
Monday, June 30, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: NASA posilňuje ďalšiu generáciu mesačných rakiet
by Radka Konkolova

Obyvatelia Zeme, zvlášť vedci, sú veľmi zvedaví ľudia. Už síce boli vo vesmíre, ale stále sa snažia získať viac informácií o priestore obklopujúcom našu domovskú planétu. Takže robia rôzne výskumy a premýšľajú nad najlepším spôsobom, ako sa k týmto informáciám dostať. Okrem toho, že posielajú tam hore rakety a družice, niektorých z nich to nie je dosť a chcú byť súčasťou tohto predstavenia. Takže sú ochotní stráviť nejaký čas bey svojich rodín a priateľov nad našimi hlavami niekde ďaleko od našej planéty, na mieste, kde ich odtiaľto ani nie je vidieť. Každý vie, že ľudia na Mesiaci už mali svojich “vyslancov”, ale teraz chcú späť poslať ďalších ľudí. NASA tento projekt pripravuje už dosť dlho a teraz je už isté, ako bude vyzerať vesmírna loď. Mená nosných rakiet, ktoré budú vyslané na Mesiac a späť a neskôr možno aj na Mars, sú Ares I a Ares V. Ares I dopraví na povrch Mesiaca kozmonautov a Ares V je skonštruovaný na prepravu zásob a iného nákladu. Čísla v menách týchto nosných rakiet sú venované na počesť prvých vesmírnych rakiet Saturn I – V, ktoré boli použíté pri prvej misii na Mesiac, ktorá mala názov Apollo. Je to niečo ako nová generácia rakiet. Ale pôvodný návrh tejto obrovskej nosnej rakety bol trochu iný. Ares je schopný odviesť štvorčlennú vesmírnu posádku, mesačného robota a vybavenie a pretože jeho hlavnou úlohou je doprava nákladu, jeho kapacita a veľkosť sa rozširujú. Tento bude o 20 stôp, čo je asi 6 metrov, dlhší ako pôvodne mal byť, teda bude merať 381 stôp, čím dosiahne približne rovnakú výšku ako 38 posochodová budova. Očakáva sa, že bude môcť odniesť na Mesiac, a raz možno aj na Mars, približne 156 600 libier (70 500 kg) nákladu. Asi každá takáto nosná raketa je poháňaná skvapalneným kyslíkom a vodíkom. Ares V bude skonštruovaný so šiestimi takýmito motormi, namiesto pôvodných piatich, ktoré budú väčšie, čo znamená, že aj efektívnejšie. Astronauti by mali dosiahnuť obežnú dráhu Mesiaca na palube znovu použiteľného Aresa I pravdepodobne v roku 2020 a ostatné príslušenstvo a veci dôležité a potrebné na výskum budú dopravené Aresom V. Vyberanie dizajnu nosnej rakety nebolo vôbec jednoduché, poretože si vyberali z 1 700 rôznych projektov, čo predstavovalo asi deväťmesačnú štúdiu, kým sa NASA rozhodla projekt potvrdiť. Predpokladá sa, že tá najpodstatnejšia práca na Arese V sa začne niekedy v roku 2010, po tom, ako sa raketa vráti. Táto misia bude omnoho viac prepracovaná ako bol projekt Apollo a to bude pravdepodobne znamenať obrovský úspech pre NASA, astronautov ako aj pre výskumníkov.

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by Radka Konkolova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
posted by Lucia Adamova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Od klimatických zmien k nepokojom .
by Silvia Szarkova

Posudky agentúry Spojených štátov pre inteligenciu boli vždy založené na hlbokom porozumení problému. Nuž, tu je ďalšia správa vydaná touto agentúrou, ktorá sa vyjadruje k veciam,o ktorých už vieme mnohé roky, ale sme o nich nikdy nehovorili tak nahlas ako v posledných rokoch. Globálne zmeny, ktorým musíme čeliť, a to obzvlášť globálne otepľovanie, sú viac náchylné spôsobiť humanitárne katastrofy, nelegálnu migráciu a destabilizácia miestnych vlád može viesť k ohrozovaniu národnej bezpečnosti a nezávislosti krajín po celom svete, hovorí posledná správa. Afrika je extrémne náchylná na tieto problémy, tvrdí správa. Konkrétne regióny pod Saharou a Stredný východ sú očakávané v raste sucha- poľnohospodárske oblasti plodín, ktoré sú závislé na daždi sú predpokladané znížiť svoju produkciu o polovicu v najbližších 12 rokoch. Južé a východné africké časti sú viac náchylné, ako na sucho, tak aj na záplavy, pričom sa očakáva pokles 10 percent v produkcii ryže a obilných plodín. Latinská Amerika nožno zase nezvládne zvyšujúci sa počet snehu a dažďa. Navyše, ďalších 50 miliónov ľudí bude trpieť hladom do roku 2020. Populácia stále rastie, spotreba rastie dvakrát rýchlejšie, ľadovce sa topia rýchlejšie a rýchlejšie. Od 120 miliónov do 1.2 miliardy ľudí v Ázii nebude mať dostatok vody a bude trpieť ťažkosťami ako následok tohto. Správa agentúry inteligencie tiež varuje pred škodlivými účinkami šírenia týchto problémov. Tom Fingar, zástupca riaditeľa intelligenceie pre analýzu, vidí najväčší problém vo fakte, že tieto zmeny majú planetárny, nie lokálny ale globálny charakter. O USA tiež hovorí: ,, Predpokladáme, že najmarkantnejší dopad na Spojené štáty bude nepriamy a bude ústiť z klímy- tento efekt bude prevádzyný a bude vplývať z mnohých iných krajín aj na národnú bezpečnosť Spojených štátov. “Podľa ďalšieho experta Admirála T. Josepha Lopeza, ktorý bol na čele udržania mieru v Bosne v roku 1996, klimatické zmeny bidú pravdepodobne živnou pôdou pre rozšírenie vojen z terorizmu. Správú vydanú národnými agentúrami pre inteligenciu v USA požadovala vláda pred rokom.

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by Silvia Szarkova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
posted by Lucia Adamova

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life Story Worth Holywood!
by Milota Sidorova

Story of 'Methuselah', date palm, grown from the oldest seed in the world is surely worth knowing.However, half of my 'life interests' belong to the plants, let me pour you into the interesting journey of this resurrected giant.In 1963, when a group of archaeologists, digging out the King's Herod fortress in Judea desert, found out a place, where a gathering of hunted Jews had committed massive suicide, small part of findings were ancient date seeds. During the intensive Roman's occupation in Israel, desperate prisoners in Masada had chosen honourable death, rather than a menial slavery.Abandoning all those sad destinies, the seeds rode straight ahead to the laboratory. Almost 40 years spent under intense examination, the age of the seeds was finally proved. Recarbon dating method has attested that the original palms grew between 2110 and 1995 years ago. Under leading of Dr. Sarah Sallon, the director of Louis L. Borick National Medicine Center, the seeds have been included into the Middle Eastern Medical Plant Project with an aim to resurrect the ancient palm species. Sallon, in last week's issue of Science journal claimed, that they wanted to be absolutely sure about the age of samples. They also examined its DNA, that had less than half of a genetic information of today's modern cultivars.Despite several doubts, the seeds have been planted and after three years, the center proudly claims four feet high date palm, named after the oldest Biblical person. According the reports, Methuselah is doing well, although its sex is not known yet. Palms usually differ into male and female ones between the ago of three and six years. Indeed, it would be much better if Methuselah would be 'a girl'. Than the breeding would have more chance to success.But still, leaving the sex problem, scientists will have to mix an ancient DNA with the most similar modern one. And this will be even more critical issue.Going back to the history, the seeds were just a glimpse of the biggest business in Judea desert. Date forests produced extra sweet fruits, that had been used to treat respiration problems and depressions. Judea's dates were famous for many centuries, until a period of fever war conflicts hasn't erased the colonies of farmers and businessmen. It all happened around 13th century A.D.Sallon's project aims to grow, reintroduce and domesticate ancient cultivars into their original homeland. Growing Methuselah is interesting not only because of fruits, but even their medical impacts. That way, Methuselah proves amazing vitality of palms, one of the first terrestrial plant branches ever, overrunning the Lotus plant, grown from 1,300 years old seed.

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by Milota Sidorova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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A weedy sea dragon expecting its offspring
by Lenka Filipova

The Georgia Aquarium is going to have new “citizens” in its waters in 4 or 6 weeks. Actually, it is the weedy sea dragon which is pregnant and for the officials working in the aquarium it is a quite rare and extraordinary event. The sea dragon belongs to those species where male is responsible for carrying the eggs, not female. It is a little bit of anomaly, but there are really some of these species which do bring their offspring by the means of their fathers. However, the role of female is furthermore important as she lays a couple of eggs and provides transferring them to male's tail. For instance, sea horses and pipe fish are such an unusual species.Well, for the Georgia Aquarium it has been only the third time the sea dragon is carrying the eggs. Kerry Gladish, a biologist working at the aquarium, really appreciates this occasion as he told that this was rare because scientists still do not know exactly what causes the sea dragons to feel like mating. He reckons that it must be something biological or environmental what brings them to reproduce. However, he could not find the clue, what was the reason in that aquarium environment. Well, probably it may have been the result of recent changes that were made in the aquarium. Precisely, they changed the lightening and weeded out some plants in order to make more room for sea creatures to reproduce.There is only a low probability to save the sea dragon's babies in the the wild. Fortunately, in captivity, the caretakers are able to keep them in safety in more than in 60 per cent.
by Lenka Filipova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cosmic Grim Reaper Seen For First Time
by Radka Konkolova

I think, it was Albert Einstein, who said that only two things are endless, universe and human senselessness. I am almost sure, he was thoroughly right. There are really a great amount of planets, stars, moons, asteroids and many other universe entities as well as another galaxies in the whole space. In my opinion we can't imagine all of it. The research of surrounding of our home planet must be truly very interesting, although also expensive enough. The universe is changing itself every minute, cause it is not static. There are many moves, for example rotation around the Sun or around the planets in the case of their moons, creations of new parts of the space and destructions of the stars by explosions. Some of them are then visible. Planets and stars usually vanish in various ways. But this end of this universe entity is almost always accompanied with creation of very bright objects, which “shine” for few weeks or months on the sky. These several types of stars explosions are called Supernova. It is something like cosmic Grim Reaper, that signals the death of the universe's most massive stars. There are some two reasons why these stars explode. The first, when the star is a Red Supergiant, hefty star, which ran out of its nuclear fuel reserves and the whole its core collapsed, or second, when the star is a White Dwarf, which stockpiles a mass from its stellar guide and comes over thermonuclear explosion. After that, the star shrinks and finally it explodes, what fluctuates to creation of a shock wave, which “migrates” in the surrounding of dead star and creates the rest of Supernova. This shock wave forms a fireball, which is billion times brighter than the Sun is, according to the researchers. It moves in very high speed, approximately at 20 million mph, what is 10,000 km per second. What is very interesting, is the fact that these explosions are the main source of all elements which are more heavy than oxygen is and plenty of them, e.g. Calcium in our bones, iron in our blood, all of these is consequence of such and similar star explosions, which took place few billions years ago. Another very interesting thing is fact, that this Supernova is visible only by telescope. But either researchers have never seen the moment of explosion and that just before the explosion. Till now. This has been really big problem, and scientists have observed the fireball for the last over 30 years or so. They have videlicet wanted to see the final moment of the doomed star just before the visible explosion. Older scientists have predicted that this explosion is overtook by a surge of ultraviolet light. Now they achieve that also thanks to GALEX, what is space telescope, which orbits Earth about every 100 minutes and views the universe in ultraviolet. It helped the scientists in the last Supernova, while it enabled them to see the last moment of doomed red supergiant, which can swell to 100 times its original size before its death. Its future death was noticed few weeks before the optical discovery of supernova, in the first stage in star's death. So now the researchers and scientists fulfil their long-term dream and they can see almost all phases of the star's life and death.

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by Radka Konkolova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: New out in the Universe
by Claudia Sonea

Many of you have seen or even grew up with shows like Star Trek and fantasized about other planets and other species similar to the human beings, if not human beings from another planet. The dream may go beyond its limits of preconscious and become a reality. Just recently European astronomers grasped a knowledge that could revolutionize people's perception of the Universe. Up to now there were no evidences of other planets orbiting a star. However, after a Swiss-French team, among which the name Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz is to be remembered, discovered that three super-Earths were revolving around a star, they have thought to do a new research and find out how many similar situation there are. At the initial discovery they used the European Southern Observatory's La Silla Observatory (Chile), and through a special tool they checked about 100 starts and discovered that one-third of them have planets that revolve around them and these planets are very close to Earth in shape, size and composition. The three planets discovered show that the Universe has much more to reveal than we know and that many other planets are out there. Although they have a too hot atmosphere to be inhabited by people, things might change on the three super-Earths that are at a 42 mass light-years away. Furthermore, other planets might be exactly the same with Earth, thus the possibility of human existence out there is not to be ignored. What puzzles everyone is not the existence of the planets, but rather the instrument used to study them. It is highly kept under secrecy in Switzerland and in Chile. Don't click away, interesting news to come!

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by Claudia Sonea
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edited by Katarina Gaskova

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Living on Mars
by Zuzana Fabcinova

Whereas the rest of the world is concerned by a bit more prosaic problems, Mars is the matter scientists are worried about at the moment. Strictly speaking, the fact that it is not only red, as we all know it, but also white. The question that makes scientists not able to sleep on nights is whether the unknown white substance is ice or salt.Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System which was named after the Roman god of war, has been drawing attention since ever. Because of its reddish appearance when seen from Earth and because of never ending discussion about its capability of developing and sustaining life. Our ignorance and fantasy have created amazing stories about intelligent green guys with antennas on their heads. Sometimes our imagination went even further suggesting that Martians might feel constraint on their nice little planet and will definitely try to invade Earth.Actually, it has never been proved that there has never been life on Mars. Research showed that the planet was once significantly more habitable than it is today, but it remains unclear whether living organisms ever existed there.Anyway, scientists try to find out whether Mars could be habitable now or in near future. Surely, they realize that Earth is getting a bit overcrowded by masses of people and try to find a solution for this issue. And Mars seems to be the best one & it is close enough and not that deadly like for example Venus, which has an atmosphere that apparently won't be very pleasant for longer stay or Neptune, which will probably be too cold for us.As for me, I am not particularly eager to hear that. I was born on Earth so I feel some indescribable bond to this place. I somehow got used to it and I don't like big changes. And moving to Mars could be considered as one. :-)

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by Zuzana Fabcinova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Katarina Gaskova

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Unter den Sternen
by Barbora Haramiova

Die Raumfährenflotte der NASA hat drei Operationsobjekte: Discovery, Atlantis und Endeavour. Discovery ist aktiv seit 1984 und ist das älteste Operationsobjekt. Momentan befindet es sich auf der Mission STS-124 und aus diesem Grund wurde es an die ISS ( die Internationale Weltraumstation ) angebunden. Die Erde verließ es am 25. Mai und am 14. Juni sollte es landen. Die Mission STS-124 beschäftigte sich mit dem Transport des Druckkammermoduls von dem japanischen Experimentmodul namens Kibo. Am Sonntag absolvierten die Astronauten den dritten und letzten Raumspaziergang, um einen leeren Treibstofftank an der ISS zu wechseln und aus staubigen Ablagerungen Daten zu sammeln. Michael Fossum, Missionspezialist Nummer 3, und Roland Garan Jr., Missionspezialist Nummer 2, machten den Raumspaziergang und sie machten so einen guten Job, dass sie von der Missionskontrolle noch zusätzliche Arbeit bekamen. Die Raumstation hat einen robotischen Arm, der sich theoretisch über Australien und den Südpazifik, über Peru und weiter ausstreckt und Garan musste die Strecke mit einem leeren Nitrogen-Treibstofftank zurücklegen. Inzwischen sammelte Fossum Daten auf der Verbindungsstelle, an die er am Donnerstag während seines Raumspaziergangs geraten war und entnahm einige staubigen Stichproben. Es handelt sich um eine wichtige Verbindungsstelle, da sie die Solarkollektoren zur Sonne dreht und es sieht so aus, dass es mit Metall und anderen Reststoffen gestopft ist. Flugdirektorin Annette Hasbrook gestand, sie könne die Teile nicht identifizieren. NASA ist daran interessiert, die Ursache zu entdecken, die den Funktionsausfall nur eines Flügels verursachte, der das Thema der Kernenergie eröffnete. Die Astronauten aus Discovery kommen am Mittwoch zurück nach Hause. Die Beendung ihrer Mission heißt, dass es nur acht weitere Flüge im Raumfähreprogramm gibt bis seinem Ende 2010. Bleiben Sie dran, neue Infos kommen gleich.

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by Barbora Haramiova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: Ägypten entdeckt "vermisste" Pyramide eines Pharaonen
by Barbora Haramiova

Archäologen zeichneten sich wieder aus. Sie entdeckten eine "vermisste" Pyramide, die zwar für existierend gehalten wurde, die aber nur einmal erwähnt wurde. Daher konnte es vielen Leuten sowie auch Archäologen unreal vorkommen. In diesem Fall war das jedoch ein falsches Bauchgefühl. Der erste Archäologe, der diese Pyramide entdeckte, war ein deutscher Bürger namens Karl Richard Lepsius. Er erwähnte diesen besonderen, massiven Bau in seinen Notizen über seine Entdeckungen in Sahara. Aber nach einiger Zeit wurde die Pyramide verloren, sie verschwand unter einer Sandschicht und keiner konnte sie mehr finden. Bis jetzt. Die Experten fanden diesen Bau nämlich, wenn sie eine 15 Füße tiefe Grube gruben. Es wird angenommen, dass dieses Gebäude Menkauhor hätte gehören können, der einer von ägyptischen Pharaonen gewesen und nur acht Jahre an der Macht war. Diese Pyramide ist angeblich seine Ruhestätte, was aber noch nicht ganz sicher ist, da die Mauern und der Eingang durch eine Sandschichte bedeckt sind. Und zusätzlich gab es keine in Hieroglyphen geschriebene Anschrift darüber, wer der Besitzer der Pyramide gewesen war. Einen anderen Gegenstand der Forschung stellt in diesen Tagen ein einseitiger Weg entlang der pyramide dar, der aus der Mumifizierungskammer hinausführt. Der Weg wurde gleichzeitig mit der Pyramide entdeckt. Die Archäologen behaupten, es handele sich um einen Prozessionsweg, auf dem die höchsten Priester gegangen wären und Reste von mumifizierten aufgeopferten Tieren getragen hätten und angeblich wären sie die einzigen Menschen gewesen, die diesen Weg betreten hätten dürfen. Während dieser Zeremonie mussten die Priester ihre Gesichter mit speziellen Masken bedeckt haben und sie trugen Reste von in der Stadt von Memphis bis ihren Tod verehrten Bullen an den Ort ihrer letzten Ruhe tragen - in unterirdische Galerien von Serapium. Sie benannten sie "Kopflose Pyramide", da sie den Scheitel nicht mehr hat. Diese Pyramide hat nur ihren rechtwinkeligen Grund, der wirklich massiv ist, und ziemlich lange Seiten. Es wird angenommen, dass diese Pyramide der Fünften Dynastie von Ägyptischen Herrschern gehören und ungefähr um 200 Jahre jünger als die in Giza sein könnte, die wahrscheinlich am bekanntesten ist. Und das heißt, dass die "Kopflose Pyramide" ungefähr 4300 Jahre alt ist. Ziemlich respektvolles Alter... Obwohl die Archäologen viele Reste fanden, Pyramiden und viele anderen mehr oder weniger wertvollen Dinge aus altem Ägypten und dem Alten Königreich Ägyptens, sind sie sich sicher, dass es nur ein kleines Stück von all dem ist, was noch immer unter einer Menge Sand begraben ist und auf eine Entdeckung wartet...
by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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115-year-old Woman's Brain in Tip-Top Shape
by Radka Konkolova

These days the longevity starts to become a new trend among the people. There is more people who live more than 100 years over the world. It is due to genetic disposal and also due to peoples' lifestyle and level of living of given country. This has been typical mostly for Japanese and residents of the East of the Asia, but recently this trend is extending in western Europe and America. One of these centenarians has been living in Netherlands and this woman was hoary 115 years old when died. She was probably very educated and interested in science while she offered her body to the research after death. But at that time she didn't suspect how far from that date is her death. When she wanted to give her body to the University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, she was 82 years. She had been thoughtful in such age but it wasn't worse nor 30 years later. But when she was over one hundred years, she was in fear calling to the neuroscientist, one of the future researcher of her brain. She was calling while thinking her body was too old for such research, but scientists reassured her, that it is no problem, but vice versa. The most surprising thing on her brain was probably the structure of it. Because in spite of the fact she was in very high age, the cognitive functions of her brain were on very high level, what means, it was approximately on the level of average 60 – 75 year person. There were found no significant signs of Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Another very interesting thing is, that there was no sign of narrowing the arteries, what means, there was no attribute of suffering from atherosclerosis. She was able to remember and pay attention better than some people of 70's. So these are the mysteries of human brain. I think this part of human body probably belongs to the the most vague. There are many factors in the human life which influence our behaviour, memory and the brain function in general. Very important is influence of those genetic ones, but we can also train our memory and generally our brain by doing various activities using our brain and memory. Also the right food can support the activity of our brain and mind. Thanks to this research as well, scientists are closer to complete knowing of human brain and now they can even claim, there can be more and more older people who won't suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's disease. They suppose there will be more than 580,000 centenarians in 2040 from 80,000 nowadays only in the US. And this is in my opinion quite big number, because in the countries of East of Asia, there will be certainly bigger amount of such people..

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by Radka Konkolova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Mozog 115 ročnej ženy je v perfektnom stave
by Radka Konkolova

V dnešnej dobe sa asi dlhovekosť stáva novým trendom medzi ľuďmi. Na svete je stále viac ľudí, ktorí sa dožívajú viac ako 100 rokov. Je to spôsobené genetickými dispozíciami a tiež aj životným štýlom ľudí a životnou úrovňou danej krajiny. Toto bolo typické hlavne pre Japoncov a obyvateľov Východnej Ázie, ale v poslednom čase sa tento trend rozširuje aj do Západnej Európy a Ameriky. Jedna z týchto storočných ľudí žila v Holandsku a táto pani mala úctyhodných 115 rokov, keď zomrela. Pravdepodobne bola veľmi vzdelaná a zapálená pre vedu, lebo ponúkla svoje telo na výskum, keď zomrie. Vtedy ale ani len netušila, ako ďaleko bol tento dátum od jej smrti. V čase, keď chcela svoje telo darovať na výskum Univerzitnému lekárskemu centru v Groningene v Holandsku, mala 82 rokov. Bola láskavá, ale taktiež uvedomelá aj v takom vysokom veku, ale ani nezmenilo sa to k horšiemu ani po ďalších 30 rokoch. Ale keď už mala po stovke, so strachom volala jednému “neurovedcovi”, ktorý mal byť jedným z budúcich skúmateľov jej mozgu. Volala, lebo si myslela, že jej telo je príliš staré pre taký výskum, ale vedci ju upokojili, že to tak nie je, ba práve naopak. Pravdepodobne najprekvapivejšou vecou na jej mozgu bola jeho štruktúra. Pretože napriek vysokému veku, ktorého sa dožila, spoznávacie funkcie mozgu boli na veľmi vysokej úrovni, čo znamená, že sa nachádzali približne na úrovni človeka vo veku 60 – 75 rokov. Neboli nájdené žiadne významné príznaky Alzheimerovej choroby či demencie. Ďalšou zaujímavosťou je, že sa v jej mozgu nenašli žiadne zúžené artérie, ani len náznaky, čo znamená, že netrpela ani arterosklerózou. Bola schopná si pamätať a sústrediť sa viac ako bežný 70 ročný človek. Takže aj takto záhadne pracuje ľudský mozog. Myslím, že táto časť ľudského tela asi patrí medzi tie najnevyspytateľnejšie. V živote je veľa faktorov, ktoré majú vplyv na naše správanie, pamäť a celkovo na funkcie nášho mozgu. Veľmi dôležitý je vplyv tých genetických, ale tiež si svoju pamäť, a všeobecne mozog, môžme trénovať robením rôznych činností, pri ktorých využívame mozog a pamäť. Tiež správna strava môže podporiť činnosť mozgu a mysle. Aj vďaka tomuto výskumu sú vedci bližšie ku kompletizácii poznávania ľudského mozgu a teraz dokonca môžu tvrdiť, že v budúcnosti môže byť viac a viac starších ľudí, ktorí nebudú trpieť demenciou či Alzheimerovou chorobou. Predpokladajú, že v roku 2040 bude v Amerike viac ako 580 000 ľudí starších ako 100 rokov z terajších 80 000. A to je, si myslím, pomerne veľké množstvo ľudí, pretože v krajinách Východnej Ázie bude takýchto ľudí určite omnoho viac...

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by Radka Konkolova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: La piramide "perida" de Egipto
by Dominika Haberova

Los arqueologos tiene distinguirse otra vez. Revelaron una piramide "perdida" que era considerada existente pero mencionada solo una vez. Entonces para alguna gente tanto como para los arqueologos lo podria parecer no verdadero. Pero en este caso no serria buena sensacion. El primer arqueologo que habia encontrado esta piramide era un ciudadano aleman Karl Richard Lepsius. El habia mencionado este masivo en las notas de sus hallazgos en el desierto del Sahara. Pero dentro de un rato, la piramide se perdio misteriosamente debajo del monton de arena y nadia podia encontrarla otra vez. Hasta ahora. Los expertos la encontraron unos 15 pies de profundo. Se supone que este edificio pertenece a Menkauhor que era uni de los faraones egipcios pero solo por ocho anos. Esta piramide tiene reputacion de ser el lugar de su descanso eterno, pero todavia no esta totalmente seguro porque las paredes y la entrada son cubiertas por arena y no hay jeroglificos escritos con la informacion sobre el dueno de la piramide.Otra parte de la exploracion es un camino parcial que va al margen de la piramide desde la habitacion para la momificacion que era cubierta por la piramide. Los arqueologos demandan que por el camino de la procesion caminaban los sacerdotes mas altos con los restos mumificados de los animales sagrados y solo las personas pudieron bajar por el. Durante esta ceremonia, los sacerdotes tenian que cubrir sus caras por mascaras especiales y llevar reliquias de los toros adorados mumificados a la ciudad de Memphis hasta su muerte, hacia los lugares de su descanso ultimo, que eran las galerias subterraneos del Serapium. Lo llamaron "Piramide sin Cabeza" mientras que perdio su tapa. Viene solamente con su base rectangular, realmente masiva, y los bordes largos. Se supone que esta piramide podria pertenecer a la quinta dinastia de los monarcas de Egipto y que puede ser cerca de 200 anos mas joven qye las piramides conocidas de Giza. Esto significa que la piramide "Sin Cabesa" tiene mas o menos 4.300 anos que es una edad respetable... Aunque los arqueologos encontraron mucho restos, las piramides y otras cosas mas o menos valiosas del viejo Egipto y del Reino de Egipto estan seguros, de que es solo un fragmento de todos aquellos todavia enterrados boja la arena donde esperan a ser descubiertas...
by Dominika Haberova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Pomegu dzvezdite
by Zivka Deleva

Vselenskiot vozen park na NASA ima tri operativni orbiteri: Diskaveri, Atlantis i Endivur (Otkritie, Atlantika i Opit). Diskaveri e aktiven od 1984 godina i e najstariot operativen orbiter. Momentalno e na misijata STS-124 i zatoa e zakačen na ISS (Megunarodnata Vselenska stanica). Ja napušti zemjata na 25 maj i treba da sleta na 14 juni.Misijata STS-124 e za transportiranje na Pritisnatiot modul na Japonskiot eksperimentalen modul narečen Kibo. Vo nedelata, astronautite ja izvedoa tretata i posledna prošetka po vselanata so cel da go promenat prazniot rezervoar vo ISS i sobiraa podatoci od pravlivite ostatoci. Majkl Fosum, Specijalist 3 na misijata i Ronald Garan Jr., Specijalist 2 vo misijata ja odrabotija vselenskata prošetka tolku dobro što Kontrolorite na misijata im dadoa ektra zadači. Vselenskata stanica ima robotska raka koja se protega preku Avstralija i Južniot Pacifik, preku Peru i Garan treba da premine od edna strana na stanicata do drugata nosejki prazen rezervoar za nitrogen. Vo meguvreme Fosum sobiraše podatoci od dupkata i togač naleta na pravlivite ostatoci od četvrtočnata prošetka od koi isto taka zema primeroci. Toa e važno zbiralište poradi toa što gi vrti solarnite krila kon sonceto i se čini deka e napolnetoso metalni i drugi ostatoci koi direktorot na letot Anet Hasbruk prizna deka ne može da gi identifikuva. NASA e zainteresirana da gi otkrie pričinite koi go predizvikaa nerabotenjeto na edno od krilata koe samo po sebe sozdade problemi so silata na energiajta.Astronautite na Diskaveri ke se vratat doma vo sreda i nivnoto završuvanje ke znači deka ke ima ušte samo osum letovi so programata na Vselenskata programa do krajot na 2010 godina. Ne odete nikade, sleduvaat novi vesti.

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by Zivka Deleva
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by : Lenka Macurakova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Egipet ja otkriva "isčeznatata" piramida na faraon
by Zivka Deleva

Arheolozite povtorno se istaknaa. Tie ja otkrija isčeznatata piramida, koja smetaa deka postoi, no isto taka spomenata e samo ednaš. Taka za nekoi luge ova može da izgleda kako nevistinito kako i za samite arheolozi. No vo vakov slučaj, ova ne e dobro čuvstvo.Prviot arheolog koj ja pronašol ovaa piramida bil germanski graganin, Karl Ričard Lepsius. Toj ja spomenal ovaa specijalna, masivna ramka vo beleški od negovite pronajdoci vo Sahara. No posle nekoe vreme, piramidata se povtorno se izgubila misteriozno pod ridovite od pesok i nikoj ne možel da ja najde. Do sega. Ja najdoa poradi toa što ekspertite kopaa 15 stapki vo dlabočina.Gradbata se pretpostavuva deka pripaga na Menkauhor, koj ednaš bil egipetski faraon koj vladeel samo 8 godini. Ovaa piramida vo isto vreme e i negovo mesto za počivanje, no ne e sosema sigurno ova, poradi toa što dzidovite i vlezot vo grobnicata se sé ušte pokrieni so kupišta pesok. I nema napišano hieroglifi za toa koj bil sopstvenikot na piramidata. Drug del od istražuvanjeto ovie denovi e delumniot pat koj vodi okolu piramidata od sobata za mumifikacija, koja e otkriena zaedno so piramidata. Arheolozite tvrdat, deka ova e procesniot pat kade najvisokite svešteni lica odele nosejki mumificirani ostatoci od svetite životni i se pretpostavuva deka tie bile edinstvenite luge koi možele da odat po ovoj pat. Za vreme na ovaa ceremonija, sveštenicite nosele ostatoci od mumificirani bikovi obožavani vo gradot Memfis do nivnata smrt, kon mestata na nivniot posleden odmor, koi bile podzemnite galerii na Serapium.Tie gi narekle "Bezglavite piramidi" poradi toa što gi izgubile svoite vrvovi. Ovaa ja ima samo svojata kvadratna osnova, koja e navistina masivna i dosta dolgite rabovi. Se pretpostavuva deka ovaa piramida može da pripaga na Pettata dinastija na Egipetski monarsi i deka može da bide 2000 godini ponova od onie vo Giza, koi verojatno se i najpoznati. I ova znači deka "Bezglavata piramida" e prosečno 4300 godini stara. Dosta odgovorna vozrast....I pokraj toa što arheolozite pronajdoa mnogu ostatoci, piramidite i mnogu drugi vredni raboti od star Egipet i Staro Egipetskoto Kralstvo, tie se sigurni deka ova e samo fragment od sevo ova, što se zakopani pod mnogu pesok i čekaat povtorno da bidat otkrieni....
by Zivka Deleva
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: New discovery in wilderness
by Claudia Sonea

The International Journal of Primatology published last month a breaking discovery on long-tailed macaque monkeys made by Meijaard, a senior science adviser at The Nature Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy volunteers Anne-Marie E. Stewart, Chris H. Gordon and Philippa Schroor, and Serge Wich of the Great Ape Trust. Up to know there was widely known that the long-tailed macaques grab fruit from jungle trees or bananas from tourists, eating thus fruit and forage for crabs and insects. However, the silver-haired monkeys in Indonesia have been spotted while fishing. In the past eight years four times the monkeys were seen snatching small fish with their hands along rivers in East Kalimantan and North Sumatra provinces. Although the moment that triggered the fishing is not known, it is a clear evidence of adaptation to environment and food sources. Most of the researchers called the fishing as an isolated and rare event, but Meijaard thinks it is not so as other primates are starting to do it too. Agustin Fuentes, a University of Notre Dame anthropology professor specialized in long-tailed macaques, has also reported to have seen similar behavior in Bali, but he underlined the need of further study before a definite diagnose be attached to the discovery. Until present moment long-tailed macaques have been seen catching fish twice in 1998 during a study on orangutans, and then again in 2007. Experts in the area consider it of great importance due to the fact that it offers a new perspective on the endangered specie and restates the fact that they have more to find out about the species than they thought.

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by Claudia Sonea
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Doutes du Premier Site chrétien!
by Kristina Popovicova

Cela pourrait être une des bornes les plus importantes dans l'histoire chrétienne. Juste récemment la grotte exhumée sous l'Église de Saint George à Rihab, à 70 kms à l'est d'Amman, on prétend d'être un centre de vénération de paléochrétiens pendant le premier siècle A.D. De plus, cela aurait du être un endroit où les premiers soixante-dix disciples se sont installés pendant la poursuite massive. Créé par le cercle de sièges en pierre, le long tunnel menant à la source d'eau, la grotte aurait dû être un endroit secret parfait pour les rituels chrétiens.Cependant, cette découverte clairement joyeuse n'est pas si bien reconnue comme on en prétendait. Bien que les représentants chrétiens acclament la conclusion, en réclamant que c'est le fait de prouver d'authenticité chrétienne dans la région de Jordanie, beaucoup d'archéologues connus demandent des évidences plus pertinentes. La déclaration, que la grotte est le centre de vénération chrétien le plus vieux est sûrement un peu courageuse. Le fait, qu'elle est localisée au-dessous de l'église de Saint George, probablement l'église la plus vieille construite en 230 A.D., peut être contestable. Selon l'archéologue australien, Kate da Costa, de l'Université de Sydney, qui travaille au Nord de Jordanie, l'église est au moins 200 ans plus vieux que les autres églises chrétiennes dans le monde. Cela montre à un saut d'une ligne de temps considérable et apporte des doutes à l'authenticité de la date.Même la deuxième clé d'évidence semble à seulement brouiller la résolution. Bien que le plancher en mosaïque, inscrite par les mots 'les 70 aimés par Dieu et le divin', montre au même nombre de disciples de Jésus, il ne prouve pas vraiment que la grotte a été utilisée exactement pendant le premier siècle par ces gens. De plus, les ornements en mosaïque se souviennent des thèmes typiques pour le 5ème siècle. S. Thomas Parker, un historien de l'Université d'État de Caroline du Nord suggère, que la grotte aurait du être même utilisée auparavant, cependant, pas nécessairement par les chrétiens. Le temple caché a été utilisé par les chrétiens plus tard, la question reste, quand tout cela est-il arrivé exactement ?

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by Kristina Popovicova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Wissenschaft: ( Fast ) wirklicher Einhorn
by Barbora Haramiova

Was wir bisher für Mythen und Legenden gehalten haben, wird anscheinend zur Realität. Einhörner existieren tatsächlich! Oder zumindest ein Tier, dass einem Einhorn wirklich ähnlich aussieht. Teilweise sieht es wie ein Pferd aus und hat ein einziges Horn an seiner Stirn. Der einzige kleine Unterschied ist, dass es sich um ein einjähriges Reh handelt, dass in einem Naturreservat in Italien erblickt wurde. Dieses arme Wesen wurde mit einem ungewöhnlichen Defekt geboren, dass es einerseits ziemlich außergewöhnlich macht, andererseits könnte es ihm ein lebenlanges Trauma verursachen. Es hat wahrscheinlich keine magischen Heilungskräfte, die man in Märchen mit Einhörnern in Zusammenhang stellte, trotzdem ruft es ein riesiges Interesse sowohl bei Wissenschaftlern hervor, die sich sehr für atypische Zentralposition des Horns interessieren, als auch bei neugierigen Besuchern des Naturreservats, die immer sehr scharf danach sind, etwas Eigenartiges zu sehen. Auch eine Erklärung der Existenz des Einhorns in Phantasiegeschichten während der ganzen Geschichte wird angeboten. Jemand hat ein Reh mit einem ähnlichen Defekt gesehen und, um es aufregender für seine Zuhörer zu machen, fügte einfach einige ungewöhnliche Fähigkeiten oder sogar magische Kräfte hinzu. Es ist nicht leicht, eine ganz neue Kreatur zu erfinden, daher haben sie einfach das Tier "upgradet", das sie tatsächlich gesehen hatten. Auch J.K. rowling, Autorin der Serie über Harry Potter, hat nicht vollkommen alle Kreaturen, die in ihren Geschichten vorkommen, ausgedacht. Sie bediente sich ein bisschen der Mythologie. In ihren Werken spielen Einhörner eine Rolle neben Zentauren und Chimeren, die in altertümlichen Mythen auch erscheinen.Wenn das arme Reh nur wüsste, dass seine Anomalie wahrscheinlich mehrere Kapitel in einem der populärsten Werke unserer Zeit inspirierte, die von Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt gelesen werden. Ich glaube nicht, dass es sein Leben in der Wildnis leichter machen würde, es könnte aber ein Ausgleich für sein Leiden sein.

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by Barbora Haramiova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Nouvelle découverte dans le pays sauvage
by Kristina Popovicova

Le Journal international de Primatology a publié le mois dernier une toute nouvelle découverte sur les singes de macaque à la longue queue faits par Meijaard, un conseiller de science aîné à la Zone de conservation, les volontaires de Zone de conservation Anne-Marie E. Stewart, Chris H. Gordon et Philippa Schroor et Serge Wich de "Great Ape Trust". Jusqu'à maintenant il était connu largement que les macaques à la longue queue saisissent le fruit des arbres de jungle ou les bananes des touristes, en mangeant ainsi le fruit et le fourrage pour les crabes et les insectes. Cependant, les singes aux cheveux en argent en Indonésie ont été aperçus en pêchant. Dans les huit ans passés quatre fois les singes ont été vus en attrapant le petit poisson avec leurs mains le long des fleuves dans les provinces de Kalimantan de l'Est et de Sumatra du Nord. Bien que le moment où la pêche a déclenché ne soit pas connu, c'est une évidence claire d'adaptation aux sources de nourriture et à l'environnement. La plupart des chercheurs ont appelé la pêche comme un événement isolé et rare, mais Meijaard croit que cela ne signifie pas que les autres primates commencent à le faire aussi. Agustin Fuentes, un professeur à l'Université d'anthropologie de Notre Dame spécialisé en macaques à la longue queue, a annoncé aussi d'avoir vu le comportement semblable à Bali, mais il a souligné le besoin d'étude avancées avant qu'un bien diagnostique déterminé soit attachés à la découverte. Jusqu'au moment donné les macaques à la longue queue ont été vus en attrapant le poisson deux fois en 1998 pendant une étude sur les orang-outangs et enfin de nouveau en 2007. Les experts dans la région le considèrent très important en raison du fait qu'il offre une nouvelle perspective sur les espèces mises en danger et réaffirme le fait qu'ils ont pu apprendre plus de l'espèces qu'ils n'ont pensé.

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by Kristina Popovicova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Cosmic Grim Reaper Seen For First Time
by Radka Konkolova

I think, it was Albert Einstein, who said that only two things are endless, universe and human senselessness. I am almost sure, he was thoroughly right. There are really a great amount of planets, stars, moons, asteroids and many other universe entities as well as another galaxies in the whole space. In my opinion we can't imagine all of it. The research of surrounding of our home planet must be truly very interesting, although also expensive enough. The universe is changing itself every minute, cause it is not static. There are many moves, for example rotation around the Sun or around the planets in the case of their moons, creations of new parts of the space and destructions of the stars by explosions. Some of them are then visible. Planets and stars usually vanish in various ways. But this end of this universe entity is almost always accompanied with creation of very bright objects, which “shine” for few weeks or months on the sky. These several types of stars explosions are called Supernova. It is something like cosmic Grim Reaper, that signals the death of the universe's most massive stars. There are some two reasons why these stars explode. The first, when the star is a Red Supergiant, hefty star, which ran out of its nuclear fuel reserves and the whole its core collapsed, or second, when the star is a White Dwarf, which stockpiles a mass from its stellar guide and comes over thermonuclear explosion. After that, the star shrinks and finally it explodes, what fluctuates to creation of a shock wave, which “migrates” in the surrounding of dead star and creates the rest of Supernova. This shock wave forms a fireball, which is billion times brighter than the Sun is, according to the researchers. It moves in very high speed, approximately at 20 million mph, what is 10,000 km per second. What is very interesting, is the fact that these explosions are the main source of all elements which are more heavy than oxygen is and plenty of them, e.g. Calcium in our bones, iron in our blood, all of these is consequence of such and similar star explosions, which took place few billions years ago. Another very interesting thing is fact, that this Supernova is visible only by telescope. But either researchers have never seen the moment of explosion and that just before the explosion. Till now. This has been really big problem, and scientists have observed the fireball for the last over 30 years or so. They have videlicet wanted to see the final moment of the doomed star just before the visible explosion. Older scientists have predicted that this explosion is overtook by a surge of ultraviolet light. Now they achieve that also thanks to GALEX, what is space telescope, which orbits Earth about every 100 minutes and views the universe in ultraviolet. It helped the scientists in the last Supernova, while it enabled them to see the last moment of doomed red supergiant, which can swell to 100 times its original size before its death. Its future death was noticed few weeks before the optical discovery of supernova, in the first stage in star's death. So now the researchers and scientists fulfil their long-term dream and they can see almost all phases of the star's life and death.

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by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Vesmírna smrtka videná po prvýkrát
by Radka Konkolova

Myslím, že to bol Albert Einstein, kto povedal, že iba dve veci sú nekonečné, vesmír a ľudská hlúposť. Som si takmer istá, že sa vôbec nemýlil. Skutočne sa v celom vesmíre nachádza nespočetné množstvo planét, hviezd, mesiacov, asteroidov a veľa ďalších vesmírnych telies, rovnako ako ďalších galaxií. Podľa môjho názoru si to ani len nedokážeme predstaviť. Skúmanie okolia našej domovskej planéty musí byť vážne veľmi zaujímavé, aj keď tiež dosť nákladné. Vesmír sa každú minútu mení, lebo nie je statický. Nachádza sa tam množstvo pohybov, ako napríklad obiehanie planét okolo Slnka alebo okolo planét, v prípade, že sa jedná o ich mesiace, vznik nových súčastí vesmíru a zánik hviezd explóziami. Niektoré z nich sú následne viditeľné. Planéty a hviezdy väčšinou zanikajú rôznymi spôsobmi. Ale zánik týchto nebeských telies je takmer vždy sprevádzaný vznikom veľmi jasných objektov, ktoré na oblohe svietia pár týždňov či mesiacov. Týchto niekoľko typov hviezdnych explózií sa nazýva supernova. Je to niečo ako kozmická smrtka, ktorá signalizuje smrť tých najobrovskejších hviezd vesmíru. Existujú asi dva dôvody, prečo tieto hviezdy vybuchujú. Prvým je, keď je hviezda červeným obrom, stredne ťažká hviezda, ktorej sa minuli zásoby jadrového paliva a celé jadro sa zrútilo, alebo po druhé, keď je hviezda biely trpaslík, ktorý nahromadil materiál od svojho hviezdneho sprievodcu a prešiel termonukleárnou explóziou. Po tomto, hviezda sa zmršťuje a nakoniec vybuchne, čo uvádza do pohybu vznik nárazovej vlny, ktorá “putuje” do okolia mŕtvej hviezdy a formuje zvyšky supernovy. Táto nárazová vlna vytvára horiacu guľu, ktorá je podľa výskumníkov miliardukrát jasnejšia, ako je Slnko. Pohybuje sa obrovskou rýchlosťou, približne 20 míľ za hodinu, čo je asi 10 000 kilometrov za sekundu. Čo je veľmi zaujímavé, je fakt, že tieto explózie sú hlavným zdrojom všetkých prvkov ťažších ako kyslík a veľa z nich, ako napríklad vápnik v našich kostiach, či železo v krvi, všetky sú dôsledkom takýchto alebo podobných výbuchov, ktoré sa stali niekoľko miliárd rokov dozadu. Ďalšou veľmi zaujímavou vecou, je fakt, že táto supernova je viditeľná len teleskopom. Ale ani výskumníci nikdy nevideli moment explózie a moment tesne pred ňou. Až doteraz. Bol to skutočne veľký problém a vedci tieto horiace gule pozorovali posledných vyše 30 rokov. Chceli totiž vidieť posledný moment hviezdy odsúdenej na zánik tesne pred jej viditeľným výbuchom. Starší vedci predpovedali, že tejto explózii predchádza vlnenie ultrafialového žiarenia. Teraz to dokázali aj vďaka GALEX-u, čo je vesmírny teleskop, ktorý obehne Zem približne za 100 minút a pozerá na vesmír v ultrafialovom. Pomohol vedcom s poslednou supernovou, Keď im umožnil vidieť posledný moment červeného obra, ktorý sa pred smrťou môže “nafúknuť” až na stonásobok svojej pôvodnej veľkosti, odsúdeného k zániku. Jeho budúca smrť bola spozorovaná pár týždňov pred optickým objavením supernovy, v prvom štádiu zániku hviezdy. Takže teraz si výskumníci a vedci splnili svoj dlhoročný sen a môžu vidieť takmer všetky etapy života a smrti hviezdy.

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by Radka Konkolova
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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Le dragon marin malingre dans l'attente de sa posterité
by Kristina Popovicova

Le Georgia Aquarium va avoir de nouveaux "citoyens" dans ses eaux dans 4 ou 6 semaines. En fait, c'est le dragon marin malingre qui est enceinte et pour les fonctionnaires travaillant dans l'aquarium c'est un événement tout à fait rare et extraordinaire. Le dragon marin appartient à ces espèces où le mâle est responsable de porter les oeufs, pas la femelle. C'est un petit peu de anomal, mais il y a vraiment certaines de ces espèces qui apportent vraiment leur posterité par les moyens de leurs pères. Cependant, le rôle de femelle est encore plus important comme elle pose deux ou trois oeufs et fournit l'acte de les transférer à la queue de mâle. Par exemple, les hippocampes et le poissons pipe sont de telles espèces inhabituelles. Bien, pour le Géorgie Aquarium cela n'a été que la troisième fois que le dragon marin portait des oeufs. Kerry Gladish, un biologiste travaillant à l'Aquarium, apprécie vraiment cette occasion comme il a dit que c'était rare parce que les scientifiques ignorent toujours ce qui fait exactement les dragons marins avoir envie de s'accoupler. Il estime que cela doit être quelque chose biologique ou environnant ce qui les pousse de se reproduire. Cependant, il ne pouvait pas trouver l'indice, ce qui était la raison dans cet environnement d'aquarium. Bien, probablement cela peut avoir été le résultat de changements récents qui ont été faits dans l'aquarium. Précisément, ils ont changé le éclairage et se sont débarrassés de quelques plantes pour faire plus de place pour que les créatures marines puissent se reproduire. Il n'y a qu'une petite probabilité de sauver les bébés de dragon marins dans le pays sauvage. Heureusement, dans la captivité, les concierges sont capables de les garder dans la sécurité dans plus que 60 pour cent.
by Kristina Popovicova
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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: L'Histoire de vie qui mérite Holywood !
by Kristina Popovicova

L'histoire de 'Methuselah', une paume de dattes, cultivée de la graine la plus vieille dans le monde, vaut la peine sûrement de connaître. Cependant, la moitié de mes "intérêts de vie" appartient aux plantes, cela me permet de vous plonger dans le voyage intéressant de ce géant réanimé. En 1963, quand un groupe d'archéologues, excavant la Forteresse du Roi Herod dans le Désert de Judea, a découvert un endroit, où une réunion de Juifs traqués avait commis le suicide massif, une petite part de trouvailles étaient des graines de dattes anciennes. Pendant l'intensive occupation des Romain en Israël, les prisonniers désespérés à Masada avaient choisi la mort honorable, plutôt qu'un esclavage servile.En abandonnant tous ces destins tristes, les graines sont allées directement au laboratoire. Presque 40 ans passé sous l'examen intense, l'âge des graines a été finalement prouvé. La méthode méthode permettant de dater l'âge par carbone a attesté que les paumes originales ont grandi entre il y a 2110 et 1995 ans. Sous la conduite de Dr Sarah Sallon, le directeur du Centre de Médecine national de Louis L. Borick, les graines ont été incluses dans le Projet d'équipement médical dans l'Est-Central avec un but de réanimer les espèces de paume anciennes. Sallon, dans l'édition de semaine dernière de Science journal a réclamé, qu'ils ont voulu être absolument sûrs de l'âge d'échantillons. Ils ont examiné aussi son ADN, qui avait moins que la moitié de renseignements génétiques d'espèces modernes d'aujourd'hui. En dépit de plusieurs doutes, les graines ont été plantées et après trois ans, le Centre réclame fièrement la paume de dattes de quatre pieds de haut, appelée selon la personne biblique la plus vieille. D'après les rapports, c'ést bien Methuselah, dont le sexe n'est pas encore connu. Les paumes se divergent d'habitude en mâles et femelles entre les trois et six ans. Effectivement, il serait beaucoup mieux si Methuselah serait 'une fille'. Pour que la reproduction ait plus de chance de réussir. Mais tout de même, en quittant le problème sexuel, les scientifiques devront mélanger un ADN ancien avec un moderne le plus semblable. Et ce sera une question encore plus critique. En retournant à l'histoire, les graines n'étaient qu'un aperçu dans les plus grandes affaires dans le Désert de Judea. Les forêts de dattes ont produit des fruits extrêmement doux, qui avaient été utilisés pour traiter des problèmes de respiration et des dépressions. Les dattes de Judea étaient célèbres depuis une sorte de siècles, jusqu'à ce qu'une période de conflits de guerre fiévreuse n'ait pas effacé les colonies de fermiers et d'hommes d'affaires. Tout cela est arrivé autour du 13ème siècle av. J.-C..Le projet de Sallon a l'intention de cultiver, réintroduire et domestiquer les plantes anciennes dans leur patrie originale. L'accroissement de Methuselah est intéressant non seulement à cause des fruits, mais même de leurs impacts médicaux. Par cette voie, Methuselah prouve la vitalité stupéfiante de paumes, une des premières branches de plantes terrestres jamais, en dépassant le Plante de Lotus, cultivée de la graine de 1 300 ans.

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by Kristina Popovicova
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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Licorne (presque) réel
by Kristina Popovicova

Qu'est-ce que vous diriez si les mythes et les légendes existent jusqu'aujourd'hui, ça semble à être devenu une réalité. Les licornes existent vraiment ! Ou au moins un animal qui ressemble vraiment à lui. Il ressemble partiellement à un cheval et a un corne simple sur son front. La seule légère différence est que l'animal est en réalité un chevreuil de lâge d'un an qui a été repèré dans une réserve naturelle en Italie. Cette pauvre créature a été soutenue avec une imperfection génétique peu commune qui le rend tout à fait unique, mais pourrait avoir causé un trauma dans sa vie. Il n'aura pas probablement des puissances curatives magiques qui étaient reliées aux licornes dans des contes de fées, mais réveillera certainement l'intérêt énorme soit des scientifiques, qui prennent l'intérêt de la position centrale atypique du corne, soit des visiteurs curieux de la réserve naturelle, qui sont toujours intéressés de voir quelque chose de particulier. Et il offre également une explication de l'existence des licornes dans des histoires d'imagination à travers de l'histoire. Quelqu'un a repèré un cerf commun avec une imperfection semblable et, pour rendre le regarde plus passionnant pour ses auditeurs désireux, a simplement ajouté quelques dispositifs peu communs ou même puissances magiques. Il n'est pas facile de créer une complètement nouvelle bête, ainsi ils ont juste « améliorés » des animaux qu'ils avaient vraiment vu. Même J. K Rowling, l'auteur célèbre de série de Harry Potter, n'a pas tout à fait imaginé toutes les créatures qui apparaissent dans ses histoires et elle a employé un peu d'aide de la mythologie. Les licornes jouent un rôle dans ses livres juste à côté des centaures et des chimères, celui s'est produit dans des mythes antiques aussi bien.Si seulement le pauvre cerf savait que son anomalie avait vraisemblablement inspiré quelques chapitres d'un des livres les plus réussis et les plus populaires de nos périodes, lus par des millions de personnes partout dans le monde. Je ne suppose pas qu'il voudrait continuer sa vie commune dans le pays sauvage, mais ce pourrait être une compensation pour sa douleur.

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by Kristina Popovicova
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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Living on Mars
by Zuzana Fabcinova

Whereas the rest of the world is concerned by a bit more prosaic problems, Mars is the matter scientists are worried about at the moment. Strictly speaking, the fact that it is not only red, as we all know it, but also white. The question that makes scientists not able to sleep on nights is whether the unknown white substance is ice or salt.Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System which was named after the Roman god of war, has been drawing attention since ever. Because of its reddish appearance when seen from Earth and because of never ending discussion about its capability of developing and sustaining life. Our ignorance and fantasy have created amazing stories about intelligent green guys with antennas on their heads. Sometimes our imagination went even further suggesting that Martians might feel constraint on their nice little planet and will definitely try to invade Earth.Actually, it has never been proved that there has never been life on Mars. Research showed that the planet was once significantly more habitable than it is today, but it remains unclear whether living organisms ever existed there.Anyway, scientists try to find out whether Mars could be habitable now or in near future. Surely, they realize that Earth is getting a bit overcrowded by masses of people and try to find a solution for this issue. And Mars seems to be the best one & it is close enough and not that deadly like for example Venus, which has an atmosphere that apparently won't be very pleasant for longer stay or Neptune, which will probably be too cold for us.As for me, I am not particularly eager to hear that. I was born on Earth so I feel some indescribable bond to this place. I somehow got used to it and I don't like big changes. And moving to Mars could be considered as one. :-)

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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: New out in the Universe
by Claudia Sonea

Many of you have seen or even grew up with shows like Star Trek and fantasized about other planets and other species similar to the human beings, if not human beings from another planet. The dream may go beyond its limits of preconscious and become a reality. Just recently European astronomers grasped a knowledge that could revolutionize people's perception of the Universe. Up to now there were no evidences of other planets orbiting a star. However, after a Swiss-French team, among which the name Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz is to be remembered, discovered that three super-Earths were revolving around a star, they have thought to do a new research and find out how many similar situation there are. At the initial discovery they used the European Southern Observatory's La Silla Observatory (Chile), and through a special tool they checked about 100 starts and discovered that one-third of them have planets that revolve around them and these planets are very close to Earth in shape, size and composition. The three planets discovered show that the Universe has much more to reveal than we know and that many other planets are out there. Although they have a too hot atmosphere to be inhabited by people, things might change on the three super-Earths that are at a 42 mass light-years away. Furthermore, other planets might be exactly the same with Earth, thus the possibility of human existence out there is not to be ignored. What puzzles everyone is not the existence of the planets, but rather the instrument used to study them. It is highly kept under secrecy in Switzerland and in Chile. Don't click away, interesting news to come!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Universul in mister
by Claudia Sonea

Multi dintre noi am vazut sau am crescut cu seriale precum Star Trek si am lasat imaginatia sa zburde nebuna inventand tot felul de planete si alte specii similare cu fiintele umane, daca nu chiar alti oameni de pe alta planeta. Visul ar putea sa treaca de stadiul subconstientului si sa devina realitate. Recent astronomii europeni au ajuns la o cunoastere care ar putea revolutiona perceptia oameniilor despre Univers. Pana acum nu existau dovezi ca alte planet ear orbita in jurul unei stele. Insa dupa ce o echipa francez-elvetiana, numele lui Didier Queloz trbuiind a fi mentionat, a descoperit trei super-Pamanturi orbitand in jurul unei stele s-au gandit sa intreprinda noi studi si sa sintetizeze multitudinea situatilor similare. In cercetarea initiala a fost utilizat Observatorul Sudic La Silla Observatory (Chile), si printr-un instrument special au verificat 100 de stele dintre care o treime orbitau in jurul unei stele si aceste planete erau similare Pamantului in dimenziune, forma si compozitie. Cele trei planete descoperite au aratat ca Universul are inca multe mistere ce trebuie descoperite si ca exista multe care ar putea fi exact ca si planeta noastra. Desi au o atmosfera prea calda pentru a fi locuite, lucrurile s-ar putea schimba pe cele trei Super-Pamanturi aflate la o distanta de 42 de ani lumina. Mai mult exista posibilitatea ca alte planete asemanatoare Pamantului sa fie locuite de fiinte umane. Ceea ce uimeste nu este existenta unor astfel de planete ci mai degraba instrumentul utilizat in descoperirea lor. Acesta e tinut secret intre Elvetia si Chile. Nu dati click mai departe, urmeaza lucruri interesante...

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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: (Casi) verdadero unicornio
by Veronika Pellerova

Lo que hasta ahora hemos considerado como mitos y leyendas, se hizo realidad. ¡Los unicornios realmente existen! O al menos un animal que realmente se parece a uno. Tiene cuerpo del caballo y un solo cuerno en su frente. La única diferencia es que, en realidad, el animal es un ciervo de un año que ha sido visto en un parque en Italia. Esta pobre criatura fue nacida con un defecto genético que lo hace bastante único, pero podría haber causado un trauma en su vida. Probablemente no tiene los poderes mágicos de curación que se suelen conectar con los unicornios en cuentos, pero definitivamente despertará un enorme interés de los científicos, que se interesan en la atípica posición central del cuerno, y de los curiosos visitantes del parque, que siempre son curiosos de ver algo extraño. Y esto también ofrece una explicación de la existencia del unicornio en historias de ficción durante toda la historia. Alguien ha descubierto un ciervo con el defecto similar y para hacerlo más interesante para sus oyentes impacientes, simplemente añadió algunos rasgos especiales o poderes mágicos. No es fácil crear una nueva creatura, entonces solamente "mejoraron" el animal que realmente habían visto. Incluso J. K. Rowling, la famosa autora de serie de Harry Potter, no ha creado completamente todas las criaturas que aparecen en sus historias, también ella usó un poco de ayuda de mitología. Los unicornios desempeñan un papel en sus libros con centauros y quimeras, como lo ocurrió también en mitos antiguos. Si sólo el pobre ciervo supiera que su anomalía inspiró algunos capítulos de uno de los libros más acertados y populares de nuestros tiempos, leído por millones de personas en todo el mundo. Supongo que no lo haría su vida en salvaje más fácil, pero podría ser una compensación para su sufrimiento.

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Posted by Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Mozokot na 115 godišna žena vo tip-top forma
by Zivka Deleva

Ovie denovi dolgotrajnosta na životot stanuva nov trend pomegu lugeto. Ima se poveke luge koi živeat poveke od 100 godini nasekade niz svetot. Toa e poradi genetskite predispozicii i poradi životnite stilovi na lugeto i steptenot na živeenje vo odredenata država. Ova e najtipično za japoncite i žitelite na Istokot od Azija, no vo posledno vreme se proširuva i vo zapadna Evropa i Amerika. Eden od ovie vekovni luge živee vo Holandija i e žena koja imala 115 godini koga počinala. Taa verojatno bila mnogu obrazovana i zainteresirana za nauka dodeka poradi toa što si go donirala teloto za istražuvanje po nejzinata smrt. No od taa data taa ne pomisluvala kolku vreme ke treba da pomine do nejzinata faktička smrt. Koga sakala da go donira nejzinoto telo na Univerzitetskiot Medicinski Centar vo Groningen, Holandija taa imala 82 godini, Taa razmisluvala dobro togaš, no i posle 30 godini ne bilo pološo. No koga napolnila poveke od 100 godini taa se plašela i toa mu go kažuvala na svojot neuro naučnik, eden od istražuvačite na nejziniot mozok. Taa mu se javuvala poradi toa što mislela deka nejzinoto telo e prestaro za istražuvanje, no naučnicite ja razubedile deka toa ne e problem, tuku deka duri i podobro za niv.Najiznenaduvačka rabota na nejziniot mozok e verojatno strukturata na samiot mozok. Zatoa što i poradi faktot deka taa e mnogu starta, kognitivnite funkcii na nejziniot mozok se na mnogu visoko nivo, što znači, deka e prosečno na nivo na 60-75 godišna ličnost. Ne se pronajdeni nikakvi znaci od Alchajmerova bolest ili dementia. Druga interesna rabota e deka nemaše znaci od stesnati arterii, što znači nema šansi za stradanje od arterioskleroza. Taa možela da zabeležuva i da pameti podobro od nekoi 70 godišni luge. Ova se misteriite na čovekoviot mozok. Mislam deka ovoj del od čovečkoto telo pripaga na najzamaglenite delovi. Ima mnogu faktori vo čovekoviot život koi vlijaat na našeto odnesuvanje, memorija i funkcioniranjeto na mozokot voopšto. Mnogu važno e vlijanieto na genite, no isto taka može da ja trenirame našata memorija so vršenje različni aktivnosti vo našiot mozok u um. Blagodarenie na ova istražuvanje isto taka, naučnicite se poblisku do spoznavanje na čovečkiot mozok i sega duri i može da tvrdat deka može da ima se poveke i poveke stari luge koi ne stradaat od dementia ili Alchajmerovata bolest. Pretpostavuvaat deka ke ima nad 580000 postari luge od 100 godini vo 2040 godina od denešnite 80000 samo vo SAD. I ova e spored moeto mislenje, brojot e mnogu golem, zatoa što vo zemjite od Istočna Azija so sigurnost ke ima pogolem broj na vakvi luge.

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edited by Katarina Gaskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: El cerebro de una mujer de 115 anos esta en excelente forma

Actualmente la longetividad comienza a convertirse en nueva tendecia entre la gente. Hay todavia mas y mas gente que vive mas que 100 anos sobre todo el mundo. Es debido a la disposicion genetica y tambien debido a la forma de vida y el nivel de vida del pais dado. Este era tipico sobre todo para los japoneses y los residentes del este de la Asia, pero recientemente esta tendencia se extiende por Europa occidental y America. Una de estos centenarios vivia en Paises Bajos y murio en sus 115 anos. Probablemente fue muy educada e interesada en la ciencia mientras que ofrecio su cuerpo a la investigacion despues de su muerte. Pero en aquel momento no sospecho que lejana su muerte era. Cuando quiso dar su cuerpo al centro medico de la universidad de Groningen, Paises Bajos, tenia 82 anos y nunca penso que tenian que esperar mas que 30 anos mas. pero cuando tenia ya cien anos, con miedo llamo al neurologo, uno de los proximos investigadores de su cerebro, porque se preocupaba que su cuerpo ya era demasiado viejo para la investigacion. Los cientificos la tranquilizaron que no es ningun problema sino que viceversa. Lo mas interesante de su cerebro era su estructura, porque a pesar del hecho de que estaba en edad muy alta, sus funciones cognitivas estaban en muy buen estado, aproximadamente al nivel de la persona entre 60 y 75 anos. Los medicos no encontraron ningunas muestras de la enfermedad Alzheimer o de la demencia. Otra cosa muy interesante fue que no habian encontrado ninguna muestra de enangostar de las arterias que significa que no sufria en ateroesclerosis. Ella era capaz de rocordarse y prestar atencion mejor que cualquier persona de 70 anos. Esto son los misterios del cerebro humano. Yo creo que esta parte de nuestro cuerpo pertenece al mas vago. Hay muchos factores en la vida humana que influencian a nuestro comportamiento, memoria y la funcion del cerebro en general. Muy importante es la influencia genetica, pero tambien podemos entrenar a nuestra memoria y a nuestro cerebro haciendo varias actividades mientras que las usamos. Tambien la alimentacion puede apoyar la actividad del cerebro y de la mente. Tambien gracias a esta investigacion estan los cientificos mas cerca a conocer por completo el cerebro humano e incluso demandar que alli puede ser cada vez mas gente vieja que no sufra de demencia o de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Se supone que en el ano 2040 habra mas que 580.000 de los centenarios a partir de 80.000 hoy en dia solamente en los EE.UU. Segun yo este numero sera mucho mas grande debido a que en los paises al este de la Asia habra una cantidad de tal gente ciertamente mas grande.

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by Dominika Haberova
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