
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Photography: then and now
by Barbora Misakova

It is nothing new, that people, except souvenirs usually bring from holidays also photographs. Everyone wants to show their friends and family members which hotel they slept in, what food they ate and how blue was the sea. While in the past a photographer had to think twice before he took a picture, today it is not needed. You can go for few days trip and come back with thousands of photographs and no one will be surprised. On the contrary – it is a new necessity of this era – taking pictures of everything we have seen, we have touched or even smelt. One would say that without pictures from the holiday there was not holiday at all. And that is the main problem &! #8211; sometimes we concentrate on taking pictures of things much more than the things themselves. Instead of enjoying the sunlight, historical buildings, sea and the place itself, we are immortalizing them through the pictures we take. But do not get me wrong – there is nothing bad on photographing, as long as you enjoy it! First photography, which was made in 1838, was an image of a man who appears to be getting his shoes or boots shined at a street corner. The picture was made by Louis Daguerre – French artist, chemist and the inventor of the daguerreotype process. This process involved exposing a chemically treated metal plate for several minutes and so enabled us to create images of anything we want. But pictures from the era of their birth will always have unmistakable and incredible atmosphere. That is the reason, why I still have the old 80s picture of my parents framed on my desk.

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Fotografia: včera a dnes
by Barbora Misakova

Nie je žiadnou novinkou, že si ľudia z dovoleniek či iných ciest prinášajú okrem suvenírov aj fotografie. Každý chce predsa ukázať svojim priateľom, známym a rodine hotel, v ktorom býval, more, v ktorom sa kúpal či jedlo, ktoré každý deň v danej krajine konzumoval. Kým v minulosti si musel fotograf dobre rozmyslieť, čo odfotí, dnes už to nie je vôbec potrebné. Môžete ísť na niekoľkodňový výlet a pritom prísť s tisíckami fotografií. A vedzte, že nik sa nebude čudo! vať. Práve naopak – v dnešnej dobe je fotografovanie všetkého čo ste videli, zažili či dokonca cítili priam nevyhnutnosťou. Pre niekoho totiž dovolenka bez fotografií akoby ani neexistovala! A to je hlavný problém – čoraz viac sa totiž koncentrujeme na fotografovanie vecí, ako na veci samotné. Tak nám uniká to krásne slnečné svetlo odrážajúce sa od hladiny mora či staré historické budovy a ich nesmrteľná duša pamätajúca si tváre všetkých, ktorí prešli ich bránami. Miesto vnímania génia loci dané predmety a miesta zvečňujeme na obrázku, ktorý potom leží v albume na poličke. Na fotografovaní však nie je nič zlé, ak z neho máte skutočnú radosť. Prvá fotografia, ktorá vzn! ikla v roku 1838, zobrazovala muža, ktorý si dá! val  9;istiť svoje topánky na rohu ulice. Obrázok urobil Louis Daguerre – francúzsky umelec, chemik a vynálezca tzv. daguerrotypického procesu. Tento proces využíva ako médium kovovú doštičku, ktorá s krištáľmi jódu zreagovala a tým vytvorila obraz. Fotografie, ktoré pochádzajú ešte z éry ich zrodu sú neobyčajné a majú neskutočnú atmosféru. Aj to je dôvod, prečo mám stále na stole zarámovanú fotografiu mojich rodičov z 80. rokov!

related story (sgx18509):! sho...
by Barbora Misakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Amazon rainforest hided 1.220 unknown species
by Zivka Deleva

In a ten year period, in the fabulous Amazon rainforest have been discovered more than thousands of new species. A big study that was done in the picturesque area said that almost every third day was a festival for the researchers - every third day they would have discovered a type of a living being, said the environment group WWF. They found a huge four-meter anaconda, giant catfish that can eat a monkey, dart frogs etc. are only few of the exactly 1,220 animals and plants, as well. The research began in 1999 and was done till last year, but the results were well systemized, so they came to the public few days ago. The spectacular news was announced at a United Nations ! summit that is organized in Japan, where the main topics is the need of people to do anything possible to stop the mass extinction of species all over the world. The report about Amazon situation is giving hope to the mankind that everything is not lost, but that we shouldn't sleep still, until we don't protect the Amazon region better. "This incredible region is under pressure because of the human presence. The landscape is being very quickly transformed" - says Francisco Ruiz, head of WWF's Living Amazon Initiative. The biggest exterminators of the living kinds in the Amazon rainforest are without doubt the cattle farming and the palm oil plantations that made almost 20 percent of Amazon to be destroyed in the last 50 years. And that is weight too much. The joy of finding the new species will be pretty short if we don't do something more to fight the destroyers. Now it's time for the international organizations and foreign governments to show how much they care about ! the environment.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Friday, October 22, 2010

What do we know about earthquakes?
by Barbora Misakova

Earthquake is one of the deadliest natural phenomenons. Quake, also known as tremor or temblor, is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust. This energy release then creates seismic waves of different magnitude. The fact is that earthquakes are actually extremely common. Did you know there were 4,262 earthquakes detected in the United States last year and 4,263 this year? Are you surprised? Don’t be – the most of them were so small we couldn’t feel them. Only seven earthquakes last year were bigger than magnitude 6 and only one was greater than magnitude 7. The biggest earthquake that ever hit USA yet was in 1964 and it has magni! tude 9.2! While some “experts” insist earthquakes can be predicted, the reverse is true. On the other hand, it is truth that some parts of the nation are more likely to see quakes, especially Alaska and California. If you live in these areas you should know what to do. According to experts, during the earthquake itself the best thing to do is get on your hands and knees and crawl under your table or desk – it is the best way you can protect your neck and head. Advice for people living in earthquake prone areas sounds: have a survival kit including battery powered radio along with enough food and water for three days. But earthquakes can cause also landslides, avalanches, fires and tsunamis – according to its magnitude and epicenter. Even though there is no way how to predict earthquake, we should be always prepared. No one knows when the next will hit us!

related story (sgx18473):
by Barbora Misakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vlijanieto od naftenoto izlevanje na BP ne e tolku losho kolku shto se misleshe
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Na 20 april, 2010 godina, platformata za nafta na Dipvoter Horajzon dozhivea eksplozija shto ubi 11 rabotnici i povredi ushte 17. I naftata pochna da lebdi od podvoda predizvikuvajkji go najgolemoto nafteno izlevanje vo istorijata na choveshtvoto. Naftenoto izlevanje ne samo shto predizvika golema shteta za zhiviot svet, no isto taka i za ribarstvoto i turizmot vo Meksikanskiot Zaliv. Globalnata naftena i gasova kompanija BP beshe proglasena za odgovorna za katastrofata od strana na amerikanskata vlada. Podocna , BP i samata si ja prizna greshkata. Iako istekuvanjeto beshe zapreno na 15 juli, 185 galoni (4.9 milioni bareli) suroca nafta vekje bea pushteni vo vodata. Shest m! eseca po eksplozijata, nauchnicite shto go prouchuvaa Zalivot, ja namalija stapkata na ekoloshko zdravje za nekolku tochki, vo sporedba so situacijata pred izlevanjeto. Toa shto e iznenaduvachki e shto opagjanjeto ne beshe tolku mnogu dramatichno kolku shto se ochekuvashe. Na skala od 0 do 100, Zalivot beshe rangiran na 65-to mesto, a pred izlevanjeto, brojot beshe 71. Poentata e vo toa shto vodite od Golfot bea gnasni so godini od mali izlevanja, pretezhno od rekata Misisipi i od drugi. "Se ima vpechatok deka i ne e tolku losho; toa ne e najloshoto scenario, reche Stiv Lorenz, bioloshki okeanograf pri Univerzitetot od Juzhen Misisipi. "Se ushte postoi opasnost od dolgotrajnoto vlijanie" Istrazhuvachi od Dzordzija od brodot Okeanus, sugeriraa deka se ushte ima mnogu izlevanje na morskoto dno. Od 78 primeroci se pojavija samo tri zarazeni vidovi crvi. "Faktot deka ne postoi fauna e signal deka neshto im se sluchilo na ovie mesta i ovie sedimenti", reche nauchnikot Samanta ! Dzoj od Univerzitetot od Dzordzija.

related story (sg x18467):
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Oldest galaxy so far found through the Hubble Space Telescope
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Matthew Lehnert of the Observatory of Paris in Meudon and his colleagues made a surprising discovery. They found the oldest galaxy so far through the Hubble Space Telescope´s Wide Field Camera 3. It was recognized on the photo released earlier this year. The distance between the most remote astronomical object known and Earth is 13.071 billion light-years. At the time of its creation the universe itself was only 600 million years old. "We're looking at the universe when it was a 20th of its current age," said California Institute of Technology astronomy professor Richard Ellis, who wasn't part of the discovery team. "In human terms, we're looking at a 4-year-old boy i! n the life span of an adult.“ The new galaxy doesn´t have a proper name, it is dubbed UDFy-38135539. However, Lehnert and his colleagues said they called it „the high red shift blob“. The astronomers learned the distance between the galaxy and our planet after 16 hours of observations with the spectrograph in Chile. At first, they feared it would take as long as one year to do the spectroscopy, however, Lehnert “calculated that the light emitted by hydrogen atoms in the galaxy was bright enough to do a shorter study”. The state in which the scientists see the galaxy now is about 100 million years old, that is because it takes the light so long to travel such enormous distance. The most thrilling fact about the discovery is for the astronomers that it confirms the theories about the time of birth of the first stars and galaxies. "We're looking almost to the edge, almost within 100 million years of seeing the very first objects," Ellis said! . "One hundred million years to a human seems an awful long ti! me, but in astronomical time periods, that's nothing compared to the life of the stars." The study was published in Nature, one of the world´s most prestigious scientific journals on October 21.

related story (sgx18458):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary inte! rface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Parallel universes exist?!
by Barbora Misakova

I have never been a big sci-fi fan. Few movies or TV series was nice to watch, but I have never gone beyond the borders of physical “reality”. Anything what says about hidden worlds and extra dimensions somehow washes over me. But for those who work with parallel universes, unknown forms of matter or extra dimensions professionally, any kind of breakthrough is a big success, worth of celebration. Scientists from Geneva’s CERN are talking increasingly of the “New Physics” that could change current views of the universe and how it works. According them, very concrete physics theories can be confirmed soon with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and ! other experiments. Things which are beyond the reach of any telescope can be closer to us than ever before, they claim. The theorists say that particles that collide in the vast underground LHC complex should be brought into computerized view. If all goes well, the experiment, worth of $10 billion, will next year produce something, what physicists call one “inverse femtobarn” of information. While centuries of observation from our planet lead to only 4 per cent knowledge of the universe, few years lasting research could help us to understand the rest of it, the rest which is made up of dark matter and dark energy, the rest of the universe, so unknown and strange to us. So what is this project telling us? Billions of particles flying off from each LHC collision are tracked at detectors which give us clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time. And the same dimensions can be hiding so fascinating parallel universes…

related story ! (sgx18455):;_y...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thougths on Apocalypse
by Milota Sidorova

Some time ago, I said that humans were obsessed with their doom. Apocalypses and catastrophes of all kind made a fortune in movie, gaming, journalist business. Of course we know that we can be hit by an asteroid and that will probably mean the nuclear winter and the end of human kind, but it seems so distant to us. Why do we love Matrix that much? Why are we obsessed with Nostradamus and his doom prophecies, why is the Apocalypse of St. John one of the most adored books of our kind? Is it because we see where does the system leads us into? Is that because we see how social, political and economical injustice lead wars over billions of innocent people? We know we stand on th! e edge of the knife and we fear it will be over. But most of us think, it will come after me. So why do even care? I am amazed how people from my environment really talk about 2012. The most interesting is the tune of the statement – it is partly funny and irony, but there is also a bit of awe. The background for this statement is the end of Mayan Calendar. As a civilization they were extremely precise with mathematic projections, including atronomy and time measures. But their calendar stops in 2012 and some translations and interpretations say that it is going to be the end of the world. This is generally well known fact among masses, but there have been scientific explanations why it may not be the right meaning. Mayan projections were based on the movement of the Earth and the stars. But let me explain – the Earth moves on three directions. One of them is rotation around its axes that makes the day and night. The second is the rotation of the axes and that! makes the summer and winter time and the third movement has a! long pe riod and it is about the small oscilation around the axis again. This makes a slight, but significant movement of the North Pole. What we can see today as the North on the night sky, what we can see as a Northern Star, that wasn't a North direction approximately 4,700 yrs ago. The cycle of this movement lasts about 2400 yrs and Mayan were on the beggining of „our time“ and now, we seem to be at the end of the same period. The Northern star is moving on the sky. Some scientists suggest that projections based on moving stars simply ended because the stars were about to move in 2012. (However, they have been moving gradually, but this date seemed to be crucial and breaking point for the projections and for a significant gap they couldn't go forward). So one of the interpretaions is that Mayan couldn't count beyond 2012, becauso of moving stars. This, however doesn't mean the end of our kind is not coming – it is if we don't critically focus on our behavior. Th! e end is not coming in the moment. There is one saying, gradually than suddenly – and that is what human kind has been working on through its history.

related story (sgx18430):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled w! ith free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering in! finite c hoices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

BP oil spill impact not as bad as originally feared
by Zuzana Zelenakova

On April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon drilling rig saw an explosion that killed 11 workers and injured 17 more. And oil began to flow from the underwater gusher causing the largest marine oil spill in the history. The oil spill not only caused an extensive damage to the wildlife, but also to the fishing and tourism industry in the Gulf of Mexico. Global oil and gas company BP was declared responsible for the catastrophy by the US government. Later, BP itself admitted its fault. Although the leak was stopped on July 15, 185 gallons (4.9 million barrels) of crude oil were already released into the water. Six months after the explosion, researchers studying the Gulf lowered the! ir rating of ecological health by several points, as compared to the situation before the spill. What is surprising is that the decline was not as dramatic as it was expected. On a scale of 0 to 100, the Gulf was rated 65, before the spill the number was 71. The thing is the waters of the Gulf have been tainted for years by smaller spills, outwash from the Mississipi River and so on. "There's the sense that it's not as bad as we had originally feared; it's not that worst case scenario," said Steve Lohrenz, a biological oceanographer at the University of Southern Mississippi. "There's still a lot of wariness of what that long-term impact is going to be." Georgia researchers from aboard the ship Oceanus suggest there is still a lot of BP´s oil on the sea floor. Out of 78 samples they took only three contained living worms. "The fact that there isn't living fauna is a signal that something happened to these sites and these sediments," said University of Georgia scientist ! Samantha Joye.

related story (sgx18444):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Plans for Masdar City outside Abu Dhabi change
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Masdar, the source in Arabic, is the name given to the future city that is to be built just outside Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. The city designed by the British architectural firm Foster and Partners is a quite unique project not only within the United Arab Emirates, but also on a global scale. It was announced that the city will rely entirely on solar energy and other renewable energy sources and it shoul pose no threat whatsoever to the environment. To emphasize this goal the city will also become the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency (RENA). “From the beginning, Masdar has been engaged in a journey of discovery to create a blueprint ! for the future of sustainable cities. Our steady progress is being built on our ability to discover the best technologies and approaches to sustainable urban living and bring them most effectively to Masdar City,” said Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of Masdar. “As the construction phase progresses, we will be continually learning, adjusting and moving forward towards our vision for Masdar City. As technology and the market evolves so will our plan.“ The project headed by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company was initiated in 2006 and its cos tis estimated on $22 billion. However, according to the latest reports, the plans for the city´s construction have changed to some extent. Review says the city will no longer be able to produce all of its energy. The project will not be completed sooner than 2020, it could stretch as fara s 2025. As a part of new plans also the system of personal podcars that were about to transport thousands of residents around the city! has gone trough some changes. The podcar system is now limite! d to an „ongoing pilot project.“

related story (sgx18369):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers! .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Prestíž. Horúčkovitá túžba po Nobelovej cene.
by Milota Sidorova

O tom, že Nobelova cena znamaná asi vrchol v dnes už popularizovanej vedeckej činnosti, asi niet pochýb. Cena neznamená prestíž, pre toho, ktorého výskumníka, je to pocta pre celú krajinu. Nuž a tak ako boli vojny o zem, zdroje, informácie, vedú sa dnes vojny o imidž. Mať nositeľa nobelovej ceny znamená, že krajina dominuje v tej, ktorej oblasti. Ak hovoríme o vedeckej činnosti, ocenenia zvyčajne putujú do niekoľkých európskych krajín, Spojených štátov amerických a Japonska. Zvláštna situácia nastane ! ak si túto vedeckú mapu prekryjeme s mapou ekonomického a politického vplyvu. Chýba azda najpotencionálnejší hráč na trhu – Čína. Krajna s povesťou výrobnej haly pre svet a neústupčivou, vpred smerujúcou politikou doteraz nezískala túto cenu. Hoci bola táto cena v priebehu svojej histórie udelená 9 etnickými Číňanom, iba jeden z nich mal čínske občianstvo, Nuž a aj tento výskum, v hoci dosť podstatnej, subatómovej oblasti bol realizovaný mimo čínske hranice. Čína sa k svojim nositeľom nobelových cien nesprávala veľmi vľúdne – spisovateľ Gao Xingjan, ktorý v osemdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia kvôli cenzúre emigroval do Francúzska. V roku 2000 získal cenu za literatúru, ale čínska vlá! da sa od neho dištancovala. Podobnú kontroverziu sp&! #225;cha la zasa tento rok, kedy vyvíjala tlak na komisiu, aby cenu neudelila uväznenému aktivistovi za demokraciu Liu Xiaboovi. Ďalší držiteľ ceny, tentokrát za mier je Tibeťan Dalaj Láma, vzťahy s Pekingom sú však na bode mrazu. Niektorí pozorovatelia vravia, že Čína potrebuje ďalší skalp – po Olympískych hrách, kedy demonštrovala schopnosť na povel žiariť a usmievať sa pred zahraničnými návštevníkmi. Tentokrát potrebuje Nobelovu cenu, najlepšie vo vedeckej oblasti – potrebuje zažiariť vo výskume, upevniť si toto verejné povedomie a získať prestíž. Avšak cena musí presne spĺňať požiadavku na politicky vhodného adepta a vedecký subjekt.

related story (sgx18355):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

China desiring politically correct Nobel Prize
by Milota Sidorova

No doubts that the Nobel Prize means perhaps the greatest prestige in popular science world. It is not an honor and prestige for the scientist him/herself, but also for the country he comes from. Living in the country that has only one Nobel Prize winner who was one of awarded huge climatology project it seems so distant. But there are countries that rival also in this field. As it's been once said, the only possible revolution was the technological and scientific revolution. So far, global leading countries were Japan, Britain, France, the U.S. and Germany. If we compare it with the economic situation there is one member missing – China. And though it seems more a ! moral and image battlefield, it seems that China wants to join the group of the „most“ successful. The fact is there was no Nobel prize that went to China, if we don't count nine Chinese ethnic winners who were except of one scientist without Chinese nationality. But that although crucial research on subatomic partials was done outside China. Some more awarded were disowned, just like Gao Xingjian , Chinese born writer who left for France in 1980s to escape censorship. Controversial was also the step when China pressured the Norwegian Nobel Committee to try to dissuade the prize for imprisoned democracy Liu Xiaboo. Dalai Lama who got Nobel Prize for Peace efforts is Tibetian and being expelled from the country. Still it seems the Prize means another step to dominate the world. After Olympic Games that demonstrated Chinese power and ability to shine before international community, the desire focused on Nobel Prize, if best in science or medicine and in the wa! y the current political regime wants to

related story ! ( sgx18349):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Nobel prize in physics for Russian scientists
by Zivka Deleva

Researching the graphene with years has brought two Russian-born scientists that worked in England to the Nobel Prize in physics. I am not going to try and explain what this material is, but I am going to copy paste it from Wikipedia – “Graphene is a one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp2-bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice. The name comes from graphite + -ene.” For those of you that understand the language of the physics, this explanation would be enough. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov of the University of Manchester have proved that the graphene is the strongest material that man knows. It is thicker than a singl! e atom and some hundred times tougher than steel. Geim and Novoselov believe that this material might be utilized for making today’s computers even faster, lighter airplanes, better touch screens. I think that we can’t even imagine what are all the things that can be produced,if you have the graphene as a basis. The Russian scientists have isolated the material, by using a piece of Scotch tape. They have done the research during a six year period. "It has all the potential to change your life in the same way that plastics did. It is really exciting" - Geim, a Dutch citizen, said. By far, the graphene hasn't been used in the ordinary life. The anticipations are huge, but we should wait and see. Only some prototype electronic display screens and composite materials have been made. Geim and Novoselov are going to share 1.5 million dollar! I bow for that. Novoselov who is 36 only is the youngest Nobel winner since 1973. God bless such brainpower! !
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Nobelova nagrada za fizika za ruski naučnici
by Zivka Deleva

Istražuvajkji ja grafenata so godini na dvajca naučnici rodeni Rusi koi rabotat vo Anglija im donese Nobelova nagrada po fizika. Nema ni da se obidam da objasnam za kakov materijal stanuva zbor, ami kje ja kopiram i napišam od "Vikipedija" - "Grafenata e ednoatomska pločka od sp2 povrzani jaglerodni atmoi koi gusto se sredenivo kristalna rešetka od vosočna pita. Imeto doagja od "grafit" + "ene". Za tie od vas što go razbiraat jazikot na fizikata, ova objasnuvanje bi bilo dovolno. Andre Geim i Konstantin Novoselov od Univerzitetot vo Mančester dokažaa deka grafenata e najcvrstiot materijal što čovekot go poznava. Toj e p! odebel od eden atom i nekolku stotici pati pojak od čelikot. Geim i Novoselov veruvaat deka ovoj materijal bi možel da se koristi za pravenje na denešnite kompjuteri da bidat pobrzi, za polesni avioni, podobri ekrani na dopir. Mi se čini deka nie duri ne možeme ni da zamislime što sé može da bide napraveno, ako ja imate grafenata kako osnova. Ruskite naučnici go izoliraa materijalot, koristejkji del od selotejp. Go pravele istražuvanjeto vo vreme vo šest-godišen period. "Toa go ima celiot potencijal da go smeni vašiot život na istiot način kako što plastikata napravi. Toa e navistina vozbudlivo" - reče Geim koj e holandski žitel. Zasega grafenata ne e koristena voopšto vo običniot život. Predviduvanjata se golemi, no treba da počekame za da vidime. Samo nekoi prototipovi na elektronski displei na ekrani i kompozitni materijali bea sozdadeni. Geim i Novoselov kje! podelat po 1.5 milioni dolari. Se poklonuvam na toa. Novoselo! v koj im a samo 36 godini e najmladiot Nobelovec od 1973 godina navamu. Bog da gi blagoslovi takvite pametni lugje!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In vitro fertilization issue won the Nobel Prize 2010.
by Milota Sidorova

So far, the Nobel Prize 2010 in medicine has created a sensation in both ways.The most prestigious award went to Robert Edwards of Britain, 85-year-old professor emeritus at the University of Cambridge for development and progress in in vitro fertilization. Though the topic is not that new, the prize waited more than three decades for right timing. Begining of the research dates back to 1978 when the first tube baby was born. But this way of child bearing has caused so much troubles and even now the society remains torn apart. While it is praised by at least eight million parents who could have a baby this way, it is strongly criticized by Vatikan. The third group in the pr! ocess are critics who object that creating embryo and new human life (understand flesh, cells and chemicals) can easily become a subject of huge business. Creating new cells, it also means to be able to create conditions for new organs, core cells needed in transplantations and many more medical operations. There is also ethic problem called by some observers „externalization“ of human life, somewhat remaining Pandora problem. Nobody knows what to expect, once there will be abilities to create and control human life. Neither law systems, nor society has been prepared for this situation and it there is a little hope, they will be solved once and for all. Edwards got the Nobel Prize by himself, although he worked for decades of years with his research partner Patrick Steptoe who died in 1998. But Nobel Prize are not posthumous.

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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.