
Friday, November 30, 2007

Replace this Title
by Eva Matova

Utulky volne zijucich zvierat Federalna studia z minuleho stvrtku ukazala, ze narodne utolky volne zijucich zvierat su schopne zabezpecit dost financii na ich samostatnost a ak vas zaujima, co ich robi tak zaujimave pre navsevnikov, mozno by ste ich mali navstivit. Zaujimavym miestom je Narodny utulok volne zijucich zvierat Bombay Hook, ktory je tvoreny jednou z najvacsich slanych nadrzi v stredno-atlantickom regione. Poskytuje utociste stahovavym kackam, husiam, vtakom zijucim na pobrezi a jednoznacne patri medzi miesta, kde by ste mohli stravit prijemny den s vasou rodinou. Vo vacsine utulkov radi uvitaju dobrovolnikov, ktori mozu organizaciam pomoct pri vytvarani lepsieho byvania pre zvierata. Parky taktiez ponukaju moznost enviromentalnej vychovy, co je skvela moznost ako si rozsirit vedosti o prirode. Znie to neuveritelne, ale Chincoteaguesky narodny utulok volne zijucich zvierat vo Virginii, jeden z najoblubenejsich a najnavstevovanejsich utulkov v Spojenych Statoch dokaze vytvorit v ramci svojej ekonomickej aktivity 155 dolarov z jedneho. Ako povedal viceprezident pre vladne zalezitosti v oblasti narodnych utulkov volne zijucich zvierat Desiree Soreson-Groves "utulky su ekonomickymi motormi miestnych komunit. O tom niet ziadnych pochyb." Utoky v ulicach Dalsia seria utokov prehrmela cez Pariz v priebehu poslednych dni. Hnev mladych obyvatelov bol sposobeny nechcenou smrtou dvoch tynedzerov, ktory zahynuli v autonehode, pri ktorej narazili do policajneho auta. Podla statneho zastupcu bola policia zbavena viny, nakolko obete pocas nehody nemali na hlavach prilby. Podobna nehoda sa stala pred dvomi rokmi, ked dvaja mladici, Zyed Benna a Bouna Traoré, zomreli po zasiahnuti elektrickym prudom pocas uteku pred policiou. Incident sa odohral v Clichy-sous-Bois, komunite na vychode Pariza, ktoru obyva najma pracujuca trieda s nizkym vzdelanim a hmlystymi vyhliadkami na lepsiu buducnost. Smrt mladikov bola sprevadzana utokmi a palenim aut v uliciach Pariza,ktore sa nasledne sa rozsirili po celej krajine. Francuzska vlada slubila vyriesit tento problem a povedala, ze poskytne 17.68 miliardy dolarov na vystavbu v chudobnych stvrtiach v priebehu piatich rokov a tiez vyvorit plan podporujuci rast zamestnanosti v predmestiach Pariza. Od roku 2005 sa hnev pracujucej triedy neupokojil. Obyvatel Villiers-Le-Bel, miesta, kde sa tohtorocny incident odohral, povedal: " Tito mladi ludia sa mylia, ale zaroven maju aj pravdu. Ti chlapci boli ich kamarati a teraz su mrtvi. Rozumiem ich hnevu." Ako byt dobrym podnikatelom Od 31. Jula 2007 sa Rupert Murdoch stal novym vlastnikom americkej vydavatelskej a financno-informacnej spolocnosti Dow Jones & Spol. Investoval takmer 5 miliard dolarov, aby ziskal vydavatela dennika The Wall Street Journal a teraz dufa, ze sa mu podari rozsirit jeho hodnotu este viac. Murdoch je dobre znamy podnikatel a majitel mnohych novin po celom svete ako napriklad The Sun, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, webovej stranky MySpace, filmoveho studiaThe Twentieth Century Fox a mnohych dalsich. Studoval Politologiu a Ekonomiu na Oxfordskej Univerzite, po studiu zacal pracovat ako obchodny riaditel spolocnosti New Limited a postupne sa z neho stal jeden z najvplyvnejsich muzov sveta. Ako hovori, jednou z najdolezitejsich veci v podnikani je byt motivovany: " Pri motivovani ludi musite zapojit ich mysle a srdcia. Motivujem ludi, dufam, svojim prikladom & a mozno aj nadsenim, tym, ze mam produktivne napady a zapajam nimi ostatnych do diania." A ak chcete vediet, co je tajomstvom uspechu, Murdoch vravi: " Snazim sa byt v kontakte s detailmi... Kazdy den sa pozeram na nase produkty. To neznamena, ze do nich zasahujem, ale je dolezite prilezitostne poukazat, ze som do vsetkeho zainterasovany. Pomoze vam to pochopit, co sa deje."
by Eva Matova
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Life on Venus?
by Ludmila Martinicka

It seems that it is not only the size, gravity and bulk composition that the Earth and Venus have in common. According to the scientific research, it is the lightening what makes this two planets even more similar. For three decades astronomers have said that Venus had lightening. In 1978 NASA probe showed some electrical activity in its atmosphere, but scientist were not sure. Express Probe of the European Space Agency proved, it was right. Venus is also called the Morning star or the Evening star, because her brightness is markable mostly in the short time before sunrise and shortly after sunset. Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun and the brightest object on the night sky after the Moon. Also the atmospheric chemical composition of sulfuric acid makes it more visible and "shining". New knowledge about Venus brings many questions and astronomers would like to explore the planet more to the deep. Scientists were discussing theories, if the lightening could wake up the life on the planet, as it is prove of the chemical changes in the atmosphere, what affects climate. But not anymore. As the Sean Salomon from the Carnegie Institution of Washington said, Venus is too old to give birth to the life. It might be an absurdity to talk about the chance that in the future all mankind will move to Venus when the life on the Earth wont be interesting enough for us. But as the Venus is called the "Earth's sister" or even "Earth's twin" there remains one question more. Could it be, that women are from Venus?

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by Ludmila Martinicka
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Earth"s twin
by Claudia Sonea

The Universe is ubiquitous and in the same time intangible for people, however that has not stopped scientists from wanting to discover its secrets. After launching in space different satellites (Sputnik 1 opened the Space Age on October 4, 1957) and antennas, mankind decided to break space barrier and made its first trip on the moon. It's only an attempt of the chain created by the researcher trying to discover life on other planets and also other planets that could be inhabited. Venus is one of the planet that created many controversies, especially after on Wednesday David Grinspoon of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science told reporters at a conference in Paris that a magnetic antenna on the European Space Agency's Venus Express probe confirmed the suspicions of burst of lightening on the planet. Since 1978 when a NASA probe showed signs of electrical activity in Venus' atmosphere, the astronomers thought the planet has lightening, but could not confirm it due to signal interference. Thanks to the new European space probe their suspicions were finally confirmed and the three decades suspicion has ended. As it is, scientists are now able to study and understand better the atmosphere and climate of Venus. C.T. Russell a geophysics professor at University of California, Los Angeles, and lead author of a paper on the Venusian fireworks that is being published in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature, said that lightning is cloud-to-cloud and about 35 miles above the surface. Furthermore, the burst of electrical energy from lightening is usually considered to provide the spark of life in primordial ooze. Nevertheless Sean Solomon of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, who was not part of the research team busted the myth and revealed that the atmosphere on Venus is unforgiving: the Venusian atmosphere is 100 times denser than Earth's, is about 900 degrees hotter and has clouds of sulfuric acid. Russell admits that Venus is Earth's twin, but an evil one. The lightening made researcher more trustful into the coolness factor and a change in Venus boring weather with steady winds for the next 400 years, according to Allan Treiman, a senior scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, who isn't affiliated with the research. Surely the event is meaningful, no one can deny it, nor give an explanation. Stay connected, more to come.

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by Claudia Sonea
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Threatened animals in our lives
by Natalia Holvova

The Bible story about Noah and his arch is saying hat he took all the species that lived in the world at that time and in the couples brought them into the arch and saved them from the big floods that killed everyone else. All the species stay kept this way and were able to breed and produce them again. Why did he need to do it? Why he need to take all the species it the nature? What is the role every single creature has? I am not the animal or ecosystem expert and I do not think that a lot of us know all the reason why to protect threatened species but if there was reason for Noah to get every single one into the arch that was supposed to renew the life on the planet I guess there must be a reason. I believe that every thing that is situated in the world is there for a reason. Ecosystem has its own rule and one little piece is like a part of the jigsaw that represents perfect picture that works without any mistakes. In the end of this chain is human being and that makes us dependent on the system and that is the reason why we want to keep the system working. There are a lot of threatened bird species in the wetland of South Carolina that need to be taken care of so there is no gap in the system be are part of and all the pieces are working properly.

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by Natalia Holvova
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Sweet Potatoes As a Biofuel
by Daniela Simkova

According to The North Carolina State University researches, sweet potatoes could place the corn in producing biofuel. Sweet potatoes contains a high amount of scorch, which is needed for producing ethanol. The more scorch product contain, the more ethanol can be produced. Sweet potatoes can replace the sugar cane used in Brazil, or corn in U.S., which are used now. The corn and sugar cane can be though used for different purposes, for instance for producing petroleum for some types of fuels. "Not only would these sweet potatoes be a much more viable ethanol source than corn, but because they are industrial sweet potatoes, we wouldn't be taking away from a food source," Craig Yencho, a horticulturalist leading the development of alternative use of vegetable at university said about the use of sweet potatoes. As the corn and sugar cane were used for the producing the biofuel, prices of these vegetable jumped a little higher. "The ethanol production from sweet potatoes then becomes much more cost-effective and feasible. Not only would these sweet potatoes be a much more viable ethanol source than corn, but because they are industrial sweet potatoes, we wouldn't be taking away from a food source," said Craig Yencho.
by Daniela Simkova
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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Intelligence genes
by Claudia Sonea

The Institute of Psychiatry in London has just made public a new study they made on Intelligence genes. It will be published on the British weekly New Scientist as the Saturday's issue. The subject is very controversial and like always the intelligence genes are a subject of research, others like Harvard University's Howard Gardner and Steven Jay Gould have also approached it. As a research institution dedicated to discovering what causes mental health problems and diseases of the brain, the Institute of Psychiatry in London aims to help identify new treatments for them and ways to prevent them in the first place. The research the Institute has done is about the intelligence as a function of the way the brain is put together. 7,000 seven-year-olds were used for the study by scoring verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests in order to obtain the intelligence level. Also DNA samples from the children were took to identify genetic differences between the high and low scorers. According to the researcher that led the study, Robert Plomin of the Institute of Psychiatry in London, 37 variants in six genes were identified as playing an important part in differences in intelligence. Nevertheless, the study was not that easy to be conducted due to the fact that the individual effects of intelligence genes were barely detectable. Moreover, all put together they count only as one percent of the variation in intelligence between individuals. In related to previous studies made on twins and adopted children that suggest the variation of intelligence is due to upbringing and social factors, while others say that intelligence is inherited, this one shows that the genetic link to intelligence is extremely elusive. New York University psychologist Gary Marcus told the publication the only thing relevant is that in order to build a human brain; you need thousands of genes to work together. If you are interested, don't waste time and read the article for more details. Enjoy!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Valuable corals in west Atlantics" coast
by Jana Kokavcova

Another environmentalists' action in Ireland. Again. Squirrel is not the only one that needs help and protection. On the west coast of Atlantic Ocean are some really valuable and unusual cold & water corals that need help of government. Because of fishing near this coast are these corals in danger. There are two species in the Atlantic Ocean that need our protection & Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata that create forest under the water of the Atlantic Ocean. They are comparable to tropical corals, but live in cold water what is really curious and bizarre for plants of such as specie. This is the main reason why we should protect them against pollution and spoil. I thing government should do something to help activists. I know there are some bigger problems, but this conservation and safeguarding of these two peculiar species is good reason to do something for them. These species could be 500 or 600 years old and have colorful past. Old people we usually adore, so we could say these cold-water corals are something very similar to them. Ireland should be proud to have this natural treasure and it is not only the good will of Irelands' government to help corals to survive. It is duty of Ireland to do something for cold-water corals. What will happen? I really don't know. But this situation will be solved I thing. This problem is not so big to has none solution. There are a lot of possibilities to do something with it and it is only the thing of government how will solve this problem not to big to become a world problem.

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by Jana Kokavcova
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Global warning = global warming
by Natalia Holvova

We are the world, we are the nations! Doesn't that mean that the blue planet belongs to all of us? Doesn't it mean that this is our world and we need to protect it and care about it and love it at all times? Planet Earth suffers from global warming and this is a global warning for every single one of us! A U.N. climate change conference in Indonesia may produce a roadmap for countries to reduce their global-warming emissions after the Kyoto protocol expires in 2012. World leaders will start negotiations next month on the resort island of Bali. They hope for creating something like agreement on the roadmap for the future, likely timetables and deadlines towards defining the broad contours of where an agreement may take the world after 2012. No one expects any problems with establishing the way how to proceed on. The global warming issue became bigger than ever and now everyone seems to realize the importance of saving the world. This is not only political question though. We live on the planet as well and we do have responsibility for our actions. The way we treat the world could be just a little drop in the ocean but we never know which of the drops has the power to color the whole ocean. Even small action counts. Our world is giving us our living space, food, fresh air, water etc. What do we give to our world? We need to remember how much the world means. What would we do without it? Is there any way how we would survive without the conditions we have on our planet? We need to take this global warning seriously and start to act as people who are thankful and proud of the world, because we are the world, we are the nations.

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by Natalia Holvova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Global warning = global warming
by Natalia Holvova

We are the world, we are the nations! Doesn't that mean that the blue planet belongs to all of us? Doesn't it mean that this is our world and we need to protect it and care about it and love it at all times? Planet Earth suffers from global warming and this is a global warning for every single one of us! A U.N. climate change conference in Indonesia may produce a roadmap for countries to reduce their global-warming emissions after the Kyoto protocol expires in 2012. World leaders will start negotiations next month on the resort island of Bali. They hope for creating something like agreement on the roadmap for the future, likely timetables and deadlines towards defining the broad contours of where an agreement may take the world after 2012. No one expects any problems with establishing the way how to proceed on. The global warming issue became bigger than ever and now everyone seems to realize the importance of saving the world. This is not only political question though. We live on the planet as well and we do have responsibility for our actions. The way we treat the world could be just a little drop in the ocean but we never know which of the drops has the power to color the whole ocean. Even small action counts. Our world is giving us our living space, food, fresh air, water etc. What do we give to our world? We need to remember how much the world means. What would we do without it? Is there any way how we would survive without the conditions we have on our planet? We need to take this global warning seriously and start to act as people who are thankful and proud of the world, because we are the world, we are the nations.

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by Natalia Holvova
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Vacation in Space
by Barbora Kasparova

For some people mother Earth is too small to meet their holiday needs. Their dream vacation involves lot of training, medical tests, an insane amount of money, and the result is a postcard from space, and some publicity along with it, of course. The pioneer travelers to space must have met set standards, and therefore have certain characteristic in common. They're rich, (preferably so rich that $ 20 million was not an issue), they're extremely adventurous and determined and they're men (with the exception of Anoushes Ansari, who flew in 2006). Space travels began in 2001 with the first space tourist in history Dennis Tito. Four more followed, and Charles Simonyi, who did his trip in April this year, has been the last one so far. (Share some of the excitement from his journey on his website - So far is the crucial word here. The only "travel agency" providing this kind of service is the Russian Space Agency at the moment, however, there's a competition on the horizon. Company Virgin Galactic is offering their first launch in 2008 and planning to start the main trips in 2009, the Space Adventures on its web site promises it "…will fly more people to space than have made the journey since the dawn of the Space Age/" ( What was a dream yesterday is a reality tomorrow. Jurij Gagarin would surely be surprised.

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by Barbora Kasparova
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Small but impressive zebrafish
by Ludmila Martinicka

Scientists believe, that little zebra fish, that originally comes from South-eastern Himalayan region, could help them to find cures for human diseases. Tiny black-and-white striped zebrafish, also called zebra danio, has the systems similar to humans. Now several kinds of zebrafish can be seen all around the world. Most of people knows them as zebra danio, the aquarium fish. There are several colour varieties of the fish. The sea ones has also sister group native to the fresh water rivers and streams of southwest Asia, they are also brightly coloured and known as aquarium fish worldwide. Some of them were just recently discovered in inland areas of Myanmar and don't have scientific names yet. Four-year grant about $1.53 million is dedicated to research about zebrafish by National Institutes of Health. The team will create a specialized camera, that will enable the scientist more detailed study of the zabrafish's cells. An associate professor of molecular and cellular physiology, Jay Hove is working on the camera that would improve the studies of the movements of cells and fluid in the real time. This is not the only research of the zebrafish. Many scientists and scientific teams are studying these interesting creatures. The zebrafish has comparable organs and tissues with humans such as heart, kidney, pancreas, bones, and cartilage, despite of the fact, that genetically is different. Researches already made about zebrafish were focused on the illness like Parkinson's Disease, or cellular research, research about birth process. Several institutes with professional scientists are making projects to find the cures for human beings and bringing impressive knowledge.

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by Ludmila Martinicka
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Butterflies, Monarch butterflies and Mexico
by Lucia Mitrova

Looks like everybody loves butterflies. Kids love butterflies, women love butterflies (especially Mariah Carey), there are people who have huge collections of this beautiful nectar-loving insects. Maybe it is because its fairy tale like life cycle, when from the ugly (or weird at least) caterpillar through the pupal stage an actual butterfly is born. It is the same with ugly duckling to beautiful swan thing, only the change is more fundamental. Butterflies (Rhopalocera) can be different (big, small, colorful or just plain-color)and they are many kinds. There's three superfamilies, Hedyloidea, Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea. Superfamilies have their families, for example Family Papilionidae, Family Pieridae, Family Lycaenidae, Family Riodinidae, Family Nymphalidae. One of the most famous of its kind is probably Monarch butterfly, well at least in North America. This fella is quite big with wingspan of 8.5 to 12.5 cm and has orange and black pattern painted on its wings. Another thing typical for these kind of butterfly is their long annual migration. They are even able to make transatlantic crossing. And they can manage that in not that long time, because they are limited by their life length from twenty to eighty weeks, depending on condition, food, etc.. They are so popular amongst people, that Mexico has a fund to promote Monarch butterfly. "It is possible to take care of the environment and at the same time promote development," the president Felipe Calderon said. This fund should help the tourisms and also the butterflies themselves. People are supposed to know more about illegal logging which puts Monarchs into danger. "By even taking a single tree out near the butterfly colony you allow heat to escape from the forest and that then jeopardizes the butterflies," said Lincoln Brower, professor emeritus of zoology at the University of Florida and at Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Va. "We're gaining ground in the fight against illegal logging," Calderon said.

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by Lucia Mitrova
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Monday, November 26, 2007

Walking on the moon
by Ludmila Martinicka

The first rocket reached the space on October 3, 1942, it was a prototype of German V-2, on the test flight. The first satellite to orbit the Earth was launched by Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, named Sputnik. Soviet union also realized the first human spaceflight. The first cosmonaut in the space was Yuri Gagarin on the spaceflight called Vostok 1, that left Earth on April 12, 1961. It was five years later, in 1966, when the first man put his foot on the Moon. As this man said, it was a small step for a man, but big step for a mankind. Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut, test pilot, university professor and naval aviator. He performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft together with pilot David Scott on this mission. In half of a century people noted a great progress in the area of the space technology. Astronauts are sent to the Space on the missions. This year the first tourist joined one. Generally spaceflights are used in space exploration, but the commercial activities like satellite telecommunications and space tourism are becoming more and more common. To additional non-commercial uses of spaceflights belongs space observatories and earth observation satellites. That help us to get know the space around us better and also predict the weather or crashes. It also allow people to watch nice natural shows and helps to interactive educating.
by Ludmila Martinicka
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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Antidepressants and things they can do
by Lucia Mitrova

Let's imagine you are depressed, have a headache, feel sad, blue. You cannot seem to find interest in anything and quite frankly you even find hard to get up in the morning (or maybe you've already gave up on that). Modern science says there is a solution for you. It's called antidepressants. These wonder pills, which are supposed to make you feel better, or even happy, have taken over pharmacy industry like twister. First one developed was Iproniazid. Initially it was a medication for people who suffered tuberculosis. But these people started to look happy. Too happy for tuberculosis patients. So since 1958 Iproniazid is used specifically for depression. After this one others antidepressant started to come out. Nowdays there are many of them and you can group them to types. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine inhibitors, norepine reuptake inhibitors, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and sometimes you combine the medicine with another one, because it can help the patient better. These are called augmentor drugs. Antidepressants don't come with benefits only. They have drawbacks too. Some of them cause a tolerance, so the patient have to increase to doses. It is obvious that this isn't a good trend. And in some cases, after the antidepressants were cut-off, withdrawal syndrome appeared. And don't forget about the side affects, such as loss of libido, blurred vision, weight gain or loss, skin rash and so on. But science has come with another new ability of the antidepressants. The researchers think that antidepressants might be able to prolong life. So far it's been tested on worms and some say that this particular worm's biology is similar to human and animal one. Others disagree:"It is a stretch from a worm to a human being," said Michael Petrascheck of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
by Lucia Mitrova
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The American chestnut is on its way back to the forests
by Corina Ciubotaru

Nice people do nice things and take care of our planet, trying to make it back the way it was. They began by restoring chestnut trees to their former glory after a species of fungus almost wiped out the species in the last 50 years. The American chestnut is very vulnerable to a type of fungus that is believed to have been brought in through another species of tree from China, much more resistant but smaller. It is this tree that may now play a key role in saving the American species, through breeding and selection, making the new chestnuts stronger. The idea is to breed Chinese and American trees and obtain ones that resist to the fungus, and then gradually eliminate the foreign genes, leaving trees as pure as possible. The operation is conducted by the American Chestnut Foundation and creates plants that are adapted to each region where they normally grew. Within two or three years, chestnuts will be planted in six experimental regions between Tennessee and West Virginia, in hopes they will survive the threat of new diseases and insects, or even or rotting in the root, which is affecting some of them already. Chestnuts, which can reach 17 feet in diameter and 120 feet in height, are a source of good timber and sweet edible nuts that can be roasted. The American Chestnut Foundation has caught the public eye with this endeavor and its membership has grown from 15 to 6,000 in the last 10 years.

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To fix medical problems can take years
by Natalia Holvova

Even though American genetic scientists announced new breakthrough in the field of stem cells, this will change nothing in our everyday lives. But there is new hope and inducement for people in labs to continue with research. The researchers find out the possible way how to make embryonic stem cells from skin cells which could be great way how to avoid using any of the embryos for treating serious diseases. Embryonic stem cell is the one that has potential to become any body cell with any function. My explanation seems simple because I am not a scientist and I cannot see inside of the depth of medical and genetic science to master all the little steps that need to be done before doctors will be able to cure cancer or Parkinsons disease simply in their offices in few minutes while they exchange patient's sick tissue. People are always waiting for new influential discovery connected to public health. But human body is much more complicated than any technical device or computer. Every single cell has its own special little function that makes the cell complex work properly and creates something as unique as human being is. The hard part is also experimenting. We can not simply use a person as a scientific material. That why research takes for so long. Even there is small ray of light in the problematic of creating human stem cells; there is also huge dark space behind this small spot. All we need is patience. Truth is that all the sick patients with confirmed diseases don't have time to be patient though. But there is a hope for the people of future.

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by Natalia Holvova
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The Caring Mother Nature/Zoo
by Barbora Kasparova

Would it not be a nice idea to go to the Zoo with your kids on a lovely Sunday afternoon and see all the wild animals, explore their natural surrounding, see them behave, even give your kids a little lesson & simply have a pleasant time together? Now, put yourself into the role of the animal. You're predisposed to be running wild, perhaps kilometers a day, catching your prey and then having a nice feast with your young ones. Well, that stays just a dream of yours, if you're in a Zoo. And the worst case scenario is that you're in the Zoo where people don't take proper care of you. In the USA it is the 1)AZA (the Association of Zoos and Aquariums &, a non-profit organization whose goal is to issue accreditation for zoos and aquariums, and the 2)U.S. department of Agriculture inspecting zoos annually, that supervise the animal well being in the zoos. Despite their effort, sometimes the human factor fails. It was so in the Buffalo Zoo in New York, where 3 polar bears died under circumstances that raised suspicion in the period of little more than a year. Several steps have been taken as to question the accreditation of the Buffalo Zoo and the USDA is working with the Zoo to smooth out the troubles. And the message from the animals? You brought us here, treat us right and do your best, for goodness sake!

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Friday, November 23, 2007

It is normal to be afraid.
by Zuzana Valkova

Scientist just found fossil of scorpion big like small car, which lived almost 400 million years ago. Can you imagine to live in that time and meet this "animal"? Can you imagine what would people with some kind of phobia do? When they are afraid of bugs big like pin, it would be killing for them to meet bug big like that. Some people just do not like looking at them, or do not like to touch them. But some people can be very stressed or get a panic attack. This is called Insectophobia which is fear of bugs, insect or worms. Other kind of phobia is Arachnophobia of Apiphobia. It is fear of spiders and bees. Symptoms are the same. Shivering fit, anxiety, panic or even worst. For this people exist some kinds of treatment. They have to cooperate with therapist and are told to write about situations when they are frightened of bug or spider. Then they are trying to solve these situations from the less frightening to the most frightening. At the end of the treatment they go to real situation, and when they are prepared, they have to touch real bug or spider. When they are able to do this, it should be signal that their fear is under control. It seems very easy, but I am sure that it must be very hard and last very long time.

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Social Babies
by Claudia Sonea

We are not only smart since the day we are born, but also we have very good skills in social judgments. According to a study by researchers at Yale University's Infant Cognition Center published in Thursday's journal Nature carried on babies between 6 and 10 months crucial social skills appear early in our life and is no longer a matter of experience. The study implied babies watching a googly-eyed wooden toy trying to climb roller-coaster hills and then another googly-eyed toy come by and either help it over the mountain or push it backward. Afterwards they had to choose from the two toys the one they wanted to play with. Almost all the infants chose the helpful one over the naughty one. Moreover, when neutral toys were introduced, they still chose the helpful ones and then the neutral. Kiley Hamlin, a Yale psychology researcher who led the study, stated that there was no difference in reaction between genders. However, there was a change when the eye was taken from the toy, the babies did not show anymore the same social judging. Despite the fact that another study performed in Germany comes in her support showing that babies as young as 18 months old overwhelmingly helped out when they could, such as by picking up toys that researchers dropped, David Lewkowicz, a psychology professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton crumbled the theory and said that babies acquire a great deal of social experience between birth and 6 months of age thus it is normal to show such judgments. He persists in saying that the behavior was learned, acquired through experience and it's absurd to think otherwise. Finally, who knows where the truth lies? It's important that we both cultivate the social skills and have them from the day we are birth, so we can improve them by experience. Enjoy!

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We must do something mates!
by Eva Zelenakova

In last two centuries our parents and grand-parents wanted to make their life easier. They built a manufactures where coal made a steam for moving all machines and railway and trains to move faster and more comfortable and improved boats with big coals machines. And many many other improvements were bringing more and more carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide with water makes acid rain. So the industrial revolution mainly started damaging our planet. But our grand parents and parents didn't care about it because they pass over this problems. In 20th century our parents notice that something is going on with weather. But they still want their life without problems so they continued with passing over all this climate problems. But mates do we want bring our children to this world? Do we want let them breath poisoned air from their first breathe in? To be honest with you I don't want. I do want stop ruining this planet, stop hiding real problems because we have only one life and only one planet. Start doing new better decisions which helped not us but people after us....our children. One of right thing is renewable energy project. Britain woke up and start building the biggest biomass plant in the world. The 350-megawatt wood chip-fuelled electricity generating plant will be in the industrial town of Port Talbot. The plant is expected to contribute about 70 percent of the Welsh Assembly's 2010 renewable energy target. Lifetime this plant is 25 years and it will create 150 new jobs. I don't want to say to you that you must build biomass plant but just maybe properly separate rubbish, safe energy, walk to work, don't waste a water and other simple things which can makes our planet nice and clean for our children in the future.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Romulus and Remus, legend of the Rome is still alive
by Ludmila Martinicka

All the roads, leads to Rome. Thanks to the twins, Romulus and Remus, sons of the god Mars. Romulus founded the city in 753 BC after killing his brother in the fight. He became a first king and a wolf mother a symbol of the city. The legend survived and it seems that archaeologists explored the temple of this strange family under the palace of Augustus, the first roman emperor. Italian archaeologists strongly believe they found a place where a she-wolf grew up the twins after she found them on the river, as the legend says. The cave was found during restoration works on the palace of Augustus. Archaeologists predict, that Augustus built his palace on this place intentionally, considering himself to be the new Romulus. Before Augustus built the palace above the cave, there use to be a temple, where people, which believed in a legend use to come and pray to gods. He used the legend to strengthen his power and submission of the villeinage. The place of the cave is 16 meters underground. According to the research and exploration by laser scan and other high tech technologies experts found out the dimensions of the cave. It is about 8 meters high and about 7 meters wide in diameter. This historical treasure could be 2000 years old or even more, so the explorers must be really patient and careful. A conference of archaeologists was held to decide, how to reach and explore the cave. New digs and further exploration is expected to find an original enter to the cave and another part of the human history.
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Question: stem cell research
by Jana Kokavcova

It is nothing new that cloning of cells could help us in medicine and could protect us before some hard illnesses and maybe before untimely death. That is true. These days question of cloning is again here, because new researches in stem cells cloning and embryo cloning. Scientists have new researches and new knowledge about how to help people with cloning so important stem cells. These researches made Japanese and American scientists. President Busch gives a lot of money. Federal funding is successful and Bush is well & pleased. But there are still more and more questions about this topic. Many years ago there was a lot of view at this questionable topic. Some people from ethic division and some people from religious division have another view than scientist. There are several opinions, but no result what is the best view. What should we do? Could we play a role of God, could we take life of embryo to research new things? Could we play with nature? Who we are? But on the other hand there are very hard illnesses like crabs & one from the most dangerous these days & which we could treat with cloning of stem cells. If it is possible, should we give up because of religion or ethical code? Simple answer doesn't exist. We should think about it any longer.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Is your home carbon dioxide clean?
by Natalia Holvova

Global warming is presented as horrible enemy trying to take our environment away and make our lives on the Earth impossible. Climate is changing and it seems that we don't have many choices or maybe instruments and abilities to make a move that is going to stop smashing the world. The first element that started with damaging the planet was a human being. So now it is the same human being who needs and tries to fix it. We created a big ozone hole in the atmosphere and made it impossible for the planet cover to fully protect us. The standard law practice says that it is not an apology if you didn't know that you were breaking the low. It took long time until perfect technologies were able to be developed faster than people living in the last century even thought. People were creating cars and fridges and other stuff and they didn't know about the damage they were causing above our heads. Once we find out, a lot of activities and movements started to move and make an action supporting anything that could help. The Center for Global Development established new Web database that can provide general public with the information of all power utilities around the world and detailed description of the offensive substances causing problems in the air. It appears nice to have the opportunity look at your electricity company and see how dangerous is the power you use. But the fact that really matters is the act you do after you have all these information.
by Natalia Holvova
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Another Member of the Dinosaur family
by Barbora Kasparova

Dinosaurs have enjoyed great attention of the public in the past decades. Movies like the 1993's Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg caused hysteria over anything dino-related. The fact that we are still not quite sure just how they vanished from the earth's surface is surely one of the reasons. Several theories appeared such as the climate change theory of their extinction, the nemesis theory, a.k.a. the outer space theory, or disease theory. Although the dino-boom in its biggest form is over at the moment, scientists still devote their research to the dinosaur topic. There are 335 know dinosaur species at the moment, and just now another one was added to the family. Nigersaurus taquet he was named, since his remains were first discovered in Niger by French scientist Taquet. Thanks to the work of the National Geographic paleontologist Paul Sereno and his team he'll be viewed in the National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington D.C. until March 2008. The curiosity of this 30-foot-long giant is in his eating manners. His mouth, designed as what would be described today as a vacuum cleaner-like device, used to hold up to 500 hundred teeth, but despite such an army of teeth, his bite was rather weak, suitable more "…for nipping rather than chomping or chewing", according Sereno. (

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New cemetery discovered
by Natalia Holvova

Syria is the country where history found its meaning. Lots of stone finds, gorgeous temples, old cities, embossments, drawings, paintings on the wall and rich decorated tombs, Damascus as the oldest capitol city in the world and never ending conflicts with Lebanon. That's all belongs to Syrian culture. Even this week, important discover was made. Cemetery from Roma era was found in Hasaka province, about 440 miles northeast of Damascus. The graves are made of limestone and contain a lot of scenes from the past, as well as coins, pottery shards and bracelets. People used to put a lot of personal stuff into the tomb so the person could still stay the same and don't forget who they used to be during their living. Thinking about their rituals it is bringing me to thoughts about stuff I would like to have with me after I am gone. What are the things that make us who we are? What are we going to need in eternity? What will happen with our souls? How is it possible that one moment we are here and another we aren't? There are some moments in life when every one of us is asking these or similar questions. Questions that are really hard to answer but we need to find out who we are and where do we belong to. Syria is the country that has been here for so long. Maybe it is easier for them to answer some of the questions or maybe they can find them on the walls of temples where people before them left messages, codes and scenes from daily life. Maybe their deep and clever knowledge can bring some answers into life or maybe it is the faith they discovered to help them to understand where peoples' souls are going after they pass away and what they need for next level of their existence.

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World dealing with greenhouse gas
by Romana Schlesingerova

World greenhouse gas emissions are rising faster and impacts on oceans and the atmosphere are worse than scientists thought. We are all contributing with or without this knowledge. The majority of us probably knows how the acid rains arise or why is the ozone hole systematically growing, but how many of us have ever came with a single constructive idea and turned it into a helpful reality? New York City Major Michael Bloomberg proposed a national "pollution pricing" plan in the beginning of this month. He thinks the government should tax the companies directly for the greenhouse gasses they are releasing. He suggested a fee of $15 for every ton of greenhouse gas companies emit, with the money used to reduce payroll taxes and finance tax credits for companies that reduce their greenhouse gas pollution. George W. Bush put USA in the bad light after turning down the Kyoto Protocol in the beginning of his presidency in March 2001. His biggest concern was a fear about the country financial damage. This selfish gesture brought about the expected effect. Emissions in America have continued to rise and are now 11% higher than in 1990, even though when they did temporarily sign up to Kyoto, they promised a 6% reduction. The need for a solid solution made the USA sit to the same table right next to China. These two world biggest oil consumers had decided to work on a plan of reducing the greenhouse emissions and creating the pact on biofuels, American officials announced on Friday. This first agreement between Washington and Asia will be particularly discussed at the meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue, an economic and trade forum being held December 12th of this year.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

The San Francisco spilled Oil and Crab's dillema
by Zuzana Blazeckova

The San Francisco spilled Oil and Crab's dilemma Struck the Chinese freighter Cosco Buscan on Nov. 7 has at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay far and wide consequences. Just to remind, by this accident spilled 58,000 gallons of oil into the bay, environment protectors are calling and circumstances of this crash are still not explained. Even though the consequences are almost outright. Fishermen are stunned and miles of beaches remain closed hence the pollution. Furthermore the situation is getting worse because of the Dungeness opening crab season. After oil enters the sea, part of it evaporates and the rest spreads over the water. It is hard to deal with it, even working with all need equipment with hands and help of experts. The scientists claim that it is almost impossible to recover more then 15-20 per cent of the spilled oil in the water. Despite the warnings and request to stop all sport or commercial fishing for at least 2 ½ weeks, the result of the state announced to close just the San Francisco Bay and three miles of Pacific coast (from Point Reyers to San Mateo Country). This will probably not affect the Dungeness crab fishery in such a big amount, though crabs are caught about three miles offshore. The Chinese crew members of the Honk Kong based cargo ship explained the main cause of the breakdown as a heavy fog weather while the accident. But there is still couple of strange circumstances connected with incident left. For example some drug of alcohol tests which were taken by all crew members are by Federal law suppose to be tested for alcohol within two hours and for drugs within 32 hours of an accident. However they were not conducted in appropriate time limits after collision, it might be one of the reasons why crew members refuse to communicate with federal lawyers. While the investigation The Coast Guard has replaced the commander overseeing the response to the accident. Whether this emergency plan including not only city of San Francisco, state California but other states too is adequate, will show the future.

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Ariane 5 finally in space
by Jana Kokavcova

It was yesterday evening, when an Ariane 5 ECA launcher lifted off from Europe's spaceport in French Guiana. It has one big mission. Ariane has to place two satellites into geostationary transfer orbits. This is first time when Arianespace's ELA-3 launch complex performed six Ariane 5 missions in one year. Arianespace's ELA-3 launch complex at the Spaceport is very famous and one from the world's most modern complexes and was built by Europe. This complex was built especially for Ariane 5 heavy&lift vehicle. It is able to lift off about 10 Ariane 5 missions per year. This year this spaceport prepared 6 missions, but in next few years it could be more and more. Maybe they will reach the number 10. Is it really possible? I don't know. But on their web page they have written, that they need only 20 working days to prepare a rocket to lift off the Earth. But is it right information? Rocket that was already lifted off is very useful for many reasons. This rocket has the British military communications satellite Skynet 5B on board. This satellite is designed to operate until 2020. Its position will be over the Indian Ocean. New spacecraft is designed to resist disruptions by lasers and electromagnetic pulses emitted by nuclear weapons. This new technology is also immune to jamming signals. Maybe this spacecraft will be very useful for our world, but results we will see only after few years.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yellowstone"s bacteria
by Claudia Sonea

The world's first national park, Yellowstone National Park is located in the U.S. state of Wyoming, but extendes into Montana and Idaho too. Therefore the bacteria that usually thrieves during the spring stirs a lot of concerns. Thermus aquaticus produces an enzyme useful in diagnosing hereditary and infectious diseases. Still researchers have studied it closer and paid more attention to the smaller organisms, viruses that keep those bacteria populations. Montana State University and the Idaho National Laboratory is doing a study on this issue and until now the main discovery was that viruses appear to migrate around Yellowstone on steam droplets. Frank Roberto, a microbiologist at the Idaho National Laboratory who sequenced and analyzed the DNA of Yellowstone viruses, stated that the viruses leave the host in order to reproduce and then it is when they enter in a hostile environment. Researchers have concluded that once they leave the host the viruses can survive to travel a very long distance before finding new microbial hosts and transfer genetic information that could affect the lives of the bacteria. In two years they located viruses near Norris Geyser Basin, Mud Volcano and a third between Midway Geyser Basin and Old Faithful. These viruses spread much like influenza does it through sneeze, only they use the steam. The impact it may have on people it is yet unknown, the mentioned study has the goal of finding both causes of the bacteria and effects. It will be published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences as soon as possible. The problem it is urgent and researchers hope to get over with it as fast as they can. Stay connected and find out what it is indeed happen with the viruses and how are they dangerous for people.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pandas' food forces them to relocate
by Corina Ciubotaru

Deforestation is a problem that affects bears all around Asia. As their habitat becomes smaller, food becomes scarce and the quality of the habitat decreases. Pandas are the most affected by a change in environment, as they feed on just one type of plant, the arrow bamboo, and panda numbers have decreased during the last few years. Their bamboos also go through a 60-year life cycle, after which they produce flowers and seeds, and then die. This means the panda populations relocate during this time, and some of them have already started. None of them have been found dead, and the Chinese forestry bureau is trying to restore panda migration paths, together with the World Wildlife Fund. Poaching is another big problem for all bears, and is not solved only by creating reservations, but requires also a change in mentality. Other issues for pandas include breeding problems in captivity. Besides endangered pandas, hundreds of which died during the last cycle of bamboo renewal, the IUCN included sun bears, sloths, polar bears, Andean bears and Asiatic black bears on its vulnerable list. The sun bear had not been included on this list before due to lack of information; its numbers have decreased by 30 percent in the last 30 years, while panda numbers now reach 1,600 in the wild, with only 31 born this year and 33 last year, of which 11 were twins, thanks to artificial techniques. The only species that remain safe from harm are the brown bear and the American black bear.

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Cacao has a longer history with us then we thought
by Corina Ciubotaru

Cocoa has been around since the beginning of human history it seems, but its effects and uses are still being discovered. Fragments of a mug believed to be used for enjoying a cocoa drink in 1150BC were found recently in Honduras, revealing the alcoholic chocolate drink was consumed 500 years earlier than previously thought. Apparently, it was made by fermenting the pulp surrounding the cacao beans and served during important ceremonies such as weddings, as suggested by the style of the 10 small pottery vessels that were discovered. The scientists studying Ulua Valley in Honduras, led by archaeologist John Henderson of Cornell University, said the drink had an important social purpose, helping to bind groups. It was served in bottles with long necks and was a especially consumed by elites. Alcoholic cacao drinks appeared long after wine and beer, which have been produced since 5400 BC in Iran and 7000 BC in China; it is only natural that this evidence was found in an area known as "the cradle of chocolate", due to its extensive cocoa plantations and fertile soils. Another study found that in later periods, the cacao beans were ground and mixed with honey and chiles to produce modern cocoa and were apparently even used as a form of money. Before the discovery of the Honduras vessels, the earliest bottles containing traces of cacao drinks were found in Colha, in northern Belize. Pots used for non-alcoholic drinks were found to be a few hundred years older than alcohol containers.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Piece of Bible Back in Israeli Museum
by Barbora Kasparova

The Aleppo Codex, manuscript of the Hebrew Bible, also known as Masoteric text, or Tanakh was written around the 10th century by Aaron Ben Asher. Now it is in the Israel Museum. Most of the document has been missing since 1947, when Muslim-initiated anti Jewish riots took part resulting in destruction of a synagogue in Syria. Although some of it reappeared in 1958, approximately one third is still missing, particularly most of its beginning - Torah, considered to be one of the most important documents in Judaism. ( A businessman Sam Sabbagh comes to the scene in 1947. At the age of 17, the day following the incident, in the synagogue he picked a scrap of paper from the ground; a scrap that proved to be over 1000 years old. Later he immigrated to the USA where he stayed and lived until his death two years ago. As soon as the Jewish Ben Zvi Institute in Jerusalem found out about the existence of the text, they've been trying to retrieve it back, however, ol' Sam Sabbagh seemed to be not only superstitious (as he would carry the piece of paper with him at all times to bring him good luck), but also stubborn, and refused to give it back. Only after his death, his family decided to donate it to the Ben Zvi Institute. The Institute officials believe there may be more cases like the one of Sabbagh and are hoping for further parts of the codex to be found and returned.

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The latest discovery
by Claudia Sonea

Mankind is a mystery, a legend and nowadays generations are trying to discover how things have evolved and got to where it is today. Therefore the archeological searches and digs have the purpose of getting as close as possible to the beginning. El Comercio, a Peruvian newspaper, published Walter Alva's interview as head of the three month excavation and director of the Museum Tumbas Reales (Royal Tombs) of Sipan. He started in the 1980s to unearth the ancient Sipan complex and now he stumbled on the oldest finds in the Americas, a 4,000-year-old temple filled with murals. The temple is situated in Lambayeque valley on Peru's archeologically rich northern coastal desert. Ventarron, how it was called by the scientists, is inside a ruin and is linked to an altar that was used for worshipping fire and making offerings to deities through a staircase. The site has 27,000-square-foot and some of its walls are painted and a mural depicts a deer being hunted with a net. The construction material that is mud bricks made from sediment found in local rivers, instead of rocks, proves that the temple belonged to an advanced civilization. The fact that is 4,000 years old was revealed after a carbon testing in the United States and Alva made it public on Sunday. At Sipan, an administrative and religious center of the Moche culture, there was discovered also a gold-filled tomb built 1,700 years ago for a pre-Incan king. Peru is rich in archeological treasures with the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in the Andes and the oldest known city in the Americas is Caral, also near the Peruvian coast, dating 2627 B.C. It is an important discovery and Alva takes great pride in it. Stay connected and discover through Internet what happens next.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yogi Possibly Inhabits Dangerous Spot
by Natalia Holvova

Bad news for Yogi and his cartoon friends - the Yellowstone caldera, a supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park, is not sleeping, as reported by the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO). There is indeed an activity underneath the ground important not to ignore. The scientist at YVO found that "….parts of the Yellowstone Caldera rose as much as 7 cm (~3") per year from 2004 to 2006". ( According to University of Utah geology professor Robert Smith, the situation needs closer monitoring. What is a supervolcano? It is basically a volcano that covers a large area, and naturally, the larger the volcano, the greater the impact of the possible eruption. Is there a real threat in Yellowstone? Well, that is not quite sure, as Smith further informed that "… we have no idea how long this process goes on before there either is an eruption or the inflow of molten rock stops and the caldera deflates again." (;_ylt=Ai9_XQ_1GWDljm1pl2oERGys0NUE) There are much more places you should reconsider visiting due to volcanic eruption threat: According to the National Geographic News, the top five destinations in the U.S. include Kìlauea on Hawaii, Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier both in Washington State, Mount Hood in Oregon, and Mount Shasta in California ( One of the most recent volcano activity was reported in Indonesia's Mount Kelud, where scientists ordered evacuation of about 100, 000 people in October, although according to the latest news, no eruption actually occurred ( We can never be too careful, can we?

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Killing algal blooms
by Claudia Sonea

Researchers led by Richard P. Stumpf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that Florida's west coast deals with harmful red tide blooms, due to nutrients from the Mississippi that encourage the blooms, which occur along fronts of changing water density in the ocean. The nutrients are brought by seasonal changes in wind patterns. The red tide blooms are caused by an organism called Karenia that can swim up and down in the water, allowing algae to feed on deep nutrients and then can come to the surface for light, forming the toxic blooms, according to Stumpf statement. Scientists are hoping to find way of predicting them by studying the algae congregating below the surface that they found. It is necessary to discover ways of predicting or even preventing because there is a nationwide problem and harmful algal blooms have a direct economic impact estimated to average $75 million annually, including public health costs, commercial fishing closures, recreation and tourism losses and in management and monitoring costs. The research development is published in the journal Continental Shelf Research and the scientist main concern now is why the west Florida blooms formed in water that is normally low in nutrients that the algae live on. Stumpf theory is that the water from the Mississippi travels west and because of the seasonal wind changes in late summer and fall it switched its course towards Florida. Stay connected and you will find out more.

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by Claudia Sonea
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Songbirds on a jetplane.
by Barbie Kunkelova

Songbirds can not only sing, as their name indicates, they are also very observant and possess a great sense of locality. I heard of one kind called lyrebird. It lives as a wild animal in Australia and it is knackier than parrots. You can see a likeness of it also on the Australian hundred-dollar bill. It can imitate car alarms, clock alarms, trains, various animals; it almost makes you want to move away from Australia & I mean who would want to listen to a bird mimicking an alarm tune at 3 in the morning? In other places, the songbirds (like hummingbirds, blackbirds, parrots, warblers, berry or flowerpeckers, pipits, sunbirds, wrens, nuthatches or sparrows) are more tender for they don't memorize the unpleasant city sounds. Therefore they are well known for their songs melodious to the human ear (maybe with the exception of crows' croaking, but nobody's perfect). They do not only call (like other bird species do in case of emergency) or repeat themselves (as the mean, monotonous cuckoo does), they actually sing. These animals are very territorial; they communicate the identity and whereabouts of each individual to the others and also signal their sexual intentions. A recent study, where many sparrows were "packed" and "shipped" via jets 3,700 km away from their winter nesting areas (from the West to the East coast), showed that these animals can very quickly figure out in which direction to fly… and they will fly until they get there. It took them less than three days to get back home, to Seattle. Sparrows can create a tiny map inside their head no matter where they are, abstractedly from the fact that they've never been there before. Such tiny animals with even tinier brains. Mother Nature is a very creative …creator.

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by Barbie Kunkelova
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Discovery heading home
by Barbora Kasparova

The space shuttle Discovery crew will be saying home, sweet home again on Wednesday, after their 15 days long mission will come to and end. According to the NASA official web site the Discovery left the ISS at 5:32 on Monday. ( This landing is the first since the 2003 Columbia disaster that will follow a coast to coast flight over the USA. The current Discovery mission STS & 120 (which means it is the 120th shuttle flight) services the International Space Station & ISS, the cooperation project of Russian, Japanese, Canadian and European space agencies. Discovery along with Atlantis and Endeavour is one of the last three U.S. orbiters in use. This stay of Discovery on the ISS included installment of Harmony Node 2 module, the utility hub of the ISS, which was carried by Discovery, and 4 space walks. The returning crew includes Clayton Anderson, who is heading home after the 5-month long stay on the space station, pilot George Zamka and a woman shuttle commander Pamela A. Melroy. According to the weather forecast, the prepared landing at the NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida should be accompanied by good weather, 71° F and wind 17mph, although Melroy commented that "...the forecasters were keeping an eye on the wind".

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by Barbora Kasparova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Tutankamon open to public
by Claudia Sonea

After 3000 years from the death of king Tuthankamon, the youngest and most famous pharaoh that ruled over Egypt, was unveiled for the first time to the public on Sunday in his golden tomb. He was moved to a simple glass climate-controlled case from a quartz sarcophagus decorated with stone-carved protective goddesses in order to prevent its destruction. The 19-year-old king had his narrow leathery black body covered with linen and only his feet and face were exposed. Egypt's antiquities chief Zahi Hawass stated that the badly damaged mummy was recovered starting two years ago after being broken in 18 pieces when it was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter 85 years ago and tried to pull out the golden mask. He added that due to mass-tourism in 50 years the mummy could turn into dusk. On the other side there is the mystery of the pharaoh's death who become a ruler at the age of 8, the mystery of the curse that plagued Carter and his team, the immense riches of gold and the books and the TV documentaries on his life that makes him the most famous, although he was not the greatest. Taking advantage of this the museum exhibit traveling the globe drew more than 4 million people, therefore the Egyptian tourism industry is hoping to capitalize on that interest and draw tourists to Luxor to see the mummy itself. Mostafa Wazery, who heads the Valley of the Kings for Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, expects that the number of tourists to double at 700 a day. The body of the king that had no peace while it was lively is not let to rest in peace not even now. The so-called archeologist is no more different than the grave diggers. To what purpose this exposure helps? British tourist Bob Philpotts asks himself the same thing. Stay connected and share your opinion on the matter!

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by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

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