
Friday, November 30, 2007

Life on Venus?
by Ludmila Martinicka

It seems that it is not only the size, gravity and bulk composition that the Earth and Venus have in common. According to the scientific research, it is the lightening what makes this two planets even more similar. For three decades astronomers have said that Venus had lightening. In 1978 NASA probe showed some electrical activity in its atmosphere, but scientist were not sure. Express Probe of the European Space Agency proved, it was right. Venus is also called the Morning star or the Evening star, because her brightness is markable mostly in the short time before sunrise and shortly after sunset. Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun and the brightest object on the night sky after the Moon. Also the atmospheric chemical composition of sulfuric acid makes it more visible and "shining". New knowledge about Venus brings many questions and astronomers would like to explore the planet more to the deep. Scientists were discussing theories, if the lightening could wake up the life on the planet, as it is prove of the chemical changes in the atmosphere, what affects climate. But not anymore. As the Sean Salomon from the Carnegie Institution of Washington said, Venus is too old to give birth to the life. It might be an absurdity to talk about the chance that in the future all mankind will move to Venus when the life on the Earth wont be interesting enough for us. But as the Venus is called the "Earth's sister" or even "Earth's twin" there remains one question more. Could it be, that women are from Venus?

related story:;_ylt=Au07xxhJjbovNHZW.8.jm26s0NUE
by Ludmila Martinicka
for PocketNews (

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