
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New research about creation of the world
by Romana Otockova

Some people believe the world was made by God. Some of them believe in more reliable story & that world and our Earth created itself after the Big Bang. According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common and useful analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like raisins in a rising loaf of bread.
The first cosmological object formed in the universe was a tiny protostar with a mass of about 1 percent of our sun, according to U.S. and Japanese researchers who spent years developing a complex computer simulation of what it was like after the Big Bang that formed the universe. This protostar was surrounded by a giant mass of gas and it grew rapidly quickly on a cosmic scale. Also these first stars were very different from stars like the sun. Sun is mostly hydrogen and it also contains oxygen and carbon, but the early stars were primaly hydrogen and helium and were much more luminous and had a shorter life. The typical lifetime of these early stars was a million years or so, while a star like the sun can continue for 5 billion years. Because of their short lifespan, none of the first generation of stars is still around but we do see stars in our galaxy that have very different properties than our sun, and it's possible these are second-generation stars.
Volker Bromm, an assistant astronomy professor at the University of Texas, said that the findings could help researchers finally unlock the problem of understanding star formation, much as the Rosetta stone led to the understanding of ancient Egyptian writing.

related story:;_ylt=AtYzt.J1zT9JTZ1sftuZAoWs0NUE

by Romana Otockova
for PocketNews (

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