, smrtnosta ke bide 1800 i procenata na štetata ke bide okolu 200 bilioni dolari. Vo početokot lugeto koi živeat vo Kaliforniskata oblast (najaktivnata seizmička oblast vo državata), no silata vo juli beše so tresok od 5.4 stepeni i gi natera da se priklučat vo naporite (okolu 400 novi luge). Isto taka prognozite od strana na USGS za zemjotres vo narednite 30 godinin koj ke ima epicentar vo Južna Kalifornija gi zagrižija lugeto.
Guvernerot Arnold Švarceneger beše isto taka prisuten na treningot i tankiraše 5 milioni luge koi se priklučija na silite na lokalnata vlada, učilištata, crkvite, bolnicite, timovite za baranje i spasuvanje i drugite vlasti za da uspeat. Toj isto taka ja iskaža svojata blagodarnost kon vladata ponuduvajki gi potrebnite fondovi i site agencii koi se vklučija. I pokraj smeata koja ja predizvikaa, lugeto se poveke svesni i očigledno podobro podgotveni vo slučaj na takva katastrofa. Bravo za niv!

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by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Ice on Mars?
by kristina leskova

Mars is the fourth planet far away from the Sun. This planet is known as red planet. It was named after a Roman war-god, probably due to his red color. Mars is the second smallest planet, the smallest is Mercury. It has two small moons of irregular shape. We can find craters, volcanoes and canyons on its cold and dry surface. There are also white polar caps. There are not conditions for the existence of water as liquid. Nowadays the researchers confirmed that Mars has great glaciers hidden under rocky debris. Founded glaciers mean large reservoirs of water on the planet. The amount of ice was surprising; it seems to be a lot of ice hidden under the surface. But how the ice got to the planet is still a mystery for the researchers. The danger is that the ice on the surface of Mars would immediately sublimate – it means change to gas. The rocky debris covers the ice and that is the reason why the ice could survive below the surface for millions of years. The ice could be the source of water for future expeditions – they could just take the ice and melt him; they would not have to carry the water with them. In the past it was documented that water existed on Mars, but nobody knows where it disappeared. The water on Mars is a hot topic because the existence of water could mean presence of life on the planet. The researches are very expensive, but for the scientists very important. We should now if there is any life except of our Earth.

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by kristina leskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Pygmy tarsier rediscovered in Indonesia
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Large eyes, head-body length of 95 to 105 mm, fur and tail. That is the general description of so called pygmy tarsier. It may sound like we are talking about some cute animated movie creature, but this nocturnal primate is real enough. Pygmy tarsiers were long thought extinct because they were not seen in more than 70 years. However, in 2000, Indonesian scientists accidentally killed one of them while trapping rats. First pygmy tarsiers were seen alive in August 2008 by an expedition from Texas A&M University in Lore Lindu national Park. The expedition led by a researcher Sharon Gursky-Doyen trapped two males and a female and were radio collared to track their movements. "I have the dubious honor of being the only person in the world to have been bitten by [a pygmy tarsier]," Gursky-Doyen told LiveScience. "My field assistant was holding the tarsier and I was attaching a radio collar around its neck and while I was attaching the radio collar he bit me [on the finger]." It seems the leading researcher forgot that these creatures are able to turn their heads 180 degrees. The aim of the tracking device is to learn more about the animals' behavior and everyday habits. Gursky-Doyen and her co-workers set about 276 mist nets on the slopes of Mount Rore Katimbo to capture the three pygmy tarsiers. Pygmy tarsiers live in pairs remaining together for up to 15 months having two breeding seasons. They spend most of the day sleeping in hollowed-out trees. Compared to the other tarsiers the pygmy tarsiers don't seem to mark their territory with musky scent or to call to each other. "How are pygmy tarsiers communicating with one another if they're not doing it through vocalizations or scent marking?" Gursky-Doyen asked. There are yet many questions to be answered about these creatures.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Planetata na vonzemjanite?
by Barbora Misakova

Pred stotina godini toa beše ednostavno nezamislivo, nitu pak da zboruvame deka našata Zemja ne e ramna kako ploča, no nejzinata forma potseka na golema topka. I idejata ne e deka sonceto se vrti okolu Zemjata, tuku obratno, našata Zemja orbitira okolu Sonceto se smetaše za bogohulenje. Kolku sme bile smešni, i možebi sé ušte sme. I pokraj toa što znaeme mnogu malku za Zemjata ovie denovi, za procesite vo prirodata koi sé ušte vlijaat na konečnata pojava, za drugite kozmički objekti kako sonceto, mesečinata i drugite planeti, sé ušte ne možeme da znaeme sé. Vselenata e magična i misteriozna. Poveketo od vremeto, nie go fokusirame našeto vnimanie na Zemjata i drugite planeti, planeti bliski do nas i koi kružat okolu Sonceto isto kako i našata planeta. No naučnicite se poveke i poveke se fascinirani od životot nadvor od našata planeta i poradi toj interes kon takanarečenite ekspoplaneti i planeti nadvor od našiot sončev sistem. Ovoj pat naučnicite dojdoa so neverojatno otkritie na 4 ekspoplaneti koi orbitiraat okolu dzvezdite namesto okolu Sonceto.
Ovie planeti isto taka se narečeni planeti na vonzemjanite, no može da rečam deka vakvata ocena ne e dobro odbrana. Ovoj natpis provocira razni čuvstva kaj lugeto i ljubitelite na naučnata fantastika se verojatno vozbudeni, no drugite luge (se speak pomalku isplašeni od zakanata od vonzemjani) verojatno ne se čuvstvuvaat tolku udobno okolu ova ime. Avtomatski evocira ideja, deka tie planeti se naseleni so vonzemjani. Vo realnosta niedna od ovie gasni planeti e možno da se naseli. No naučnicite sekogaš se tolku optimistični i mislat deka posle kratko vreme tie ke "stignat do sina točka koja ke nalkuva na zemjena točka." No jas nema da se plašam vo nikoj slučaj! Naučnicite vo poslednite 13 godini otkrija poveke od 300 planeti slični na ovaa, i dosega nikakvi vonzemjani ne došle da ne posetat. No zošto ova otkritie e tolku specijalno? Zatoa što za prv pat imame slika od ovie planeti. Vselenskite naučnici na NASA glavniot pretsedatel Ed Vejler veli deka Hubble teleskopot ja ispolnil poslednata od glavnite golemi zadači koi se očekuvaa od nego: "Ova e son koj se ostvaruva posle 18 i pol godini." Dodeka NASA očekuva da go proslavi svojot uspeh, Alan Bos, ekspert za ekspoplaneti vo Institucijata Karnegi vo Vašington, i lovecot na ekspoplaneti Lisa Kalteneger na Harvard misli deka treba da se proučuvaat ovie planeti poveke za da se potvrdat kako planeti a ne samo kako kafeni dzudzesti dzvezdi. Kako što jas ne sum ekspert za ekspoplaneti, nitu vrabotena vo NASA, bi sakala da im ja prepuštam ovaa debata na profesionalcite. No jas sum veke ljubopitna što novo tie ke otkrijat!

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by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

by Silvia Szarkova

It was extra- ordinary well preserved and looks very impressive; in addition it helps to draw a picture of life of higher society in past, said experts of excavated earring in Jerusalem. According to the report released on Monday, it looks very good to it´s age, because this earring is dated to be 2,000-year-old. It is made whole from gold- large pearl is laid to the gold having two drop pieces, both with an emerald and pearl surrounded by gold.

It´s discovery came up with large real Eureka: "Suddenly one of the excavators came up shouting 'Eureka!'" said Doron Ben-Ami, who directed the dig in Jerusalem. The master piece was found under the parking lot, just few steps away of Jerusalem´s Old City, uncovered in Byzantine structure, which was built many years after the creating of the earring and according to Ben-Ami, it dates to the Roman period, just to the time of Jesus.

It is more likely to be passed down throught generations, Ben- Ami even says it was not created for ordinary people: "It must have belonged to someone of the elite in Jerusalem. Such a precious item, it couldn't be one of just ordinary people."

Archaeologist Simon Gibson, who was not involved in any of these excavation, says it is amazing firstly for its precious nature, just secondly because of its Roman origin. In archaeological context of the history of Jerusalem, jewelry is hardly preserved, he adds to its theory, in which the nature and characteristic should take precedens of its origin.

The Israel Antiquities Authority says the technique used in this earring is similar to that one used in portraits from Roman- era Egypt.

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by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Biblijata - fakt ili legenda?
by Barbora Misakova

Istorijata e tolku nejasna. Tolku mnogu detali (vo mnogu slučai mnogu važni) se krijat vo senkite i nie možeme samo da polemizirame. Duri i ako ste arheolog nikogaš ne možete da bidete sigurni deka ste našle dokaz, ponekogaš e poveke od nevozmožno da se kaže kako točno se slučuvaat rabotite. Verojatno edinstveniot izvor koj kažuva za rabotite kako što se slučile e Biblijata. Verojatno poveketo od nas se smeatsega. Najgolemata kniga pomegu site knigi - sigurno, no od druga strana za nevernicite toa e samo kniga so bajki. Lugeto se nedoverlivi suštestva, tie sekogaš baraat dokazi. No duri i ako gi najdat, tie imaat vistinski problemi da veruvaat vo niv.

Moderniot izraelski grad Beit Šemiš leži vo judejskite ridovi, na stranata koja gleda nad Elah dolinata. Vo edna od iskopanite kuki beše otkriena staklena ploča so pet linii od izbledneti karakteri. Josi Garfinkel, izraelski arheolog glaven za iskopuvanje misli deka ovoj relikt e postar i od samata Biblija! Kako što beše otkrieno podocna karakterite napišani na pločata se poznati kako proto-Kananajt - prethodnik na hebrejskata azbuka. Ova go navede Garfinkel da veruva deka tekstot e hebrejski. Drugi naučnici ne bea tolku sigurni, zatoa što izraelcite ne se edinstvenite koi gi koristele proto-Kananajtite kako bukvi. Garfinkel vrz osnova na negovata identifikacija na trikarakterniot glagol koj postoel samo vo hebrejskiot od druga strana veruva deka toa e dokažuva deka ovoj pronajdok e "najstariot hebrejski natpis koj e voopšto pronajden." Ako ova e vistina, togaš točnosta na Biblijata može da bide zenemarena. Kako i da e mnogu naskoro ke se donesat zaklučoci. Arheolozite ke prodolžat so nivnite iskopuvanja i filolozi koi ke se obidat da go prevedat ovoj natpis što može da trae so meseci. Do togaš ke mora da počekame.

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by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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