
Friday, August 28, 2009

Êtes-vous multitasker ?
by kristina leskova

Beaucoup de gens sont habitués de faire plus de choses en même temps. On l'appelle le multitasking. Par exemple vous travaillez sur votre ordinateur et en même moment vous pouvez utiliser votre téléphone portable. Il n'y a que peu de jours qu'une étude a été réalisé laquelle a indiqué que « les personnes multifonctionnelles = multitaskers » exèrcent leur tâches plus mauvais que les autres. Pourquoi est-il ainsi ? Les chercheurs de l'université de Stanford ont constaté que les multitaskers peuvent être distraites plus facilement et peuvent être moins capable d'ignorer l'information! sans importance que les gens qui s'occupent d'une seule charge. Les chercheurs ont été vraiment choqués. Beaucoup de gens pensent que les multitaskers sont les gens qui peuvent facilement faire beaucoup de choses à la fois. Mais si leur travail est mauvais ils ne devraient plus se distraire en faisant plusiers choses en même temps. Les chercheurs ont étudié un groupe de 262 étudiants. Ils les ont divisés en les multitaskers de grande et de petite mesure et ont étudié des choses comme la mémoire, la capacité de commuter d'une charge à une autre et le pouvoir de se concentrer sur une seule charge. Mais la question est pourquoi les personnes qui sont plus mauvais au traitement multitâche, le font mieux ? Peut-être ils pensent d'eux qu'ils sont des multitaskers, mais ils ne peuvent pas se concentrer sur plus de charges. Quoi qu'il en soit ce monde nous force à faire ce que plus de devoirs par! ce que nous travaillons sous pression et le temps passe tellem! ent vite . Et si les gens veulent avoir aussi plus de temps libre ils doivent faire plus de choses en ce que plus court temps. Mais pour l'employeur ce n'est pas bien. Ils ne fonctionnent pas efficacement. Les multitaskers ne peuvent pas ignorer l'information non pertinente. On les a examinés en les montrant les rectangles de couleur rouge et bleue et le but était d'ignorer les rectangles bleus. Mais les multitaskers ne pouvaient pas les ignorer. Et peut-être vous pensez que la mémoire des multitaskers doit être plus grande mais ce n'est pas vraie. Leur mémoire égale par la tailleur à celles d'autres. Multitaskers aiment simplement d'avoir ce que plus d'informations. Mais ils devraient travailler sur leur concentration.

related story (sgx15259):
by kristina leskova
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Môže sa z behu stať skutočná závislosť?
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Cvičenie je jedným z kľúčových faktorov na to, aby sme ostali zdraví a v dobrej kondícii, no najnovšie výskumy ukazujú, že prílišné cvičenie sa môže ľahko stať klasickou závislosťou. Výskumníci z Tuftsovej univerzity v americkom štáte Massachusetts dokázali, že prílišné behanie spôsobuje, že mozog vylučuje chemikálie, ktoré spôsobujú euforické stavy podobné tým pri užívaní drog. Vedci tento fenomén študovali na skupine potkanov. Myslia si, že! pokiaľ sa cvičenie môže stať návykovým, potom možno by narkomanom mohol nejaký druh fyzickej aktivity nahradiť drogy. „Cvičenie, takisto ako užívanie drog, vedie k uvoľňovaniu neurotransmiterov ako sú endorfíny či dopamín, ktoré spôsobujú akýsi stav uvoľnenia,“ hovorí vedúci výskumného tímu Robin Kanarek, ktorý je profesorom psychológie na Tuftsovej univerzite. „Tak ako pri prijímaní potravy či iných aspektoch života, kľúčom je umiernenosť. Cvičenie, pokiaľ nezasahuje do ostatných aspektov života človeka, je nanajvýš prospešné pre naše fyzické i psychické zdravie.“ Pri experimente bolo použitých 44 potkanov a 40 samíc potkana. Jedna skupina mala k dispozícii koleso, na ktoro! m mohla behať, druhá skupina nerobila nič. Ka&#! 382;d 25; z týchto skupín bola ďalej rozdelená na tých, ktorí mali k jedlu prístup len jednu hodinu denne a tých, ktorí mali zásoby jedla 24 hodín denne. Toto rozdelenie malo za cieľ simulovať diagnózu s názvom anorexia athletica, čo je posadnutosť vlastnou váhou no takisto cvičením, ktoré má túto váhu znížiť. Všetky potkany dostali aj Naloxone, čo je lekársky prípravok, ktorý sa podáva v prípade predávkovania heroínom a vyvoláva okamžité abstinenčné príznaky. Potkany, ktoré cvičili zareagovali na liek vykazovaním klasických abstinenčných príznakov ako sú triaška, drkotanie zubov, atď. aktívne potkany, ktoré mali k jedlu prístup len hodinu denne zabehli najviac a mali najhoršie abstinenčné pr! 7;znaky. Takže čím viac potkan zabehol tým horšie abstinenčné príznaky. Na druhej strane, potkany, ktoré nerobili nič, bez ohľadu na to koľko zjedli, zareagovali na Naloxone len veľmi nepatrne.

related story (sgx15246):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Can running become a serious addiction?
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Exercise is one of the key factors for staying fit and healthy, but as the latest research showed excessive exercise can evolve into a regular addiction. Researchers from Tufts University proved that excessive running can result in brain releasing chemicals that cause a euphoric state similar to drug use. The scientists studied this phenomenon on a group of rats. They also claim that if exercise can become addictive, then maybe, addicts could take up some sort of physical activity instead of taking drugs. "Exercise, like drugs of abuse, leads to the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine, which are involved with a sense of reward," said team leader Ro! bin Kanarek, professor of psychology at Tufts University. "As with food intake and other parts of life, moderation seems to be the key. Exercise, as long as it doesn't interfere with other aspects of one's life, is a good thing with respect to both physical and mental health." The experiment was conducted on 44 male and 40 female rats. Part of them was given an exercise wheel to run, the other part remained inactive. Each group was further divided into groups whose members had either allowed access to food for one hour a day or for 24 hours per day to simulate anorexia athletica which is an obsession with weight but also never ending exercise to lose weight. Finally, all rats were given Naloxone, which is a medicine for heroin overdose that causes withdrawal symptoms. Active rats responded to Naloxone by showing withdrawal symptoms like in drug addicts (trembling, teeth chattering, and so on). Also, active rats that had access to food for only one hour a day run the most an! d had the most severe withdrawal symptoms. So, the more the ra! t run th e worse its withdrawal symptoms. On the hand, inactive rats, both those that had food for 24 hours a day and those who had it only for one hour, responded very little to Naloxone.

related story (sgx15242):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who wa! nt to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pasari in pericol
by Claudia Sonea

Pamantul este o planeta frumoasa ale carei secrete nu au fost inca descoperite. Cine stie cu siguranta ceea ce a fost inainte de Era Glaciara si modul in care lucrurile au evoluat intr-adevar in aceasta perioada si dupa aceasta? Spre exemplu, Cocorul Alb american, una dintre speciile pe cale de disparitie care se indreapta cu pasi rapizi spre extinctie. Probabil ca in 2100, oamenii vor putea vedea un exemplar numai la Muzeul de Istorie Naturala, asa cum admiram noi astazi o copie a unui Dodo. Cocorul Alb american este cea mai inalta pasare din America de Nord (aproximativ 5,5 metri), care a fost numit dupa sunetul convulsiv si de apel. Este singura spec! ie de Cocori care migreaza fara ajutor uman. Traseul migratiei este din nordul Canadei pana in Golful Texas. In 1995, reprezentantii US Wildlife au numarat 149 de pasari, dar prin eforturi sustinute atat de conservatorii americani, cat si de cei canadieni, exista in prezent 539 de pasari. Numarul este incurajator, de ce atunci atatea griji cu privire la disparitie? Cel mai recent raport al US Fish and Wildlife Service arata ca populatia de Cocori Albi americani a scazut anul trecut cu 21 de procente si ca rata de deces este de doua ori mai mare decat cea normala. Mai mult decat atat, in acest an asteptarile sunt pentru o alta scadere. Conservationistii asigura ca exista speranta in continuare pentru a salva pasarile de la disparitie, doar ca trebuie sa le protejeze habitatul lor natural si trebuie urmarit procesul de incubatie al oualelor. Printre eforturile de a proteja aceasta specie unica se numara programul lui Conservancy Nature de pe coasta sudic! a a Golfului Texas, Operatiunea de migratie, precum si un grup! mai mar e, WCEP (Whooping Crane Parteneriatul Estic), Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Fundatia Internationala Crane.

related story (sgx15236):
by Claudia Sonea
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Južná Kórea vypustila svoju prvú kozmickú raketu
by Magdalena Rosova

Južná Kórea vypustila do vesmíru svoju prvú raketu, ktorej sa však nepodarilo vypustiť na obežnú dráhu vedeckú družicu. Dvojstupňovej rakete sa neoddelila jedna vrstva, a tak družica padala naspäť smerom k Zemi. Predpokladá sa, že pri vstupe do atmosféry celá zhorela. Soul by sa rád stal komzmickou mocnosťou svojej oblsti, avšak toto zlyhanie bude vážnou prekážkou v snahe dosiahnuť svoje vysnívané postavenie. Po dlhom čase napätých vzťahov medzi krajinamy kórejského poloostrova sa zdá, &! #382;e sa nezhody ohľadom nukleárneho programu Severnej Kórei konečne upokoja. Pozitívnym znamením je, že Severná Kórea pozvala dvoch amerických delegátov na prvé vyjednávanie s Južnou Kóreou o nukleárnom programe. Administratíva Baracka Obamu rýchlo zareagovala vyhlásením, že Washington nemá momentálne plány poslať svojich zástupcov do Korei. Severná Kórea zatiaľ nezareagovala na nepodarené vypustenie družice a trpezlivo čaká na to, či Južná Kórea a Spojené štáty budú referovať o udalostiach Bezpečnostnej rade Organizácie Spojených národov. Keď Severná Kórea vypustila v apríli svoju družicu, OSN obvinila krajinu tvrdiac, že v skutočnosti išlo o testovanie jadrových zbraní. Severná Kó! ;rea vtedy tvrdila, že je diskriminovaná a naďa! lej trva la na tom, že do vesmíru vypustila družicu. Avšak experti tvrdia, že vo vesmíre nezachytili pohyb podobnej družice. Severnej Kórei zakázala Bezpečnostná rada OSN akúkoľvek balistickú aktivitu, aby tak elminovala jej nukleárny program. Teraz bude Severná Kórea pozorne sledovať, či OSN použije na Južnú Kóreu rovnaký meter. Južná Kórea vypustila do vesmíru svoju prvú raketu z vlastného územia. Prvý stupeň rakety navrhli Rusi. Južná Kórea vypustila svoju raketu z vesmírneho centra na ostrove Oenaro, ktorý sa nachádza 465 kilometrov južne od Soulu.

related story (sgx15233):! /60...
by Magdalena Rosova
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Birds on their way to extinction
by Claudia Sonea

Earth is a beautiful planet whose secrets have yet to be discovered. Who knows for sure what was before the Ice Age and how things really evolved during that period and after it? Look at the Whooping Crane, one of the endangered species that is heading with rapid steps towards extinction. Probably in 2100, people might get to see a Whooping Crane only at the Natural History Museum, like we admire today a copy of a Dodo. The Whooping Crane is the tallest North American bird (around 5.5 feet tall) that was named after its whooping sound and call. It is the only crane specie to migrate without human help. Their migration route is from the Canadian Nort! h to the Texas Gulf. In 1995 U.S. Wildlife officials counted 149 whooping cranes, but through sustained efforts of both American and Canadian conservationists there are nowadays 539 birds. The number is encouraging, why then the worries about extinction? The latest report of US Fish and Wildlife Service showed that the Whooping Crane dropped 21 percent last year and that the rate of death is twice the normal one. Moreover, this year the expectations are for another drop of 20 percent. Conservationists assure that there is still hope to save the birds from extinction, but they have to protect their natural habitat and watch carefully for the hatchlings. Among the efforts to protect the unique specie there is the Nature Conservancy's Upper Gulf Coast program in Texas, the Operation Migration, and the larger group, WCEP (the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership), Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, International Crane Foundation.

related sto! ry (sgx15229):
by Claudia Sonea
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

South Korean satellite launch fails
by Magdalena Rosova

South Korea's first space rocket launch failed to push a satellite into orbit. The satellite had to covers and because one of it failed to come off, the satellite dropped back toward Earth and probably burned up as it entered the atmosphere. Seoul would like to become a space power of the region, but the rocket failure is a big obstacle in achieving its dream position. After long time of heightened tension on the Korean peninsula over the North's nuclear program it seems that finally the situation cooled down. Positive sign is that North Korea surprisingly invited two U.S. envoys for the first negotiations over its nuclear program between the two countries. Barack Oba! ma's administration quickly responded when said that it has no immediate plans to send the envoys to Korea. Although North Korea has not reacted to the unsuccessful rocket launch yet, it promised to watch closely to see whether the U.S. and South Korea refer the matter to the United Nations Security Council. When North Korea launched satellite in April, U.N. accused the launch when said it was a disguised test of long-range missile technology. The North Korea said it is a discrimination and said it really fired a satellite. However, experts did not detect such satellite. North Korea is banned by Security Council from any ballistic activity to eliminate its nuclear and long-rage missile programs. It was South Korea's first rocket launch from its own country. The rocket had two stages, the first was designed by Russia. South Korea fired the rocket from space center on Oenaro Island, about 465 kilometers south of Seoul.

related story (sgx15227):
by Magdalena Rosova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Are you multitasker?
by kristina leskova

Many people are used to do more things at one moment. This is called multitasking. For example you are working on your computer and in the same time you can use your mobile phone. Just few days ago there was realized a study which reported that multitaskers do their tasks worse than the other people. Why is it so? Researchers from Stanford University found that multitaksers can be easier distracted and are less able to ignore unimportant information than people who do less multitasking. The researchers were really shocked. Many people think that multitaskers are people who can easily do many things in the same time. But if their work is bad they should not multitask. The ! researchers studied a group of 262 students. They divided them into high and low multitaskers and studied things as memory, ability to switch from one task to other and to be able to concentrate on one task. But the question is why the people who are the worst at multitasking do it at most? Maybe they just think about them that they are multitaskers, but they can not concentrate on more tasks. Anyway this world forces us to do more tasks because we work under pressure and the time is running so quickly. And if the people want to have also some free time they have to do multitasking. But for the employer this is not good. They do not work effectively. The multitaskers are not able to ignore irrelevant information. They were tested by showing them red and blue rectangles and the aim was to ignore the blue rectangles. But multitaskers were not able to ignore them. And maybe you think that memory of multitaskers has to be bigger but this is not true. Their memory is equal to o! ther people. Multitaskers just like to have more and more info! rmation. But they should work on their concentration.

related story (sgx15213):
by kristina leskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Are you multitasker?
by kristina leskova

Many people are used to do more things at one moment. This is called multitasking. For example you are working on your computer and in the same time you can use your mobile phone. Just few days ago there was realized a study which reported that multitaskers do their tasks worse than the other people. Why is it so? Researchers from Stanford University found that multitaksers can be easier distracted and are less able to ignore unimportant information than people who do less multitasking. The researchers were really shocked. Many people think that multitaskers are people who can easily do many things in the same time. But if their work is bad they should not multitask. The ! researchers studied a group of 262 students. They divided them into high and low multitaskers and studied things as memory, ability to switch from one task to other and to be able to concentrate on one task. But the question is why the people who are the worst at multitasking do it at most? Maybe they just think about them that they are multitaskers, but they can not concentrate on more tasks. Anyway this world forces us to do more tasks because we work under pressure and the time is running so quickly. And if the people want to have also some free time they have to do multitasking. But for the employer this is not good. They do not work effectively. The multitaskers are not able to ignore irrelevant information. They were tested by showing them red and blue rectangles and the aim was to ignore the blue rectangles. But multitaskers were not able to ignore them. And maybe you think that memory of multitaskers has to be bigger but this is not true. Their memory is equal to o! ther people. Multitaskers just like to have more and more info! rmation. But they should work on their concentration.

related story (sgx15213):
by kristina leskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Dokážeš robiť viac vecí naraz?
by kristina leskova

Veľa ľudí je zvyknutých robiť viac vecí naraz. Tento jav sa nazýva multitasking. Napríklad pracuješ na tvojom počítači a súčasne môžeš používať tvoj mobilný telefón. Len pred niekoľkými dňami bola uskutočnená štúdia, ktorá zaznamenala, že ľudia, ktorí robia viac úloh naraz, vykonávajú tieto úlohy horšie ako ostatní ľudia. Prečo je to tak? Výskumníci zo Stanfordskej univerzity zistili, že ľudia, ktorí robia viac úloh naraz, môžu by! 57; ľahšie rozptýlení a sú menej schopní ignorovať nepodstatné informácie v porovnaní s ľuďmi, ktorí nevykonávajú toľko úloh naraz. Výskumníci boli skutočne šokovaní. Mnoho ľudí si myslí, že multitaskeri sú ľudia, ktorí sú schopní v tom istom čase vykonávať viacero úloh. Lenže ak je ich práca zlá, nemali by to tak robiť. Výskumníci skúmali skupinu 262 študentov. Rozdelili ich na dve skupiny – tých, ktorí vykonávajú viac úloh súčasne pomerne často a tých, ktorí vykonávajú viac úloh súčasne len občas. Potom sa zamerali na ich pamäť, schopnosť prepnúť z jednej úlohy na inú a schopnosť sústrediť sa len na jednu úlohu. Lenž! e otázkou je, prečo ľudia, ktorí sú n! ajhor 53;í vo vykonávaní viacerých úloh súčasne sú práve tí, ktorí to tak robia najčastejšie. Možno si len o sebe myslia, že dokážu robiť viac vecí naraz, lenže nedokážu sa sústrediť na viacero úloh. Avšak tento svet nás núti robiť niektoré úlohy súbežne, pretože robíme pod tlakom a čas beží až príliš rýchlo. A ak chcú mať ľudia aj nejaký voľný čas sú donútení vykonávať úlohy súbežne. Lenže pre zamestnávateľa to nie je dobré. Nepracujú efektívne. Títo ľudia nedokážu ignorovať nepodstatné informácie. Test pozostával aj z časti, kde im boli ukázané modré a červené obdĺžniky a cieľom bolo i! gnorovať tie modré. Lenže multitaskeri neboli schopní ich ignorovať. Možno predpokladáš, že pamäť multitaskerov musí byť väčšia, ale ani to nie je pravda. Ich pamäť je rovnaká ako pamäť ostatných ľudí. Multitaskeri jednoducho majú radi veľa informácií, ale mali by popracovať na koncentrácii.

related story (sgx15219):
by kristina leskova
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Simple ficelle mais toujours incroyable !
by Barbora Misakova

Jusqu'à un certain moment je croyait que le plus grand magicien de tous les temps est Harry Potter. Maintenant je sais que ce n'est pas vrai. En fait c'est Saturne avec ses anneaux brillants magiques qui peuvent disparaître. Mais quoi exactement connaissons-nous sur cette planète qui est sixième du soleil et la deuxième plus grande planète dans le système solaire ? Saturne, aussi bien que Jupiter, Uranus et Neptune, est un géant de gaz ce qui signifie qu'il ne se compose pas principalement des roches ou du matière solide, mais de divers gaz. Saturne se compose d'hydrogène et d'hélium. Et après il y a des anneaux ? En fait ils sont la raison pourquoi Saturn est s! i populaire et connu et aussi tellement magique! Ils représentent le système d'anneaux planétaires le plus étendu de n'importe quelle planète dans notre système solaire. Ces anneaux se composent de très petites particules qui sont faites de l'eau glacé avec un peu de poussière et de débris rocheux. La première personne qui a rémarqué ces anneaux incroyables n'était personne d'autre que Galilée. En 1610 quand il a employé son télescope il était peut-être le premier qui les a observés, mais il ne pourrait pas voir autant que nous le pouvons aujourd'hui. C'est pourquoi il les a considérés en tant qu'un certain genre d'oreilles de la planète. Aujourd'hui nous avons beaucoup plus d'informations sur ce phénomène incroyable. Les anneaux de Saturne ont 170.000 milles de large et la raison pour laquelle nous pouvons les voir est simple : ils reflètent la lumière du soleil. Ainsi où est-elle la magie et comment est-il possible qu'ils peuvent disparaître ?! Son équateur est incliné à son orbite autour du soleil par! 27 degr és (ce qui est semblable à notre planète la Terre qui est inclinée par 23 degrés), cela signifie qu'il y a des saisons sur Saturne aussi bien qu'il y en a sur notre planète. Mais comme l'orbite annuelle de Saturne prend 29.7 ans, tous les 15 ans est la surface d'anneaux directement en conformité avec la lumière du soleil. Comme le bord de l'anneau a seulement 30 pieds d'épaisseur il arrive dans la position où il ne reflète presque aucune lumière du soleil. Voilà la magie ! La ficelle simple, mais encore abasourdant, ne croyez-vous pas ?

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