
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ancient wall: proof of King Solomon?
by Barbora Misakova

Bible, also called the book of all books, represents religious texts central to Judaism and Christianity. While for someone it is only book full of myths, for others it has also historical meaning. Archeologists, historians and other scientists from all over the world are discussing many years about its authenticity. One of the stories written in the Old Testament is about King Solomon. According to the biblical First Book of Kings, Solomon was the son of David and the third king of the united Monarchy. He was known for his wisdom, wealth and power, but also for his sin of idolatry. The story of two mothers quarreling about a baby is widely known. Solomon’s wise sugge! stion of dividing the living child in two with a sword revealed which woman was the true mother. If only a proof of Solomon as truly living person was also so easy to find. Eilat Mazar from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found fortifications that by her opinion are supporting the biblical narrative about the era. If the age of the wall (which is estimated at 3,000 years) it would be an indication that Jerusalem was ruled by strong central government with resources and manpower capable to build such massive fortifications. As Mazar told reporters, it is “the most significant construction we have from First Temple days in Israel.” These fortifications consist of a monumental gatehouse and 70-meters long section of an ancient wall. The compound now houses two important Islamic buildings – the golden-capped Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa mosque. Even though these fortifications were excavated for the first time in the 1860 and later in 1980s, this time i! t was the first complete excavation including excavation of a ! large nu mber of pottery shards.

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by Barbora Misakova
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