
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Honeybees die-off more and more
by Zivka Deleva

Instead of talking all the time for politics and money, it is time to pay some attention to the living world on the planet, for example the honeybees! Someone will say, come on, it is not possible that these insects are so very important to the mankind. But, surprisingly, they are. Over the last five years, more and more of them die, especially in the countries that have the most, like California and Canada. It is very strange that even scientists don’t have straight answers for the big bee die-offs, they only assume. The biggest problem, they say, are the pesticides that are used in the fields and the orchard, a new study shows. It is expected that tomorrow, chemi! sts are going to pronounce their results on a conference in San Francisco. Honeybees have vital role in human’s food supply, because almost one third of the human alimentation is based plants that need pollination from honeybees. Who would think that those boring insects that can bite you and gives you itch, are so important for what we put in our mouths? "We obviously think it’s more complicated than we first believed as in we don’t believe that we’re looking for a single virulent pathogen, although that can’t totally be ruled out" - said Jeff Pettis, research leader of the Department of Agriculture's Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. It seems like this year’s losses are three times higher than the previous one. Telling it with figures, in 2007, when the crises began, beekeepers lost 32 percent of their colonies, the next year, they lost 4 percent more and last year, the percentage was a little bit lower – 29. In A! pril, are going to be known this year’s facts. Scientist! s suspec ts worse balance. In a year that is not problematic one, about 15 to 20 percent of bee colonies die off. Let's hope that scientists are going to do their best to solve this huge problem! I can not imagine this wolrd without the charming taste of the honey!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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