
Thursday, January 31, 2008

The dark energy around the Universe
by Claudia Sonea

The Universe is a great mystery and therefore there is nothing out of ordinary to try to find an explanation to how it appeared and why it is expanding. The Bible speaks about the process of Creation, while physicians speak about the Big Bang phenomenon (the Universe created as a result of an explosion). According to a study released on Wednesday by the British weekly science journal Nature astrophysicists believe to be on the verge of discovering why the expansion of the Universe, triggered by the Big Bang, is accelerating. Two very different theories converged and gave birth to the conclusion that the mutual attraction of galaxies through gravity would slow the expansion of space, created by the Big Bang some 14 billion years ago. One says that the Universe is filled with so-called dark energy, a substance that has never been seen. Still, this dark energy cannot be detected with the help of technology as it neither emits nor reflects light or radiation, but it counteracts the gravitational attraction that galaxies exert on each other and which would otherwise break the cosmic expansion. On the other hand, the second theory says that the dark energy does not exist and thus current theories about gravitational force as the prime force in the Universe would be wrong. None of the theories has been supported by observations or proves. Until now, observations have not strongly supported either scenario. An international team of 51 astronomers led by Luigi Guzzo of the Astronomico di Brera in Merate, Italy measured the distribution and movement of some 10,000 galaxies over a period of 30 years by using the European Space Agency's (ESO) Very Large Telescopes (VLS) and with the purpose to study the overall expansion of the Universe, which pushes galaxies away from each other, and the force of gravity, which pulls them together. They were able to create a 3-D map of an expanding Universe that also informs about movements within the galaxies themselves. Oliver Le Fevre, from the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille confesses that it would offer a way to test the nature of dark energy. The scientists scanned thousands of galaxies across a patch of sky roughly 20 full moons across and concluded in favor of a dark energy that accelerates the Universe's expansion. Guzzo stated that it would help them to take a decision regarding the dark energy and if there is need to change some of the physics law. Don't go away, more to come!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Space impact
by Zuzana Valkova

Meteoroids, asteroids, comets. They "fly" in the space where they are usually on their own orbits. But sometimes happen that it comes out of that orbit and come very close to Earth. And then, there is Earth's gravitation, so the object is falling down to Earth. But be calm, this is happening every 1000 years. No big deal. I hope so. I was really curious what is exactly the difference between these objects. Asteroid is big object, which can be also called minor planet or planetoid. Meteoroids are small space objects smaller than asteroids and bigger than atom or molecule. When meteoroids and asteroids enter the Earth atmosphere they are called meteors. Their composition change and they become very visible. Meteorite is piece of meteoroids or asteroids which survive the flight to Earth and after that get harder again (maybe in some cases you can even touch it). Some scientist came up with theory that all the important changes on Earth were caused by this space objects. For example the climate change, extermination of dinosaurs & all these things. Some of them think that the water in our oceans was brought by big space object. But not only the water, also the life! So what's happening during the "impact"? When the object fly through the atmosphere its getting very hot, its starts melting and is very bright, like burning fireball. When this fireball land on the ground it cause huge damages, its like atomic bomb, but of course without radiation. It can kill and damage life in area of several miles.

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Marine Census in Antarctica
by Daniela Simkova

The scientists of New Zeland, U.S., and Italy began a voyage to Antarctica to realize first census of Antarctica marine life ever. The project is a part of an International Polar Year, which is a global program designed to improve our knowledge in the land and sea environment in Antarctica and Arctica. The voyage is supposed to take about two months and is to reach the destination of the north coast of Antarctica. This program is multinational which also makes team consisting of various countries. New Zelands Prime Minister Helen Clark said: "involving 23 countries and 11 coordinated voyages to survey marine ecosystems and habitats in waters surrounding Antarctica." The scientists will collect sample pieces of sea life coresponding with photo images of He sea floor. They will go into the depth of 13,000ft in the areas previously unexplored. These collected data will, as Helen Clark said: "assist decision-making on environmental issues such as climate change and its effect on Southern Ocean ecosystems." Winston Peters, a Foreign Minister, stated that voyage in Antarctica would help safeguards to detect its ecological viability. Better knowledge of land and sea environment could help on the researches of sea environment in different world locations.
by Daniela Simkova
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Honour for legend Roy Orbison
by Ivana Bruderova

The new species of beetle has been named in honor of rock legend Roy Orbison and his widow Barbara by scientist. The general public was informed about it on January 25, on the Roy Orbison Tribute concert. The beetle-Orectochilus orbisonorum appearing as if wearing the tuxedo and live on the water surface. Entomologist Quentin Wheeler of Arizona State University explained why the name of beetle is ending with affix -orum. It expresses he was named after a couple. If it was named only after Roy it would end with -i, and if only after Barbara with affix -ae. Now it is clear at the first sight, the beetle was named in honor of their both. "I have never seen an honor like that." said Barbara. The ASU scientists and Charles J. Kazilek also dedicated to her a painting named "Whirligig" included the nine images of beetle on cotton watercolor paper. Barbara was on the concert with sons Wesley and Roy Kelton Orbison Jr. Orectochilus orbisonorum is less than five millimeters long. As the most of beetles from it's family (Gyrindae family) is living on the water surfaces and "wears tuxedo". It's specific feature are divided eyes which allow him to see things above and under water surface in the same time. At the first sight it appears like it has 4 eyes. Due to the clear cuticle on it's underbelly the internal tissues are easy visible. But it's top is shiny black and scientist find him elegant what is also one reason for his name. Roy and Barbara Orbison are not the first persons who have their own species of animal. Many bugs have been already named after famous people. For instance president George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfed or Darth Vader.
by Ivana Bruderova
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Disputes about the age of the Earth
by Sandra Stoklaskova

Do you know how long there is a life on the globe? Do you know how the life on the earth began? Do you think that the living organisms were brought into existence by God? Or do you think that we grow up from different microorganisms or from primates? No one could exactly answer these questions, because each of us believes in another opinion. However, scientists and research workers are still trying to find some answer to these and also to different questions of existence. Research into unaccountable layers of rock in Western Australia was made by a French team of researchers from the Institute for Global Physics in Paris. They used a technique known as nanospectroscopy to study the cores drilled from the rock formation. This region is called Pilabra, and is well-known for its rock layers, which have a shape of cones, waves and egg carton domes. Last weeks the region was full of scientists, especially palaeo-geologists from the whole world. Also these researchers have different attitudes. Some of them thought that in layers include fossils of bacteria, called stromatolites, which were living in sea or lake water at the young age of Earth. Other people's ideas are, that shapes are the result of reaction between the rock and sea water. Investigation led by Kevin Lepot has dated these rocks to 2.72 billion years. Another research, driven by Abigail Allwood, found out that microfossils from these rocks are 3.4 billion years old. Now we need to wait until the new study appears in February, to discover the truth.

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Is the Earth in save?
by Lenka Lehenova

Our world is still in danger. I hope we do not have to think about the end of world yet but scientists still monitor Earth and space. Just in case. There is a lot of movies in which happen some disaster and people try to save their lives. And of course in this horrible situation, close to death they fall in love. These movies always finish with happy end. Maybe we don't realize that this situation can really happen but there don't have to be very nice end. Technology and science help us to monitor and solve some problem. We can be happy that there is a lot of people interested in it and they work for us. Spy satellite is one part of technology. It is communication satellite which inform us about the situation in space. This satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California in 2006. It is called L-21 It is expected its crash on the Earth the next moth. But don't worry, our planet consist of water in 75 percent and there is a lot of land without people so it shouldn't fall in to populated area. They said that they had no control over the satellite. To be honest I don't understand it. How can they launch anything to the space and then don' t have control. I am afraid that if some disaster really happened it would be people's mistake. Spy satellite shouldn't crash to Earth but it is now. What can happen later? What is waiting for us? Maybe the next time it will tumble on your your city and on your house. It is horrible imagination. And then people from NASA just say you that they are sorry but they didn't have control over it. Maybe there is many space objects which crashed on the Earth and people don't know about it. The reason can be that satellite or something similar fell on empty area or because the effect was really wrong and maybe it killed somebody but they had to hide it. People should be very careful. Specially scientists who take care about all world and their actions could influence our existence.

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Like a star
by Zuzana Valkova

Many Hollywood movies have something in common with space. Aliens, space ships or dangerous space objects. In Armageddon it was a huge asteroid, which they were able to destroy before it could destroy anything on Earth. In Deep Impact the asteroid landed on Earth and caused big flood and killed many people. As you can see it's usually an asteroid. Today one of these is coming close to the Earth. This one isn't dangerous; it won't be close enough to hit the planet. Thank God. But it will be close enough to be watchable with medium size telescope. Next time you can see asteroid big like this one, is in 2027, so don't hesitate. For you to know what are you going to see: asteroid is a kind of astronomical object, which can be composed from carbonaceous, silicaceous or metallic. The name asteroid comes from Greek word and it means star-like. You can also hear the names minor planet or planetoids. In our solar system there are millions of them that orbit around the Sun. They can orbit alone or in the groups or like a family of asteroids. Groups are looser as families, which can be result of one damaged parent asteroid. If you want an easy explanation, asteroid is a big flying piece of stone looking substance. First discovered asteroid is called Ceres and it's the biggest one we know so far. It's so big that it's even classified as dwarf planet. Every month are discovered about 5000 asteroids. Not all of these have names, only few of those which can be visible have one, the others have only numbers.

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Obesity and overweight = the epidemic of the New World?
by Anna Goghova

City health officials, in their continuing fight against obesity, proposed a new regulation today requiring chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus after a federal judge struck down a similar measure in September. It seemed to be an excellent idea to spare the new epidemic, the well-known obesity. The sour truth is that the majority of the New Yorkers doesn't have access to calorie information. Not everyone will use it, but many people will, and when they use it, it changes what they order, and that should reduce preponderance and with it diabetes. Nowadays in NYC, two-thirds of adults suffer from obesity, and the big picture is, that half of children are overweight too. It causes many psychological disorders too. People are depressed, aftermath they gorge on fatty food and comfort themselves with the thought, that they always can put the diet off. It is a vicious circle. Some New Yorkers said they don't need a calorie table to know the difference between a juicy hamburger and a salad. In their opinion this is an unnecessary idea, witch wouldn't modify the eating habits in the country. The others welcomed the news and expect some feedback from the information. The decision was a victory for the New York State Restaurant Association, an industry group which had sued the city's Health Department to challenge the regulation. The new regulation, witch takes affect March 31, will apply to about 10 percent of the city's 23,000 restaurants but which serve about a third of all food eaten outside of the home each year, according to health officials. The main aim was to inspire the folk to require menu with calorie table to recognise their unhealthy influence. Chuck Hunt, a spokesman for the New York Restaurant Association, said that the nutritional information will not have wonder-worker affect. In supermarkets have been provided only labelled products for 13 years, but obesity has not declined.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Earth hit by man-made objects?
by Martina Harvanova

I bet all of you have ever seen fictions about how the space objects may possibly hit the Earth and what impact it may cause. Although most of them predict a devastating end of the humans, the reality is a bit different. So how do these meteorites behave and do they mirror an eventual danger for us? And are they the only objects that can hit the Earth from the space? It is a natural object originating in outer space that survives an impact with the Earth's surface and that's how he is able to hit the Earth. Meteorites aren't likely to be predicted, at least not with a certainty. So far they have been recovered on the basis of eye-witness accounts of the fireball or the actual impact of the object on the ground. The concentration of the meteorite falls tends to be more probable in areas with high human population densities such as Europe, Japan, and northern India. The possible danger arises when the size of it reaches high numbers and the impact of the hit could be overwhelming because of the likelihood of crater creation. The behavior of the meteorites cannot be foretold and that is why people in endangered areas can't prepare for the hit. However, meteorites mostly don't reach such intensity and fortunately, the majority of them ends up as a harmless space object worth to discover. A small number of meteorite falls have been observed with automated cameras. The first of these was the Pribram meteorite, which fell in Czech Republic in 1959. It was followed by the 1977 meteorite in Canada and recently in Neuschwanstein, the German discovery in 2002. Those were just the most famous ones, but in fact to this day, few stony meteorites are reported each year that can be considered to be "accidental" finds. There are now over 30,000 meteorites finds in the world's collections. As mentioned, most of them are just small innocent space treasures. What is more, the latest news advises us there is a possibility we will get hit also by another objects & a human-made ones. To be accurate, a deadly spy satellite is going to fall from the space. The sat lost its power and it is predicted to be seen again on Earth's surface between February and March. The bizarre story is likely to attract movie producers, because the danger is quite high. The specialists can't determine the spot where the sat should fall to. Hopefully, the end of the issue will be happy as it tends to be in movies with similar plot.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

A space rendez-vous. 2007 TU24 greets the Earth.
by Milota Sidorova

An asteroid called 2007 TU24 will runway around the Earth to within 1.4 lunar distances (334,000 miles). 2007 TU24 will appear on Tuesday, January 29 2008 at 08:33 UT. It will reach its perigee between constellations of Perseus and Cassiopeia, and will be visible for observers with amateur telescopes. The brightest appearance of the asteroid between 150 and 600 meters in diameter will come the next day. Then it will faint, till it disappears completely. TU24 has been discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona on October 11, 2007. Statistics suggest a number of 7,000 discovered and undiscovered near-Earth objects. Despite of this, an interval of passing so close to Earth is estimated on average every 5 years and a collision of that sized object with our planet is stated to be once in a 37,000 years. According to Don Yeomans, manager of the Near-Objects Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2007 TU24 "has no chance of hitting, or affecting, Earth," Still 2007 TU24 is considered to be a potentially hazardous asteroid of this size until 2027. NASA made a plan of pointing the Goldstone planetary radar telescope on 2007 TU24 on Jan 23-24 and Arceibo planetary radar on Jan 27-28 and Feb 1-4. The 3D model of the object will be reconstructed later on, using the data from high-resolution telescope. Actually this won't be the only collision next week in our Solar system. The asteroid called 2007 WD5 is expected to pass our sisterly planet Mars, at a distance of approximately 16,000 miles just one day before 2007 TU24 meets the Earth.

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Playing God
by Claudia Sonea

I think that people has not used enough often the stereotype of mad scientist playing God and the movies have not underlined enough the consequences of such actions. Therefore it comes as no surprise for anyone the recent news about researchers at the Venter Institute in Rockville, Md, that are conducting a plan of developing synthetic life. On Thursday, Craig Venter, the scientist-entrepreneur who founded the institute and jump-started the race to map the human genome, made public the fact that they reached phase too in their experiment of creating synthetic life. Although they did not yet succeed to create life, they got to the point of creating a copy of a man-made genome for a bacterium that contains the complete set of DNA in the chromosomes of a living organism, the instruction set for how an organism works. If they will get through all the obstacles they will have opened the way of future made-to-order organisms that could do things natural organisms don't: plants that take up large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere to slow global warming, microbes that turn grass clippings into fuel, bacteria that eat sugar and produce medicine. Nevertheless, Jim Collins, a professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University states that they have not synthesized a brand new life form, while David Magnus, director of Stanford University's Center for Biomedical Ethics underlines the concerns the dangers of creating not only good organisms, but also dangerous ones. The entire matter will be approached as a report in the journal Science. Don't forget to buy it and read more about it. The subject is more than promising although it's nothing new.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Richard Garriott to be the next space tourist
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Richard Allen Garriott, 46 years old American video game programmer and designer has decided to travel to orbit this fall. He will become sixth paying tourist in space. In October 2008 he will flight aboard Russian spacecraft Soyuz TMA-13 accompanied by two professional spaceflyers. He plans to spend some nine days aboard International space station (ISS} performing observation experiments and will return with Soyuz TMA-12. His flight is possible thanks to agreement between Russian Federal Space Agency and Virginia firm Space Adventures. For his stay in space Garriott is paying approximately 30 million dollars. Currently he is spending time in Russia getting ready. He must undergo medical checks and educate himself about Russian Soyuz spacecraft and ISS and also Russian language. "I have never learned a second language before," he said, "you just want to be able to participate fully and enjoyably, and I am gaining confidence that I can do that." Garriot says it has always been his dream to travel to space and it comes as no surprise as his father is a former NASA astronaut Owen Garriott, who flew with Skylab 3 and Space Shuttle mission STS-9. Garriott senior is going to take a part of the upcoming flight of his son as a chief scientist. "My dad will even tell you this is the hardest he has worked since he left the space program," said Richard about his father. Garriott also hoped to meet Russian cosmonaut Sergei Volkov, commander of the Expedition 17, with witch he should return on Earth. Like Garriott, he is also the second generation spaceflyer.

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Alea iacta est
by Kamila Moravcikova

The ancient Roman-era cemetery has been discovered in Syria. One may say it's nothing to be excited about, but I am delighted! The ancient part of me suddenly woke up even though I am pretty sure my family has no roots in ancient Rome. I feel like I had to live there for sure. All ancient people used to have perfect tan as the Rome (and Italy nowadays) was surrounded by sea, you could easily spent whole day sitting near the Mediterranean sea, enjoying sun and ancient hot guys, drinking wine and eating grapes. And the clothes! Luxurious, fascinating, noble, smooth tunics completed with wonderful ear-rings, bracelets, necklaces! And men used to warriors so they used to have muscles you could easily fall in love with (their owner, of course). Have you seen the "Alexander" movie? Ancient women had to look like Anglina Jolie and men like Colin Farrel. Oh, and we can't forget to mention arts! Valuable poetry that is still up-to-date and unforgettable novels that'd became classic! Their wisdom, knowledge, architecture! But later I sobered up. Ancient people in Rome used to keep slaves and subdue other nations (and all those people they were not considered equal or even humans). They were keen on contriving and killing inconvenient ones, playing lethal games. They used to die in age of 40. No Colin, no Angelina. I need to find another historical era that's part of me and doesn't have so many drawbacks.

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Will the number of hurricanes sink?
by Martina Harvanova

It always has been sympathetic to me when I saw people trying to find something positive on black issues. Global warming is definitely deemed as one of them. On the first sight, you may think what an advantage of such a worldwide natural threat could be. Well, a scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Miami Lab and the University of Miami, Chunzai Wang, thought out one of its pluses. His latest study states that global warming could in fact reduce the number of hurricanes that hit the U. S. Although a new federal research clashes with previous studies in a great deal, Wang is sure his argument meet a clear explanation. As he claims in Geophysical Research Letters, the warming-up of the Indian and Pacific Ocean causes the creation of a vertical wind shear in the Atlantic Ocean. And exactly that has an effect on the wind speed and direction change that prevent the American coast from the intensification of the hurricanes. Therefore the final statement deposes "global warming may decrease the likelihood of hurricanes making landfall in the United States." The justification refers to number of observations and empirical researches. On the other hand, the vast majority of scientific community doesn't believe the study, moreover, they strictly reject it as they suppose the study is based on poor information and reflects just a small percentage of storms and similar natural disasters over the world. Hurricanes tend to be called "engines of destruction". They are giant, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 miles (257 kilometers) an hour. The Atlantic Ocean's hurricane season peaks from mid-August to late October and averages five to six hurricanes per year. Their ability to generate energy on a staggering scale and its highly destructive winds represents one of the greatest dangers of nature to humans. The only defense against them is to an accurate weather forecast that gives people time to get out of its way. Also the U. S. as the strongest nation is helpless when they occur. Scientists may discover all the circumstances that generate or follow the hurricanes, but they just are not able to avoid them. Unfortunately, no study will change it.

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Another sensation in China! A skull dates back 100 000 years.
by Milota Sidorova

Some say,that it is the most important discovery since the Peking Man, others are more sceptical. What is a fact, is, that an almost complete human skull fossil that could date back 100,000 years was found in Xuchang, in the central province of Henan. The archeological research has taken more than two years, and the digs covered approximately 2.800 square feet. The fossil containing 16 pieces of the skull was discovered by two archeologist, who were just about to leaving for the Lunar New Year break, or the "Spring Festival". Li Zhanyang, archaeologist with the Henan Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute claimed that the fossil was burried near the mouth of a spring, that caused a high content of calcium in the relics. "More astonishing than the completeness of the skull is that it still has a fossilized membrane on the inner side, so scientists can track the nerves of the Paleolithic ancestors," quoted Li. While Henan´s relics gain more and more popularity in the media, experts seem to be more pragmatic. "It is far from the greatest judging from points such as the completeness, the time, and the significance of problems it can explain." says Wu Xinzhi, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is convinced that the relics only proved the existence of human beings in that area about 100,000 years ago more than their heads were roughly the same shape as the skull.

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Ice nation.
by Zuzana Valkova

The Inuit are aboriginal people who live in the Arctic regions. Many of them are in Canada, where is about 40,000 people, Alaska and Greenland. People call them Eskimos, but actually they prefer term Inuit. They have common language, of course there are some variants, and they have old rich culture. In the past they lived in seacoasts and tundra, where they hunted mainly sea animals. They lived in hard conditions, every day they had to fight against wind and snow, because they had houses made only of wood. Nowadays, some of them decided to leave and go live to bigger cities, but many still live there in the land of their fathers. Some of them are modern, they live in small villages and life is easier for them. But still not as easy as it should and could be. In arctic regions are no job opportunities, its undeveloped piece of land, they know that this part has potential richness, but they are not sure where exactly. The biggest chance to change this region is tourism. This part of the country is wild and dangerous and exactly this is temptations for many travelers and explorers. Not everyone has a good and enough education, so it's hard for them to compete with the rest of the world. There are still some who don't want to leave their traditional way of live and want to stay close to their culture. But this is time for changing, they have at least some political power, and for example Canadian government is trying to help them.

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Russian new launch ramp
by Claudia Sonea

Russian news agencies RIA Novosti and Interfax reported on Wednesday that a second front will be opened. Not to be alarmed, it's all about a new launch site for manned flights that according to First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov will be constructed by 2018. Until now Russia's space program relied neighboring Kazakhstan, but they decided to make one of their own in the south-east part of the country, at the border with China. It will be in the Amur region, it will be called Vostochny and will be an alternative to the Baikonur base, a Soviet-built facility that Russia now leases from Kazakhstan. They expect for the cosmodrom to be ready for rocket launches of any type by 2016 and for manned flights by 2018. Both Russia and USA have the most active space programs and they have been competition for the first place since the first manned flight. Right behind them is China's Jiuquan Space Centre. The new base will be built on the site of unfinished facility previously known as Svobodny at the settlement of Uglegorsk, which is located in a restricted zone. Two years ago they said they will withdraw all military personnel from Baikonur for relocation to a rocket launching centre at Plesetsk near Arkhangelsk in northern Russia. The action has not yet been fulfilled. Baikonur was rented in 1994 from Kazakhstan for 115 million dollars (91 million euros) annually, and this will continue until 2050 under a new agreement signed in 2004 by President Vladimir Putin and his Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev. Even if they will withdraw all military personnel from Baikonur, the base still remains under Russian command. With two launching ramp, will they be stronger than US? More to come…

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Are vaccines only for kids?
by Sandra Stoklaskova

It is very sad, that amount of newly vaccinated people is still becoming lower and lower. Due to this fact, federal health officials are disappointed and are forced to deliver to the general public: "Vaccines aren't just for kids!" As we know, there is a huge public attention of trio of new vaccines which are protecting against shingles, whooping cough and cervical cancer. In spite the fact, there is still lower number of people who exploit the possibility of being inoculated. A survey by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases found, that besides the flu, huge number of adults can not even name the diseases, which could be prevent by a vaccination. According to Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are not yet very many adults taking full advantage of the great advancements in prevention that have been made in the past few years. Is this caused because of the price of vaccinating? Do people think they will be healthy forever? Or is it because of their laziness? Everyone should answer for himself. The shingles vaccine costs approximately $150, and the three-shot HPV vaccine about $300,so maybe the price is one of the reasons why adults are not vaccinated as much as they were in the past. According to CDC research only two percent of US population 60 and over was shot during the first year on the market. This is a poor statistics, don't you think? We should think about this and decide according to our conscience.

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by Sandra Stoklaskova
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Houston, We Have A Problem
by Kamila Moravcikova

There are people that admire all the astronauts and call them heroes. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate that they've been doing something that helps exploring planets, cosmos, learning something more about how all this around begun. I have never been NASA or flying to space nut. However, my friends were interested in doing space shuttle maquettes, kept collecting badges, posters, researching informations about most modern technologies, watching Star Trek and talked about Apollo program all the time. Everyone of them wanted to be an astronaut. They all wanted to be better than Neil Armstrong was. They wanted to land on Mars. They were obsessed and founded "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" fan club. Many ears later I realized where was the problem. I was afraid of heights. I was afraid of flying. I tried to avoid flying and spent hours and hours sitting in an awful bus or boat pretending that flying somewhere could be faster, but not so thrilling or at least extraordinary! But the day when I was forced to face my fear finally came. Like a victim, like a martyr I sat down, buckled up and waited for something I'd xpected to be the last day of my life. With eyes closed, trembling with fear, I wasn't able to do any move. Well, I did it. Still, I'm not the greater fun of flying. But I can survive it, at least. One small step for man, one giant leap me.

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Spy satellite launched by Israel
by Daniela Simkova

The spy satellite launched by Israel was the first of this kind developed in this country. It's primary task is to track what is happening in Iran. This country is considered as the top enemy of Israel, say defense officials of Israel. The statement of the company, which developed TESCAR satellite, an Israel Aerospace Industry, says: "The TECSAR is the first satellite of its kind developed in Israel, and ranks among the world's most advanced space systems." The satellite can be used in tracking the Iran nuclear program, which is the biggest U.S. and Israels fear. Both nations are afraid that the nuclear program is just a cover for the development of the nuclear weapons. Satellite operates with a special radar system, based on the SAR technology, which enables to see more than already existing satellites of the Ofek type, that use only regular cameras. The pictures from the TESCAR satellite are possible to be seen within two weeks. Entire project, the development and launching, already cost ten million dollars. TESCAR satellite weighs 660 pounds and was launched by an Indian rocket from India, which cooperated with Israeli experts. TESCAR is not only one satellite developed for the special purposes, there are also Ofek 5 and Ofek 7. Except of these satellites Israel runs several commercial satellites as the EROS and AMOS series.
by Daniela Simkova
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Law about elk importation in Kentucky
by Lenka Filipova

Kentucky has settled new law concerning the injunction of transporting elk and deer into the state. A result of law issuing is a dispute over the interstate commerce restriction. According to two Feathers Elk and Bison Ranch in McMinville, Tennessee, and the North American Deer Farmers Association it is illegal to set such a law limiting the international importations. Shawn Schafer, executive director of the deer farmers in Lake City, expressed his doubts about the precise interpretation of the law. The Kentucky's commissioner of Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Jonathan Jasset, was sued by the farm and the group as it brings them many troubles to obey the law due to the fact that they ship animals in both directions, to and from, Kansas just passing Kentucky on the interstates. Jasset did not answer himself, but Morgain Sprague, general counsel for the Fish and Wildlife department, has warned them by sending a letter that the law is constitutional and interpreted as it was intended. In addition to this, he informed them, that all animal caught in Kentucky will be destroyed. Kentucky intended to protect its own deer and elk from chronic disease. Hence, it proclaimed this so often discussed law including not only import of these animals but it also bans any transportation designed for another country. As it is written in Sprague's letter, "Your clients are free to use the interstates surrounding the Commonwealth of Kentucky to import cargoes into Tennessee." Any violation of the law will be punished by 5 years in prison, paying up to $10,000 and is considered as a felony. Schafer expressed his opinion about this interpretation of the law as the unique and the only one that was provided by Kentucky. He said that it was the only state that banned deer and elk from even crossing state lines.
by Lenka Filipova
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Indian crocodiles
by Monika Stefanakova

On Tuesday to determine what has killed at least 50 critically endangered crocodile-like reptiles in recent weeks in a river in central India. The number of endangered crocodiles that have died this month in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has risen to 67, officials say. The crocodiles, have been found dead of an unknown disease in the Chambal River sanctuary. One or two are washing up every day on the river banks, causing concern among wildlife officials and organizations. They are appealing for help. In early December, official found the bodies of at least 21 gharials over three days. ‘'We can say that liver and kidney of these gharials were badly damaged,'' said Sharma ‘'They were swollen and bigger than their usual size." "The Chambal river has clear water free from heavy metals. The only possibility seems that these gharials might have migrated from heavily polluted Yamuna river where they might have eaten fish," said Suman. The Indian crocodiles are critically endangered. The results have shown that the deaths are the result of disease which is still to be identified. Now, there are only about 1.500 gharials left in the wild in India. They have a distinctive long, narrow snout adapted for eating small fish. Also the Indian Crocodile is one of the longest of all living crocodilians. An adult male can approach 6 meters in length. The Indian Crocodiles are names Gharials. Gharials are massive reptiles that look like their crocodile relatives, but with long slender snouts.
by Monika Stefanakova
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Monday, January 21, 2008

Battling for whales
by Tatiana Hadarova

Many of you have probably heard about breaking the international law by Japanese government, which ban the commercial hunting of some endangered species of whales. This multi - lateral agreement called International Convention for the reduction of whaling has been signed by several countries,which food industry is partly based on the whaling, including Canada, Faroe Island, Greenland, Norway and also Japan. Of course, non of these countries strictly obey this agreement, but nowadays, the most controversy causes Japan, which refers their whale hunting for the commercial purposes to their old traditions. Firstly, the Japanese government declared that their whaling is only for the scientific purposes, but after some time it has been discovered, that the most of the whale meat ends in the restaurants as a part of Japanese traditional dishes. Nowadays, the most vocal opponents of the Japanese are Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Japanese ships hunts mostly in the South Pacific and in Antarctic area close to australian coastline. That is why in 2007, Australian government decided to use Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air force to monitor Japanese ships, to collect photographic and video evidence, which could be used in a future international court challenge against Japanese whaling. Lot of controversy is also caused by Greenpeace and by another anti-whaling organisations. On January 15, 2008 two members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society jumped on the board of the Japanese mother-ship and were held there for two days. Although, they have been successfully transported back home, this little battle is only a small part of the long & term war between commerce and tradition and love to the nature.

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Problems with shaking
by Sandra Stoklaskova

NASA has set a plan to send astronauts to the moon in March 2015. But this aim has a “tiny” problem, which is shaking of the rocket ,that hasn't even been built yet. The consequences of not solving this issue could be disastrous. This, yet, non existing rocket ,with the name Ares I, should replace the shuttle. And these times it is the main issue of NASA engineers, and also the subject of conversation of many people all around the world. Engineers are afraid that the rocket could shake dangerously during the first few minutes of the flight, and their aim is to fix this as early as March. As the NASA administrator Michael Griffin said in a statement to The Associated Press, that they never hoped to replace the shuttle without facing any challenges. The space agency's plan of returning to the moon includes two different rockets: Ares I, which is a means of transport to the moon, and heavy-lift cargo ship, known as Ares V. This goal would cost more than $100 billion, since 2005. The basics of the shaking problem, said Arenas, who is a specialist for vibrations and space-lunch issues, involves pulses of added acceleration caused by gas vortices in the rocket. The shaking was characterized by the NASA engineers as very dangerous and disastrous, that is why we just have to believe in them, that they will be successful.
by Sandra Stoklaskova
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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Replace this Title
by Kamila Moravcikova

I am so happy! I've just found out that a new rare palm tree has been discovered on Madagascar. You can think there is nothing special about palm tree. But this is not an ordinary palm! This one can flower! Okay, maybe that's not what makes this palm tree so extraordinary. This palm is also self-destructive kind. Can you imagine that? This poor unknown palm tree waits like one hundred years and is doing nothing, just standing and pretending that is just plebeian plant. After a century, she's obviously bored, so she starts flowering. And you can make a bet, that what this palm performs is not routine flowering you've seen so many times! At the end, she looks like a Christmas tree. And then this charming palm tree simply dies. After giving the audience the best of her, after unforgettable show, she simply commits a suicide. I am so glad! Of course, I am sorry for losing such a astonishing palm tree. What's making me so excited about all this is that it's finally confirmed that I have never killed any of my plants! To satisfy my need of being in natural environment I used to have some flowers and plants in my bedroom. Unfortunately, none survived. And after that Madagascan revelation it's clear that they all committed suicide as they were self-destructive species! Though, I forgot to water them sometimes. And my room is not really sunny and I kept moving them...

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The occupying line
by Natalia Holvova

The disease of bird flu has been known for almost ten years so far and there are still no ways of treatment and no ways of preventing new cases or modifications of the viruses. Researchers are specially concerned about possibility of appearance of new different virus type that would be easily wide-spread and communicate between humans. There were new types of virus found in east India, but local health officials claimed there is no record of virus attack to people. Still, the bird flu history is full of slaughtering of hundreds of million birds in more than 60 countries crossing the world. Researchers keep doing experiments in laboratories and look for weakness or little hole that could become a way to discover right treatment or to completely kill the virus. Till the solution is found we should be careful and keep all possible preventive precautions. Specially traveling to India, and other Asian countries where is the highest expectation of virus presence needs particular behavior. We should pass all required vaccinations and take all recommended pills before we go there. In case of unusual allergy or other chronic illness we should take enough medicine for whole time of our staying in contracted country and we need to keep hygienic habits as much as we can. World is different today, people travel around and cultural exchange is the process we can see everyday. There is no possibility to keep any of epidemics or pandemics in certain areas anymore. That's why we need to put much more effort to preventive precautions than ever before. It is on everyones responsibility to keep in mind what to do to stay healthy.

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The third longest river facing a drought
by Martina Harvanova

The third longest river in the world, Yangtze River, situated in China has been swamped recently. The latest notice is reporting that river which stretches 6,300 km from west to east is facing serious problems due to the extensive drought. The deteriorating situation has started to become more apparent since October. As some locals noticed this year's drought is rare and they added, "just days ago, we saw ship after ship running around. We have never seen that before." Pictures of the Yangtze are definitely frightening, such as the one with a bridge leading to a tourist ferry, whose surrounding of a nearly dried-up area of the river doesn't foretell any improvement the next days. Although the droughts are quite common, the current conditions last too long and they seem to be too substantial. The reports assume the causes for the drying-up Yangtze River shouldn't have anything to do with the storage in the reservoir behind the Three Gorges Dam. Mainly an exceptionally dry winter that has come a month earlier than usual together with the low rainfall in the upper reaches of the river were the major factors behind the drought, according to the officials. Yangtze River has traditionally been considered a dividing line between North and South China. It is deemed a main source of drinking water for the majority of China's population. Therefore the consequences of the current crisis can reach high rate of danger. The Yangtze is as well home to (at least) two critically endangered species: The Chinese Alligator and the Chinese Paddlefish. A year ago the Chinese River Dolphin was facing extinction, because of the poor results of a research; however, one was sighted soon after. By any means, the situation doesn't look very flattering. The droughts that have broken records from the Yangtze history prove the menace of the case. Such a low level of water hasn't been reported in China since 1866. Hopefully, the largely spread China will solve this issue rapidly not causing even broader difficulties to its inhabitants.

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Gigantic palm
by Barbora Misakova

Sometimes I think that nature has no borders and there is always something what can surprise us. It this surprise has form of some little creatures living in the deepest seas or gigantic animals living billion years ago it always takes my breath away. My today's amazement is palm. Gigantic palm! Nick Cave in one of his songs sings that every beauty must die and these words could be suit on brand new species of palm which was identified on Thursday. This plant is significant not only by its hight but also its bizarre life cycle. This gigantic palm was discovered by one French family during their walk in remote part of Madagascar. Fine, you probably want to know what the "gigantic" really means. So imagine 18 meters high pyramid-shaped palm which leaves have in diameter five meters. Experts from London's Royal botanic gardens say this plant not only grows into great heights and has hundreds of flowers, but also every flower is capable to develop into fruit. This ability makes from this palm the largest flowering plants ever known. Xavier and Nathalie Metz who found this gigantic plant have their own cashew farm in Madagascar. When they discovered this enormously hight palm they just took a photo of it and put it on the web where this picture was found by John Dransfield, an expert on Madagascar's palms. He was fascinated and claimed that: "Clearly this was going to be an extremely exciting discovery and I just couldn't wait to examine specimens in detail."There were made some DNA analysis which proved that palm is from a palm tribe called Chuniophoeniceae which is very infrequent genus scattered mostly in Thailand and China and approved that this palm is a very significant discovery in a biological point of view. Madagascar is an island in the Indian Ocean and it is the fourth largest island. It is also a place where occur about 90 percent of plants which grow nowhere else in the world and with its more than 10 000 plant species is incredible source of biologic exploration. Just a number of more than 170 known palm species in Madagascar tells us about its unique.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

What about antimatter?
by Martina Harvanova

As we are used to say, nobody is perfect. One of us shines in sport, the other one is great at maths or was given a talent for crafts. And exactly this difference is the most fabulous thing ever. Every one of us dispose of some strengths that he manages exquisitely and on the other hand, of some weaknesses he tries to handle and improve his entire life. Basically, I am aiming to an issue almost nobody is acquainted with. The topic of birth and operation of the universe. News covering the latest discoveries of antimatter started me to deliberate about the subject of "boundless universe" once again. Scientists allegedly found the mystery of antimatter & stars getting ripped apart by neutron stars and black holes are supposedly the source of it. They claim the antimatter is very real, comparing to the fiction of antimatter propulsion systems. The whole thing about their research reaches obviously further high-level explanations. Although their discoveries must have a wide impact on all the science definitions concerning space, its existence and much more, not everybody deems it the highest investigation. I need to confess that one of them is me. However, don´t think I have no idea of the issue. Despite my studies of the universe-case and really deep will to learn about its birth, I was not successful. My imagination isn´t probably big enough to conceive the width of the space. And that is exactly what I mentioned above. Some of are brilliant in certain areas and regard them crucial in life. Those who fancy sports conceive it a inevitable part of the world. Others can live without sports, moreover they scorn them and things like culture and arts are irretrievable for them. As the circle goes, those "artists" don´t feel any need to educate themselves in topics of exact knowledge like science. Most of us know how vital the discovery like this one of antimatter for scientists actually is, but we personally don´t care. Our life seems to remain the same whether the source of antimatter is found or not.

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Are you afraid of rodents?
by Barbora Misakova

After reading this article probably many women and girls will be very happy and thankful they were not living 4 millions year ago. The reason is apparent & biggest living rodents ever! These days brand new discovery was achieved when Uruguayan scientists said they found fossil of the biggest rodent ever found! If you still don't know how exactly you should imagine biggest rodent just try to close your eyes and try to think about more than 8 feet long animal which weight is between 1700 and 3000 pounds and its skull is like 20 inches long. Come and meet Josephoartigasia monesi. While British newspapers are describing this "little" beast as a mouse or a rat, scientists claim this animal was more related to a guinea pig. This incredible finding comes from 1987 when Aregentine fossil collector Sergio Viera found it near the capital of Montevideo and donated this skull to Uruguay's National History and Anthropology Museum. The reason why this colossal fossil came flood-lighted now was that it was hidden in a box at the museum for many years. Andres Rinderknecht, curator of museum, rediscovered this fossil and asked for the help whit studying it his fellow Ernesto Blanco. Rinderknecht said: "This investigation began about a year and a half ago but it's still not complete." What they know for sure is that this animal, as its teeth showed, was eating aquatic plants and lived on the shores of rivers or near the water in woodland areas. Scientist are not working only with fossils but plenty of them are still doing research in distant parts of the world where are looking for some undiscovered living animals & ancestors of these days' beasts. But there is no doubt about inspiration for other scientist and biologists which this great fossil discovery brought because most of them still think that it's an important insight into the fauna of the prehistoric continent of South America.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Warmer winters become reality
by Ivana Bruderova

More and more researches of institutes and Universities about winters temperatures finish with the same final result. According scientists from the various states the warming winters and still less snowfall become reality in the last years. From 1965 to 2005 temperatures from December to March increased about 2.5 degrees and days when was on the ground at least 1 inch of snow decreased 9 days on average. This decrease in much observed between 42 and 44 degrees latitude include for instance part of New Hampshire, state of New York or Massachusetts. The fact how much snow falls on some area depends on several factors as closeness of sea, ground level or others. Swinging out of warmer and colder winters wasn't rare in the past but now still higher temperatures are trend which will last. There are two possible reasons of decrease of snow-covered days. The first is higher temperature and the second snow-albedo feedback. This means that the black color of ground not covered with snow absorb more sunshine and so it is less conductive for new snow cover. The less of snow has also commercial impact. Ski centers operators are not satisfied with this trend of warming winters, the starts of ski seasons are often moved afterward because nor the snow making guns can be used when the temperatures are too high. The scientist have warned of global warming and weather changes years before. Nowadays unfortunately still many people don't want to hear thinking it is not their problem because nature end for them behind the enclosure of their garden.
by Ivana Bruderova
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Who was Mona Lisa?
by Barbora Misakova

Probably the best known and precious portrait in the world is Mona Lisa from Leonardo da Vinci. There is innumerable number of stories and legends linked to this portrait and most of them wanted to reveal who was Mona Lisa in real, what was her relationship with Leonardo or wasn't Mona Lisa Leonardo by himself? All of these efforts always lead to its beginning and most of people just believe in some kind of mystery connected with this painting. There were theories which tell that Mona Lisa was in real an ignored daughter of Leonardo da Vinci, Isabella d'Este, friend of Leonardo's, Beatrice from Dante's Divine comedy, or even that original painting was the painting of Jesus. I could continue writing about theories, but there is plenty of web pages related to this topic on the Internet and "Mona Lisa" is probably the most looked up collocation. All questions related to Mona Lisa's identity were answered by Dr. Armin Schlechter, a manuscript expert from Heidelberg University library. They got to the book which used to belong to da Vinci himself, where are also little notes in the margins where was confirmed that Mona Lisa was in real Lisa del Giocondo. These notes were written by Leonardo's acquaintance & Agostino Vespucci who also wrote that da Vinci was in that time working on two others paintings. Why was such important discovery made so late? As the library said, there were only insufficient evidence from 16th century, because only few documents were available and they also left lots of space for different interpretations and "legends". Nowadays there are no doubts about identity of Mona Lisa. Her real maiden name was Lisa Gherardini and she was wife of Florentine merchant Francesco del Giocondo. Another evidence of veracity of this discovery was also the name of this painting & La gioconda. Although this new and probably true discovery was made, it will probably never stop all these never ending and still appearing theories about identity Mona Lisa and about her mysterious smile. People just need mysteries in their lives and it looks like permanent searching for true was better than the truth itself.

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Attack of bark beetles in Rocky Mountains
by Natalia Holvova

More than 1.5 million acres of lodgepole pines were destroyed in Colorado's Rocky Mountains by bark beetles lately and the infestation will probably continue. Bark beetles are parasitic insects usually living inside of rotten, droughty, dieing trees, which can help to destroy already sick trees in the forest. Sometimes they spread very fast and uncontrollably and get into health trees as well. Enormous spreading of bark beetles in health forest means catastrophe then. Infestation of bark beetles can be caused by global warming factors such as warm weather during the winter and very dry climate in the areas where the standard is wetness. Driving through the forest where half of trees are eaten from the inside and dieing right in front of you is very sad and you feel powerless and so small because insects even smaller than you are, are able to take all the beauty of the woods away and you can not find the way how to get rid of them. Laws of nature are much stronger than laws in human mankind society, because there are no rules no expectations no preventive measures we could use. When tornado comes or floods are going through the whole continent we can not just reverse this processes, we can only accept them and deal with the consequences. Officials in Colorado do not have power to kill the bark beetles but they can think about how to deal with the sickness of the forest, how to border the possibility of wider infestation in the Rocky Mountain and how to manage life after beetles are gone and forest is no more useful.

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100 years of research in Yellowstone National Park
by Ivana Bruderova

This weekend Montana State University's Thermal Biology Institute organized it's conference at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park. More than 100 scientists came and several greatest experts presented their work in this park. Lisa Morgan from the U.S. Geological Survey presented their study about hydrothermal explosions. The Yellowstone National Park is a place of many thermal springs and hot geysers. The largest known hydrothermal eruption happened 13,000 years ago and was caused by two Tsunami-like waves created by an earthquake. This explosion created Mary Bay, more than one mile wide crater at the north edge of Yellowstone lake. Most of geothermal springs are situated at north area of park. The well known Turbid Lake and Indian Pond are also results of hydrothermal explosion. Explosions could happen anytime and to be in this locality would be extremely dangerous. Fortunately, nowadays scientists are able to know about it sooner than it happens. In the last 14,000 years there were 20 bigger explosions that left craters larger then football fields, said Morgan. Actually there still have been hydrothermal explosions, but they are too small, they can endanger tourists and visitors of the park. The scientists want to continue in research and understand why there is a one mega explosion about every 700 years. But these are not so innocent. The debris from explosion which created Mary Bay were in the area about 18 square miles around. The last larger explosion was in the 1989. On the conference was discussed problem how to make the unique wildlife of Yellowstone Park closer to visitors and public. During the 100 years of research many amazing discoveries have been made. The website of park will be now actualized regularly to enable people to visit places which they couldn't visit before and to know about all research news from park.
by Ivana Bruderova
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Who would like to visit Mercury?
by Barbora Misakova

Many poets wrote about universe and its endless beauty, but only few people could really reached it and see it on their own eyes. Man is too conscious not to try anything to reach what no one ever tried before. He is even able to build up spacecraft and fly in it about 5 billion miles to reach his destination. These days NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) wants to get closer to another object of its interest & Mercury. Mercury is the planet known for its closeness to the sun & it is about 48 000 000 miles from Earth and so it is nearest the sun. Other facts which scientists already know about Mercury are that this planet is moving around the sun faster than any other planet, and a man can hardly see it from the Earth without using a telescope. Mercury is also extremely dry and hot planet because of the sun which rays on Mercury 7 times as strong as on the Earth. There is no wonder why are scientists so interested in this planet and try to find out as many information as they can. The NASA is constantly working on research of this planet and their efforts have finally achieved success. This success has its name & Messenger. The Messenger is spacecraft built by Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory which cost $286 million and was launched in 2004. It will make the first flyby to Mercury in three decades; the last one was fulfilled on March 16, 1975 by Mariner 10. Messenger has satellite which with its 2 442 pounds (more than 1000 kilogram) should move around Mercury three times and then set into orbit. This is expected in 2011. In meantime it will make more than 1200 images, show that side of the planet which was never seen before and also provide other important information about it. Scientists want to understand how Earth, Venus and Mars are formed and what interactions with the sun they have. Satellite should also study composition of Mercury, its interior structure and magnetic field. As the lab's project scientist for the Messenger mission, Ralph McNutt, said all these dates should arrive on Earth on Tuesday. Let's see what new will we find out!

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by Barbora Misakova
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Monday, January 14, 2008

Is the world mature enough to have next nuclear reactor?
by Natalia Holvova

Nuclear power has been considered as one of the most dangerous ones in the world since the terrible accident in Chernobyl in 1986 happened which caused so many deaths, injuries and consequential health problem almost all over the world. Specially the way Russians were hiding what happened and nobody really knows all the after-effects buried in the deepness of Soviet diplomacy. Of course technologies has developed and probably are safer today, anyhow scientist are skeptic. Who can be sure that developing countries that have problems to fix their economical problems would know how to stay safe with the nuclear power plants all over their counties. The thing is they have huge inspiration because of the gas prices rocketing. Everyone is thinking how to pay less and simultaneously keep people out of danger and discomfort. One of the most open country that plans to built more power pants, is China. The rate of the Chinese number of deaths by working is moving around in thousands. And that is only official number which is almost impossible to verify. The technologies they have in the country are also aimed more on results than people's health and safety. For some reason it seems they can afford to lose some of workers and there are no manners the world can control illegality. So is the world ready for next nuclear power plant? Is specially developing world, which is actively considering the option to have it, ready? And are people okay with the fact that unprepared countries will run these risky energy resources?

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by Natalia Holvova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Story About Acacia And Ant
by Kamila Moravcikova

Once upon a time there had been an acacia tree called Acee. She hadn't been really original when it came to her appearance. But she had been beautiful. Acee had had small flowers arranged in clusters and had been full of thorns. She'd been living in Africa in a small acacia community. There had been also a small fellow community of ants. Actually, they had not have their own community, they had been living IN acacias. But they all had been doing well. The ants had been doing their best protecting the acacias. They'd been biting the bad animals trying to eat acacias' leaves. And acacias'd provided their buddies with home and food. Acee'd had her favorite ant & Antee (aka No.1 Biter). But then the dark clouds came. Well, it was not a dark cloud. It was a MAN. The Scientist. He was interested what would happen if there were no animals trying to reach the acacias' leaves. So he divided the community into two. The one part was fenced. The other was not so the other animals were still around. The protected acacias (including poor Acee) did not what to do. The ants become lazy as there was nobody to bite. Ants (including Antee) were just having fun, using the shelter acacias used to give them times ago. Acee felt abused. She was weak and drained. It was't a good deal anymore. She did not care about Antee and stopped producing the nectar. She was done. But The Man have never realized what he did.

related story:;_ylt=AqLofOw1i9ZVB4uQQFgDx8as0NUE
by Kamila Moravcikova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.