
Thursday, June 19, 2008

115-year-old Woman's Brain in Tip-Top Shape
by Radka Konkolova

These days the longevity starts to become a new trend among the people. There is more people who live more than 100 years over the world. It is due to genetic disposal and also due to peoples' lifestyle and level of living of given country. This has been typical mostly for Japanese and residents of the East of the Asia, but recently this trend is extending in western Europe and America. One of these centenarians has been living in Netherlands and this woman was hoary 115 years old when died. She was probably very educated and interested in science while she offered her body to the research after death. But at that time she didn't suspect how far from that date is her death. When she wanted to give her body to the University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, she was 82 years. She had been thoughtful in such age but it wasn't worse nor 30 years later. But when she was over one hundred years, she was in fear calling to the neuroscientist, one of the future researcher of her brain. She was calling while thinking her body was too old for such research, but scientists reassured her, that it is no problem, but vice versa. The most surprising thing on her brain was probably the structure of it. Because in spite of the fact she was in very high age, the cognitive functions of her brain were on very high level, what means, it was approximately on the level of average 60 – 75 year person. There were found no significant signs of Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Another very interesting thing is, that there was no sign of narrowing the arteries, what means, there was no attribute of suffering from atherosclerosis. She was able to remember and pay attention better than some people of 70's. So these are the mysteries of human brain. I think this part of human body probably belongs to the the most vague. There are many factors in the human life which influence our behaviour, memory and the brain function in general. Very important is influence of those genetic ones, but we can also train our memory and generally our brain by doing various activities using our brain and memory. Also the right food can support the activity of our brain and mind. Thanks to this research as well, scientists are closer to complete knowing of human brain and now they can even claim, there can be more and more older people who won't suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's disease. They suppose there will be more than 580,000 centenarians in 2040 from 80,000 nowadays only in the US. And this is in my opinion quite big number, because in the countries of East of Asia, there will be certainly bigger amount of such people..

related story:;_ylt=AtyeR5fL8wln2QdJlK3jCpqs0NUE

by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (

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edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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