
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Is there life elsewhere?
by Zivka Deleva

Human nature is simply unstoppable. Having the luck to live on the Earth is not enough for us so we search for some other places we can occupy. I know I sound ironically, but, you know what kinds of sums millionaires have already paid for a walk on the Moon? More and more discoveries there are that make us think that maybe our Planet is not the only place where life can exist. Or maybe, we have a pretty narrow meaning of the word life. The job of the scientists is to ask questions and to look for answers for them. Some new suspicion say that it is very likely that there is life somewhere else and that human must widen their limits and stop thinking that it is inevitable that only our Solar System can have a life. Some NASA experts from the Astrobiology Institute found that there was carbon on some other planet. They believe that there is a super-hot planet bigger than Jupiter with a lot of carbon in the atmosphere. Some other study answered the question whether our planets a! re the only one. There has been a star with four large young planets. A third study said that a microbe can live on arsenic, which means that there are much more possible conditions for life to be born. And now the most important question comes – What if we are not alone? What if there is someone that wants to take away our Planet from us? No matter what we talk here, there still aren’t firm proves about any of the suggestions we are talking. We have a long road to go to get some of those important answers but they are as important as can be.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Scientists succeeded and transform cell indetity
by Milota Sidorova

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania made a huge progress in so called cell biology in recent days. They succeeded and tricked an identity of human cells. Literally, they made a skin cell to transform into embryonic stem cell and for those who don't understand what does that mean it can be translated like this. If you change the form and function of specialized cell, for instance blood cell or skin cell, it can work like any other cell – for example cell that would be needed. This could lead into internal organ reparations and surgery without knives and operations. But the current state is far from this vision. Scientists have succeeded in changing a human sk! in cell into the embryonic stem cell what is the name for immature universal cell that can modify into any type of a cell. Experiments have succeeded in this direction in 2007, but the direct transformation from one type of specialized cell into another wasn't working. Research team suggested they were far from safe utilization of this experiment and their research method was trial-and-error which is the most inefficient method in the science, because it is energy, material and time consuming. Scientists are using chemicals to speed up certain genes – all cells contain the same DNA information, but each cell is using its own genes, so if one wants to create a different cell, different genes have to be awaken. These experiments are not safe and people and mouses are used. Scientists also can't specify consequences of such tricked cell – whether it is going to maintain its new characteristics, whether it is going to survive and multiply with no potential harm (me! ans cancer cell behavior). Despite such grave obstacles, there! is no d oubts it is a huge step that may change our view on human beings and medicine.

related story (sgx18691):
by Milota Sidorova
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Our galaxy has more stars than we thought
by Zivka Deleva

Scientists find that the sky above us may contain much more stars than we really think, or the science has by far counted. You are about to read some weird numbers like 300 sextillion, which would be about three times more than scientists thought before. The word sextillion means nothing to me, but to be more clear, it contains 23 zeros!!! It is still incomprehensible for us but that's that, who says we must understand everything! And how did the scientists come with this finding? Like they explained in the journal Nature, they affirmed that there are more red dwarf stars which are the most presented in the universe. Two scientists - Yale University astronomer Pieter va! n Dokkum and Harvard astrophysicist Charlie Conroy Taking very seriously taking the thesis that the most galaxies have the same properties as the Milky Way. To be honest with you, I really don't understand how does anyone can count the stars. When we were little, elders would make jokes of us and ask us some riddles - how many grains of sand is there and the answer was - as much as stars there are in the sky! Scientists use the theory of parallel observation made in our galaxy in counting and than use it for others galaxy. But, not all of them are spiral as ours, but one third of them are elliptical. There is the answer! The both scientists came to the conclusion that the elliptical galaxies have more red dwarf stars than we used to think. It's good to think about something else, something nice like stars for a change and go away from the everyday banality, don't you think?
by Zi! vka Dele va
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can grass-eating animals in Siberia slow global warming?
by Zuzana Zelenakova

"Some people have a small garden. I have an ice age park. It's my hobby," says Russian scientist Sergey Zimov about his Pleistocene Park in Northeastern Siberia. Zimov is the director of the Northeast Science Station in Cherskii in the Russian Republic of Sakha. Alongside other scientists he is trying to re-establish the northern steppe grassland ecosystem that existed there during the last ice age. Zimov hopes this will back his hypothesis that hunting in first place, not climate change, destroyed the wildlife. He says that the animals maintained the ecosystem, temperature not so much. 160 km² scientific nature reserve Pleistocene Park is already inhabited by Yakutia! n horses, that were introduced back in 1988, alongside those species that survived Pleistocene and remained in the area such as reindeer, snow, sheep, elk and moose. There is also Grey Wolf, Wood Bison, Eurasian Brown Bear and others. Animals considered for the reintroduction are for example Siberian Tiger, Asiatic Lion, that is on the verge of extinction, Guanaco, Llama, Yak, Muskox and so on. If sufficient amount of herbivores inhabits the area they could recreate the Pleistocene terrain and thus slow global warming. They could turn this wasteland into a grassland. And it is the grass with its root systems that would stabilize the soil which has begun thawing very rapidly releasing bigger and bigger amounts of dangerous methane. "In my view, methane is a serious sleeper out there that can pull us over the hump," said US climate change reasearcher Robert Corell about greenhouse gas that is much more powerful than carbon dioxide. It is estimated there is about 1.5 trillio! n tons of carbon beneath the frozen surface. "If permafrost we! re to th aw suddenly, in a flash, it would put a tremendous amount of carbon in the atmosphere. We would feel temperatures warming across the globe. And that would be a big deal," said Katey Walter Anthony of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

related story (sgx18693):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Russians claim mammoth extinction due to mankind
by Zivka Deleva

A miraculous and disappointing discovery came to the sight few days ago after two scientists claimed that some animals extinction in Siberia was not due to the cruel natural conditions, but because of the human killings. To be honest, I am not at all surprised by the thought at all, but still, I wish sometimes that mankind wasn't so annihilating to everything that's around it. A father and a son scientists from Siberia believe that people were the bigger infiltrators of the nature due to fulfill their need for food, fuel or maybe fun. We talk about the mammoths, rhinos and bison that all together belong to the grazers. The scientists that claim this are Sergey Zimov, who ! is director of the internationally funded Northeast Science Station and his son. They affirm that when humans came to these areas, they didn't kill animals only for food, but for its fat as well. Afterwards, they used it as a fuel. It is really very enigmatically how come these species have gone for such a short time. According to me, it is probably the mix of the both factors - the human and the nature, as well. It is an inevitable fact that the warming temperatures have induced a changed way of living. Northeastern Siberia is one of the coldest regions in the world. "We don't look at animals just as animals. We look at them as a system, with vegetation and the whole ecosystem. You don't need to kill all the animals to kill an ecosystem" - said the younger Zimov. A lot of people don't agree with this theory. For instance, the paleontology department of London's Natural History Museum representative Adrian Lister claims that the rapid global warming was still the pri! mary responsible.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.