
Monday, March 17, 2008

Three Times Older Than Wikipedia Says. The Western Part of the Grand Canyon Almost 17 Million Years Old
by Milota Sidorova

One can hardly imagine endless plains that meet the sun on its way for epochs without any barrier. Space so huge and flat like a mirror's surface. Miles and miles of plains shot only by the river.Thousands and millions of years seem quite tiny moments in the time measure of our Planet. So it passed, that the plains of Arizona have changed. Where the river Colorado flew for almost 40 million years, the flat landscape has changed into the one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. The restless water power has deepen and cut the calcite ground, shaping the most bizzare walls, stone towers, sharp cliffs, and huge cave system, all in the place, known as the Grand Canyon.Surprisingly huge area of 277 miles (446 km) of Colorado basin, wide from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km) takes the breath away, however not being the deepest one, but the most beautiful. Canyon includes two parts, the Eastern & characteristic by the stone massifs and miracles shaped by the river that leads into the Western part and finds its downstream along the more flat landscape. And here it comes. According the recent research of University in New Mexico, the Canyon dates back not 5-6 million but almost 17! The findings from the walls of nine caves along the canyon point out that the eroded flat western part seems to be almost three times older than the marvelous limestone east. Uranium-lead isotope dating method outputs invert the theories about the creation of the Grand Canyon. Theoretically two separate canyons hade been formed. The origins of the western part, eroded just a few inches per year range almost 17 million years ago. Then the canyon advanced into ' headward erosion', that means the progressing erosion into more directions. So it spreaded out into the east. 6 million years with an average a foot per thousand years carved out a depth from current 1500 to 3000 m.However the huge and the high level of canyon' s complexicity can' t satisfy with one answer. But there' s no doubt that the proper dating is an important step to move forward.As Arizona geologist Wayne Ranney, author of "Carving the Grand Canyon says of the new work. "This is really exciting for those of us who work in the stories and theories of how the Grand Canyon has evolved. This paper helps us to more clearly understand that different parts of the canyon formed at different times. That's how big the Grand Canyon is "
by Milota Sidorova
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