
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Big days for particle physicists
by Zivka Deleva

These days are big for the world of physics. Particle physicists are looking forward to see the results of the particle colliding that should imitate the Big Bang. These are very big days for the particle physicists, said European Organization for Nuclear Research Director General Rolf Heuer. The experiment is made in CERN’s headquarter research center in Geneva. “With these record-shattering collision energies, the Large Hadron Collider experiments are propelled into a vast region to explore, and the hunt begins for dark matter, new forces, new dimensions and the Higgs boson,” said ATLAS collaboration spokesperson, Fabiola Gianotti. “The fact that ! the experiments have published papers already on the basis of last year’s data bodes very well for this first physics run.” Everybody simply waits for the results of the proton collisions, which is going to give new insights into the nature of the strong interaction and the evolution concerning the early Universe. LHC is the world’s largest and highest energy particle accelerator, intended to collide opposing particle beams. Over 2000 graduate students are hardly waiting to see the data from these experiments. Usually, CERN operates its accelerators once an year, they run for seven to eight months, and then shutdown each year. But, now CERN is going to run the Collider for 18-24 months wanting to reach some more data for the experiments to make a significant advances across a wide range of physics channels. “Two years of continuous running is a tall order both for the LHC operators and the experiments, but it will be well worth the effort,” ! said Heuer. “By starting with a long run and concentrati! ng prepa rations for 14 TeV collisions into a single shutdown, we’re increasing the overall running time over the next three years, making up for lost time and giving the experiments the chance to make their mark.”
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mednite pčeli umiraat sé povekje i povekje
by Zivka Deleva

Namesto celo vreme da zboruvame za politika i pari, vreme da se obrne malku vnimanie na živiot svet na planetata, na primer, na mednite pčeli. Nekoj od vas bi kažal, ama ajde, ne e možno ovie insekti da se tolku važni za čovečkiot rod. No, iznenaduvački, tie se. Vo poslednite pet godini, sé povekje i povekje od niv umiraat, osobeno vo državite što gi imaat najmnogu, kako Kalifornija i Kanada. Mnogu e čudno deka duri ni naučnicite nemaat jasni odgovori za golemite pomori na pčelite i tie samo pretpostavuvaat. Najgolemiot problem, spored niv, se pesticite što se upotrebuvaat vo polinjata i ovošt! arnicite, pokažala nova studija. Se očekuva deka utre, hemičari kje se proiznesat so nivnite rezultati na konferencija vo San Francisko. Mednite pčeli imaat vitalna funkcija za snabduvanjeto na čovekot so hrana, zatoa što rečisi edna tretina od čovečkata ishrana e bazirana na rastenija na koi im treba polinizacija od pčelite. Koj bi pomislil deka tie zdodevni insekti koi grizaat i vi predizvikuvaat jadež, se tolku važni za toa što kje go stavime vo našite usti? „Nie očigledno mislime deka e pokomlicirano otkolku što prvo veruvavme, zatoa što ne veruvame deka barame samo eden edinstven virulenten patogen, iako toa ne smeeme da go isklučime celosno“ - reče Dzef Petis, lider na istražuvanje na Laboratorijata za istražuvanje na pčeli pri Oddelot za zemjodelstvo vo Beltsvil, Merilend. Se čini deka zagubite ovaa godina se tri pati pogolemi sprema lani.! Izrazuvajkji preku brojki, vo 2007 godina, koga počna kr! izata, p čelarite itgubila 32 procenta od nivnite kolonii,narednata godina tie izgubile 4 procenti povekje i minatata godina, procentot bil nešto ponizok – 29. Vo april kje se znaat faktite za ovaa godina. Naučnicite pretčuvstvuvaat pološ balans. Vo neproblematična godina, okolu 15 do 20 procenti od koloniite na pčelite izumiraat. Da se nadevame deka naučnicite kje storat sé što možat da go rešat ovoj ogromen problem! Ne bi možela da zamislam ovoj svet bes šarmantniot vkus na medot! 0
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital con! tent through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Honeybees die-off more and more
by Zivka Deleva

Instead of talking all the time for politics and money, it is time to pay some attention to the living world on the planet, for example the honeybees! Someone will say, come on, it is not possible that these insects are so very important to the mankind. But, surprisingly, they are. Over the last five years, more and more of them die, especially in the countries that have the most, like California and Canada. It is very strange that even scientists don’t have straight answers for the big bee die-offs, they only assume. The biggest problem, they say, are the pesticides that are used in the fields and the orchard, a new study shows. It is expected that tomorrow, chemi! sts are going to pronounce their results on a conference in San Francisco. Honeybees have vital role in human’s food supply, because almost one third of the human alimentation is based plants that need pollination from honeybees. Who would think that those boring insects that can bite you and gives you itch, are so important for what we put in our mouths? "We obviously think it’s more complicated than we first believed as in we don’t believe that we’re looking for a single virulent pathogen, although that can’t totally be ruled out" - said Jeff Pettis, research leader of the Department of Agriculture's Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. It seems like this year’s losses are three times higher than the previous one. Telling it with figures, in 2007, when the crises began, beekeepers lost 32 percent of their colonies, the next year, they lost 4 percent more and last year, the percentage was a little bit lower – 29. In A! pril, are going to be known this year’s facts. Scientist! s suspec ts worse balance. In a year that is not problematic one, about 15 to 20 percent of bee colonies die off. Let's hope that scientists are going to do their best to solve this huge problem! I can not imagine this wolrd without the charming taste of the honey!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Bees are dying!
by Milota Sidorova

For four years have been honeymakers attacked by several disasters and sickness, reducing their beehives like a melting snow. One can agree that the reason is natural imbalance. Bees are vulnerable to too early or too late spring periods, flower blooming and change of natural cycles.One should get the wider perspective – everything in nature is perfectly timed up. When spring comes, it is a chain of cycles and biorhythms following on. First the temperature climbs up, ground is getting warmer, many of sleeping animals including insects are coming back to life. That time, flowers have been already blooming offering nectar in change for the most important – fertili! zation of plants and assuring the next generation – in many cases we can use the word crop. Insects is also the food for the new generation of birds. If there is anything too early, the second layer is being reduced. If there is too early blooming, the insect may not be fast enough to get up, if there is a freezing period – both flowers and insect are reduced and the crop has been already influenced. No flowers, no fruits. Here we come to birds and rest of mammals. They come up bit later, eating insect, but if it has gone, what could be the food? We could carry on and on and predict a catastrophe.But right now we are witness of one malfunction of the nature. Bees that come up too early and are affected by frost, by pesticides in the flowers and illness that follows the circle.Recent years, there has been horrifying drop in bee families. There has been massive plaque reducing these so important animals that Britain, Italy and Czech Republic, countries with long h! oney-making tradition alarmed they were off their supplies bef! ore Chri stmas. That has never happened before. Ever. The sickness killing the bees attacked their nerve system and confused the sense for orientation – many of bees simply got lost and couldn't find the way back home. They died along the way. Summing all these facts one realize that bees, the specie responsible for huge plant fertilization is in serious danger. If we loose this part of the chain, the consequences will remain of avalanche. The circle will loose one important engine.And it won't be just about honey anymore. Personally I have too much respect to predict such cruelty.

related story (sgx16852):
by Milota Sidorova
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Včely zomierajú!
by Milota Sidorova

Štyri roky zažívajú malí výrobcovia medu jednu katastrofu za druhou. Reč nie je o včelároch, ale včelách. Včelstvá miznú tak rýchlo ako sa topí sneh. Príčinou, na ktorej sa odborníci aj laici zhodnú je nerovnováha v prírode. Včely sú, ako jeden z prvých jarných druhov, veľmi citlivé na príliš skoré, či príliš neskoré teplé obdobie. Znamená to príliš skoré, či neskoré kvitnutie a zmeny biorytmov.Ak sa po prebdenej noci zobudíme s miernym točením hlavy, p! redstavme si, ako sa môže cítiť včela, ktorá sa zobudí o mesiac skôr ako mala?Ak by sme sa pozreli zo širšieho pohľadu, musíme si uvedomiť fakt, že v prírode je všetko perfektne načasované a narozdiel od ľudského druhu, efektívne do extrému.S jarou prichádza teplo, ktoré zohrieva zem, vyrastajú prvé jarné kvety, teplo však zobúdza spiace druhy hmyzu a zvierat. Keď sa zobudia, kvety sú pripravené ponúknuť nektár za najdôležitejšiu úlohu – opelenie. Opelenie to je zabezpečenie novej generácie, úrody, evolúcie. Bez opelenia by svet skolaboval. Pokiaľ však kvety kvitnú príliš skoro, hmyz nemusí dostatočne rýchlo reagovať. Pokiaľ sa zobudí s kvetmi a príde mrazivé obdobie, kvety odumrú, tak is! to ako časť populácie hmyzu. Tým sa odstr&! #225;ni významná časť potravy pre ďalších aktérov v potravovom reťazci – vtákov, drobných hlodavcov, plazov a obojživelníkov. Pokiaľ sú zasiahnuté aj tieto skupiny, trpí skupina nad nimi. Takto by sme sa dostali ku korune tvorstva, homo sapiens.Efekt lavíny. Nie nadarmo sa hovorí, kývnutie motýlieho krídla v tvojej izbe môže spôsobiť orkán na druhej strane planéty.V tomto sa však vezieme všetci. Včely nie sú ohrozené len klimatickými zmenami – sú to aj obrovské množstvá pesticídov a insekticídov, ktoré kolujú v cievach rastlín a na opeľovačov pôsobia ako jed. Výkon za cenu všetkého ostatného. Zdá sa, že sme si zvykli na regály prehýbajúce sa od množstva potravy. Niekto tvrdí, že technol! ógia všetko vyrieši, ja tvrdím, že pokiaľ sa naruší prírodná rovnováha, nepomôže žiadna technológia. Človek nedokáže ovládnuť planétu. Človek nedokáže zodpovedať ani sám za seba. Ekonomické dôsledky takejto prírodnej katastrofy by sme sa ešte len museli naučiť počítať.Ďalšími katastrofami postihujúce včely sú vírové a bakteriálne choroby, ktoré prichádzajú v čase, kedy je včelstvo oslabené alebo vyčerpané, napríklad aj skorým kvitnutím alebo chemickými rezíduami v tele. Je známe virotické ochorenie, ktoré napáda orientačný zmysel včely a tá sa doslova stratí. Nedokáže nájsť cestu späť do úľu a vyčerpan! 5; zomiera. Včelári na túto chorobu dosiaľ! nena 53;li liek.Včiel ubúda. Tradične včelárske krajiny ako Británia, Taliansko alebo Česká Republika pominulé roky alarmovali, že vlastné zásoby medu vyčerpali už pred vianocami. Toto sa predsa nestávalo. Včely zomierajú nielen v Európe, ale aj v Amerike. Sme svedkami boja o život jedného z kľúčových motorov našej planéty. Pokiaľ zomrú včely, dôsledky sa neobmezdia len na zastavenú produkciu medu. Osobne v sebe cítim príliš veľkú bázeň, aby som si vôbec mohla predstaviť krutosť, s ktorou nám to príroda oplatí.

related story (sgx16853):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fiji suffere destructive cyclone Tomas
by Zivka Deleva

It’s Fiji’s turn this week! It seems like nature chooses one spot on the world map and decides where to give her best shot! Parts of the South Pacific island Fiji were devastated after cyclone named Tomas hit on Wednesday. On the scale to five, this one was category four – the second strongest. Bad communication because of strong winds up to 175 kilometers an hour blew and the cyclone could easily transmit from one place to another. The death toll still isn’t precise, but the term still is “few”, and that I suppose it’s good. "Those who have experienced other cyclones say this is the longest and the strongest they have come across -! - and the most destructive," said National Disaster Management Office spokesman Pajiliai Dobui. Other countries also help the people of Fiji. New Zealand, Australia, France by far gave their assistance in airlifting emergency supplies. Australia donated $1million. The damage is overwhelming and the cyclone battered the shore for three days On the northern island of Koro, seven of the 14 villages have been badly damaged. Some of the houses are blown away, some roads are blocked. State of emergency has been announced immediately in northern and eastern parts of the island, and a lot of people live in caves at the moment. Power, water, communications are still disrupted in many northern areas. At least 17.000 people are in evacuation shelters now. Schools have been closed, and the public services are been suspended. It is normal to be concerned for the officials of the island, because there is no sign of communication of islands of Cikobia and Qelelevu. Seventeen Austra! lian citizens are still unaccounted on the ruined Pacific arch! ipelago.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Sea life found deep under Antarctica ice
by Zuzana Zelenakova

A team of NASA scientists has made a surprising discovery in the Antarctica. Six hundred feet under the ice where is no lights and supposedly shouldn´t be life, they found a swimming shrimp-like creature, they also glimpsed a tentacle of what they believe was a jellyfish. The discovery was made quite by accident when the scientists lowered a small video camera to get a photograph of an ice shelf. The fact that living creatures were found in such conditions could alter the view of what animals can survive in certain extreme environment completely. "We were operating on the presumption that nothing's there," NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler told the Associated Pr! ess. "It was a shrimp you'd enjoy having on your plate." Scientists were naturally extremely excited about the discovery of the creature that is called Lyssianasid amphipod, which could subsequently lead to other expeditions aimed at observing possible signs of life in environments that experts believed till now were unable to support life, that includes not only Earth, but also frozen moons in space. Lyssianasid amphipod is not an actual shrimp, but is related to it and looks similar. "It's pretty amazing when you find a huge puzzle like that on a planet where we thought we know everything," said biologist Stacy Kim of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in California, who worked with the NASA team. Microbiologist Cynan Ellis-Evans of the British Antarctic Survey expressed doubts about the creatures living in the area permanently. According to him, they might very well swam there from any other place. However, Kim claims that is unlikely given the fact that the West Anta! rctica site where they drilled the hole is distanced about 19 ! kilomete rs from open seas. The findings made by the team under the lead NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler will be presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting on Wednesday.

related story (sgx16786):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Tím NASA objavil život hlboko pod ľadmi Antarktídy
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Tím vedcov NASA urobil v Antarktíde prekvapujúci objav. 183 metrov pod ľadom, kde nie je žiadne svetlo a nemal by sa tu vyskytovať ani život, objavili plávajúceho tvora podobného krevete, takisto zahliadli chápadlo patriace pravdepodobne nejakému druhu medúzy. Tento objav bol v podstate dielom náhody, keď vedci spustili kameru, aby získali fotografie ľadového sveta po ich nohami. Fakt, že v takýchto podmienkach boli nájdené žijúce tvory by mohol úplne zmeniť pohľad na to, aké druhy zvierat sú schopné prežiť v rô! ;znych extrémnych prostrediach. „Predpokladali sme, že tam nič nie je,“ povedal odborník z NASA Robert Bindschadler. „Bola to kreveta, akú by ste si radi našli na tanieri.“ Vedci boli prirodzene nesmierne nadšení objavom tvora, nazývaným Lyssianasid amphipod, ktorý by mohol v konečnom dôsledku viesť k ďalším expedíciám s cieľom pozorovať možné prejavy života v podmienkach, o ktorých boli vedci doteraz presvedčení, že v nich nie sú žijúce tvory schopné prežiť, a to sa týka nielen Zeme ale napríklad aj zmrznutých mesiacov vo vesmíre. Lyssianasid amphipod v skutočnosti nie je kreveta, no je to jej príbuzný a je jej podobný. „Je to úžasné keď objavíte takýto rébus na planéte, o ktorej sme si mysleli, &#! 382;e už vieme všetko,“ hovorí Stacy Kimo! vá z morských laboratórií Moss Landing Marine Laboratories v Kalifornii, ktorá sa neskôr pripojila k tímu NASA. Mikrobiológ Cynan Ellis-Evans, ktorý je členom Britského antarktického prieskumu, vyjadril pochybnosti o tom, že tieto živočíchy žijú na danom mieste natrvalo. Podľa neho je možné, že tam priplávali z iného miesta. Avšak Stacy Kimová tvrdí, že je to nepravdepodobné, hlavne vzhľadom na fakt, že miesto v západnej Antarktíde, kde sa prieskum odohrával, je vzdialená približne 19 kilometrov od otvoreného mora. Poznatky, ktoré získal tím vedený vedcom Robertom Bindschadlerom budú prezentované v stredu na stretnutí Americkej geofyzikálnej únie.

related story (sgx16792):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Malé deti vnímajú rytmus oveľa intenzívnejšie
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Podľa najnovšieho výskumu sú malé deti veľmi citlivé na rytmus, nie však ten prítomný v reči. Na výskume sa podieľalo približne 120 malých deti vo veku od 5 do 24 mesiacov. „Náš výskum poukazuje nato, že je to práve rytmus, nie iné súčasti hudby ako napríklad melódia, ktorý vyvoláva v deťoch odozvu. Takisto sme zistili, že čím viac sa deťom podarilo zosúladiť svoje pohyby s hudbou, týmviac sa usmievali,“ hovorí psychológ Marcel Zentner z University of York, ktorý na výs! kume pracoval. Deti prešli sériou experimentov, kedy im výskumníci pustili ukážky klasickej hudby, tej rytmickejšej a ukážky reči dospelých. Dokonca pozvali i baletných profesionálov, aby sa do štúdie zapojili. Ich úlohou bolo posúdiť do akej miery sa deti hýbu do rytmu hudby. Zatiaľ vedci nezistili čo sa skrýva za touto predispozíciou k tancu. „Ešte stále sme neporozumeli tomu, prečo sa u ľudí vyvinul tento konkrétny druh predispozície. Jednou z možností je, že šlo o prirodzenú selekciu hudby, alebo, že sa predispozícia vyvinula z nejakého iného dôvodu, respektíve funkcie, ktorá náhodou relevantná v procese spracovania hudby,“ hovorí Zentner. Počas experimentov boli deti usadené na kolenách svojich rodičov a do rytmu poh! ybovali rukami, nohami a celým trupom. Nie je jasné ! do akej miery je predispozícia k tancu biologicky podmienená, no pravdou zostáva, že tancovať je ľudské. Tanec nás oslobodzuje a dovoľuje nám sa prejaviť a mnohí odborníci tvrdia, že ide vlastne o druh sociálneho správania. Tanec je prepletený s mnohým ďalšími aspektmi nášho života, ako napríklad komunikácia, učenie, láska, atď.

related story (sgx16772):
by Zuzana Zelenak! ova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Babies are extremely sensitive to rhythm study shows
by Zuzana Zelenakova

According to the latest research, little babies love a beat, in other words they are extremely sensitive to the rhythm, not including the speech though. The study examined the sample of about 120 babies aged 5 to 24 months. “Our research suggests that it is the beat rather than other features of the music, such as the melody, that produces the response in infants. We also found that the better the children were able to synchronize their movements with the music, the more they smiled,” says University of York psychologist and study researcher Marcel Zentner. Infants passed a series of experiments, when researchers played them either classical music, rhythmic one! and adult speech. Researchers even invited ballet professionals to participate in the study. They were supposed to observe how well babies managed to match their movements with the beat. So far, the scientists don´t know what is behind this predisposition for dancing. “It remains to be understood why humans have developed this particular predisposition. One possibility is that it was a target of natural selection for music or that it has evolved for some other function that just happens to be relevant for music processing,” says Zentner. An interesting detail was also the fact that the better the babies were able to move to the rhythmic music the happier they were smiling broadly. During the experiments, babies were seated in their parents´ laps and moved their hands, legs and torso to the music. It is not clear to what an extent the predisposition for dance is biologically based, but the truth is to dance is human. Through liberating movements of dan! ce we express ourselves and many experts claim it is a kind of! social behavior. It is connected to many aspects of our lives, such as communication, loving, learning, and so on.

related story (sgx16769):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to d! elivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Scientists found a miracle distant relative to shrimp 600 feet below thick Antarctic ice blocks.
by Milota Sidorova

Among some of general truths about this planet is the one that man doesn't know about 90 percent of planetary plant and animal species. Each day, scientists discover a new living creature, proving life is possible even on the most impossible corners of the Earth. Theories say most of undiscovered flora and fauna is located within seas and oceans, especially Antarctica region. Thousands of thousands years ago it was a rich continent with tropical climate. The proofs of its diversity remains in huge slopes and layers of fossils, conserved in ice. But what seemed to be only a black hole full of microorganisms and plankton has given another proof of human darkness of deep under! water ecosystems. American NASA team was visited by 3-inch-long, orange critter 600 feet under Antarctic ice sheet.Scientists originally considered this area as really empty space invaded with the most primitive forms of life. Lyssianasid amphipod a distant relative to shrimp broke that theory. It was able to produce existing body, find food and reproduce in more than a hostile environment – to the bone freezing water and no sunlight. We all know about fish that look like monsters from our worse nightmares. We know they live deep underwater. This environment was different because of thick layer of airtight ice blocks. Except of Lyssianasid amphipod, scientists were able to pull up a tentacle from the water. According assumptions it should came from a foot-long jellyfish. The new discovery only supported the question of extraterrestrial forms of life in space. And since the water was found on the dark side of the Moon, it could contain remains of another life forms.The! world seems to be borderless and the life always chooses its ! most eff ective form.

related story (sgx16768):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kosa od Napoleon pronajdena vo Sidnej
by Magdalena Rosova

Nekolku prameni od kosa zemeni od Napoleon Bonaparta bile pronajdeni vo Gradskata sala vo Sidnej, stara 130 godini. Vrabotenite gi našle vlaknata otkako čistele vizbata na salata. Mostra od kostata na Napoleon se naogjala vo arhivata na zgradata so godini, no nikoj ne znael kako taa stignala vo Sidnej. Izložbata so otkrienata kosa primami mnogu Avstralijanci. Kuratorot na izložbata, Margaret Beteridz prizna deka na početokot ni taa ne bila sigurna dali kosata navistina mu pripagjala na Napoleon, no pridružnoto pismo ja ubedilo. Vo pismoto, Škotot Ned Tod objasnuva deka vlaknata od francuskiot imperator mu gi dala žena čij brat, majorot Vilijam Krokat, bil prisuten za vreme na smrtta na Napoleon. Bilo poznato deka posle smrtta na Napoleon, negovata kosa bila otsečena, a Krokat se pojavil i vo slika što ja opišuva scenata na umiranjeto. No, pričinata zošto kosata završila vo Sidnej, ne e jasna. Vo 18! 21 godina, na 51 godina, Napoleon počina na Sveta Elena, 13.000 km od Sidnej. Beteridz veruva deka kosata ne e lažna, iako nikoj ne znael kako taa stignala vo Sidnej. Beteridz dodade deka dve godini čistenje i renoviranja na gradskata sala bile otkrieni povekje čudni predmeti vo podzemnite vizbi. Edna od niv bila polna so čudni i čuknati raboti, podaroci dadeni na gradot. Megju rabotite pronajdeni vo vizbite na gradskata sala bila i golema porcelanska vazna, podarok od Francika po megjunarodna izložba vo 1879 godina koja se sluči vo Sidnej. No, vlaknata od Napoleon se definitivno najspektakularnoto nešto što vrabotenite go našle vo gradskata sala.

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Kosa od Napoleon pronajdena vo Sidnej
by Magdalena Rosova

Nekolku prameni od kosa zemeni od Napoleon Bonaparta bile pronajdeni vo Gradskata sala vo Sidnej, stara 130 godini. Vrabotenite gi našle vlaknata otkako čistele vizbata na salata. Mostra od kostata na Napoleon se naogjala vo arhivata na zgradata so godini, no nikoj ne znael kako taa stignala vo Sidnej. Izložbata so otkrienata kosa primami mnogu Avstralijanci. Kuratorot na izložbata, Margaret Beteridz prizna deka na početokot ni taa ne bila sigurna dali kosata navistina mu pripagjala na Napoleon, no pridružnoto pismo ja ubedilo. Vo pismoto, Škotot Ned Tod objasnuva deka vlaknata od francuskiot imperator mu gi dala žena čij brat, majorot Vilijam Krokat, bil prisuten za vreme na smrtta na Napoleon. Bilo poznato deka posle smrtta na Napoleon, negovata kosa bila otsečena, a Krokat se pojavil i vo slika što ja opišuva scenata na umiranjeto. No, pričinata zošto kosata završila vo Sidnej, ne e jasna. Vo 18! 21 godina, na 51 godina, Napoleon počina na Sveta Elena, 13.000 km od Sidnej. Beteridz veruva deka kosata ne e lažna, iako nikoj ne znael kako taa stignala vo Sidnej. Beteridz dodade deka dve godini čistenje i renoviranja na gradskata sala bile otkrieni povekje čudni predmeti vo podzemnite vizbi. Edna od niv bila polna so čudni i čuknati raboti, podaroci dadeni na gradot. Megju rabotite pronajdeni vo vizbite na gradskata sala bila i golema porcelanska vazna, podarok od Francika po megjunarodna izložba vo 1879 godina koja se sluči vo Sidnej. No, vlaknata od Napoleon se definitivno najspektakularnoto nešto što vrabotenite go našle vo gradskata sala.

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! by Magdalena Rosova
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rozširujúce sa oblasti s nízkym obsahom kyslíka v oceánoch znepokojujú vedcov
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Podľa vedcov by mohla znížená hladina kyslíka v oceánoch, hlavne v oblasti severozápadného pobrežia Tichého oceánu v Spojených štátoch, ďalším prejavom zásadných klimatických zmien spojených s globálnym otepľovaním. Varujú, že podmorské ekosystémy a potravinové reťazce tým môžu byť narušené. V niektorých miestach pri pobreží štátov Washington a Oregon nedostatok kyslíka spôsobil, že hromady mŕtvych krabov, či morských hviezdic pokryli dno oce! ána. Nedostatok kyslíka takisto spôsobil škody kolóniám morských sasaniek, ktoré v dôsledku toho začali produkovať potenciálne škodlivú baktériu, ktorej sa darí práve v takýchto podmienkach. Oblasti s nízkym obsahom kyslíka existujú v oceánskych hĺbkach už dlho. Zdá sa však, že tieto oblasti, v Tichom, Atlantickom či Indickom oceáne, sa šíria, pokrývajú čoraz viac kilometrov štvorcových a postupujú smerom k hladine. „Pokles hladiny kyslíka vo všetkých troch oceánoch je ohromujúci,“ hovorí oceánograf Gregory Johnson z Naional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration v Seattli. Na niektorých miestach, napríklad pri južnom pobreží Kalifornie, poklesla hladina kyslíka vo vode za posledných 25 rokov približne o 2! 0 percent. Vedci odhadujú, že inde to mohla byť! až jedna tretina za posledné polstoročie. „Skutočným prekvapením je, že sa to stáva novým štadardom,“ hovorí Jack Barth, profesor oceánografie na Oregonskej štátnej univerzite. „Pozorujeme to rok čo rok.“ Barth a ďalší tvrdia, že tieto zmeny sa dejú v závislosti od súčasných modelov klimatických zmien. Predchádzajúce štúdie ukázali, že oceány sú čoraz kyslejšie v dôsledku toho, že absorbujú viac kysličníku uhličitého a ostatných skleníkových plynov. „Pokiaľ sa Zem bude i naďalej otepľovať, predpokladá sa, že hladina kyslíku bude čoraz nižšia a nižšia,“ hovorí Francis Chan, morský výskumník z Oregonskej štátnej univerzity. Ako teplota vod! y v oceánoch stúpa, teplejšia voda na povrchu vytvára vrstvu, ktorá zabraňuje prirodzenej cirkulácii, alebo premiešavaniu vody z väčších hĺbok s okysličenými hornými vrstvami. Doteraz najvážnejšie postihnutá oblasť s nízkym obsahom kyslíka na severozápadnom pobreží Spojených štátov bola objavená v roku 2006. Rozprestierala sa v blízkosti Newportu v Oregone a podľa Jacka Bartha bola tak blízko pri brehu, že by k nej človek dohodil baseballovú loptičku. Táto oblasť predstavovala 80 percent vodného stĺpca a udržala sa až prekvapujúce štyri mesiace. Vedci si nie sú istí akým spôsobom nízke hladiny kyslíka ovplyvnia ekosystémy v oceánoch. Najväčšie nebezpečenstvo hrozí pravdepodobne druhom, kto! ré žijú na dne oceánov, pretože sa po! hybuj 50; pomaly a nemuseli by zvládnuť premiestniť sa. Iným druhom, ako napríklad medúzam nebude nízka hladina kyslíka robiť problém. Takisto veľkým chobotniciam, ktoré sa nachádzajú najmä pri pobreží Mexika a v Strednej Amerike nevadí menej kyslíku a môžeme ich nájsť aj tak ďaleko na severe ako je Aljaška. „Je to ako pokus,“ hovorí Chan. „Odstránime niektoré položky z potravinového reťazca a uvidíme čo sa bude diať.“

related story (sgx16727):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Low-oxygen zones in oceans spreading
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Low-oxygen zones in oceans that are normally found in deeper water are spreading to the coastal areas. Scientists are worried, because such a development threatens offshore sea animals and entire ecosystems. Marine species living in these areas are forced either to die or move somewhere else. The problem is most visible in the area of the United States´ Pacific Northwest coast, however, scientists all over the world have been noticing the same phenomenon for quite some time. "The depletion of oxygen levels in all three oceans is striking," said Gregory Johnson , an oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Seattle , referring to the Pac! ific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. According to scientists, low-oxygen areas are spreading quite quickly and might decline by about one-third in next 50 years. Lisa Levin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, says that larger animals such as marlin, tuna, or sailfish will be forced to relocate into shallower water, where they will become a lot easier prey. "That may be good for fishermen, but it also makes it a lot easier for fishermen to fish these species out of the ocean,” she says. Many experts believe the main reason behind this trend is current climate-change, or global warming to be more precise. The more greenhouse gases oceans absorb, the more acidic they become. "If the Earth continues to warm, the expectation is we will have lower and lower oxygen levels," said Francis Chan , a senior marine researcher at Oregon State University. He further explains that warm waters floating above deeper and colder currents make it more diffic! ult for cold water to rise and mix with the oxygenated surface! level. In addition, the fact is warm water contains less oxygen. Some species simply move away from the low-oxygen waters, "But for those whose stress response is to hunker down and wait, they will die," says Chan.

related story (sgx16703):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for SigEx Ventures (

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

V Tanzánii objavili predchodcu dinosaurov
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Asilisaurus kongwe je meno najstaršieho predchodcu dinosaurov, ktorý sa objavil už 10 miliónov rokov pred nimi. S dinosaurami zdieľa mnoho spoločných čŕt, no nepatrí priamo medzi ne. Vzhľadom na objavenie Asilisaura vedci došli k záveru, že dinosaury a druhy im najbližšie mohli na Zemi žiť skôr ako sa doteraz predpokladalo. Najstaršie dinosaury, ktoré boli doteraz objavené žili pred 230 miliónmi rokov. Asilisaurus patrí do skupiny silesaurov, ktorá má k dinosaurom veľmi blízko. „Keď ľudia premýšľaj&#! 250; o dinosauroch hneď im napadnú extrémne formy, ktoré sa vo vývoji vydali svojím zvláštnym, špecifickým smerom, ako napríklad Stegosaurus či Tyranosaurus rex,“ povedal Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., paleontológ z Univerzity v Marylande, ktorý sa nepodieľal na výskume. „No všetci mali spoločného predchodcu, a druhy ako Asilisaurus nám pomáhajú porozumieť ako ranné štádiá dinosaura vyzerali.“ Kosti prinajmenšom štrnástich Asilisaurov boli objavené v južnej Tanzánii a vďaka nim sa podarilo vedcom zrekonštruovať takmer celú kostru. Jedince nájdené v Tanzánii boli v bokoch 0,5 až 1 meter vysoké, boli 1 až 3 metre dlhé a vážili od 10 do 30 kilogramov. Prvý jedinec zo skupiny silesaurov bol objavený už v roku 2003. „Tento ! objav len dokazuje, že ešte stále je tu mnoho d! ruhov, k toré v hojných počtoch existovali v období triasu a o ktorých zatiaľ nič nevieme,“ hovorí Sterling Nesbitt z Texaskej univerzity v Austine, ktorý viedol výskumný tím. „Je to vzrušujúce, pretože to znamená, že sa toho ešte dá stále veľa objaviť.“ Názov Asilisaurus kongwe je odvodený zo swahilčiny a gréčtiny. Asili v swahilčine znamená predok, sauros je po grécky jašter a kongwe znamená v swahilčine starobylý.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Napoleon's hair found in Sydney
by Magdalena Rosova

A few clippings of hair taken from Napoleon Bonaparte have been found in 130-year-old Town Hall in Sydney. Employees have found the hairs after cleaning vaults of the town hall. Swatch of Napoleon's hairs were in the town hall's archive for years, but no one know how they got to Sydney. An exhibition of the uncovered hairs lured many Australians. Curator of the exhibition, Margaret Betteridge, admitted that at the beginning she had not been sure the hair really belonged to Napoleon but the accompanying letter convinced her. In the letter, a Scotsman Ned Todd explains that a woman whose brother, major William Crockat, had been present at Napoleon's death, had given him the hairs of French emperor. It was known that after Napoleon's death his hair was cut and Crockat appeared in a painting depicting the death scene. But the reason why the hair ended up in Sydney, is not clear. In 1821 at age of 51Napoleon died in St. Helena, 13,000 kilometers from Sydney. Betteridge! believes that the hairs was not fake, even when no one knew how the hair had got to Sydney. Betteridge added that two years of cleaning and renovations of the town hall had uncovered more strange objects in underground vaults. One vault was full of the weird and wacky things, gifts given to the city. Among the things found in the town hall's vaults there was a large Sevres vase, a gift from France after an international exhibition in 1879 that took place in Sydney. But Napoleon's hairs is definitely the most spectacular thing employees found in the town hall.

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by Mag! dalena Rosova
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Dinosaur ancestor discovered in Tanzania
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Asilisaurus kongwe is the name of the oldest ancestor to the dinosaurs that lived 10 million years ahead of their time. It shares many characteristics with dinosaurs, however, it does not belong to the dinosaur family directly. Based on this discovery, scientists came to a conclusion that dinosaurs and animals of the similar kind might have lived much earlier than previously thought. The oldest dinosaurs discovered so far were 230 million years old. Asilisaurus belongs to the group known as silesaurs, which is very close to dinosaurs. "When people think about dinosaurs, we think about the extreme forms, the ones that have gone off in their ... own weird directions," such a! s Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex, said Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., paleontologist from the University of Maryland, who did not participated in the research. "But they all came from a common ancestor, and fellows like Asilisaurus help us understand what that original dino state looked like." Fossil bones of at least 14 Asilisaurus individuals were found in southern Tanzania and were sufficient to reconstruct almost whole skeleton. Asilisaurus kongwe individuals found in Tanzania were about 0.5 to 1 meter tall at the hips and were 1 to 3 meters long and weighed about 10 to 30 kilograms. The first member of the silesaur group was found back in 2003. "This goes to show that there are whole groups of animals out there that we've never even found evidence of that were very abundant during the Triassic," said Sterling Nesbitt, a geoscientist from the University of Texas in Austin, who led the team of excavators. "It's exciting because it means there is still so much chance for disco! very." The name Asilisaurus kongwe is derived from Swahili and! Greek. Asili means ancestor in Swahili, sauros is Greek for lizard and kongwe is Swahili for ancient.

related story (sgx16677):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for SigEx Ventures (

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Severozapadot pod rizik od megaudar
by Magdalena Rosova

Zemjotresno žarište na samo 50 milji od Pacifističkiot Severozapaden breg pretstavuva možna zakana za Sietl, Portland i Vankuver. Naučnicite velat deka žarišteto može da predizvika slična šteta kako taa što Čile neodamna ja doživea. Rasedot ne bil aktiven povekje od 300 godini, no koga bi se aktivirar, bi možel da predizvika užasni posledici. Kompjuterski simulacii na hipotetički potres velat deka tresenjeto bi moželo da trae i do 5 minuti, no negovata mokj, bi možela da predižvika kolaps na siromašno konstruiranite zgradi vo Brtianska Kolumbija i Severna Kalifornija. Silen u! dar bi možel isto taka da isprati mokjni cunami branovi na bregot. Za srekja, golemite gradovi kako što se Portland ili Sietl bi bile zaštiteni od poplava. No, poniskite krajbrežni gradovi bi imale seriozen problem. Geologot Brajan Etvoter veli deka Pacifičkiot Severozapad ima dolga geološka istorija na slučuvanja baš kako tie vo Čile. Toj veruva deka prašanje e samo na vreme koga kje dojde udarot. Posledniot zemjotres so jačina od 9, go pogodil regionot vo 1700 godina i isprati branovi od cunami visoki 30 do 40 stapki, koi go pokosija Pacifikot i gi oštetija krajbrežnite sela vo Japonija. Kris Goldfinger, pretsedatel na Laboratorijata za mapiranje na aktivnata tektonika i morsko dno na Državniot univerzitet vo Oregon, veruva deka rasedot kje se rascepi vo narednite 50 godini i kje proizvede megaudar. Spored Goldfinger, postojat 80 procenti šansa deka strašnoto scenario bi se slučilo. I! stražuvanje od minatata godina pokaža deka zgradite ! vo Sietl izgradeni pred 1994 godina se so visok rizik da kolabiraat vo slučaj na superudar. Rakovoditeli na katastrofi vo Oregon i Vašington rabotat na toa da gi zajakne učilištata, bolnicite i drugi zgradi za da može da izdržat silen udar.

related story (sgx16674):
by Magdalena Rosova
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Surprising consequences of deadly earthquake in Chile
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Chile has experienced one of the strongest earthquakes in history, it reached magnitude of 8.8 and killed more than 120 people. Chile is country that is in high risk of earthquakes, it is due to the fact that it lies on the spot where two tectonic plates meet, the Pacific and South American plate to be more precise. According to seismologist, there is at least one quake of magnitude eight and more a year. Dr Brian Baptie, of the British Geological Survey, said: "In global terms this is a very rare quake. Chile has experienced some very big quakes in the past. It was about 124 miles north-east of the largest earthquake ever recorded – 9.5, in 1960 – which result! ed in a destructive tsunami that killed many thousands of people around the Pacific." The quake´s epicenter was located about 70 miles from the city of Concepcion. People noticed the earthquake as far as Argentina. According to NASA scientists, devastating earthquake in Chile that threw the country into turmoil has had some interesting consequences. The scientists are speculating that it might have altered the Earth´s axis and thus shorten days on our planet. According to the favorite NASA analogy that was uttered by one of its own, Benjamin Fong Chao, back in 2005 “Any worldly event that involves the movement of mass affects the Earth’s rotation.” And the Chile earthquake was caused by the mass shift. According to Richard Gross from NASA´s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California and his colleagues, it shortened the day by 1.26 microseconds. The planet completes one rotation in one day and earthquake can make it rotate faster by pu! shing some of Earth´s mass closer to its axis. It you are! wonderi ng if it works also the other way round the answer is yes, it does. The quake can slow the rotation of the Earth by transferring the mass away from the axis.

related story (sgx16657):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for SigEx Ventures (

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Northwest at risk of megaquake
by Magdalena Rosova

An earthquake hotspot only 50 miles off the Pacific Northwest coast represents a possible threat for Seattle, Portland and Vancouver. Scientists say the hotspot can cause a similar damage that Chile has experienced recently. The fault has not been active for more than 300 years, but when it awakens it can have devastating consequences. Computer simulations of hypothetical quake says that shaking could last up to 5 minutes, but its strength would cause poorly constructed buildings in British Columbia and Northern California to collapse. Strong quake would also sent powerful tsunami waves to the shore. Fortunately, huge cities such as Portland or Seattle would be prote! cted from the flood. But the low-lying seaside cities would have serious problem. A geologist Brian Atwater says the Pacific Northwest has a long geological history of doing exactly the same what happened in Chile. He believes it is only the matter of when the quake would come. The last quake of a magnitude-9 hit the region in 1700 and sent 30- to 40-foot-tall tsunami waves, which raced across the Pacific and damaged coastal villages in Japan. Chris Goldfinger, a head of the Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory at Oregon State University, believes that the fault would break in the next 50 years and produce a megaquake. According to Goldfinger, there is 80 percent chance that the scary scenario would happen. Last years research showed that Seattle's building built before 1994 are at high risk of collapse in case of a superquake. Disaster managers in Oregon and Washington are working on shoring up schools, hospitals and other buildings so that they would w! ithstand a strong quake.

related story (sgx1665! 8):
by Magdalena Rosova
for SigEx Ventures (

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tsunami research is necessary
by Barbora Misakova

When one of the most devastating tsunamis hit Hawaii in 2004 and killed more than 200,000 people, the world authorities realized the world is faced with another serious problem. A huge tsunami got to the list of top 5 natural disaster killers of the world. Some scientists are saying there is less need for additional measuring equipment and computational costs should be increased instead. According to their opinion, there are enough materials that should be studied and computers are necessary for it. As they say, a rigorous examination of long-standing assumptions and generation of tsunami models could be useful for estimating the strength and impact of tsunamis in the futur! e. A main man of this idea is Gerard Fryer a geophysicist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii, who used to work as a professor at the University of Hawaii. When he heard about Chile’s earthquake he was expecting that destructive tsunami would hit Hawaii, but to his surprise, it didn’t happen. Now they have to figure out why it didn’t. One Fryer’s assumption is that Chilean quake occurred in deeper waters than actually happened. That would mean that more displaced water results in a larger tsunami. Second assumption says that tsunami waves travel at about the same speed – wave speed and also intervals between waves can affect how tsunamis interact with coastal zones. However current models do not sufficiently take intervals into account and they also did not calculate “dispersion” of the waves which reduces the strength of tsunami waves.

related story (sgx16629):
by Barbora Misakova
for SigEx Ventures (

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Tsunami na Havaji spôsobilo minimálne škody
by Magdalena Rosova

Vedci vydali správu, podľa ktorej mali Havaj a ďalšie ostrovy v Pacifickom oceáne zasiahnuť ničivé vlny tsunami. Vedci preto žiadali urgentnú evakuáciu ľudí žijúcich na pobreží ohrozených ostrovov. Katastrofálne predpovede sa však nenaplnili. V nedeľu na niekoľko hodín havajské pláže zívali prázdnotou, avšak nič strašidelné sa nestalo. Po tom, čo podstatne menšie vlny než vedci hlásili ošpliechali pobrežie ostrova, sa život na Havaji vrátil k normálu a turisti naplnili p! láže a podniky. Vedci evidentne precenili vážnosť hrozby. Napriek tomu niektorí naďalej obraňujú svoje konanie, tvrdiac, že smrtiace tsunami v Indonézii z roku 2004 im dalo dostatočnú lekciu. Vedci považujú svoje konanie za opodstatnené, podľa nich postupovali štandardne. Vedci varovali 53 národov a oblastí. Podľa nich malo zemetrasenie v sile 8,8 stupňov Richterovej stupnice vyvolať obrovské vlny tsunami. Varovanie vyvolalo na pobreží pacifického oceána chaos a paniku, stovky tisíc ľudí opustilo pobrežie a ukrylo sa vo vnútrozemí. Na Havaji mali najväčšiu evakuáciu za posledné roky. Poplašné sirény trúbili celý deň, námorníctvo presunulo svoje lode z Pearl Harbor a ľudia sa pre každý prípad zásobovali jedlom, vo! dou a plynom. Na ostrove vypukla panika a nákupný o&! #353;ia& #318;, kvôli ktorému museli niektoré obchody stanoviť limit na nákup určitých produktov. Vlny tsunami na ostrove Robinson Crusoe pri pobreží Chile zabili najmenej päť ľudí a v meste Talcahuano spôsobili značné škody. Smrtiace vlny však na Havaj nedorazili. Najvyššie vlny dosahovali päť stôp, hlásili ich z východného pobrežia Havaju, avšak nespôsobili žiadne škody. Na súostroví Tonga päťdesiat tisíc ľudí utieklo z pobrežia do vnútrozemia, ale žiadne tsunami neprišlo. V Japonsku evakuovali 400 tisíc ľudí z pobrežia. Vedci hlásili vlny vysoké desať stôp, na japonské ostrovy dorazili vlny vo výške iba štyroch stôp a rovnako nespôsobili žiadnu škodu. Vedci čelia obvineniam z neopr! 25;vneného šírenia paniky a chaosu. Prekvapujúco sa však vedci odmietli ospravedlniť a naďalej považujú svoje konanie za oprávnené.

related story (sgx16626):
by Magdalena Rosova
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

Tsunami Hits Hawaii, Causes Minimal Damage
by Magdalena Rosova

Oceanographers issued a bulletin which says that a killer wave was heading on Hawaii and other Pacific islands. The oceanographers suggest an urgent action should be taken. But the devastating predictions have not fulfilled. Hawaii's beaches were empty for few hours on Sunday, but nothing scary happened. After waves half the predicted size tickled the shores of Hawaii, tourists returned to beaches and restaurants. Apparently, scientists have overstated the threat, but some still defend their actions, saying that killing Indonesian tsunami in 2004 gave them good lesson. Scientists say they had taken proper steps and the warning had been the right thing to do.. Scientists! warned 53 nations and territories that Chilean earthquake of 8.8 magnitude would generate a huge tsunami. The warning caused panic on the Pacific shores, hundreds of thousands of people left shorelines and went more inland. It was the biggest evacuation in Hawaii in years. Emergency sirens were blaring whole day, the Navy moved its ships out of Pearl Harbor and people collected food, water and gasoline in case of huge disaster. Some supermarkets had to place limits on some items, because of the panic buying that burst out. The tsunami on Robinson Crusoe Island off Chile's coast killed five people and devastated the city of Talcahuano, but the killing waves have never came to Hawaii. The biggest waves of about 5 feet were reported on the eastern coast of Hawaii, but did just little damage. In Tonga, 50,000 people fled inland ahead of the tsunami. No damage happened. In Japan, 400,000 people moved from shorelines. 10-feet high waves were predicted, but only 4-feet hi! gh waves hit the island of Hokkaido and caused no damage. Sc! ientists are blamed for unreasonably causing all the panic and chaos. Surprisingly, they refused to apologize.

related story (sgx16625):
by Magdalena Rosova
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models