
Monday, May 26, 2008

Seven Minutes Lasting Death For Phoenix! Milota Sidorova

Phoenix Mars, NASA robot digger named after legendary bird rising from its ashes will pass Martial atmosphere on Sunday's afternoon. 3 legged research machine, examining ice and water residuals on red planet has taken off last summer. Its 422 million kilometers journey should finish with successful reaching Martial surface near the planet's north pole. Transferring into Earth condition, Phoenix will land somewhere around Greenland. North Pole as possibly the coldest place on Mars contains large ice layer and the estimations suggest whether life and organic residuals have remained it should have been here, because of ice conservation.8 feet tall aluminum and titanium machine is designed to dig at least 2 feet depth and extracted samples will then be relocated into small oven baking them for the further chemical analysis.Seems like few next days will turn into breaking point down on the Earth. Naturally, however all attempts of landing on Mars, except of 2007 twin rovers failed. Scientists are aware of passing $420 million Phoenix down the turbulent atmosphere. Entering atmosphere in 12,000 mph speed, will be vulnerable for next 7 minutes until the jump suck will slow the robot. ''Seven minutes of terror'', said principal scientist Peter Smith of the University of Arizona, Tucson. However, designers believe this time, the mission will success. If yes, 90 days digging period should finish joining twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity.Phoenix lacks sensors monitoring extraterrestrial life, whereas it's totally focused on water mission.Finding salt on the surface would encourage theory of flowing water on Mars, from the previous warmer period.However, during our 'normal' Sunday evening routine, let's send just a little good wish up to the sky, and believe that Phoenix will rise from its fire once again.

related story:;_ylt=Al0lPUunFAic2WuF1Ut.13qs0NUE

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

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