
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Parallel universes exist?!
by Barbora Misakova

I have never been a big sci-fi fan. Few movies or TV series was nice to watch, but I have never gone beyond the borders of physical “reality”. Anything what says about hidden worlds and extra dimensions somehow washes over me. But for those who work with parallel universes, unknown forms of matter or extra dimensions professionally, any kind of breakthrough is a big success, worth of celebration. Scientists from Geneva’s CERN are talking increasingly of the “New Physics” that could change current views of the universe and how it works. According them, very concrete physics theories can be confirmed soon with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and ! other experiments. Things which are beyond the reach of any telescope can be closer to us than ever before, they claim. The theorists say that particles that collide in the vast underground LHC complex should be brought into computerized view. If all goes well, the experiment, worth of $10 billion, will next year produce something, what physicists call one “inverse femtobarn” of information. While centuries of observation from our planet lead to only 4 per cent knowledge of the universe, few years lasting research could help us to understand the rest of it, the rest which is made up of dark matter and dark energy, the rest of the universe, so unknown and strange to us. So what is this project telling us? Billions of particles flying off from each LHC collision are tracked at detectors which give us clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time. And the same dimensions can be hiding so fascinating parallel universes…

related story ! (sgx18455):;_y...
by Barbora Misakova
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