
Monday, April 26, 2010

Kontakt s mimozemšťanmi je príliš riskantný, hovorí Stephen Hawking
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Podľa britského astrofyzika Stephena Hawkinga je takmer isté, že mimozemšťania existujú, zároveň však varuje, že prípadný kontakt s nimi by mohol byť „príliš riskantný“. Vo vesmíre sa nachádza asi 100 miliárd galaxií a vzhľadom na také obrovské číslo je vysoko nepravdepodobné, že by sa život nevyvinul aj inde než len na Zemi. „Vzhľadom na tieto čísla ma môj matematický mozog núti uvažovať o mimozemšťanoch ako o realite,“ povedal Hawking. „Skuto! 69;nou výzvou je zistiť akí vlastne sú.“ Návštevu mimozemšťanov prirovnal k pristátiu Krištofa Kolumba v Amerike, „ktoré pre pôvodných obyvateľov nedopadlo veľmi dobre.“ Ľudia sa už v minulosti snažili spojiť s mimozemskými civilizáciami, či už prostredníctvom rádiového vysielania alebo sond obsahujúcich pozíciu našej planéty vo vesmíre. Hawking hovorí, že život inde vo vesmíre pravdepodobne existuje vo forme jednoduchých mikróbov. Čo sa týka mimozemského života bližšie k našej domovskej planéte, evidencia o jeho existencii na Marse neustále rastie, výskyt života je možný i na Europe, jednom z Jupiterových mesiacov. „Uplne istí si budeme až keď v priebehu nasledujúcich desaťr! očí príde ďalšia generácia vesm&! #237;rny ch lodí ktoré budú na tento účel špeciálne vybavené a preskúmajú mesiace Jupitera a vyprahnuté pláne na Marse.“ Stephen Hawking, ktorý má 68 rokov, pôsobil tridsať rokov ako profesor matematiky na Univerzite v anglickom Cambridge. Do dôchodku odišiel v októbri minulého roku. Základnými oblasťami jeho výskumu sú teoretická kozmológia a kvantová gravitácia. Jedna z jeho najdôležitejších prác sa týka tzv. Hawkingovho žiarenia, niekedy nazývaného aj Bekenstein-Hawkingovo žiarenie, ide o tepelné vyžarovanie čiernych dier. Hawking už od mladosti trpí amyotrofickou laterálnou sklerózou (druh motorickej poruchy), ktorá ho takmer úplne ochromila. So svetom komunikuje prostredníctvom hlasového syntetizátora.

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Contact with aliens is too risky says Stephen Hawking
by Zuzana Zelenakova

According to British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking it is almost certain that aliens exist, however, he warns at the same time that possible contact could be “too risky”. There are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe and with such a number it is most likely that life evolved also in other places, not only on Earth. "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," said Hawking. "The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like." He compared visit by aliens to Christopher Columbus landing in America for the first time, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans". People have tri! ed to reach extraterrestrial civilizations before sending radio beams or probes bearing carvings of human beings and the location of our planet into the space. Hawking says that life elsewhere in the universe is most likely to exist in form of simple microbes. When it comes to extraterrestrial life closer to our home planet, there is growing evidence of it on Mars and it could possibly exist on Europa, one of Jupiter´s moons. "We will only know for sure when the next generation of spacecraft, fine-tuned to search for life, are launched to the moons of Jupiter and the arid plains of Mars in the coming decades." Stephen Hawking, aged 68, held a prestigious post of professor of mathematics called Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, England, for thirty years. He retired in October 2009. He specializes in theoretical cosmology and quantum gravity. One of his best-known scientific works is Hawking radiation, sometimes called Bekenstein-Hawking ! radiation, which is a theoretical prediction that black holes ! should e mit radiation. Hawking is suffering from neuro-muscular dystrophy that left him almost completely paralyzed. He communicates with the world through voice synthesizer.

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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload ! and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Space shuttle Discovery back from trip to the ISS
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Space shuttle Discovery landed at Kennedy Space Center on Tuesday morning. The seven astronauts are finally home after several unsuccessful landings due to rain. The 15 day mission was headed to the International Space Station and was concluded the rare flight over part of the United States. "We got the bonus of coming over the entire United States, and it was just absolutely gorgeous," said shuttle commander Alan Poindexter. "The entire entry track took us over the Rockies and over the Midwest and across the Mississippi Delta. It was just a fantastic entry." The last time similar flyover occurred was in 2007. NASA usually prefers the way home lead through minimally popula! ted areas, like South Pacific, Central America and the Gulf of Mexico. Pointdexter and his crew brought tons of supplies and equipment to the ISS and left Saturday. The most important component delivered to the space station was a tank of ammonia coolant, which, however, was not easy to install. It took three spacewalks. NASA even considered sending the astronauts out for the fourth time as a nitrogen pressure valve failed to open after the tank installation. "Wrapping up [Mission] 131 here from Discovery, a really great mission," said Launch Integration Manager Mike Moses, in a statement today. "A lot of good science and a lot of good stuff delivered up to the station. Couldn't be more proud of the teams." Just three more missions remain until NASA retires its shuttle fleet. After that American astronauts will be transported to the orbit by the Russians. Well, at least until regular commercial space travel becomes reality. The last flight has been scheduled for September, ! but according to NASA´s Office of the Inspector General a! delay i s possible that would prolong the shuttle program until 2011.

related story (sgx17056):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama saka da gi isprati astronautite na Mars
by Magdalena Rosova

Pretsedatelot Barak Obama go promoviraše negoviot nov plan za vselensko istražuvanje koj bi trebalo da gi odvede amerikanskite astronauti na istorski patuvanja na asteroid i na Mars. No, raketite i pogonot što treba da gi odvede Amerikancite na Mars treba prvo da se zamislat i da bidat izgradeni. Obama ponatamu hrabro reče deka toj veruval deka kje bide tuka za da go vidi seto toa. Toj go održa negoviot govor blizu lansirnite rampi na istoriskiot Vselenski centar „Kenedi“, od kade bea isprateni prvite lugje na Mesečinata. Obama reče deka toj saka vselenskata programa na NASA da skokne vo idninata. Negoviot govor potseti mnogu! na izjavata na Dzon F.Kenedi vo 1961 godina, koga reče:“ Jas veruvam deka ovaa nacija treba da se posveti na postignuvanje na celta pred da završi ovaa decenija, celta da isprati čovek na Mesečinata i da go vrati bezbedno na Zemjata.“ NASA ja ostvari negovata cel vo 1969 godina. Stapnuvanjeto na Mars nema da se sluči vo bliska idnina. No, Obama veruva deka do 2025 godina, kje postoi nov vselenski brod dizajniran za ekstremno dolgi patuvanja nad Mesečinata. Spored planot na Obama, astronautite bi trebalo da bidat prvi isprateni na asteroid i do sredinata na 30-te godini na ovoj milenium, lugjeto bi možele da bidat isprateni do orbitata na Mars i bezbedno da bidat vrateni na Zemjata. Krtiikata na planot na Obama veli deka na planot mu falat detali i celi. Postojat mnogu asteroidi okolu Zemjata i povremeno tie ja udiraat planetata. Takov udar može da predizvika seriozni šteti. Na primer, se veruva deka dinosaurusite! isčeznale poradi asteroid. Ako čovek sleta na aste! roid, na učnicite bi gi dobile potrebnite informacii za toa kako se spravat so iden asteroid-ubiec. Ušte povekje, gravitacijata na asteroid e pomala od taa na Mesečinata, pa taka bi bilo polesno i poevtino da se napušti.

related story (sgx17038):
by Magdalena Rosova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite! choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Social emotions can affect what we see
by Zivka Deleva

Jealousy is the dragon in paradise, the hell of heaven and the most bitter of the emotions, because associated with the sweetest, said once ago, British intellectual Alfred Richard Orage. This smart man didn’t invent a hot water by saying this, only made it clearer, or better sounded. The emotion that is sister to the most precious one, the love, is the inevitable companion to almost each human being. But, what happens when it grows so much as a big bubble and stops you from seeing your partner in its’ real existing flash and body, and more, makes you lose that person every day more and more. Jealousy’s been an inspiration to poets, artists, even scientis! ts to see through it and reach to its cognizance. But, “It is not love that is blind, but jealousy” , the word of Mr.Orage’s compatriot Lawrence George Durrell, maybe say it best, that that is a feeling that is not explicable. Few days ago, two psychology professors from the University of Delaware made an experiment in which they wanted to show that sexual jealousy can affect women’s ability to see clearly. They tested heterosexual couples, who seated close to each other, with computer screens in front of them. Men watched attractive pictures of landscapes and of nice looking women, while their wives also watched landscapes and architecture sites, but unpleasant photos, as well. Women that showed jealousy didn’t even notice the ugly pictures, but were angry with their partners. The experiment wanted to show that the emotions involved in social relationships affect mental and physical health, and even what we see. The experiment hasn’t! yet been made in the opposite direction, so it is not yet app! ropriate to state that women are more jealous than men.
by Zivka Deleva
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Obama chce poslať astronautov na Mars
by Magdalena Rosova

Americký prezident Barack Obama predstavil svoj nový vesmírny plán, podľa ktorého sa majú americký kozmonauti dostať hlbšie do vesmíru a pristáť najprv na asteroide a potom na Marse. Avšak vesmírna raketa s dostačujúcim pohonom, ktorá by dostala astronautov až na Mars zatiaľ nie je ani vymyslená, nieto zostrojená. Obama ďalej presvedčene vyhlásil svoju vieru, že sa dožije pristátia na Marse. Svoju reč predniesol blízko historického Kennedyho vesmírneho centra, ktoré ako prvé vyslalo človeka na mesiac! . Obama poveddal, že chce, aby vesmírny program NASY nastúpil na cestu budúcnosti. Jeho reč mnohým pripomenula vyhlásenie Johna F. Kennedyho z roku 1961, keď povedal: „Verím, že tento národ dosiahne tento cieľ pred tým, než sa pominie toto desaťročie a vyšle človeka na mesiac a bezpečne ho vráti späť na zem.“ NASA dosiahla tento cieľ v roku 1969. Pristátie na Marse nebude záležitosťou blízkej budúcnosti. Obama verí že do roku 2025 bude zostrojená vesmírna loď, ktorá bude schopná letov ďalej za mesiac. Podľa Obamovho plánu majú byť astronauti najprv vyslaní na asteroid a následne v polovici tridsiatych rokov 21. storočia majú pristáť na Marse a odtiaľ sa bezpečne vrátiť na zem. Kritici Obamovmu plánu! vyčítajú nedostatok detailov a cieľov. ! Okolo ze me krúži viacero asteroidov, ktoré sa príležitostne zrazia s planétou. Taký náraz dokáže spôsobiť vážne škody. Verí sa, že asteroidy mali na svedomí vyhynutie dinosaurov. Ak by človek pristál na asteroide, vedci by sa dostali k potrebným informáciám, ako sa v budúcnosti vyhnúť katastrofálnej zrážke s asteroidom. Navyše, na asteroide je menej gravitácie ako na Marse, takže bude ľahšie a lacnejšie z neho odísť.

related story (sgx17024):
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cant! ell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Obama wants to send astronauts to Mars
by Magdalena Rosova

President Barack Obama introduced his new plan for space exploration that should lead American astronauts on historic journeys to an asteroid and to Mars. But the rockets and propulsion that should get Americans to the Mars need to be imagined and built first. Obama further boldly said he believed to be around to see it. He gave his speech near the historic Kennedy Space Center launch pads which sent the first men to the moon. Obama told that he wants NASA's space program to leap into the future. His speech reminded many the John F. Kennedy's declaration in 1961 when he claimed: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade i! s out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth." NASA achieved this goal in 1969. Mars landing will not happen in close future. But Obama believes that by 2025 there would be a new spacecraft designed for extremely long journeys beyond the moon. According to Obama's plan, astronauts should be first sent to an asteroid and in the middle of 2030s humans can be sent to Mars orbit and then safely to Earth. Critics of Obama's plan say the plan lacked details and goals. There are many asteroids around Earth and occasionally they hit the planet. Such hit can cause serious damages. For example, it is believed that dinosaurs extincted because of asteroid. If human landed on an asteroid, scientists would be provided by needed information on how to handle a future killer asteroid. Furthermore, there is less gravity on asteroid than on the moon, so it would easier and cheaper to leave.

related story (sgx17021): htt p://
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Prekrivkata od Torino
by Barbora Misakova

Isus Hristos kako Gospodov sin otsekogaš bil misteriozen. No, od denot koga Den Braun go izdade negoviot „Kodot na Da Vinči“, Isus stana duri i pokontroverzen od prekrivkata od Torino, toj navodno bil zavitkan vo nea posle negovata smrt. No, Hristijanite ne se interesiraat za polimki. Isus e Mesijata i Prekrivkata od Torino e sveta relikvija. Mnogu patnici imaat edinstvena možnost da ja vidat, otkako od sabotata e izložena pred javnosta prv pat vo poslednata decenija. Se očekuva okolu dva milioni lugje da dojdat vo severniot italijanski grad Torino, koj kje bide eden od najkontroliranite gradovi vo svetot. Oblasta na katedralata vo Torin! o e otvorena i okolu 4.000 volunteri se prijavija da služat. Prekrivkata od Torino e poznata kako pogrebna obleka na Isus Hristos. Ovaa obleka so dimenzii 4.4 na 1.1 metar se smeta deka bila ispečatena so slika od negovoto telo, zabeležitelno, negovoto lice. Prekrivkata beše otkriena vo sredinata na 14. Vek vo francuskiot grad Troj i makotrpno beše restavrirana vo 2002 godina. Misterioznosta na prekrivkata leži vo faktot deka nikoj sé ušte nema nastapeno so naučno objasnuvanje za slikata na nea. Normalno, lugjeto možat da vidat samo prirodna golemi na reprodukcijata na reliktot, što može da né odvede do drugi somneži. Dodeka nekoi od niv doagjaat da go vospevaat predmetot i da se molat, drugite se somnevaat vo nejzinata avtentičnost. Faktot deka Vatikan nikogaš se nema izjasneto za nejzinata avtentičnost isto taka vodi kon mnogu prašanja.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Deti s Williamsovým syndrómom nepoznajú rasové predsudky
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Williamsov syndróm je spôsobený absenciou približne 26 génov v jednom z ľudských chromozómov. Ľudia s touto poruchou sa dajú rozoznať podľa vzhľadu, ide predovšetkým o široký plochý koreň nosa a škriatkovské črty tváre. Títo jedinci sú navyše nezvyčajne priateľskí a vôbec nemajú problém pri stretnutí s niekým cudzím, správajú sa k nim podobne ako by sa normálny človek správal k blízkemu priateľovi. V posledných dňoch sa objavili nové poznatky o ľu! ďoch s touto poruchou sprevádzanou mentálnou retardáciou. Podľa Andrei Santosovej z Univerzity v Heidelbergu nemajú žiadne rasové predsudky. Zvyčajne v každej spoločnosti existujú určité rasové predsudky či inklinácia k etnickej skupine, ktorej je človek súčasťou. Deti zvyčajne začínajú prejavovať takúto inklináciu už vo veku troch rokov. Andreia Santosová tvrdí, že deti s Williamsovým syndrómom sú prvou skupinou ľudí na svete, ktorá sa neriadi týmito sociálnzmi schémami. Avšak nie všetci sú toho istého názoru. Santosová vo svojej štúdii porovnávala skupinu 20 detí s Williamsovým syndrómom vo veku od 7 do 16 rokov a 20 normálnych detí bledej pleti. Deti z druhej skupiny mali tendenciu vidieť ľu! dí rovnakej farby pleti v priaznivejšom svetle v por! ovnan 37; s ľuďmi s tmavou pokožkou. 83 percent ich odpovedí korešpondovalo s ich uprednostňovaním ľudí so svetlou kožou. Čo sa týka detí s Williamsovým syndrómom, mali 6č percent takýchto odpovedí. No to mohla bzť iba hra náhody. Mužské a ženské stereotypy, teda tie týkajúce sa pohlavia, vnímajú normálne, ako ostatní ľudia. „Myslím, že je nanajvýš sporné robiť takéto zásadné závery na základe v podstate nulových výsledkov, hlavne keď vzorka obsahovala len 20 detí s Williamsovým syndrómom,“ hovorí Robert Livingston z Northwesternskej univerzity. Či už detom s týmto syndrómom chýbajú rasové predsudky úplne alebo nie, je jasné, že nimi nie sú ovplyvnené do takej miery ak! o normálne deti.

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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your! world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Otkriena mumija najavuva pogolemi arheološki otkritija
by Zivka Deleva

Važno arheološko otkritie beše pronajdeno od pesocite na egipetskata dalečna pustinska oaza što bi moželo da go dokaže postoenjeto na grčko-romanska nekropola vo ovaa oblast. Stanuva zbor za mumija oblečena vo rimski fustan, obložena so nakit, smestena vo dekoriran gipsen sarkofag. Kako što reče Vrhovniot sovet za antikviteti, dolžinata na mumijata iznesuvala 38 inči i so sigurnost pripagjala na žena so otvoreni oči oblečena vo tunika koja umrela blizu oazata Baharija, blizu gradot Bavaiti, okolu 185 milji jugozapadno od Kairo. Podocna, egipetskite arheolozi otkrija 14 grčko-romanski ! groba što datiraat od tretiot vek pred n.e., kako što reče Mahmud Afifi, direktor na Antikvitetite od Kairo i Giza. Site tie imaat originalen vnatrešen dizajn. Afifi ne e kompletno siguren za datiranjeto na mumijata, no pretpostavuva deka spored pogrebniot stil, deka pokažuva deka pripagjal na dolgiot period za Egipet, koga rimjanite ja vladeele zemjata nekolku stotici godini, od 31 godina pred n.e. Naučnicite kje mora da rasčistat definitivno koja e ovaa žena, no spored prvičnite soznanija, taa definitivno bila vogata i važna za togašnoto opštestvo. Megju otkritijata bile i nekolku antropoidni plastični maski, kolekcija od moneti, sadovi so različni formi i golemini. Oazata Baharija e bogata so kolonii od palmovi drvja i topli izvori i crni ridovi vo pozadina. Na istoto ova mesto, pred 14 godini, Dr. Zahi Havas otkril 17 grobovi so 254 mumii so zlatni maski. Otposle, ova mesto beše narečeno D! olinata na zlatnite maski i e najgolemata grobnica vo Egipet n! ekoga 53; otkriena, so okolu 10.000 mumii.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Children with Williams syndrome do not know racial stereotypes
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Williams syndrome is caused by the absence of about 26 genes in one of the human chromosomes. People with this disorder can be recognized by their distinctive appearance, including low nasal bridge and facial features reminding of an elf. In addition, they are unusually friendly and cheerful people. They have no restraints in dealing with strangers, whom they treat as you would probably treat a close friend. And now, new foundings about people suffering from this disorder reached the public. According to Andreia Santos from the University of Heidelberg they seem to lack racial bias. Ususally, in every society there are certain racial prejudices or inclination towards the p! articular ethnic group a person is part of. Children tend to express such an ethnic inclination as soon as the age of three. Andreia Santos claims Williams children are the first group of people in the world that does not follow this social pattern. However, not all are of the same opinion. Santos compared a group of twenty children with Williams syndrome from the age of seven to sixteen and twenty normal white children. Children from the latter group showed a tendency to view people with light skin more favourably, as in comparison with dark skinned people. 83 percent of their responses were in accordance with their preference of light skinned people. As far as Williams syndrome children are concerned, only 64 percent of their responses were like that. But that could be only random occurrence. When it comes to gender stereotypes, they follow them just as normal people do. “I think that it’s problematic to make strong conclusions on the basis of null findings, ! particularly with a sample as small as 20 WS children,” ! said Rob ert Livingston from Northwestern University. Well, whether the WS children lack racial bias altogether or not, it is clear that they are not influenced by it to such an extent as normal children.

related story (sgx16986):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easil! y control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Uncovered mummy announces bigger archeological finds
by Zivka Deleva

An important archeological discovery has been found from the sands of Egypt’s remote desert oasis that might prove the existence of a Greco-Roman necropolis in the area. We are talking about a mummy dressed in Roman robes, ornamented with jewelry, placed in a decorated gypsum sarcophagus. As the Supreme Council of Antiquities said, the longitude of the mummy is 38-inch and it is sure that it belonged to a wide-eyed woman dressed in a tunic who died in the Greco-Roman period, about 2.300 years ago. The mummy was found near in the Bahariya Oasis, near the town of Bawaiti, around 185 miles southwest of Cairo. Later on, the Egyptian archaeologists uncovered 14 Greco-Ro! man tombs dating to the third century B.C, as Mahmoud Affifi, director of Cairo and Giza antiquities, said. All of them are with unique interior design. Affifi is not completely certain about the dating of the mummy, but supposes that according to the burial style, it shows that it belonged to the long period in Egypt, when Romans ruled the country for about few hundred years, since 31 B.C. The scientists will have to clean up who this woman is, but by the first cognizance, she certainly was wealthy and eminent member of her society. Among the discoveries were few anthropoid plastic masks, collection of coins, vessels of different shapes and sizes. The Bahariya Oasis is rich with colonies of palm trees and hot springs, and black hills in the background. On this place, 14 years ago, Dr.Zahi Hawass has discovered 17 tombs with 254 golden masked mummies. Afterwards, this place is cold Valley of the Golden Mummies and it is the biggest Egyptian cemetery ever found, with about! 10.000 mummies.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Shroud of Turin
by Barbora Misakova

Jesus Christ as a son of God was always mysterious. But from the day when Dan Brown published his Da Vinci Code Jesus became even more controversial than the shroud of Turin, he was supposedly wrapped in after his death. But Christians are not interested in polemics. The Jesus is a Messiah and Shroud of Turin is sacred relic. Many of pilgrims now have unique opportunity to see it, as it went on public display Saturday for the first time in a decade. Some two of million people are expected to come to the northern Italian city of Turin which will be one of the most controlled cities in the world. Area of Turin cathedral is cordoned off and about 4,000 volunteers were pressed ! into service. The Shroud of Turin is known as burial cloth of Jesus Christ. This 4.4 by 1.1 meters cloth is said to have been imprinted with an image of his body, notably his face. Shroud was discovered in the mid-14th century in the French city of Troyes and painstakingly restored in 2002. Mysteriousness of the shroud lies in the fact that no one has come up with a scientific explanation for the image on it. Normally visitors can only view a lifesize reproduction of relic what can lead to another doubts. While some of them are coming to worship relic and pray, the others have their doubts about its authenticity. The fact the Vatican has never pronounced on its authenticity is also leading to questioning it round and round.

related story (sgx16969):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (
Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

CryoSat-2 satellite will monitor climate change
by Magdalena Rosova

European satellite CryoSat-2 took launched into space from Kayakhstan's Baikonur base this Thursday. The mission of the satellite is to study variations in the Earth's icecaps. The satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA) will study how climate change effects icecaps on Earth. ESA's first attempt five years ago failed when the first satellite lost during a launch failure. But now the satellite successfully took of. CroSat-2 weights 700 kilos and took off exactly at 15:57 GMT, 17 minutes later it separated from the launcher. Mission of the satellite is to measure how much the thickness of the ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland has change. The satellite will fu! rther explore variations in the thickness of the thin ice floating in the polar oceans. The information will be very important for climate physicists, who can measure how much do man-made temperature rise impacts the nature. Global warming has intensified over the past decade, but there are still many unknown things. For example, the health of the Greenland or Antarctic land ice sheets. There is the bulk of the planet's fresh water locked up in these sheets. If the land ice sheets in Antarctica melts, sea levels could drive up and drown many coastal cities. That would force millions of people to move to higher ground. Volker Liebig, ESA’s Director of Earth Observation Programmes says that there was an urgent need to explore the ice changing. The new satellite should provide scientist with needed information on ice thickness that would help them in their calculations. Therefore the satellite is equipped with special microwave radar that can perfectly detect cha! nges in ice thickness.

related story (sgx16964)! :
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

97.5 procenti od čovečkata populacija ne se povekjefunkcionalni
by Milota Sidorova

Se veli deka ženite možat da pravat dve različni raboti vo isto vreme. Mažite, ne baš. No, povekje od posledično e toa što vo nаšeto vreme sme se povekje izloženi na povekjefunkcionalnost. Za da ja objasnam slikata – prosečen maž od našeto vreme dnevno prima isto tolku informacii kako prosečniot srednovekoven maž vo celiot negov život. Morame da ja zgolemime sposobnosta da se snaogjame so povekje raboti. No, možeme li da go napravime toa kako što treba? Očigledno e deka se naviknavme da zboruvame dodeka vozime, pešačime ili kupuvame nešto. No, dali mož! eme stoprocentno da gi ispolnime tie zadači? Naučnici od cel svet sugeriraat deka okolu 97.5 procenti od čovečkata populacija ne može da go pravi toa. Ne možete da vozite bezbedno dodeka zboruvate na telefon. Na primer, naučnicite Dzejson Votson i Dejvid Strejer od Univerzitetot od Juta izvedoa eksperiment os 200 studenti. Grupata imaše za zadača vo isto vreme da vozi kola i da zboruva na telefon. Sekoj moraše da go povtori toa, no poedinečno – a rezultatot? Na 97.5 procenti od učesnicite im trebaa 20 procenti povekje vreme za da go odrazat mehanizmot na pauzata. Tie 2.5 procenti ne pokažaa nikakvo opagjanje dodeka gi izveduvaa dvete zadači, naprotiv, nekoi od niv bea duri i pobrzi. Naučnicite gi narekoa niv super izveduvači na zadači i sugeriraa deka tie imaat zgolemena sposobnost da ja otstranat vrevata od okolinata I informaciite od sredinata. Refleskite na niviniot mozok bea pof! leksibilni, no dali ova beše klučot za uspeh? Ne vis! tinski & #8211; povekjefunkcionalnosta ili superfunkcionalnosta e prašanje na genite, sredinata, kako i temperamentot na čovekot. Fakt e deka nie se naviknuvame da pravime povekje raboti vo isto vreme, no zasega sme prilično loši, ako gledame od kvalitativna gledna točka. Zasega, mislime deka pravime raboti i smetame deka toa e dobro. No, ne vistinski. Naučnicite sega go istražuvaat refleksot kaj decata. Zatoa štob akoznaete nešto potsvesno, pogolema e šansata da uspeete kako povekjefunkcionalen čovek. Toa e kako svirenjeto pijano. Koga nastapuvate pred publika, vašeto sekjavenje kje bide zbuneto i odednaš nema da bidete vo sostojba da počnete da svirite. Kje se izgubite. No, ako ste vežbale mnogu naporno i ste go naučile teloto da sviri, togaš memorijata može da ja puštite na odmor. Vašite prsti kje počnat so stoprocentna sigurnost. Zatoa, ne se obiduvajte tolku mnogu. Na sekoj! mu treba vežbanje. No, edno e sigurno, našite deca kje bidat posposobni od nas. Prašanjeto e koja bi bila cenata na takvata povekjefunkcionalnosta?

related story (sgx16961):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share d! igital content through proprietary interface coupled with free! phone c alls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nad Severniot Pol vo žežok vozdušen balon
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Francuzinot Žan-Luj Etien e vistinski istražuvač i avanturist i brojot na negovite ekspedicii e prilično golem što toj prv pat poletal so balon vo 1975 godina, koga zaminal na planinite Fic Roj vo Patagonija. Toj bil prviot čovek što nekogaš sam stignal do Severniot pol vo 1986 godina. Sega, vo 2010 godina, toj namerava da stane prviot čovek što kje go napravi prviot let vo balon so žežok vozduh nad Severniot Pol. Ponedelnik, Etijen, na 63-godišna vozrast, poleta od Longierbien od arhipelagot Svalbard vo Norveška, koj e eden od svetski najsevernite gradčinja. Francuzinot se dviži na zapad nad Se! verniot Pol i Aljaska. Toj bi trebalo da može da pomine 3.500 km za sedum do deset dena. Se razbira deka toj nema da leta na slepo i deka kje ima tim od eksperti što kje go sledat od zemja i kje go informiraat za vremenskite uslovi i drugi važni faktori. „Toa e moment na golem intenzitet. Sega sé e emnogu mirno. Sega se izdigam cvrsto nad Longierbien. Apsolutno e magično“, reče Etien na radio brzo otkako poleta od norveškiot grad. Eden od onie što go gledaa negovoto zaminuvanje beše isto taka i poznatiot francuski fudbaler Zinadin Zidan, koj pomogna da se sponzorira ekspedicijata. „Se čuvstvuvam navistina vozbudeno i mnogu sum zadovolen da bidam na negova strana, zatoa što mnogu sme zboruvale za ova“, reče penziniraniot sportist. „Denes e golem den za Žan-Luj. Toj se podgotvuvaše za ova godina i pol.“ Žan-Luj Etien ne samo što kje gi uživa prekrasnite p! ogledi na pejsažite, no toj vo isto vreme kje izvede i ne! kolku na učni merenja na jaglerod dioksidod, na primer, ili na magnetnoto pole. Etien planiraše da go napravi ova patuvanje vo 2008 godina, no beše prinuden da go otkaže zatoa što negoviot balon beše ošteten vo bura dva meseca pred poletuvanjeto.

related story (sgx16948):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interf! ace coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Nový druh gigantického jaštera objavený na Filipínach
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Obrovský jašter objavený v severnej oblasti Filipín je asi dva metre dlhý a nie je to žiadny mäsožravec, živí sa ovocím a žije na stromoch. Nový druh, ktorý bol takým prekvapením pre vedcov, bol objavený na ostrove Luzon. Napriek tomu, že miestni obyvatelia druh Varanus bitatawa, ako sa jasne sfarbený jašter nazýva, dobre poznajú, pretože ho lovia kvôli mäsu, vedci o jeho existencii nevedeli. Predpokladajú, že dôvodom je to, že ide o relatívne plaché zviera, ktoré na otvorené priestranstvá mimo lesa nevych! ádza. Vzhľadom na fakt, že tento blízky príbuzný varana nílskeho dorastá do dĺžky až dva metre, je prekvapujúce, že váži iba približne sedem kilogramov. „Žije v korunách stromov, takže nemôže mať až takú masívnu stavbu tela ako varan komodský, obrovské zviera, ktoré skonzumuje veľké množstvá čerstvého mäsa,“ hovorí Rafe Brown z Kansaskej univerzity, ktorého tím stojí za objavom. „Tento druh sa živý ovocím a ide zatiaľ len o tretieho jaštera na svete, ktorý sa stravuje týmto spôsobom.“ Odborníci videli prvé fotografie tohto jaštera už v roku 2001, na ktorých boli zachytení lovci nesúci korisť pokrytú jasnými zelenými šupinami. Vtedy však tento druh nebol n&! #225;ležite identifikovaný. V nasledujúcich rok! och sa m edzi biológmi množili príbehy o „akýchsi dvoch druhoch jaštera, ktorých mäso bolo oveľa chutnejšie ako mäso tých žijúcich na zemi, boli opisované ako väčšie a pestrofarebnejšie sfarbené.“ Ukázalo sa, že tieto dva druhy spomínané v príbehoch sú v skutočnosti len dva rôzne názvy pre to isté zviera. Tím Rafea Browna uskutočnil objav na poslednú chvíľu, keďže im už dochádzali peniaze i jedlo a expedícia sa blížila k nevyhnutnému koncu.

related story (sgx16946): !
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

97,5 percent ľudí nedokáže robiť správne dve činnosti naraz.
by Milota Sidorova

Hovorí sa, že ženy dokážu robiť dve veci naraz. Muži vraj nie. Evolúcia? Je isté, že ženy vždy museli manažovať domovy a chod rodín. Mužské úlohy boli z tohto pohľadu menej náročné. Zdá sa, že dnes už zvládanie rozličných činností v rovnakom čase prestáva byť záležitosťou pohlavia.Naša doba sa zrýchľuje, sme nútení zvládať väčšie množstvo úloh, prijímať a spracovávať väčšie množstvo informáci&! #237;. Len tak pre zaujímavosť, priemerne inteligentný človek denne prijme viac impulzov ako stredoveký človek za celý život. Istým spôsobom sme zvýšili svoje šance, robiť viacero vecí, veď čo je natom, počúvať hudbu a rozprávať, telefonovať a jazdiť autom alebo nakupovať? To zvládne každý. Ale ako? Vedecké výskumy dokazujú, že až 97,5 percent z nás nedokáže robiť dve činnosti správne alebo na vykonanie oboch činností treba viac času. James Watson a David Strayer, psychológovia z Utahskej univerzity prednedávnom testovali 200 mladistvých. Skupina musela telefonovať a riadiť auto. Pokus sa zopakoval, avšak činnosti sa diali osobitne. Výsledok - 97,5 percent počas telefonovania neriadila auto bezpečne - len malý! ; detail, na jazdnú príhodu reagovali respondenti a&! #382; s 20 percentným zdržaním v porovnaní s bežnou jazdou. Jedinci, ktorí spadajú do kategórie "supertaskers" boli schopní riadiť rovnako pohotovo, niektorí dokonca zvýšili svoj výkon. Vedci tvrdia, že títo jedinci sú schopní pružnejšie regovať na okolie a eliminovať nežiaduce ruchy, prípadne vnemy. Kľúčom k úspechu multitaskingu sú však gény, prostredie, v ktorom jedinec vyrastá a schopnosť učiť sa. Vedci tiež tvrdia, že pokiaľ jedinec činnosť ovláda podvedome, jeho výkon sa druhou činnosťou nezníži. Toto mi pripomína moje prvé koncertné vystúpenia. V momente, keď som sa posadila za klavír, položila prsty na klaviatúru, prestala som si pamätať. Nevedela som, ako začať. Tréma a nedostatok ! 69;asu. Moja pamäť zabudla. Nezahrala som. Avšak keď som cvičila poriadne, ak som nacvičila moje telo, nie moju myseľ, moje prsty samé našli cestu. To som sa nestačila čudovať, ako je možné, že hrám ten akord, ako pokračuje ten ďalší. Získať pamäť tela alebo podvedomý reflex chce veľa cviku. A vedci skúmajú, koľko a akých cvikov treba vynaložiť v detskom veku, aby sme boli v dospelosti prirodzene "schopnejší". To, že nás naše deti v istých spektrách života predbehnú je isté. Otázkou je, ako si naša nervová sústava vynahradí zvýšenú aktivitu počas multitaskingu.

related story (sgx16945):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

New species of giant lizard discovered in Philippines
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Giant lizard discovered in the Northern Philippines is about two meters long and it is no carnivore, it eats fruit and lives in tress. New species found on rather crowded Luzon Island was a great surprise to scientists. Although local people living in the forests on the island are well acquainted with the Varanus bitatawa, as the brightly-colored lizard is called, which they hunt for meat, scientists did not know about its existence. They assume it is a rather secretive creature and does not dare to cross open areas outside the safety of the forest. Given the fact that this close relative of monitor lizard can grow up to two meters, it is quite surprising that it weighs on! ly about seven kilograms. 'It lives up in trees, so it can't get as massive as the Komodo dragon, a huge thing that eats large amounts of fresh meat,' said Rafe Brown of the University of Kansas, whose team made the discovery. 'This thing is a fruit-eater and it's only the third fruit-eating lizard in the world.' Experts saw the first photographs of the big lizard in 2001, when hunters carried the colorful green carcasses, however, the animals were not properly identified back then. In the following years more and more stories were spreading among biologists 'about these two kinds of lizard that everyone liked to eat because their flesh tasted better than the ones that lived on the ground; this thing was described as bigger and more brightly colored'. As it turned out two kinds of lizard that stories mentioned were in fact two different names for the same animal. The surprising found was last minute as the team of Rafe Brown was running out of money and food and the expedit! ion was nearing the end.

related story (sgx1! 6942):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

97.5 percent of Human population are "Fake Multitaskers"
by Milota Sidorova

It's been said women can do two different things at the same time. Men are not able to do so. But it's been more than a consequence of our time that we are more adjusted to multitasking. To explain the picture - the average man of our century receives as much information in a day as the average middle aged man in his whole life. We had to increase our ability to manage more things. But can we do it properly? It's obvious we've accustomed to talking while driving, walking or shopping. But can we fulfill those tasks at one hundred percent? Scientists from all over the world suggest that about 97.5 percent of human population can't do this. Can't drive safe while speaking to! the phone. For instance, Scientists Jason Watson and David Strayer from the University of Utah performed experience with 200 undergraduates. The group was tasked to drive the car and phone. Everyone had to did it again, but separately - the results? 97.5 percent took 20 percent longer to reflect the brake mechanism. Those 2.5 percent showed no decrease while performing, some of them were even faster. Scientists called them supertaskers and suggestes they had increased ability to eliminate background noise and information from the environment. Their brain reflexes were more flexible, but was this the key of success? Not really - multitasking or supertasking is a question of genes, environment, temperament of the one. The fact is we are getting used to do more in the same time, but so far we've been quite impaired if seen from qualitative point of view. So far, we think we're doing things and think it's ok. Not really. Scientists now research the reflex among young childr! en. Because if you know something subconsciensly, the higher c! hance yo u will succeed as a multitasker. It's like playing the piano. When you perform before audience, your memory will be confused and suddenly you won't be able to start playing. You will get lost. But if you trained really hard and learned the body to play, then the memory can have its holiday. Your fingers will start with 100 percent certainty. So don't try so hard. Everything needs the practice. But it's certain, our children will be more able than we are. The question is what will be the cost of such multitasking?

related story (sgx16941):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Over the North Pole in a hot air balloon
by Zuzana Zelenakova

French Jean Louis Etienne is a true explorer and adventurer, and the number of his expeditions is quite long given the fact that he embarked on first of them back in 1975, when he went to the Fitz Roy Mountains in Patagonia. He was the first man ever to reach the North pole on his own in 1986. Now, in 2010, he attempts to become the first man to make the solo hot air balloon crossing of the North Pole. Monday, Etienne, aged 63, took off from Longyearbyen on the Svalbard archipelago in Norway, which is one of the world´s northernmost towns. The French is headed west over the North Pole and to Alaska. He should manage to pass 3,500 kilometers in seven to ten days. Of co! urse, he won´t fly blind and there will be a team of experts tracking him from the ground and keeping him informed about weather conditions and other important factors. "It's a moment of great intensity. [...] Now everything's very calm. I'm rising steadily above Longyearbyen. It's absolutely magical," said Etienne over the radio shortly after he took off from the Norwegian town. One of those who watched his departure was also famous French footballer Zinedine Zidane, who helped to sponsor the expedition. I feel really excited and am pleased to be at his side, as we talked a lot about this”, said the retired sportsman. “Today is the big day for Jean-Louis. He’s been preparing this for a year and a half.” Jean Louis Etienne will not only enjoy the magnificent views of the landscape, but he will also perform various scientific measurements, of carbon dioxide for example, or the magnetic field. Etienne planned to make the trip already back in 2008,! but was forced to cancel it as his balloon was damaged in a s! torm abo ut two months before the take-off.

related story (sgx16927):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Who are those three women?
by Barbora Misakova

The France 24’s article headed “Discovery mission a first for female space exploration” is actually about anything else than female crew members. You can get quite detailed information about the time of launch, all the equipment on the rocket’s board and their functions, but you can hardly find out something more than just names of females mentioned in the heading. The US space shuttle Discovery which blasted off on Monday is the first shuttle mission with three female crew members and the first to see four women in orbit informed France 24. Actually only three of them are flying aboard space shuttle, the forth one is awaiting them at the Internation! al Space Station. The article somehow skipped closer information about these women. Person who wrote it probably believed you will appreciate information that Discovery lifted off from Launch Pad 39A at 6:21 am and that two booster rockets peeled away as planned 120 seconds after the launch more than profiles of these women. Although you may be more interested in the facts such as the Discovery reached Earth’s orbit eight and a half minutes after launch, I won’t bother you with the rest of them mentioned in the article. I would rather introduce you these three women. Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger, 34, is former high school teacher who was accepted for educator-astronauts in 2004. During her first spaceflight she will operate the robot arm and coordinate three spacewalks from inside. Stephanie Wilson, 43, is one of only a handful of black women to fly in space. NASA picked her as an astronaut in 1996 and she became the second black woman in space 10 years later. S! he will also help operate the robot arm. The third woman is Ja! panese a stronaut Naoko Zamazaki, 39, who is the second woman from her country to fly in space. She will be in charge of moving van that is flying up on Discovery for the space station. Discovery’s planned arrival at the ISS is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday. Hope everything goes well.

related story (sgx16924):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary inter! face coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Chinese Ship leaking oil to the Great Barrier Reef.
by Milota Sidorova

This is another blow for the only living structure visible from the space – the Great Barrier Reef. According news Chinese ship got struck in shoal giving off its coal goods. About 230-meter long ship, carrying about 65,000 tons of coal, the ship under the label belongs under Shenzen Energy Group, a subsidiary of China Ocean Shipping Company, known as COSCO. And it's been the very same company leaking oil in San Francisco Bay in 2007 and in Norway last year. Each of this “ships”polluted environmentally important areas. We've heard that Great Barrier Reef was dying – the enormous underwater structure made from corals, and thousands of thousands of an! other water flora and fauna species provided more than a lovely sightseeing for tourists – one maybe doesn't know, but oceans produce more than half of planetary oxygen, the gas we need so badly that five minutes without is certainly a deadly portion.Reef provides balanced area for plants and animals that balance the food chain, the most important chain for us people – if one specie disappears, consequences remains of a snow-ball effect. Sooner or later it influences people. We've known this already, more than 90 percent of commercial fish has been catch and the only alternative is to make great sea farms – that means a hammer on traditional fishing, literally millions of millions of people left without their environment, job, culture and tradition way of life. This is a blow, not only for nature, but for a man, himself.General trend in China is to expand at every cost – the economy must grow, for instance, every second day, there's been a new coal f! actory opened in the country. This country is not caring for t! he healt h and work conditions, why should it take care about the environment?There was one way to make business with China – no conditioning, just business.COSCO representatives were not found to make comment to this “accident”.We will skip this blog, turn the page, eat the lunch or go to sleep and forget, but millions of creatures are fighting for their lives.

related story (sgx16918):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupl! ed with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.