
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Artificial life likely in 3 to 10 years Notme

Scientists gathered to create "life", not a normal one, but a synthetic. A group of scientists from around the world say that they are researching on how to create artificial life forms. They claim that in 3 to 10 years this fact will be possible and maybe even to become usual."It's going to be a big deal and everybody's going to know about it," said Mark Bedau, chief operating officer of ProtoLife of Venice, Italy. "We're talking about a technology that could change our world in pretty fundamental ways - in fact, in ways that are impossible to predict."They will create the first cell of synthetic life from the basic chemicals in DNA, allowing it to function and reproduce, but the cell will be so small that would be visible only through a microscope.Jack Szostak from Harvard Medical School predicted that in six months a report of the first evidence will be released by the scientists, an artificial cell membrane for which they're going to use fatty acids. But Steve Benner, a biological chemist at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Gainesville, Fla. attacks this theory trying to add another eight new bases to the genetic alphabet."When these things are created, they're going to be so weak, it'll be a huge achievement if you can keep them alive for an hour in the lab," Bedau said. "But them getting out and taking over, never in our imagination could this happen."

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by Notme dfsfs
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Endeavour arrived safely in Florida Notme

After two weeks of mission on the orbit, the space shuttle Endeavour received the ok to come back home on Earth, but one day early than planned. Due to concerns that Hurricane Dean might hit Houston and the NASA's Mission Control will become inoperable, but later the worries evaporated as Dean headed instead towards central Mexico.The mission managers have commander Scot Kelly the ok, as engineers concluded there were no holes or cracks from micrometeorites or space junk.The unrepaired gouge in the Endeavour's belly didn't pose any threats the shuttle or its seven astronauts, although reentering Earth's atmosphere always is risky. The gauge was made when a piece of foam insulation or ice from a bracket on the external fuel tank broke off and bounced in Endeavour. NASA didn't expect that to happen: "We didn't think that could happen before. Clearly, we're smarter now," Wayne Hale said.Barbara Morgan, a teacher that was on the shuttle said: "I think the shuttle program gets an A-plus. Once we don't have the shuttle anymore, I think it's going to be something we look back at with great nostalgia and we're really, really going to miss it."Endeavour orbited around Earth about 201 times and NASA space shuttle program manager Wayne Hale said it founded the program extraordinarily productive: "Endeavour, in fact, has performed nearly flawlessly."

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by Notme dfsfs
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Second lunar eclipse this year will be visible from the U.S. Corina Ciubotaru

A new lunar eclipse is going to be visible for all interested eyes in America, Asia and the Pacific Islands on Tuesday morning, starting at 4:51 A.M. EDT. It's the second one this year and it won't be visible from Europe, but sky watchers from the two continents will have the chance to see it live for about 3.5 hours, if the weather conditions are good and the sky is clear. People in the Eastern states on the U.S. will not be able to experience the entire phenomenon because the sunrise will interrupt them but the show will most likely prove awesome for the lucky ones in the West. It's going to be the longest eclipse in seven years.An eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun and sunlight can't reach the Moon anymore. The Sun's light will pass through our planet's atmosphere and the refraction effect will give the moon a reddish glow if the atmosphere is dusty enough during the full eclipse period, lasting about one and a half hours. Though partial eclipses have been spotted now and then, total ones only occur about twice a year. The last total lunar eclipse was on March 3rd and was visible in parts of the world that won't get to see this one, such as Europe and Africa. The next time a lunar eclipse will be visible from Earth is going to be on February 21st 2008, and will be visible in Europe, America and Asia.

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by Corina Ciubotaru
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Scientists are starting to discover the secrets of red algae Corina Ciubotaru

When you think of a large body of water like an ocean, not only does the blue water in itself come to mind, but you also think of what's beneath: fish, algae and corals. And even though most fish are harmless, corals can hurt you and even algae can be harmful if you're not careful. For example, the red algae; some of them produce a substance that can prove harmful and that scientists have only begun to understand. During very hot days, oceans turn red around the shores, being smothered with red algae which endanger both people and marine life. A few of the thousands of species become poisonous when ingested and during the night when there is no sunlight, they begin consuming oxygen to feed and they end up leaving the water hard for fish to breathe in. Researchers at MIT have duplicated the process by which red algae create their toxin and are confident their findings will help protect marine life in case of other "red tides", as the occasional formations are named. Associate professor Timothy F. Jamison, along with a graduate student, has created the process in a laboratory and released the results in a journal called Science. The findings can also help find cures for cystic fibrosis; the only substance that worked against this disease was brevenal, one of the chemicals found to be secreted by the red algae. Organisations like General Medical Sciences, Merck Research Laboratories, Boehringer Ingelheim and MIT were the sponsors of the research led by Mr. Jamison.

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by Corina Ciubotaru
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Fate of a couple is sealed with first kiss Notme

Scientist from Albany University United States decided to study the psychological implications behind the first kiss. According to the study for a woman the first kiss means "rich and complex exchange" of romantic and chemical clues that pass between partners as their lips touch. A good kisser will be regarded as a partner that is worth persevering and a bad kisser will not be invited the second time.But it seems that men consider kissing less important, for them of hormonal information but it's mostly regarded as a preliminary to sex.Dr Gordon Gallup, of the University at Albany in the United States, said: "The information conveyed by a kiss can have profound consequences for romantic relationships, and can even be a major factor in ending one. "While many forces lead two people to connect romantically, the kiss - particularly the first one - can be a deal-breaker."The study, that was published in the online journal Evolutionary Psychology says that for a woman it can bring aspects of her partner's health and hygiene as she is interested on a long term relation."Females place a greater emphasis on kissing for making mate assessments," the researchers reported. "Our data shows that females are more likely to base evaluations of their partner's kissing ability on chemical clues, ie, the breath and taste.

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by Notme dfsfs
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: A team of scientists has discovered the gene that makes us tall Corina Ciubotaru

A group of scientists have discovered a gene that influences our height by a centimeter. It was decided that the gene's name should be HMGA2 and the analysis results show that it makes people taller by one centimeter when it is found in pairs in the "tall" version. The "short" version in pairs is responsible for people being one centimeter shorter. But it's not only height it influences. Genes like this also play a role in a person's organ development and in the development of cancer cells, so this discovery may lead to other important finds in the area. It has already been proven that taller people pose higher risks of developing prostate, bladder and lung cancer and now doctors will be able to tell if a person's increasing height is due to normal gene make-up or a disease. Tall and short people are each prone to certain medical conditions such as cancer for tall people and heart disease for short people.The finds come after the team of scientists analyzed the entire genomes of 5,000 white Europeans who also gave information about their height and weight. But the height is a complex characteristic that isn't influenced by only one gene. Several genes are involved in the process of making us little or big and over time, science will find what each of them influences most. Only then will genetics really take off as the way future humans make their babies: will they want to leave the child as he was naturally formed, or begin to shape him before he even leaves the woom?

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by Corina Ciubotaru
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Endangered spacewalk
by Claudia Sonea

The fifth and final operational NASA space shuttle faced some troubles when Rick Mastracchio noticed that his glove was pierced with a hole in the outer layer. NASA pulled back the astronauts and shortened a six and a half hours spacewalk. Mastracchio assured the Mission Control that he is alright and the only thing that bothers him is that he can't be outside with his team mate Clay Anderson who was wrapping up. As a standard procedure, astronauts check their gloves every 30 minutes in order to be sure their space suits don't have any holes and snags. The two astronauts were already more than four hours in space when the hole was spotted, so most of their assignments were fulfilled. Except the retrieval of some experiments, the spacewalk completed the primarily task of rearranging equipment. A fourth spacewalk should be performed, because there is a gouge in the belly of the space shuttle Endeavour. However, NASA is optimistic and hopes that it will not be necessary to do it. Although officials stated their expectations, they still not confirmed as a sure measure to not make another spacewalk. Mastracchio transmitted to the Mission Control that he doesn't know from where the little hole appeared and that the gloves were good. A similar thing happened last year after a shuttle flight to the international space station. Also the shuttle confirmed damage from the external fuel tanks striking the thermal protection of the outer hull. Let's say a pray that everything will have a happy end and for all those that are out there were thoughts can only penetrate.

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by Claudia Sonea
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Childhood TV viewing can cause teenage problems
by Notme dfsfs

A study published in the September issue of Pediatrics and led by Robert John Hancox of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, reveals that watching TV more than two hours a day during childhood increases the likelihood of attention problems in adolescence."I wouldn't advocate that watching TV is a good thing," said Tara Stevens, assistant professor of educational psychology at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. She published in 2006 a study finding no link between television viewing and hyperactivity disorder. "I'm just not sure there's a direct relationship between having a disorder and watching TV. I don't think that's definitive. This is one important piece to the argument, but it is still not the end," she added.The study authors determined that if a child between the ages of 5 and 11 watches more than two hours of television daily will increase attention problems in adolescence, with each hour of television viewing increasing the risk of "high adolescent attention problems"."Childhood TV viewing was associated with attention difficulties regardless of what you watch as an adolescent," Robert Hancox explained. "The amount of TV watched between 5 and 11 predicted problems between ages 13 and 15 regardless of what you watch between 13 and 15."

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by Notme dfsfs
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Exercise may generate new blood vessels
by Notme dfsfs

A new study presented at the European Society of Cardiology meeting revealed that exercises help in creating new blood vessels. The initiators of this study, a team from the Leipzig University in Germany, gathered a small group of 37 persons to study them. Dr. Robert Hollriegel from the team discovered that people with serious heart failure who rode a bike for up to 30 minutes a day for four months produced new stem cells in their bones. Also in their muscles appeared new blood vessels. The study revealed that people who didn't exercise had no change in their vessels or muscles.According to the study if you exercise regularly, the physical activity will determine the heart to send 10 times the normal amount of blood to the muscles being used, then the stem cells are dispatched to relieve this stress and may repair any damaged parts, helping you to adapt to the stress and building new blood vessels and strengthening muscles."People think that if they have heart failure, then they're at the end of the road and they can't exercise," said Dr. Freek Verheugt, a cardiologist at the University of Nymegen in the Netherlands. "But this study shows that exercise can work to produce new blood vessels, even in patients with serious heart disease."Doctors should now prescript to exercise the same way they prescript to patients drugs, said Dr. Francois Carre of Rennes University Hospital in France.

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by Notme dfsfs
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Science rules future
by Claudia Sonea

Technology represents the future of mankind. In 2006 there was established a panel of the most accomplished engineers and scientists of their generation with the purpose to make a list of the grand challenges for engineering in the 21st century that would actually improve people's life. The US National Academy of Engineering has unveiled a list of 14 tasks on Friday. At the request of the US National Science Foundation a diverse committee of experts from around the world met several times to discuss and develop the list of challenges. Larry Page, committee member and Google co-founder, states that technology has greatly improved farming and manufacturing, thus the quality of life being improved itself and the future might be brighter if they focus on the important grand challenges of their age. Another masterpiece of technology helped into giving to their effort worldwide input by using an interactive Web site where prominent engineers and scientists, as well as the general public, over a one-year period, had the possibility to communicate and share their thoughts on the matter. Finally, all conclusions were reviewed by more than 50 subject-matter experts who established four themes that are essential for humanity to flourish: sustainability, health, reducing vulnerability, and joy of living. The main goal of the committee was to identify what needs to be done to help people and the planet thrive, rather than include every important challenge or to endorse particular approaches to meeting those selected, according to its members. Committee chair and former US secretary of defense William Perry confessed that their intention was to lay stress on engineering challenges that through creativity and commitment can be realistically met and that should be achieved as soon as possible. In spite of the fact that the challenges were not ranked, among them there were some like making solar energy affordable, providing energy from fusion, managing the nitrogen cycle, providing access to clean water around the world, reverse-engineering the human brain, preventing nuclear terror and securing cyberspace among others. Furthermore, you can express your own opinion on the matter because NAE is offering the public an opportunity to vote on which one they think is most important and to provide comments at the project Web site: Have you already voted?

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by Claudia Sonea
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Tani Is Coming Home
by Jana Passova

Bigger and better scientific outpost was finished in orbit. It took more than a week to the crew to finish a mission.An arrive of Atlantis was scheduled on Monday. On the board of the shuttle was seven members of the crew. Without a space laboratory Columbus on the board it was incomparably lighter than it was on Feb. 9 when it was leaving the earth. Daniel Tani was in space 4 months. He was very emotional when he was leaving his space home. He could not forget to farewell with his two female commanders Peggy Whitson and Pmale Melroy. They delivered him back to orbit in October. During his "trip" to space his mother Rose died by an car accident. Jane, Tani's wife, and their two little daughters could not wait for his comeback home. Tani will bring home a video from his space visit. It can remind him how he was floating through the space station up and down with his nine colleagues last week. Once it will probably be as funny for him and his family as movies which he saw on TV 25 years ago. NASA is planning to finish mission of Atlantis on Wednesday. If nothing change, a succesful mission will finish after 13 days. Two places are prepared to welcome Atlantis. One of them is Kennedy Space Center and in case there will be some problems the second one is landig site in California. After Atlantis will land on the Earth, millitary will destroy a damaged spy satellite. The next shuttle flight to orbit is planned on March 11.
by Jana Passova
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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British and US team are suggesting a moon mission
by Zuzana Krskova

British and U.S. Scientists are proposing a lunar mission that would use an orbiter to fire missile-like penetrators into the moon's surface.Lunar mission will include a MoonLITE, The Moon Lightweight Interior and Telecoms Experiment. It would put a satellite into orbit around the moon. It will also contain three or four projectiles filled with scientific instruments. They would be fired and embed below the lunar surface.Main reason for scientists to send the MoonLITE to the Moon is, that it would be able to deliver important information about the moon's structure, size of the lunar core and source of lunar seismic activity.It will be also used for mapping the moon's interior geology. MoonLITE will reach some areas, taht Apollo launches of the 1960s and 1970s was not able to."The Apollo landers all landed in equatorial regions on the near side, for safety. With this kind of mission you can attempt more scientifically interesting missions," said Professor Keith Mason, the chairman of the UK Space Board, the BNC's governing bodyScientists are also interested in testing the space communications network. It is expected to be used for future robotic or human explorers.NASA and The British National Space Centre (BNSC) made a Joint Working Group report on lunar exploration and the next steps in possible US-UK space exploration co-operation.Four "missile-like" vehicles should launched from an orbiting satelite around year 2012.For success of the mission were needed more study and a definitive cost estimate, said NASA and the British space center. Than they will decided on whether to proceed with the proposed mission."Britain doesn't want to be left out of an international wave of new space explorations in the next 10 to 20 years," said Ian Pearson, government's space minister, while announcing plans for a new Oxford's space research center.He also said, that Britain will focus it's attention on robotic space exploration, and he is looking forward to this or next year for a coming out of spacelift.
by Zuzana Krskova
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Biggest, baddest and meanest frog ever hopping on Earth
by Barbora Misakova

It is incredible! Every time I am reading an article about some new founded fossil it always shows it was an extra big animal, with some incredible features and I am always thankful I have no possibility to meet it today. This time scientists unearthed fossil of a fog which was living among dinosaurs million years ago and was as big as bowling ball. That's why they dubbed it Beelzebufo or Devil Toad. Beelzebufo is a word consisted from greek Beelzebub what means "devil" and Latin word "bufo" which means toad. Another reason why is this extraordinary ancient frog called devil is because of its big mouth. Scientists think it may except lizards, mammals and smaller fogs even ate newborn dinosaurs. This XXL toad wasn't special just because of its 10 pounds and 16 inches length, what made it look like it "was on steroids" jokingly said paleontologist David Krause from New York's Tony Brook University. This discovery was led by him and it shows on very close relatedness of this big toad to todays normal-sized frogs who live in South America. They are called "Pac-Man" due to their huge mouths and ability to swallow a mouse. But the importance of this discovery lies in the fact, that it points on challenging assumptions about ancient geography. The fact he Beelzebufo was found on Madagascar and its relatives are now only in South America points on possibility that once may have existed a land bridge which was connecting Madagascar to Antarctica (which was much warmer than it is today) and South America. It would then enabled animals move from one place to another and so this looks as one of the best explanations of this discovery. Krause began his research of fossils on the coast of Africa in 1993 when he was also finding dinosaur and crocodile fossils. After discovery of this large fossil of toad his team also confirmed that Beelzebufo didn't live an aquatic lifestyle, but it lived in a semi-arid environment where it camouflage itself. By this incredible discovery we are closer to knowledge of the ancient world and life on it.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Black-eyed peas
by Jana Passova

Researchers from the University of Virginia are working really hard to find the way how to increase the lack of black-eyed peas. They cooperate with growers from Africa because they would like to produce the cowpea. Cowpea is kind of an African soybean. It is a tougher type of the legume. This plant is very important protein for diet. African consume not only peas but they can prepare a food from leaves of the plant as well. Their animals eat the stems. Nearly 80 percent of the 3 million tons that are worldwide produced every year come from the west and central part of Africa. One big problem of this plant is that it is highly susceptible. It can be threated by insects, weather or parasitic weeds. There are places where cowpea has completely gone. That's why the cowpea production is reduced. There was developed a project that should stop or minimize these effects. The solution is modern molecular-based technology joined with traditional selective techniques of breeding. All that labour should help the growers from Africa. The genetic structure of cowpea is very similar to soybeans structure, which has been studied for years. So there were strong grounds that researchers could built on. Now the main task is to identify genetic markers that might control drought resistance, nutrition content and parasite immunity. Cowpea is medium-sized bean. There are several types of peas that can remind black eyed peas. The Californian Blackeye is pale-colored with a black spot. Another type, Goat's eye bean, is produced in Northern Mexico.
by Jana Passova
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Gecko-Inspired Waterproof Bio Bandage Finding
by Milota Sidorova

Gecko & the member of lizzard family regains his special attention once again. This small animal is able to run rapidly on the walls and ceilings convincing to defy the gravitation. More scientific explanation to this effect declared the fragile balance among adhesion and friction forces, originating from van der Waals forces which are controlled by the animal's feet. Gecko,a small lizzard, owes this extraordinary ability to his fine structure of the toes, containing setal arrays of numerous spatualaes on each seta.To be able to develop such a bio-tissue should mean, to create extremely adherrent biomembrane. Structure should replace damaged or defected bio membranes in a human body. Let's mention the most important ones & lung and heart diaphragm, stomach and guts etc....Replacing or repairing them should represent the key asset intoall kind of surgery.February 11, the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences publishes the findings of Massachusetts Institute of technology, with the team leader, a professor Robert Langer. Team succed and made a waterproof bandage inspired by the principles of gecko's climbing.The bandage immitates the surface of gecko's paws. Full of tinystructures, popularly said & small hills and valleys is able to resist in wet environment, for example vascular system, heart, lungs or gastric system. To make it stable in such a heterogenic environment, team used a sugarbased glue, to stick the computer designed bandage from bio rubber material firlmy to the current position.The first mounts have been tested on pig specimen. According to Jeffrey Karp, a collegue and a team member, there is huge demand for tape-based medical adhesive.Except of saving human lives, the impermeable bandage should be abused to carry drugs.,,You could also put drugs in these and use them as drug or cell-delivery mechanisms,"professor Lager said.

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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Eclipse or the end of life
by Lenka Lehenova

Sun, Moon, planets! they are so esoteric for me. I know that today's science makes big improvement in this topic but there is still something what we don't know exactly. That is really fascinating! People have been interested in these themes since the pass. I think that we all know that people had different theories about our Earth and space. They thought that our Earth was centre of space and everything was rotating around it. Then there were theories about modality of our planet; that Earth was some design of "slapjack" or "slab". Today we know true. We know what the reason of variation day and night is. But can you imagine the reactions of people in the pass when they saw first eclipse? They thought that it is the end of life or that some gods are angry with them. Anyway I want to say that today's technology, science, analyses or calculations can say more and make humanity ready for different situation. Of course we don't know everything yet but we know date of the next lunar eclipse. When? It is going to happen on Wednesday, 20th February, 2008. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into Earth's shadow. The moon will start to enter the darkest part of Earth's shadow at 8.43p.m. EST. Total eclipse will be from 10.01p.m. to 10.51p.m. We can watch it with the naked eye from 8.43p.m. to 10.01p.m. The moon will take red color that is effect of light which is bent by Earth's atmosphere and combination of light from sunsets and sunrises. An eclipse is credited with saving the life if Christopher Columbus and his crew in 1504.The next eclipse will be on December 21, 2010.

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by Lenka Lehenova
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Lunar eclipse

There are some things you just can miss and the unique event of a solar or moon eclipse is one of it. Sky lovers had the opportunity on Wednesday night to watch the last total lunar eclipse until 2010, with cameo appearances by Saturn and the bright star Regulus on either side of the veiled full moon. It can be seen from North and South America, while in Europe and Africa was visible before dawn on Thursday. How does a lunar eclipse happen? Well usually it occurs when the full moon passes into Earth's shadow and is blocked from the sun's rays that normally illuminate it. The sun, Earth and moon line up, leaving a darkened moon visible to observers on the night side of the planet. The moon won't go totally dark because indirect sunlight still reaches it after passing through the Earth's atmosphere. For many people in the United States a factor that might prevent them from watching the lunar eclipse would be the weather, due to the fact that cloudy skies were forecasted by the National Weather Service for most of the Western states with a chance of snow from the heartland to the East Coast. Jack Horkheimer, host of the PBS show "Star Gazer," called the event "the moon, the lord of the rings and heart of the lion eclipse." The astronomical event is expected to take place on Wednesday starting around 7 pm on the west Coast and 10 pm on the East Coast and will last about an hour. It can be viewed without any protective eyewear. Nevertheless I recommend special glasses for the total solar eclipse that will take place later this year, in August. Enjoy!

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by Claudia Sonea
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SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.

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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Teacher in space
by Ana Maria Ciobanu

After spending 22 years preparing to fly in space, Barbara Morgan( a former teacher from Idaho), finally woke up on Thursday aboard the Endeavor space shuttle, heading for the International Space Station after a successful launch from Florida.Barbara Morgan left her classroom in Idaho in 1998 to become an astronaut and fulfill the legacy of her fellow teacher Christa McAuliffe who tragically died in 1986 along with six astronauts after the Challenger launch failed.Photographs and videos of the launch showed Endeavour acting well during its 8-1/2-minute catapult into space on Wednesday. There were no reports of potentially dangerous debris impacts, according to NASA managers.Endeavour is expected to reach the outpost Friday afternoon.The shuttle will be delivering a replacement gyroscope to help keep the complex properly positioned in orbit without gas-guzzling rocket thruster, along with 5000 pounds of equipment and supplies.It's a wonderful thing that NASA kept their promises to this brave teacher. NASA promised her 22 years ago, after the terrible accident which happened with the Challenger, a space flight in the future. The teacher couldn't have stood by and waited. She trained and prepared for this day and her dream finally came true. Barbara Morgan is on her way to the International Space Shuttle.Have a nice trip Miss Barbara Morgan and a safe return!
by Ana Maria Ciobanu
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Dinosaur mass grave discovered in Flick
by Ana Maria Ciobanu

An amateur paleontologist in Switzerland made a huge discovery, literally. He may have discovered Europe's largest dinosaur mass grave after he unearthed the remains of two Plateosaurus.The hobby paleontologist was house-building in the village of Frick, near the German border when he discovered the bones.This important discovery may prove us that the area known for Plateosaurus finds for decades may be much larger than we originally thought.According to a dinosaur paleontologist at the University of Bonn in Germany the area might extend for 1.5 kilometers and this would make it the largest site in Europe.The paleontologist Martin Sander also said that the bones of one animal were spread per 100 square meters and that this could mean the area contains bones of 100 more Plateosaurus.Plateosaurus were bipedal herbivores that dominated the European arid landscape. It was the largest known dinosaur of its time, reaching 6 to 10 m in length and approximately weighted 700 kg.Two other large Plateosaurus sites can be found in Germany but it is not known how big they are because one is covered by the town of Halberstadt and the other by a vast forest.
by Ana Maria Ciobanu
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Wolves erased from endangered species list
by Lenka Filipova

It seems that there is an end of restoration provided to help wolf population to expand in Northern Rockies, as it was announced on Thursday by federal officials. The recovery efforts were launched in 1974 in Northern Rockies as wolves were published in the endangered species list. It was assumed that more than 1,500 wolves are now wandering throughout the areas of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. This has brought about an enormous upheaval for the species that was about the extinction in the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century. This is a result of marvelous works provided by the Endangered Species Act. Its interior deputy secretary Lynn Scarlett expressed that "the wolf's recovery in the Northern Rocky Mountains is a conservation success story."While this is seen as an amazing success by all supporters, in fact, there are some people who do not feel popular with it. This has mainly to do with ranchers who are naturally afraid of wolves inveighing their livestock. In the case of disposal of wolves from the list, they will be killed by hundreds of hunters who wish to constrict their population as much as possible. As a matter of course, the environmental groups have already started to prepare the lawsuit over the delisting, claiming it is too early to exclude this species from the federal protection.The wolves have once been nearly undone when it was a part of government eradication programme in 1930 to wipe of wolves invading the farms. The poisoning was even used. Performing this over 50 years resulted in depopulating the species to only 200 square mile of territory on Montana near-by the Canadian border.
by Lenka Filipova
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Posted by: Jana Kalicka

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Did you make a wish last night?
by Ana Maria Ciobanu

The annual Perseid shower occurs when the Earth's orbit crosses the path of debris thrown off by Comet Swift-Tuttle.If last night you were far away from city lights, with no moon in sight to interfere with the Perseid meteor shower, and willing to watch the Universe's fireworks show you probably saw streaking fireballs.If you stood up late you saw more than 100 "shooting stars" per hour- enough to wish your whole future...This year's sky show came with a bonus. Mars was visible as a bright red dot in the northeastern sky.And it was a remarkable show indeed. Watching it from the Astronomical Observatory in my city, made me feel like a lead character in a science fiction movie. Dim meteors appeared as a flash of light, while the brighter ones left a beautiful glowing streak.The Perseids zipping the sky reached their peak just before sunrise. The sky looked as if someone up there was painting the wonderful landscape with the speed of light.If you by any chance missed the Perseids premier you can try gazing at the sky these days because the show isn't actually over. The Perseids are visible for several nights after the big show so you'll get your shot at wishing upon a "shooting star". Make sure you don't waste it and be careful what you wish for.
by Ana Maria Ciobanu
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Endeavor's accident has been caused by ice
by Corina Ciubotaru

There is a problem concerning NASA scientists these days: a block of ice hit the underbelly of Endeavour and created a gouge. What is Endeavour, you may ask. Well, it's the spaceship that carried its crew of seven to the International Space Station for some inspections and repairs. After the take-off, a chunk of ice from the fuel tank seems to have broken off and hit protective insulation tiles on the underside of the ship, which are intended to keep it from burning up when entering the atmosphere. Although scientists aren't sure it was ice that caused this mess, one thing's for sure: the damage must be fixed before the crew comes back to Earth, in order to avoid a disaster like Columbia a few years back. Then, a piece of insulation foam the size of a briefcase broke off, causing the overheated spaceship to burn up when it re-entered the atmosphere. The astronauts have 3 ways to fix the tile problem: they can screw on a plate, apply black paint or try to apply some goo. They have a week to do this, as this is the time they are expected to spend in space on this particular trip. The mission was to connect an additional truss to the Space Station, which was done on Saturday, as well as install a new storage unit for spare parts, replace a gyroscope and, if the mission extends, check for any damage that needs repairs. The Endeavor is also testing a new system that allows spaceships to draw their power directly from the Space Station. By using this, it may be possible for the crew to spend a record 10 days on the Station.

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by Corina Ciubotaru
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Hungary has an ancient underground forest
by Corina Ciubotaru

You'd never guess what some people can find in a coal mine. Apart from workers sweating away extracting, one who looks closely enough may stumble upon trees and even people. In Hungary, an entire underground forest has been found, consisting of 16 trees six meters tall, which date back 8 million years ago. It seems they were covered by sand during a sandstorm and that they probably had a much bigger height, but the canopy was destroyed over time. The trees are a type of cypress that grew in the marshes surrounding Lake Pannon in the Miocene period and are estimated to have taken three to four hundred years to reach the height at which they died. Scientists will now have loads of study material as the trees are very well preserved and have even remained brown on the inside, but they prove hard to move. The ancient trees are now brittle and they need to be protected from the sunlight and even from air. Only scientists and journalists are allowed to visit the site, 60 meters below ground and preservation efforts are being made, despite the large costs. Another forest like this has previously been found in Japan, where the trees have already been covered in a concrete case for preservation purposes. And while some miners found ancient trees near Bukkabrany, some other folks in Hungary have discovered a man's body in a lake from a mine, near Székesfehárvár. Unfortunately, not much can be said about him right now, as he is in very bad shape.

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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: NASA does swift tests of shuttle damage
by Notme dfsfs

On Monday NASA decided to conduct a swift series of test on the ground to determine whether the space shuttle Endeavour needs to be repaired by the astronauts. The shuttle has a deep gouge in the belly, relatively small ╉ 3 1/2 inches by 2 inches, but it penetrates the protective thermal tiles.By Wednesday astronauts will be announced by the mission managers if they need to go out in the space to patch the gauge or not.John Shannon, chairman of the mission management team said: "The damage is benign enough for Endeavour to fly safely home, it's more a matter of avoiding extensive post-flight repairs to any possible structural damage."In the whole history of NASA such attempts of repair were never done before on an orbiting shuttle, and two of the three remedies are untested in space.The astronauts Rich Mastracchio and Dave Williams removed a 600-plus-pound gyroscope from the space station's exterior and replaced it with a new one.The shuttle will leave next Monday and it's set to land on August 22. Repairs were planned before for Wednesday and Friday and any repairs, if they're going to be ordered would take place on one of those two outings.

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by Notme dfsfs
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Electron filmed for the first time
by Zuzana Krskova

An electron in motion has been filmed for the first time. Scientists used new technique for studying electron movement directly. Video shows electron riding on a light wave after just having been pulled away from an atom.Electron is a fundamental subatomic particle carrying a negative electric charge. With atomic nuclei (protons and neutrons) is electron making up atoms. Electrons and quarks are the smallest pieces of ordinary matter.Because of electron's extreme speed, scientists were unable to photograph them and were using just indirect methods, which were based on measure the effect of an electron's movement. Technique nowadays is able to capture the whole event.This new technology can generate short pulses of intense laser light called attosecond pulses. Its really important invention for scientists, because to capture electron in motion are really necessary short flashes of light."It takes about 150 attoseconds for an electron to circle the nucleus of an atom. An attosecond is 10- 18 seconds long, or, expressed in another way: an attosecond is related to a second as a second is related to the age of the universe," proclaimed Johan Mauritsson of Lund University in Sweden.Its based on taking several pictures exactly the same moment, which can createstronger and sharp images. Important for this process is, that it has to be repeated in an identical manner, which is the case regarding the movement of an electron in a ray of light. They used also stroboscopes, which are used to freeze periodic movements, so the picture of it is clear, despite the rapid motion. It is also possible in the future for scientists to capture a collision between an electron and an atom on film, using another kind of highly developed laser.Scientists also suppose, that with using this technique, they will be able to study what could happened, if an electron leaves its shell.Off course, the film of moving electron has to be slowed down, that human eye can see it, because the original length of the film made by Mauritsson and his colleagues corresponded to a single oscillation of a wave of light.
by Zuzana Krskova
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Hoary plaza discovered in Peru
by Lenka Filipova

An ancient ceremonial plaza was found in the north central coast in Peru. It is probably the oldest monument that has ever been discovered in Peru. The plaza's age is 5,500 years. The discovery was unearth by the German and Peruvian archaeologists.The leader of the trench team, a German archaeologist Peter Fuchs, told that materials from the ceremonial plaza were analyzed by carbon dating method, which brought the results that it was built between 3500 B. C. and 3000 B. C. Another archaeologist of great importance to Peru's National Culture Institute, Ruth Shady, expressed his opinion that the finding actually gives evidence of the civilization that was flourishing in Peru at the same time as in the areas of today's the Middle East and South Asia. Ruth Shady, the excellent and well-known Peruvian archaeologist, managed the excavation team in 2001. In that year they together succeeded in discovering the ancient city of Caral which has been the oldest known city dating back to 2627 B. C. until this discovery.The sunken plaza has got circular shape and it is built of stones. It belongs to Sechin Bajo archaeological complex in Andes flanks. The plaza was used for social gathering where people performed their rituals to celebrate their ideas about themselves and the world.The finders also discovered near-by the plaza a six feet tall frieze, which is approximately 3,600 year old, figuring the image of human sacrificer, who has his arms opened, holding a human head in one hand and the knife in the other one, as it was described by Fuchs.
by Lenka Filipova
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Large type is threaten by the smaller one
by Jana Passova

There was made the research in two artificial lakes in Canada. This study was supported by the University of Technology Sydney and the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The object was to find differences between two types of rainbow trout. Researchers tried to verify if their speculations were right. Researchers found out that large fishes may be replaced by smaller and timid varieties. This could be the result of a rule which allows to catch only large fishes and also that large and fast-growing type of trout is less careful and it is easer to catch it for fisher. The biggest surprise is how fast the replacement could happen. The first type is more aggressive when it is looking for food and it grows faster. The other one is more careful in seeking food and it grows longer time. Researchers tried to catch fishes five days. They moved their nets each day. They managed to catch 50 percent of aggressive ones but only 30 percent of more careful type. This happened because the fast-growing fishes are more active and not enough careful and they tend to bump into nets more often. On the other side, these fishes needs to eat much more because of their activity. There is visible the impact of mankind having on the sea. It is an indirect effect of fishing. The effects of rules were unconsidered till this time. People who are responsible for this should be able to see that the reproduction of fast-growing individuals is more important that they had recognized.
by Jana Passova
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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The Snow Bacteria and Potatoes
by Kamila Moravcikova

Have you ever thought about the snow? I don't mean the pure enjoy of watching it falling down, of all the things around getting white, you preparing ski and other winter stuff. I mean, take a look at a snow flake. I know it's beautiful, so fragile, so sophisticated, so cold. We all know what's snow (for those who doesn't - it's type of precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes. It's composed of small ice particles, it's a granular material, has an open and therefore soft structure, unless packed by external pressure). But why am I thinking about snow when the spring is about to come back to bring some light and sunshine? The deal is, the scientist found out that there's something more in the snowflake & it's called Pseudomonas syringae and it's a bacteria. Surprisingly, it doesn't live in snowflake just because of not finding better place to call home & this guy has something important to do, its job is to cling the moisture in order to condense. Seems like we have to thank this bacteria for doing such a job, doesn't it? Actually, the scientists and researchers are not absolutely sure whether they should Pseudomonas leave where it is or to get rid of it. Is this bacteria a hero or just a loser? All this because of the its negative impact on plants such as beans or potatoes. Elimination can possibly lead into less snow or rain. And on the other hand, if we add a little bit of it, could we provoke more rain or snow? (of course, this addition is adequate in countries with tragic dryness and no potatoes around to be infected). Sounds like we can influence a weather a little bit. After all we have already gone through, could we?

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by Kamila Moravcikova
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Robots as our family?
by Barbora Misakova

I would bet there is no one who has never seen movie about robots. Movies such as A.I. Artificial Intelligence & 2001 movie, I, Robot with Will Smith, Final Fantasy, Robocop, or Star Wars are known not only to sci-fi fans. Robots are just constant topic of scientist, sociologists and all humans around the world. Some of us are enthusiastic & some really believe they could help us with cleaning, cooking and other secondary activities. But then there are also those who are afraid of them. What if they hurt us? How can we believe in machines? The point is we will never find it out if we do not try it.Some engineering students from university lab in Tokyo are doing some tests on robots. These students think that robots need for their living among people "handle complex social tasks" said a leader of this project, Junichi Takeno. He adds robots will need understand and feel emotions to be able to cooperate with people. That's why they wire a robot face to simulate six expressions & fear, anger, sadness, happiness, surprise and disgust. They believe this could help not only robots to understand humans, but also humans to get along better with robotsThis robotic revolution is connected with Japan. And it has a reason & its population is old. Japaneses think robots could replenish the work force and also care for the elderly. To be honest it seems to me a bit sick. Instead of trying to motivate young people to have babies and fixing relationship with adults, they are going to create thousands and thousands of robots? I don't want to say I am completely against it but honestly some of the reasons are just weird. Japan is the only country where are robots used in almost all spheres. They are in Japanese factories, hospitals and companies. They can work as receptionists, they can serve tea, vacuum office corridors, feed the elderly, greet company guests or even guide patients to and from the outpatients' surgery area. Let's look on some statistics. A single robot can replace about 10 employees! In 2005 there were more than 370.000 robots working at the factories across Japan. But not to show only one side of this topic & there are still some roadblocks. Some of the elderly inhabitants of Japan do not believe in robots and there are still some of them who "prefer dealing with real people." Another problem with continuing this robotic revolution are money. Such a robotic creature can costs ranging from $120 to $2000 & depends on many the producer and the type of it. So there are still questions if this Japanese ambition comes true.

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by Barbora Misakova
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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The fight for tigers
by Jana Passova

There should be realized the Tiger Project for new tiger reserves creation in India. It should cost about 153 million dollars. There should come into being eight new reservations which will cover an area of more than 11.900 square miles.There should be established a new special force of rangers. Every ranger will need to go over a special training and they will have to be armed to be able to save tigers from poachers and illegal wildlife traders. There will exist an extra funding that will be contribute of private groups. Anyway it is not as easy as it might seem. In area that will be used for reservations is built about 250 villages that needs to be relocated. The plan of relocation has been generated already. It will have an impact on 200.000 people. Every relocated family will get more than 25.500 dollars. India has also another plan. The second one is about that the government is planning to spend more than 13 million dollars for endangered tigers. These are just plans right now. But they are supposed to pass later this month. But that is not still enough. The existing system have to be changed as well. It will need a financial injection from funds. It is a next step how to protect big cats. India has a big problem with decreasing number of the tiger population. A number of cats is dropping very fast. Five years ago there lived about 3.600 tigers. There was found about 1.411 big cats last month. If india really wants to help big cats to survive, it needs to do it fast.
by Jana Passova
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Uncovering of indiscoverable
by Lenka Lehenova

We all know how the scientists and technology are important for population. I think I don't have to speak about it a lot because that is not a new and we can see their improvements every day. I can just only inform you about some innovations or discoveries. Today, thanks to intelligent world's scientists, mathematicians, physicists or technologist we know a lot about our Earth, space, biology... just about everything. Imagine that in the past people knew only small chip compared with present. They thought that the eclipse is a result of gods' anger or that it is the end of life. But the fact also is that there were a lot of great people who didn't need perfect technology like today but they were so intelligent that found out many things which we use daily now, for example Edison, Einstein, Marconi or Columbus... There is very important to organize some expeditions to find out how much how is possible. It is the way how to uncover indiscoverable. One of these expeditions has been just organized by Uruguay-Venezuelan scientists and military officers. Their collaboration opened the South American nation's first expedition to the frozen Antarctica. Although they didn'd have favourable conditions because of windy weather and choppy seas, the Venezuelans on an Uruguayan naval ship reached a voyage of 3 700 kilometers. The scientists will study a range of subjects, including the effects of climate change in Antarctica.The Venezuelan president Tabare Vazquez has been criticized by his opponents that he allowed Venezuelans aboard the Uruguayan ship. Uruguay's congress called this mission a gesture of friendship.

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by Lenka Lehenova
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Science: Six-legged Octopus, Glass Sponge and Marine Lice
by Milota Sidorova

Classified rather as a joke of nature than a new animal species that' s the finding of British marine experts in a case of six-legged octopus miracle, generally named as Henry.Surprising mollusc has been attached in a lobster pot near the north Wales shore by a staff from local marine zoo just two weeks ago. Octupus, actually 'hexapus' is a cephalod in the order of Octopoda. Till this day we recognize around 300 species of them, that is eqaully more than one-third of all cephalods.Specific with its eight arms, entirely muscular soft body with no internal skeleton, three hearts and the hemocyanin dissolved in its plasma instead of being bound in red blood cells which gives the blood a blue color, octopuses seem to be highly intelligent, probably the most among all others invertebrates. Scientists prooved the existence of long and short term memory. Well, from time to time, you can see a document where a sea-diver plays with his favourite octopus, that evidently recalls its favourite human sea-diver. Despite of scarring look, their ink-sacks and camouflage reflexes are just a part of self-defence.Thesis about new octopus species have been denied with more probable birth defect. For now Henry remains a freak, a joke or for somebody a lovely creature. What' s for sure, is that it will join the public zoo aquarium as a part of permanent marine expositon.Number of new ocean species grows rapidly every year. As a matter of fact, oceans are, besides the rain forests one of the richest sources of unknown animal species. Their dark deepness provide perfect environment for million of creatures, still escaping man' s attention. According the scientists, the species richest ocean is the Southern Ocean, including the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Ocean surrounding Antarctica. In other oceans the number of species drops the deeper you go,said study co-author Katrin Linse, a marine biologist at the British Antarctic Survey. A research motiveted international team boared on the German research vessel Polarstern reached the waters of Southern Ocean. Almost 3 years lasting research brought up plenty of deep-sea fauna species. For instance one can mention special glass sponge, besides one of 76 sponge species found during the period, ghostly white scampi look like Cylindrarcturus or Ceratoserolis a type of marine crustacean related to wood lice.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Mars avalanche surprise
by Claudia Sonea

Mars, our planet's neighbor, still represents a mystery, but for how long? There were a couple of probes sent to study the planet and most of them did not return with much information, except the last one sent in 2006 whose entire mission had a cost of $ 720 million. Let us hope that this one will not get lost like that sent in 1996, the silent Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft that had a great significance for scientist and influence on the future probes. The images from Mars were recorded by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and sent back to hearth, what amazed everyone was the changes that are taken place modifying the planet's landscape. If for millions of years nothing important happened, last month four avalanches of fine ice and dust breaking off took place at Mars' north pole, according to the press release on Monday. It is of enormous importance for scientists to actually view a natural event on the surface of Mars, especially this one that might be linked to the seasonal changes. The avalanches that broke part of a steep cliff created a cascade and massive debris clouds are suspected to take place due to springtime changes and Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist Candice Hansen stated that this is the theory they are testing right now. However, they still have no clue about the avalanches and what triggered them, thus it is a must to stay connected and be the first to find out what they discovered. Enjoy!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Three Times Older Than Wikipedia Says. The Western Part of the Grand Canyon Almost 17 Million Years Old
by Milota Sidorova

One can hardly imagine endless plains that meet the sun on its way for epochs without any barrier. Space so huge and flat like a mirror's surface. Miles and miles of plains shot only by the river.Thousands and millions of years seem quite tiny moments in the time measure of our Planet. So it passed, that the plains of Arizona have changed. Where the river Colorado flew for almost 40 million years, the flat landscape has changed into the one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. The restless water power has deepen and cut the calcite ground, shaping the most bizzare walls, stone towers, sharp cliffs, and huge cave system, all in the place, known as the Grand Canyon.Surprisingly huge area of 277 miles (446 km) of Colorado basin, wide from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km) takes the breath away, however not being the deepest one, but the most beautiful. Canyon includes two parts, the Eastern & characteristic by the stone massifs and miracles shaped by the river that leads into the Western part and finds its downstream along the more flat landscape. And here it comes. According the recent research of University in New Mexico, the Canyon dates back not 5-6 million but almost 17! The findings from the walls of nine caves along the canyon point out that the eroded flat western part seems to be almost three times older than the marvelous limestone east. Uranium-lead isotope dating method outputs invert the theories about the creation of the Grand Canyon. Theoretically two separate canyons hade been formed. The origins of the western part, eroded just a few inches per year range almost 17 million years ago. Then the canyon advanced into ' headward erosion', that means the progressing erosion into more directions. So it spreaded out into the east. 6 million years with an average a foot per thousand years carved out a depth from current 1500 to 3000 m.However the huge and the high level of canyon' s complexicity can' t satisfy with one answer. But there' s no doubt that the proper dating is an important step to move forward.As Arizona geologist Wayne Ranney, author of "Carving the Grand Canyon says of the new work. "This is really exciting for those of us who work in the stories and theories of how the Grand Canyon has evolved. This paper helps us to more clearly understand that different parts of the canyon formed at different times. That's how big the Grand Canyon is "
by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell

edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Is happiness given genetically?
by Sandra Stoklaskova

Love, health and happiness are the most common values, each person would like to achieve. No wonder, everybody would like to love and be loved, because than people are happy. Everyone want to be healthy, because when you are not healthy, you are unhappy. Happy people have positive self-esteem, they like themselves are more optimistic, extroverted, more realistic and perspective. Moreover they really believe that they are in control of their lives. We can say in general that each of us would achieve full happiness in our lives, so happiness seems like the most important life value. Last researches showed that happiness depend on genes, so it looks like you can inherited, as you can not buy it. British and Australian researchers studied more than 1,000 pairs of identical and non-identical twins ranging in age from 25 to 75. It was king of questionnaire, as they asked them a series of questions about their personality and how much they are satisfied with their lives. Thanks to this they found out a quite surprising results that genes control half the personality traits that make people happy. In addition factors such as health, career and relationships are responsible for the rest of our well-being."We found that around half the differences in happiness were genetic. Identical twins in family were very similar in personality and in well-being, and by contrast, the fraternal twins were only half as similar. That strongly implicates genes," said Tim Bates, one of the researchers.So what do you think, would you be happy in your lifetime, concerning happiness of your parents?
by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Mars avalanche surprise
by Claudia Sonea

Mars, our planet's neighbor, still represents a mystery, but for how long? There were a couple of probes sent to study the planet and most of them did not return with much information, except the last one sent in 2006 whose entire mission had a cost of $ 720 million. Let us hope that this one will not get lost like that sent in 1996, the silent Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft that had a great significance for scientist and influence on the future probes. The images from Mars were recorded by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and sent back to hearth, what amazed everyone was the changes that are taken place modifying the planet's landscape. If for millions of years nothing important happened, last month four avalanches of fine ice and dust breaking off took place at Mars' north pole, according to the press release on Monday. It is of enormous importance for scientists to actually view a natural event on the surface of Mars, especially this one that might be linked to the seasonal changes. The avalanches that broke part of a steep cliff created a cascade and massive debris clouds are suspected to take place due to springtime changes and Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist Candice Hansen stated that this is the theory they are testing right now. However, they still have no clue about the avalanches and what triggered them, thus it is a must to stay connected and be the first to find out what they discovered. Enjoy!

related story:;_ylt=As6u5DKAnMaoyK7R2e.TpHis0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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Three Times Older Than Wikipedia Says. The Western Part of the Grand Canyon Almost 17 Million Years Old
by Milota Sidorova

One can hardly imagine endless plains that meet the sun on its way for epochs without any barrier. Space so huge and flat like a mirror's surface. Miles and miles of plains shot only by the river.Thousands and millions of years seem quite tiny moments in the time measure of our Planet. So it passed, that the plains of Arizona have changed. Where the river Colorado flew for almost 40 million years, the flat landscape has changed into the one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. The restless water power has deepen and cut the calcite ground, shaping the most bizzare walls, stone towers, sharp cliffs, and huge cave system, all in the place, known as the Grand Canyon.Surprisingly huge area of 277 miles (446 km) of Colorado basin, wide from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km) takes the breath away, however not being the deepest one, but the most beautiful. Canyon includes two parts, the Eastern & characteristic by the stone massifs and miracles shaped by the river that leads into the Western part and finds its downstream along the more flat landscape. And here it comes. According the recent research of University in New Mexico, the Canyon dates back not 5-6 million but almost 17! The findings from the walls of nine caves along the canyon point out that the eroded flat western part seems to be almost three times older than the marvelous limestone east. Uranium-lead isotope dating method outputs invert the theories about the creation of the Grand Canyon. Theoretically two separate canyons hade been formed. The origins of the western part, eroded just a few inches per year range almost 17 million years ago. Then the canyon advanced into ' headward erosion', that means the progressing erosion into more directions. So it spreaded out into the east. 6 million years with an average a foot per thousand years carved out a depth from current 1500 to 3000 m.However the huge and the high level of canyon' s complexicity can' t satisfy with one answer. But there' s no doubt that the proper dating is an important step to move forward.As Arizona geologist Wayne Ranney, author of "Carving the Grand Canyon says of the new work. "This is really exciting for those of us who work in the stories and theories of how the Grand Canyon has evolved. This paper helps us to more clearly understand that different parts of the canyon formed at different times. That's how big the Grand Canyon is "
by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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