
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Investigating the mystery of disappearing bees
by Nina Gotzmannova

One world famous theory is called Butterfly effect. The name came from the idea that if the butterfly will move its wings, it may cause a tornado in the opposite part of the world. It means that a small change in a big system can lead to large-scale phenomena. Something like that may be the mystery of disappearing bees. The cause is unknown, but the results are visible now and may be even dangerous. Bees are an important part of ecosystem. Farmers need them because only bees can do the pollination of crops. No fruits, no vegetables and no nuts can harvest without bees and being pollinated. Almost one-third of all food we eat is dependant on bees. But in 2006 something strange happened. Thousands, million and billion of those small, yellow and black striped animals, disappeared. No one is sure why and what to do with this unexpected situation. This phenomenon is called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Symptoms are missing adult bees, honey present in colony, but surprisingly not attacked by other bees. Usually when a beehive is abandoned, other bees from other beehives rob the beehive and take away all the honey and bee pollen. Also one of the symptoms of CCD is presence of capped brood in colony, which is highly unusual, because adult bees wait until all eggs, larvae and pupae are hatched. The exact cause or mechanisms of CCD are unknown. It may be caused by malnutrition, pesticides, pathogens, viruses and diseases and lot of various reasons. But the question why so many bees disappeared in the same time in the same region without any visible reason is open. It's on scientists to investigate the mystery of disappearing bees and find a solution.

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Black holes are well hidden
by Nina Gotzmannova

It may seem there aren’t any surprises in space anymore. Since scientists can observe the sky with huge and high-efficient telescopes, astronauts can fly to nearby planets and bring back samples of rocks and space dust, and modern physical research is better than anytime before. But every new discovery is greeted with applause and surprise. One of them is discovery of hundreds of new black holes. National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tuscon, Arizona will published two studies about black holes in the incoming issue of Astrophysical Journal, released on November 10. They have discovered the existence of hundreds black holes existing in the early universe. The study says that most galaxies have created many black holes at their cores when they were still young. But, young as young. For example a galaxy located 10 billion light-years away had its own black holes when the universe was only 3 billion years old. Now it’s known that there are more than one hundred billion galaxies in the Universe and if each galaxy created five black holes, there are five hundred billions of them. Impressive, isn’t it? A black hole is an object in the universe that has strong pull of gravity and even light can’t escape it. That’s the reason it’s called black hole, although it is not black and has no hole inside. The first idea of black hole was proposed in 18th century and the proof of existence was brought into public after 1916, when Einstein published his theory of relativity.

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Some Neanderthals may have had red hair and white skin
by Corina Ciubotaru

A recent study shows that some Neanderthals living in Europe would have had red hair and pale skin. Although many believe early humans were dark-colored, scientists have discovered a gene mutation in Neanderthals that is responsible for fair skin in modern humans, thus proving that a handful of them actually looked more like Celtic people than the dark-haired, dark-skinned image we all take for granted. Another study involving Neanderthals showed last week that they were in fact able to speak; these findings came after scientists analyzed DNA of these early humans and other research found they were caring to each other, used animal hides to keep warm and were also good hunters. Neanderthals have been replaced by modern humans in Europe around 30,000 years ago after having been the only humans since 400,000 years before, but some scientists claim the two species coexisted until around 24,000 years ago. This is only the beginning of explorations regarding these early humans, and they are some of the first done using DNA analysis, a method that can provide more accurate and detailed information than the study of fossils alone. The genetic material came from some bones found at Monte Lessini in Italy and in El Sidron cave in Spain. Currently less than 2 percent of the world's population has red hair. Pale skin allows the body to absorb more of the Sun's rays and thus produce more Vitamin D, and it was an important adaptation for Neanderthals living in mostly cloudy regions of Europe.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

China has successfully began space program
by Nina Gotzmannova

China is known for its overpopulation and nowadays it seems they find a solution. They launched their first lunar probe to explore the moon. Maybe if the conditions of living will be suitable for building a space base, they will try to do it and move people to the space. By this step they can solve the problem of too many people in a small place and improve their space program. But these plans are only sounds of future. China has now other goals to achieve. The first thing is successful landing of Chang'e 1, how is the name of the lunar probe. Chinese scientists named the space ship after a mythological Chinese goddess, who flew to the moon. The mission has three stages, at first the probe will explore the moon surface, and then in 2012 China will send a moon rover to land on moon. The final step is expected to be in 2017, when another moon rover will bring to Earth samples of stones, dust and everything else. But China has some rivals on the way. Just a week ago Japan launched a probe into orbit around moon and according to the latest news from India; they will do the same in April 2008. Anyway, China has a more extensive space program than Japan and they had already sent astronauts into space, so the one-week-jump of Japan is not that important. Also, in 2003 China became the third country with astronauts in space, overtaken only by Russia and United States. Nothing that Japan or any other country can be compared with.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Vasari's message.
by Barbie Kunkelova

All the sciences are connected, sometimes in very complicated manners, sometimes in obvious ways. And, according to this, scientists can benefit on each other's results and knowledge. Biologists help doctors, psychiatrists help lawyers and chemists help artists … Recently, historians benefitted on such interconnection (precisely, on medical and military innovations). Thirty years ago, speculations about one more unfinished fresco (that has never been revealed) painted by Leonardo Da Vinci (now one of the most popular artists thanks to Dan Brown's 2003 thriller fiction novel The Da Vinci code) in 1505. Its location is supposed to be under Giorgio Vasari's painting made several decades later. It is thought to be unfinished because Leonardo left Florence in 1506. Scientists believe Vasari's message on a tiny flag on his mural "Seek and you shall find" refers to the fresco underneath. Historians at the University of San Diego are examining bricks (by neutron analysis) that have been hauled to them in order to get an idea about the structure of the wall. They are already pretty familiar with the ingredients of Vasari's paint. Once they know the composition of the wall and the upper-painting, it should be no problem to subtract them from each other and get the result & whether there is anything hidden in between these two at all. Newest technologies are used by this experiment, methods that should hurt neither of the murals. Even if they find out Vasari's message was referring to Rome (for example Michelangelo's Last Judgment) instead of Florence, the restoring experiment should be beneficial after all. As the engineer in charge, Maurizio Seracini, said for Yahoo! News, it will help scientists to understand the countless paintings that have been covered by whitewash and plaster.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Ladybugs will clear New York complex of pests
by Corina Ciubotaru

The owner of a popular apartment building complex in New York has found a unique way to take care of an insect problem and it all comes down to the old saying : "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". To get the buildings free of pests like mites and aphids, Tishman Speyer brought 720,000 ladybugs from Oregon, California and Montana and unleashed them in onto the unsuspecting pests. They are expected to clean out the Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village and all 40 acres of plants and grass without damaging the environment, before moving to a different territory. The ladybugs came in cotton bags filled with straw and were barely awakening from a state of hibernation, which is how their collector, Eric Vinje keeps them before shipping. It's a natural state for these insects, in which they rely on consuming their own body fat and can live without eating for up to six months. They were delivered through the mail at a price of $16.50 per 2000 insects and were warmly greeted by the human inhabitants of the complex. This species - Hippodamia convergens - is unlikely to enter homes and bother tenants, and city officials think they won't disturb the area's environmental balance either. Each ladybug can eat up to 50 aphids daily from its 19 per 19 inch turf and 720,000 was the number considered most appropriate by the supplying company, Planet Natural, owned by Vinje. They are rather benign and hard-working, much cheaper than pesticide, and hopefully more effective.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Final days of the Arctic?
by Nina Gotzmannova

The mankind with its industry, pollution, global warming and all the results of using too much energy has gone too far. According to the annual State of Arctic report released on Wednesday it seems, like the final days of the world's last polar paradise. The research of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that mankind's actions have destroyed the Arctic more than the scientists expected. The global warming has caused rising temperatures even in this distant region and glaciers and icebergs are melting. That was known long ago, but nobody paid attention. Now the report revealed more alarming facts. The permafrost is melting too, bushes are growing in a place where never have been any plants ever and caribou are disappearing. In general, the wildlife habitat and local climate conditions are changing in a very dangerous way. The temperatures are getting higher and higher. In the whole Arctic is getting warmer, an unequivocal sign of global warming. The ice cover, mostly on water, because the most of the Arctic is created from the sea, is getting thinner and thinner. The numbers are saying that the cover is full 23% thinner than it was in 2005 and 39% than in average. All this changes happens all around the Arctic, on different hemispheres, both on the sea and in land. It is a signal that these ‘mutations' ale not local, but global. And if the mankind will continue in destroying the environment, the changes may be even more global. Melting the ice means that the sea level will raise and all the cities built on coast are in danger of floods and may slowly disappear under the sea surface.

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Pure science
by Claudia Sonea

We want to think we are getting more mature with time and not older, but these science developments make us realize that time is passing too fast and there is no turning back. It seems strange to some of you, but in fact when you think over, you might realize that the new discoveries and inventions are sometimes over our capacity to understand it or handle it. So, you're not smarter with time, but more stupid and incapable to cope to the present trend. However, we can still enjoy using some of the new discoveries like an iPhone, an iPod or a notebook. The latest news comes from a study released on Wednesday by Charles Leiber and colleagues at Harvard University. A source of energy with low cost and pollution will be available in a few months due to the solar cells 200 hundred times thinner than a human hair created by scientist in order to power the nanoscale gadgetry of tomorrow. The nanoscale gadgetry refers to consumer devices, from bioterrorism monitors to in-body diagnostics, until now it was hard to find the sources to power it. The devised silicon nanowire can transform light into electrical energy. It is invisible to the naked eye, but can provide two hundred billionths of a watt sufficient for a steady output of electricity to run ultra-low power electronics. Surprisingly, some of these electronics can be worn even inside the human body. I really am out-dated. The general issue is according to Leiber that despite the little energy required, there will be many interconnected devices that raise a lot of concerns. The resemblance with the TV cable is only in the fact that both have a core covered with two layers, says the British journal Nature. Still, the nanowire is 100,000 times smaller and is made out of silicon with three different types of conductivity arranged as layered shells. Furthermore, the electrically connected core and cladding perform the same function like + and & termini of a battery. Great news, isn't it. Sounds a lot interesting and for someone like me it took some time to understand what it was all about. Are we indeed older and not smarter? Stay connected, you might find the answer.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New species of fish discovered in the Celebes Sea near the Philippines
by Corina Ciubotaru

The world's oceans are home to some of the most strange and elusive animals on our planet and an expedition recently conducted in the Celebes Sea near the Philippines proved the region is a goldmine for scientists wanting to study new species of marine life. Exploring the waters to a depth of 2,800 meters (9,186 feet), scientists from the Inner Space Speciation Project led by Dr. Larry Madin found some animals they believe have never been seen before, including an orange spiky worm with ten tentacles, a nearly transparent sea cucumber and a black jellyfish. Final results regarding the origin of these creatures and whether they were previously known to the scientific world will appear in the following weeks. The expedition lasted two weeks and included two dozen scientists from both America and the Philippines and a group from science magazine National Geographic. Among them, photographer Emory Kristof and underwater explorer Robert Ballard, who were also on the team that discovered the Titanic wreckage in 1985. The Celebes Sea is partially isolated from the other oceans by a triangle of corals between Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia and this is why species living here can not be found anywhere else. Dr. Madin believes the waters could have been even more isolated millions of years ago, supporting the theory that these animals have had their own evolutionary path in one of the world's deepest ocean basins. The Celebes Sea is also home to very diverse species of fish and from this expedition, scientists have brought back 100 different creatures to study.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Study says gossip matters more than facts
by Corina Ciubotaru

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute in Germany have recently tested the power of gossip in influencing our everyday decisions. How did they do that? They put some students in front of computers and asked them to give each other virtual money based on what they thought of the others. The scientists gave them true information about the other students but also some gossip about each of them, with some false gossip thrown in to help measure the impact. They passed money from one another and then the scientists analyzed who gave money to whom and the way these decisions were affected by the gossip players had read. The result was that even though rationally the students should have been more influenced by facts, the gossip proved to be the biggest factor, since it supposedly came from other people. Scientists believe the explanation could rely on the fact that in real life we can never know the full truth about someone, so we tend to believe the words of people who may somehow know more facts about the person in question. Maybe we missed some vital information about a person and subsequently made errors in judging them; and since nobody likes being betrayed, we tend to take gossip for granted and rely on it. The gossip we pay more attention to depends on many factors though: on the person we hear about, because we tend to believe only the best about people; on the person who spreads the word, because some people's opinions matter more than others'; on our past experiences and many other personality traits that make us different from one another.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dangerous global warming will continue
by Nina Gotzmannova

Since the invention of the first automobile, since the factories began to contaminate the air and water, is known, that the pollution of environment is dangerous. The new study of British scientists published on Wednesday reveals, that the problem is more urgent than ever. The research is about man-made global warming and its impact on the Earth. It's known, that from 1976 to 2004 the average surface temperature rose 0.49 degrees Celsius. This dangerous heating will continue in the future, if the mankind won't decide to stop it. The consequences may be deadly. The global warming is causing several unpleasant changes in the nature. The humidity level is driving up, tropical storms are more intense and because the humidity is so high, there are also more cyclones. The warming affects people too. Human health is already starving from heat stress. The rising humidity is the most dangerous effect of overheating. By 2100 the humidity can increase up to 10 percent. The number is quite accurate, because the study was made on new computer model and using a new set of observation data. But according to another study the global warming is also affecting the travel habits. Due to the rising temperature and rising humidity in countries popular for summer vacations, more tourists will stay at home rather than travel. This may be risky for countries such as Egypt, Fiji or Maldives, because almost half of the state income is from the tourist business. And lastly, the untouched nature is the most valuable thing on Earth we have.

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The spoonbilled sandpiper in Russia is facing quick extinction
by Corina Ciubotaru

The spoonbilled sandpiper is a small bird that faces extinction. It may sound unimpressive to most of us, but as all the animals of the world, it's important to the habitat and it would be really sad to see it disappear. Only 200 to 300 pairs remain in the wild and their numbers have declined by 70% during the last two years. Their main problem is loss of habitat in Russia's Kamchatcka and Chukchi peninsulas, but also in its wintering areas in South Asia, where marsh areas have been transformed into farmland. While their breeding space is becoming ever more limited, there is also the danger of foxes eating their eggs, so one option would be to create patrols that would guard nesting places. Another one would be to allow Mother Nature to reclaim some of the marshland in Asia, especially South Korea. Sandpiper spoonbills apparently mate monogamously for one season, but they are still a mystery to many researchers. It has a bill shaped like a spatula and a red-brown head; it most likely belongs to the calidrid sandpipers, but researchers aren't quite sure. Non-breeding adults aren't as lively colored and they are more of a brown-gray hue. Animal extinction is the most obvious proof that our impact on nature isn't always the best one. Whether scientists have been able to prove global warming is caused by man is still a widely disputed topic, but animals disappearing forever are a fact and it is always sad to see them go.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nobel Prize for Physics
by Claudia Sonea

The Nobel Prize is one of the oldes and with the most importance, once you recive one is like the entire work is aknowledged and posted in the world's history. It is the ultimate stage in anyone's carrier. This year Nobel Prize for Physics was won by a Frenchman and a German. Their discovery revolutionized electronic industry and is called magnetoresistance with the effect of enabling things at a miniature scale. The winners are Fert a 69 years old scientific director of the Mixed Unit for Physics at CNRS/Thales in Orsay, France, and Gruenberg is a professor at the Institute of Solid State Research in Juelich, Germany. In his statement to the press Gruenberg said he was not too surprised by the Nobel because he won a lot of prizes and was just a matter of time until he would eventually win it, underlining it is the ultimate prize, while Fert is simply amazed by the extent of their discovery. The process of the magnetoresistance consists in a sensitive electromagnetic heading over a metal disk, reading bits of data by registering the magnetic bearing of individual particles. They independently discovered was that extremely thin layers of alternating metals could detect remarkably weak changes in magnetism â€" and translate them into "giant" changes in electrical resistance. But only in 1997 IBM Corp translated their raw science into the manufacturing process already used to produce disk drives. According to John Best, chief technologist for Hitachi Ltd.'s data-storage unit GMR will also help in the nanotechnology. But the GMR has a strong competition in solid-state flash memory. Still its inventors can now delight of a 1.5 million prize and eternal glory. That proves it really pays to be a hard-working person.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Benefit the mankind
by Barbie Kunkelova

Hello, wide public & I am going to share three fabulous facts with you now. Mr. Alfred Bernhard Nobel instituted the well-known Nobel Prizes. All of you obviously knew that. This man also invented the very-well-known dynamite. I see, the crowd on the left had no idea about this experiment of his. Last fact - he didn't want to get burried alive. All these make up a fine structure and tell you he had A personality. Interesting one, definitely. What I personally like about him very much is the fact that he was a libra. Libras are such wonderful, peaceful and creative people (however, this simultaneously makes me wonder why a peaceful person would experiment with explosive stuff? What results was Alfred looking for with this one? ) and they get along very easily. Alfred got never married, he needed privacy and silence for his busy scientific life. His mind was tracked by no thoughts about clothes, about weather, rent or the shade of the bathroom tiles. Nor did it worry about the neighbor's constant coughing or the date of the elections. Simply said & none of the mortal ordinary problems. On the contrary, his genius mind was occupied with more sophisticated spheres: physics, chemistry, medicine, physiology and literature and peace. Well, as Mr. Poe would put it: Doubting, dreaming dreams (yes, or spheres) no mortal ever dared to dream before. Those who don't take this statement seriously are probably thinking ahead; thinking about all the young talents that dared to dream AFTER. About all the geniuses who were awarded a Nobel Prize since 1901. Those are the people who benefit the mankind and make a difference. And deserve a place in such a sophisticated sphere, definitely.

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Hand-made honey and hand-pollinated plants.
by Barbie Kunkelova

Nobody's perfect, neither mother nature, nor the modern scientists. The honey-makers would hastily agree with me & they know too well what's going on. How sad it is that we are kept too busy by our challenging lives, so busy that we don't even take a moment to look around, to monitor the species that are slowly disappearing from the Earth's surface. And it's the bumblebees that I have on mind right now. It's not only that we couldn't tell the bumblebees are disappearing in general, it's also that we couldn't tell that it's more and more of its sorts! I can hardly imagine the kitchen without honey, a bear (and I guess that would be even harder, for I could use sugar or Splendia instead) can not imagine his forest without berries. And a farmer his garden without strawberries or his greenhouse without tomatoes. Is this due to the global warming? The pesticides? The advocates are trying to avoid the complete loss of bumblebees by asking farmers to grow more colorful flowers & in order to attract these busy animals. More and more companies get into honeybee business, as the demand increases year after year. If every farmer had to pollinate all the flowers in his garden, we would spend most of our money on groceries. I feel a little guilty, for I was only 3 years old when I killed a bunch of bumblebees. I was holding a marmalade pie and they liked the smell. They didn't enjoy me waving them off. And I didn't enjoy their stinging at all, thank you very much. I threw the pie as far as I could. Today I am a bumblebee protector & I don't eat sweets outside, never breathe when a bumblebee is around and I support their business & I eat lots of honey.

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Monday, October 1, 2007

Bush keeps his word
by Claudia Sonea

You can trust Bush administration? According to them, you can. Due to the treaty the US has with Russia since 2002 they are reducing the warheads to 1700-2200 by 2012. On Sunday the officials stated they are dismantling nuclear warheads in a faster then they were expecting, succeeding to dismantle three times as many in the completed year budget, according to The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department. However, the size of the nuclear stockpile will not be revealed, so besides the guess of 6000 warheads, there is nothing to prove us that it actually happened and that there is a progress. Despite the fact that an independent group of scientists who regularly advise the government on nuclear weapons issues, said there is still a long way to actually dismantle the warheads safely and without failure, the officials at the nuclear agency stated that there is a way to conduct the replacement without actually perform underground testing. According to the agency's administrator, Thomas D'Agostino, if the Congress provide the money for the program, nuclear arsenal will be more secure, safer and reliable in the future. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California was chose by the Agency for the replacement of warheads. The administration promised a clear timetable and cost estimation for the next year. Until now the Congress proved to be skeptical about the program and congressional opponents seen the findings as a way of holding back more money for the project. For the time been the budget is composed from stripped money from the Energy Department's upcoming budget and the Senate agreed partially to fund it. There is still expected Congress decision on the matter. President Bush and his administration promised three years ago to reduce the nuclear stockpile to half of what it was in the 1950s. We could trust him, but the fact that the number of existing warheads is still a mystery and we cannot know how many were dismantle, makes me skeptical about the whole deal. Don't go away, now it is getting interesting.

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