
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fancy a trip in the outer space?
by Claudia Sonea

Star Trek reloaded? In the near future we will live like Captain Picard on a spaceship with more than enough space to live and dream about how it used to be life on Earth. We are already used to turn our fantasies in reality and for the time been we dream at space stations, spaceships and it is not impossible to create these things. However, if we continue to exploit Earth’s resources until exhaustion and destroy the environment with pollution and other harmful activities, the dream to a life on Earth will be impossible. Most people are aware of what could happen, while some! just don’t bother in giving too much thought to the issue. However, powerful nations led by intelligent people are already preparing for worst-case scenario. USA is famous among other for the movie industry and in the past years the focus was on presenting possible situations that would make existence on earth impossible. Therefore, the country is seriously preoccupied with the subject and there are most probably preparations undergoing for such cases. What does the everyday person who strives to make a living actually knows? Officially, nothing or better said not too much to be stressed about. What most people know is that there is a space station created by joint nations like USA, Japan, Russia, etc.; that there is also an ongoing project to create private inflatable space habitats from Bigelow Aerospace; that currently Russia is keeping 18 men in a hatch to simulate life on Mars and together with the EU and Canada wi! ll actually perform the mission. Moreover, Boeing announced th! at it is working on a new Boeing space capsule called CST-100 capsule in order to put the basis of a commercial crew space transportation system. Just imagine how travelling into space will be no longer a dream, but a matter of money- whether you have enough to pay for the ticket.

related story (sgx17710):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growi! ng provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mock Mars mission
by Claudia Sonea

Mankind is characterized by the need to create, to explore, by the ardent desire to go beyond all limits. After making breaking discoveries on Earth, man has decided to look up and dare to dream to conquer space too. The United States and the Soviet Union started a real competition in the 1950s trying to explore the outer space. Russians have sent in space the first animal and the first man, but the Americans claim they were the first to land on the Moon. Although many people doubt that someone actually reached the Moon, there is the certitude of flight in space and that the Russians mean business. ! Next on the Agenda is to do an exploration on Mars. However, the mission needs careful preparation and all details must be planned ahead. As the astronauts will have to live in an environment of seclusion and counting only on each other’s support, Moscow already started a simulation to monitor the psychological and physical effects. The simulation will keep six men in a hatch for 18 months with limited food and the only mean of communication will take place through email. Europe is confident in Russia and the space projects which is why the EU agreed last year to sign a deal for a mission on Mars and for sending a probe on one of Mar’s two moons. Canada will also take part to the plans of conquering space. Now, how is the United States going to counter-attack? Don’t go away and you will find more…

related story (sgx17489): ht! tp://www
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Umorul ca arma
by Claudia Sonea

Tot ce ne trebuie este sa radem. Oamenii ar trebui sa radem mai mult si viata ar parea mai frumoasa. Sa faci haz de necaz este deviza romanilor in viata si luand in considerare ca acestia sunt tot timpul atacati de alte natiuni, ar trebui sa rada chiar foarte mult. Cu toate acestea, romani au un umor jovial, fara nici o ironie sau intentie de a rani. Britanicii sunt oarecum diferiti, ei fac haz de necaz, dar este un umor plin de spiritualitate si totodata sarcastic ca o lovitura verbala a unei persoane. Deoarece ca modalitate rasul britanic este mult mai interesant, atentia ar trebui sa fie orientata spre ult! imul scandal care implica compania de petrol britanica BP. In ciuda a ceea ce s-ar putea crede, britanicii au fost de fapt in acest caz cei batjocoriti si nu invers. Toata lumea este familiarizata cu spargerea putului cu petrol din Golful Mexic si faptul ca aceasta a fost cel mai mare dezastru ecologic din lume si responsabilul, BP, nu a reusit sa limiteze cresterea de poluare. In ciuda tuturor asigurarilor ca societatea va plati despagubiri pentru afacerile locale si va plati pentru operatiunile de curatare, opinia publica critica aspru modul de gestionare a intregii situatii. Campania inceputa de compania petroliera pe Facebook si Twitter intr-o incercare de a-si imbunatati imaginea a dus la infiintarea unui cont Twitter satiric ai carui adeptii sunt in principal, activisti si oameni anti-BP. Fondatorul a postat avertismente pline de duh si sloganuri care implica o lipsa de interes real a BP-ului in c! eea ce priveste mediul inconjurator. Mai mult, persoana care a! creat c ontul a decis sa utilizeze profiturile realizate in urma vizitelor si sa faca o donatie de 10.000 de dolari Retelei de Restaurare a Golfului.

related story (sgx17495):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kolku e kratka čovečkata memorija
by Milota Sidorova

Ima edna stara pogovorka - Ne možete da razberete koj ste, ako ne si go poznavate minatoto. Edna druga pak, veli, "idninata samo gi rešava rabotite od minatoto". I jas ja dodavam poslednata – Pamtete. Jas pripagjam na srekjna generacija što živee i raste vo relativen mir. Ne sum ja vkusil vojnata (fala mu na Boga) i gi uživam plodovite na demokratijata (iako imam po nekoja zabeleška protiv sistemot) i veruvam vo pozitivna idnina (kako i da e, jas sum zagrižen za ekološkite i ekonomskite problemi). No, sepak, možam da bidam srekjen što odam na učilište, odam na rabota, se šetam bez strav (so isklučok! na zgolemeniot broj ekstremisti vo evropskiot region). No, koga razgovaram so mojot dedo, isto e kako da razgovaram so duh. Toj gi preživeal dvete svetski vojni i denešnite okolnosti za nego izgledaat mnogu različni. Toj bil eden od milionite što se plašele za svoite životi, gi izgubile svoite pari za vreme na hiperinflacija i bil prinuden da se otkaže od negoviot svoite imot. Koga zboruvam za nego, gledam preživuvač, ponekogaš e tolku gorčlivo, što ne možam da im poveruvam na solzite, ponekogaš ja čuvstvuvam surovosta na vojnata i režimite što gi odzele životite na povekje od milioni Evropejci. Vo sporedba so negovite iskustva, moite stravovi za hipoteka ili podobra pozicija se činat deka se samo običen šum. Toj mi e ogledalo, jas go odrazuvam vistinskiot život vo negovite zborovi. Što ako se slučeše i vojna bi me zela? Što ako gi izgubam site! nadeži za podobra kariera, kukja ili sloboda? Što b! i se slu čilo togaš? Kje stanam li čudovište gledajkji si go samo svoeto čare? Mislam deka toa se slučuva duri i so mojata generacija. Se čini deka mladite lugje se premnogu izgubeni vo gužvata na trošenjeto. Tie se grižat samo za garderobata, imidzot i Ajfoun. Ponekogaš se somnevam deka tie duri možat da zboruvaat za nešto drugo osven za samite sebe, za seks, pari i nasilstvo. Otupeniot potrošuvač definitivno e vo moda. Kolku malku tie razmisluvaat za minatoto. Kolku samo tie mislat deka vojnata može da počne i vo mirno vreme. Tie se tolku bezgrižni što ne go ni zabeležuvaat vistinskiot neprijatel – tie gi gubat svoite duši i humanosta i nekolku godini podocna kako povozrasni lugje tie kje pagjaat vo depresija ili kje se razveduvaat ili kje potpagjat pod drugi civilizaciski bolesti. Ne znam, no lugjeto od mojata generacija voopšto ne ni razmisluvaat za holokaustot ili! za svetska vojna kako za nešto visitnsko – tie ne gi ni zabelešuvaat nivnite dedovci i babi i nivnite zborovi. Veruvam deka tie stanuvaat slepi – i kako može slepi lugje da ní ja vodat generacijata kon podobra idnina? Mediumite, političarite, biznismenite – site tie zboruvaat za vojnata kako za nešto normalno, prirodno – kako da e toa samo prošetka ili čaša voda. Jas sum zagrižen za obezvrednuvanjeto na važnosta na značenjeto na zborot vojna. Zdodevnosta i apatijata se naš sekojdneven leb. Ní treba nasilstvo za da se utešime sebe si. Jademe lažni sliki na vojna vo filmovite, ja falime agresijata vo sekoj aspekt na našite životi. Ova me plaš čuvstvuvam kako vo stapica pomegju hororite na zborovite na dedo mi i hororite od odnesuvanjeto na moderniot čovek od 21.vek.

related story (sgx17443):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.