
Monday, November 29, 2010

Otkriena tajnata na t.n letečki zmii
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Stravot od zmii e eden od najčestite. No, što e so letečkite zmii? Samata ideja na čovek može da mu sozdade prilično intenzivni košmari. Zmiite prodolžuvaat da ne začuduvaat. Neodamnešnata studija na ovie prilično misteriozni suštestva otkriva kolku čudni se ovie vidovi. Samo zamislete zmija zavitkana okolu granka, naednaš se isprava i skoknuva. Normalno, takov skok bi značel smrt ili barem skršeni rebra, no ne i za Krisopelea paradisi. Krisopelea e vid zmija koj po malku se otrovni, ne se opasni za čovekot i tie se najmnogu skoncentrirani vo Jugoistočna Azija, Melanezija i Indija. Tie! se opšto požnati kako letečki zmii, iako ova e povekje predrasuda, zašto tie i ne letaat vistinski, ami se lizgaat. Krisopelea paradisi obično e crna pokriena so zelena lušpa i dostugnuva dolžina do tri stapki. Taa e prilično popularna na evropskiot pazar na milenici. Isto taka, se smeta za edna od najveštite letečki zmii što se odnesuva do lizgačkite sposobnosti. Studijata spomna deka tajnata na Krisopelea paradisi e ednostavno vo načinot na koj se dviži. "Za sekoj letač, navistina treba da ja znaete osnovata: Kolku brzo se dviži, kakva e formata na letačot, koja e formata na kriloto", reče avtorot na studijata Dzejk Soča, biolog vo "Virdzinija Tek", reče za LiveScience. "So ovaa nova studija, nie sega navistina navleguvame vo vistinskata pozicija na teloto so ogled na ovaa vistinso razvieno lizganje." Za vreme na negovoto istražuvanje, Soča vekje odluč! i deka ovie zmii se zgmečuvaat samite sebe si posle lansi! ranjeto i potoa se izdolžuvaat od strana na strana za vreme na borbata, isto kako da go pravat toa na zemja. Nivnata brzina najčesto e megju 8 i 10 metra vo sekunda. Studijata pokažuva deka prednata polovina od teloto na zmijata e mirno za vreme na letot (odvoeno od izdolžuvačkite dviženja), dodeka nejzinata opaška se dviži nagore i nadolu. "Celata zmija e edno dolgo krilo", reče Soča. "Toa krilo postojano se rekonfigurira, postojano se reformira...Delovi od teloto, vo zavisnost od toa kade se vo vselenata, bi možele da se vo interakcija so brazdata od predniot del od teloto i toa bi moželo da ja povredi, da i pomogne ili da bide neutralno".

related story (sgx18683): h! ttp://
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lansiranjeto na Diskaveri na NASA odloženo dva pati
by Zivka Deleva

Kolku e tažno što državata što go isprati prviot čovek na Mesečinata vo dalečnata 1969 godina, denes se bori so problemi so lansiranje i pominuva niz golema transformacija. Kako što Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi se obiduvaat da zakrepnat od poslednata golema ekonomska recesija, dejnosta na Nacionalnata avijatičarska i vselenska administracija beše prilično zamrznata i nikoj ne znae koga kje se podobrat rabotite. Novinata denovive se sostoi vo toa što posle prvoto odložuvanje na lansiranjeto od 5 noemvri za vselenskiot brod Diskaveri, sega se pojavi ushte edno odložuvanje. Pred Božikj, nema da i! ma lansiranje. Prviot pat koga beše odloženo lansiranjeto toa se sluči poradi nekoi nepovrzani puknatini što bea pronajdeni na nafteniot rezervoar. Pred da go ispratat do Megjunarodnata vselenska stanica, naučnicite od NASA sakaat da bidat sigurni deka storile sé što treba za da ne se usramat ušte ednaš. Misijata treba da trae okolu 11 dena i stavot na menadzerskiot tim e deka dokolku do krajot na godinata Diskaveri nema da letne, kje bide prizemjen do februari. No, vlastite na NASA ne se tolku zagriženi okolu datumot, najvažno e da se spoznae vistinskiot problem. Spored niv, problemite so brodot ne se pronajdeni vo osnoviot dizajn, ami bilo igra na slučajnost. Kako što veli menadzerot na programata na vselenskiot broj, Dzon Šenan, na ekspertite kje im treba nekoe vreme da sfatat vo što se sostoi problemot. "Imame nešto nepoznato ovde - kako nešto se protnalo niz našiot proces i do! zvolilo puknatina i dali imame predispozicija za da dobieme u&! #353;te eden od takvite uslovi? - Šenan se zapraša. Ne samo puknatinite, ami i lošoto vreme isto taka sozdade golemi problemi za odložuvanjeto na lansiranjeto. Im posakuvam povekje srekja na naučnicite tretiot pat ili kako što se vika treta srekja.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

The secret of so called flying snakes is out
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Fear of the snakes is one of the most common ones. But how about flying snakes? That idea could give a man some pretty intense nightmares. Snakes continue to amaze us. The recent study on these quiet mysterious createrus reveals how exactly are particular species able to fly. Just imagine a snake entwined around a branch, suddenly it stretches and makes a leap. Normally, such a leap would mean death, or at least some broken bones, but not for Chrysopelea paradisi. Chrysopelea is a genus of snakes that are only mildly venomous, not dangerous to humans, and they are concentrated mostly in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and India. They are commonly known as flying snakes, although! this is rather misleading as they do not truly fly, they glide. Chrysopelea paradisi in particular is black covered with green scales and it reaches the length up to three feet. It is quite popular in European pet trade. Also, it is considered one of the most skilled flying snakes as fara s its gliding abilities are concerned. The study mentioned above suggests the secret of Chrysopelea paradisi is simply in the way it moves. "For any flier, you really need to know the basics: How fast is it going, what's the shape of the flier, what is the shape of the wing," study author Jake Socha, a biologist at Virginia Tech, told LiveScience. "With this new study, we now really get insight into what the exact position of the body is as it's in this really developed glide." During his research Socha has already found out that these snakes flatten themselves upon the launch and then undulate from side to side during the flight just as they would do on the ground. Their gliding speed i! s mostly between 8 to 10 meters per second. The study shows th! at the f ront half of the snake´s body is still during the flight (apart from undulating moves), while its tail moves up and down. "The whole snake itself is just one long wing," Socha said. "That wing is constantly reconfiguring, it's constantly reforming and contorting... Parts of the body, depending on where they are in space, might be interacting with the wake from the front part of the body, and this might hurt or help or be neutral."

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

NASA Discovery launch delayed twice
by Zivka Deleva

It is so sad when the country that had the first man's step on the Moon back in 1969, today struggles with launching problems and goes to big transformation. As the United States of America are trying to recover from the last big economical recession, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's activities are being frozen and no one knows when things are going to get better. The new thing these days is that after the first launching delay from November 5 for space shuttle Discovery, now there comes another one. No, before Christmas time there is not going to be a shuttle launch. The first time the launch was delayed was because of some unrelated cracks that were fou! nd on the fuel tank. Before sending it to the International Space Station, NASA scientists want to be sure that they have done everything as they should and not embarrass themselves once again. The mission is about to last some 11 days and the management team final opinion is that if by the end of the year Discovery doesn't fly, it will be grounded until February. But, NASA officials aren't so worried about the date, the most important is to get to know the real problem. According to them the problems with the shuttle aren't found in the basic design, but a matter of case. As John Shannon, the Space Shuttle program manager says, it will take some time for the experts to figure out where actually the problem is. "We have an unknown here – how did something get through our process to allow a crack, and do we have a susceptibility to have another one of those conditions?" - Shannon asked himself. Not only the cracks but the bad weather as well were big problems for! the launching delay. I wish bigger luck to scientists on the! ir third try, or on their third luck.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Už poznáme tajomstvo takzvaných lietajúcich hadov
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Strach z hadov je jeden z tých najbežnejších. No čo tak lietajúce hady? Taká predstava človeku ľahko môže privodiť ozaj desivé nočné mory. Hady nás neprestávajú udivovať. Nedávna štúdia týkajúca sa týchto tichých a záhadných zvierat hovorí o tom ako presne sú tie ktoré druhy schopné lietať. Predstavte si hada obkrúteného okolo konára stromu, zrazu sa napne a vymrští. Normálne by takýto skok znamenal smrť, alebo prinajmenšom polámané kosti, no to neplatí! ; pre hada z rodu Chrysopelea paradisi. Chrysopelea je druh hadov, ktorí sú len mierne jedovaté, pre človeka nie sú nebezpečné, a vyskytujú sa v juhovýchodnej Ázii, Melanézii a Indii. Sú tiež známe ako lietajúce hady, i keď toto označenie je tak trochu zavádzajúce. V skutočnosti nelietajú, ale plachtia. Konkrétne hady Chrysopelea paradisi sú čierne so zelenými šupinami a dorastajú do dĺžky až troch stôp. Tieto zvieratá sú populárne na európskom trhu s domácimi miláčikmi. Takisto patria medzi tie najzručnejšie čo sa týka schopnosti plachtenia. Už spomínaná štúdia hovorí, že ich tajomstvom je jednoducho spôsob akým sa hýbu. „V prípade každého letca potrebujete poznať základy: ako rýchl! o sa pohybuje, aký je jeho tvar a aký je tvar kr! 7;dla,&# 8220; hovorí autor štúdie biológ Jake Socha. „V tejto novej štúdii sme sa dopracovali k poznatkom o presnej pozícii tela pri takomto plachtení.“ Vo svojom predchádzajúcom výskume Socha tiež zistil, že pri odraze sa tieto hady sploštia a potom sa vzduchu vlnia zo strany na stranu ako by to robili pri normálnom pohybe na zemi. Rýchlosť akou plachtia sa väčšinou pohybuje medzi 8 až 10 metrov za sekundu. Štúdia tiež ukazuje, že predná časť tela hada sa počas letu nepohybuje (teda okrem vlniaceho sa pohybu), zatiaľ čo ich chvost sa pohybuje hore dole. „Celý had je ako jedno dlhé krídlo,“ hovorí Socha.

related story (sgx18668):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hardship among Indonesia´s volatile volcanoes
by Zuzana Zelenakova

For most people it is hard to imagine what it is like to live in Indonesia with its numerous volatile volcanoes that erupt every now and then. Living on the edge kind of lifestyle, maybe? Definitely not the rock and roll way, though. Just think about it, the possibility of losing everything in a split of a second is ever present. Latest eruption in Indonesia, that of Mount Merapi on Nov 5, demonstrated once again the power of the earth. More than 300 people died and about 320,000 lost their homes. According to Surono, the head of Indonesia´s monitoring agency, to predict an eruption is not as difficult as to communicate the message to people and make them realize how ! dangerous the situation is and act accordingly. However, villagers living nearby or on the slopes of Mount Merapi have their own beliefs they follow and are convinced the mountain can be understood and tamed. Surono calls it “voodoo” a mixture of animism and Hinduism. "With Merapi, I must talk about nature and culture," he said. "This is not easy." 62-year-old Sedyo Wiyono, for example, believes that the mountain´s behaviour is the result of human failure and says the coexistence with it is no longer possible. "I think Mount Merapi is no longer friendly to those of us who were born and raised at its foot. Maybe it was our sins that made the volcano so angry," said Sedyo Wiyono whose son was of the victims of the latest eruption. Surono´s work was further complicated by a man called Maridjan, the keper of Merapi´s spirits, who often refused to evacuate and by his own example convinced others to stay as well. He died during one of the first blast! s of the volcano, about dozen bodies were found with him.
rel ated story (sgx18636):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip ! of your fingers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Between life and death.
by Milota Sidorova

I'ts incredible if you realize the fact that about 90 percent of commercially popular fish have been already harvested. It's twice as much increadible when you enter the shop and look upon those tables and tins offering any kind of fish meat. Tins are everywhere, but one surely realizes its price went up or its quality rapidly lowered. And although the free fishing industry has been gradually replaced by planned fish farms, the number and amount of species are declining. One of them is Atlantic sturgeon, one of the biggest and oldest fish living near North American Coast. As many of its kind, sturgeon was hit by increasing pollution, dams and generally changing of water sys! tem in the country – now the specie is facing general extinction. But there are some who aim to save this fish of superlatives. One of them is 30 yrs old doctoral student Matt Balazik. Along with a group of researchers he has aimed to count sturgeon's population in the James River and Chesapeake Bay. Although the bottom-feeding giant is almost not viable, there is a little hope for Balazik and others to restore its population back to these places. But before accelerating the evolution, they have to count, measure and create databasis of the current population. That means to catch these spectacular animals in more than 1,000-foot-long nets, measure them, specify gender and return them back to the water. Sturgeons have been qualified for law protection, although their harvest was prohibited in the past. There are only five species of this fish spread on the area between Florida, New York and Hudson Bay. According to scientists the fish kept its form since the era of d! inosaurs and this finding make it a living „fossil“! ; and va luated object of research and protection.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Crack On Discovery's Fuel Tank
by Barbora Misakova

Discovery’s launch is endangered! As NASA informed, two cracks were discovered in its fuel tank on Wednesday and now it can cause complications to Discovery’s final voyage this year. These two tracks are each 9 inches long and were found on the exterior of the aluminum tank. They were found in the insulating foam that covers the 15-story tank that means that cracks are in the area that holds instruments. Even thought it has never happened before, NASA engineers believe the tank can be fixed on time. But no one can promise now, it will be repaired in time to meet a November 30 launch attempt. But Discovery had also another problem. It grounded on Friday by a hydr! ogen gas leak that cropped up during fueling. In the sphere of space research, there any little mistake can be mortally dangerous. There mustn’t be anything underestimated. That’s why NASA officials said they will not attempt another launch until the foam and tank are patched. However, NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said it is possible they may have unknowingly launched shuttles in the past with these type of cracks in the tank. As he added, the tank is discarded once a shuttle reaches orbit and breaks up while plunging back through the atmosphere. Space Shuttle Discovery is one of the three currently operational orbiters in the Space Shuttle fleet of NASA. Its first flight was in 1984 and now it is the oldest orbiter in service. Discovery must be flying by Dec. 6 otherwise the flight to the International Space Station will be off until approximately February.

related story (sgx18593):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pompeii building to collapse
by Milota Sidorova

This is very bizzare situation. Imagine that Stonehendge would fall and turned into the huge amount of dust and stone. The memorial of the same importance, Italian city of Pompeii have gone through this kind of situation during past days. One of more than 2,000-year-old houses once used by gladiators disintegrated into rubble. The building was used for gladiator training and storing weapons. It eventually survived even WWII when the building was partly destroyed. According to official news it may not be the last one to collapse. For one of the most frequented and visited Italian historical sites it is definitely a bad image, so bad that even President Giorgio Napolitano cal! led it a „disgrace for Italy“. It may point out to low maintenance and technical support in one of the most popular urban skeletons in the world. Pompeii disappeared from the Earth's surface after explosion of nearby Vesuvius volcano about two thousands years ago. Its ressurection meant great attraction not only among academics, but also common people. The situation however may be influenced by another factor. Just like two thousands years ago, the cause of total holocaust was the volcano, this time it may be also taking its part of the play. Some seismological studies the mountain was showing signs of increasing activity that were although invisible for common safety measures, but were hints pointing towards another possible explosion. The concentration of sulphur gases was increasing during past 15 years and according to the lifetime period, the cycle of Vesuvius was around 2,000 years. As for Pomepii, further damage was „inevitable“ said Daniela ! Leone, a spokeswoman for Pompeii's archaeological superintende! nce. Acc ording to Leone the area was just much too large and vast and required intensive maintenance. And though we are speaking about one of the most important reminders of our civilization, the truth is, this memorial is slowly turning into ruins.

related story (sgx18546):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload ! and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Electric taxis to help reduce carbon emmissions
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Upon taking over a leadership of C40 coalition New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced his intentions to promote electric taxis. C40 is a coalition of 40 cities whose aim is to reduce carbon emmissions. It was founded in 2005 based on the idea that the biggest cities, that are responsible for major pollution, should play the biggest role in making amends to our environment. Bloomberg, the tenth richest man in the United States and the founder anf majority owner of Bloomberg LP, was reelected as a New York City Mayor in November 2009. “We've seen, I think again and again, how national governments have struggled, both at home and at the international stage, to tak! e climate change actions,” Bloomberg said at the C40 conference in Hong Kong on Saturday. “Together, we have to fill the vacuum of leadership ourselves.” He also suggested that cabs in all cities involved have common design and issue the order for the vehicles together. Bloomberg who is a firm Democrat is paying a lot of attention to the environmental issues. In order to fight global warming he introduced a plan called PlaNYC: A Greener, Greater New York, whose aim is to prepare the city for the projected increase in population by 2030. The increase is estimated to mount to 1 million more people living in the Big Apple. "[W]e now know beyond a doubt that global warming is a reality. And the question we must all answer is, what are we going to do about it?" he said in the keynote address at the C40 Large Cities Climate Summit. He is also known for improvement of electrical equipment in old buildings throughout the city. "Most of the things we talk about to ! improve the environment in New York City — it's a buildi! ng code. That's a city function," he said.

related story (sgx18548):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of! your fingers.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Visible, invisible...
by Milota Sidorova

Have you ever thought about the possibilities of human eye? It is not just perfect combination of optic materials and absolute management and ability to change the focus in microsecond and send these data inside the brain, but it is also limited. Comparing to several animals, especially predators and birds, our eyes are limited by the focus distance. That means we can't zoom for long distances and observe details from several hundreds of meters. Or we can't see very well in the night, just like cats that are able to scale their lenses up to the maximum. To put it shortly human eye can't catch all spectrum of light and can be confused by changing distances. So it means even! our perfect look factory can lie to our brain. Have you ever thought of invisible people or clothes or even buildings? It is not only a fiction, but team of Physicts in Scotland have just recently released progressive development of almost „invisible“ material. It is called Metafles and it is the fabric or flexible material that interacts with the light of around 620 nanometers. For common people it may look like white material that manipulate shadows even colors of the light. Metaflex is made from novel material using technologies based on polymer and sillicon support. Human can perceive light from 400 nanometers to 700 nanometers or catch color spectre from deep violet and purple to deep red. Although Metaflex is still far away from invisible material, so far it can change the characteristics of the light. This feature can be used in optics as well as smart clothing. However, this „invisibility“will be „visible“ just for us – hu! mans who are accostumed for specified light spectres.
related story (sgx18535):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

by Milota Sidorova

Rozmýšľali ste niekedy nad vlastnoťami ľudského oka? Tak ako je to unikátna a ťažko napodobiteľná optická hračka, vonkajšia predĺženina mozgu, schopná meniť ohnisko a zaostrovať v mikrosekunde, reagovať na zmeny svetla a tieto informácie okamžite preposielať do centrálnej časti mozgu, tak sú naše oči ľahkým terčom optických klamov. Teraz nemyslím len na fatamorgány – tieto klamy sú oveľa bežnejšie a menej mystické – nedokážeme napríklad zaostrovať ako dravce. Sokol, ktorý plachtí nad poľom je schopný zachytiť drobné pohyby koristi v steblách trávy. Toto nedokážeme. Nedokážeme taktiež royšíriť naše zrenice natoľko, aby sme sa v poriadku orientovali počas noci.! Dokážu to mačky, ale my nie. Skrátene, nedokážeme prirodzene využiť celé svetelné spektrum – to čo vnímame na hraniciach viditeľnosti je tmavočervená – niekde okolo 400 nm a potom tmavo fialová, až šarlátová – niekde okolo 700 nm. Všetko ostatné je neviditeľné... Rozmýšľali ste niekedy nad neviditeľnosťou? Tým, že by sa vynašli šaty, ktoré by doslova skryli človeka alebo by to boli fasády, ktoré by odtajili vysoké budovy... Vlastne možno nie sme od tejto doby až tak veľmi vzdialení. Škótsky tím vedcov nedávno zverejnil štúdiu o takmer „neviditeľnom“ materiáli. Nie je tak celkom neviditeľný, ale značne mení vlastnosti svetla. Volá sa metaflex a ide o materiál využ! ívajúci technológie polymérov a silikó! ;nu. Dok áže zmeniť farbu svetla v dĺžke okolo 620 nm. Podľa vedcov bude mať významné krycie vlastnosti. Vedecký tím Adreou di Falco z Univerzity st. Andrewsa tvrdí, že od úplnej neviditeľnosti je projekt ďaleko, avšak Metaflex je správnou vývojovou líniou. Neviditeľné materiály by mali enormný prínos pre optiku alebo výrobu krytov a oblečenia. Pokiaĺ hovoríme o neviditeľnosti, treba opať spomenúť tú ľudskú neviditeľnosť – materiál bude pravdepodobne meniť vlastnosti svetla v ľudskom svetelnom spektre – čo však opäť znamená, že neviditeľnosť bude relatívna – pre prístroje alebo niektoré druhy zvierat...

related story (sgx18537):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Najgolemiot vulkan mu se zakanuva na Island
by Zivka Deleva

Nova zakana doagja od Island. Pred polovina godina, vulkanska erupcija od vulkanot Eihafjalajokul sozdade "uragan" od problemi vo Evropa, najmnogu problemi vo vozdušniot soobrakjaj. Togaš, najgolemite severnoevropski državi bea zaglaveni na aerodromite nekolku dena. Sega nov vulkan sozdava novi glavobolki. Sepak, ne e so takvi karakteristiki, no koj znae. Paranojata e tuka celo vreme. Glečer što može da go najdite na vrvot na najaktivniot vulkan vo državata, sega proizvede tolku mnogu voda, što e normalno za sekoj da bide zagrižen. Stravot e najmnogu poradi toplinata na planinata i možnosta vulkanot da eruptira. Island ! 69;esto e problemza Evropa, poradi vulkanskite aktivnosti. Geofizičarite tvrdat deka ovoj vulkan bi možel da sozdade slična zvrka koja drug vulkan ja provociral pred nekoi šest godini. Togaš, neboto nad Evropa beše celosno pokrieno vo prašina. Ovoj pat, lošoto momče e vulkanot Grimsvotn. Svetskite predviduvanja sé ušte ne se površinata, veli geofizičarot od Meterološkata kancelarija Gunar Gudmundson. Vulkanot Grimsvotn e smesten 200 metra oid ledot vo jugoistočniot del na Island. Ovaa erupcija ne beše prva za najgolemiot islandskiot vulkan. Toa isto taka se sluči vo 1996 i 1998 godina, koga golemi površini na polinja završija pod voda. Sigurna sum deka ne mu e lesno nekomu da bide gragjanin na Island. Kako bi se čuvstvuvale koga bi znaele deka vašiot život e pod zakana tolku čest? No, jas pretpostavuvam deka lugjeto se takvi suštestva što mož! ;at da se naviknat na sekakvi uslovi tolku lesno. Tokmu zatoa,! vpro 69;em, nie sme nasekade na Zemjata.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Prvý humanoid na ISS
by Milota Sidorova

Roboti a umelá inteligencia vobec ľudí priťahovala už odnedávna. Podľa niektorých psychológov tieto mechanické hračky v človeku prebúdzajú onen božský, stvoriteľský komplex. Dokáže človek vytvoriť nový život pomocou technológii? Ano, nepochybne. Máme to šťastie alebo smolu, že žijeme v ére prvých technologických míľnikov – rozdelili sme DNA, naklonovali sme ju, vytvorili úspešne rozmnožujúcu sa klonovanú baktériu, nanotechnológie prednedávnom zaznamenali &#! 250;spech v podobe extrémne citlivej, takmer ľudskej kože, nuž a dnes v médiach rezonuje nový objav. R2 je prvým humanoidným robotom, ktorý sa dostane do vesmíru. Robot, ktorý v najbližšom čase poletí s raketoplánom Discovery na jednosmernú cestu na Medzinárodnú vesmírnu stanicu ISS by mal natrvalo obohatiť doteraz iba „ľudskú“ posádku. Podľa tvorcov ide o robota, ktorý by mal vykonávať čistiace práce, pričom s prehladom zvláda chemikálie, extrémne nízke teploty alebo prípadný požiar. R2 v súčasnosti vyzerá ako dobrá napodobenina ľudského torza – má perfektne tvarované ramená, lakte, zápästia a prsty, má oči, ktoré sú vsadené do zlatej hlavy. R2 nevyzerá len ako mechanická hrač! ;ka, nie je to len kovová skrumáž súč! iastok, jeho vzhľad je oveľa jemnejší a naozaj v niektorých momentoch dosahuje ľudské proporcie a vzhľad. K úplnosti mu však chýbajú nohy, ktoré by mala NASA na ISS poslať v priebehu budúceho roka. Jeho mozog – technické centrum sa však nenachádza v hlave, ale v oblasti „žalúdka“. Technici preň nenašli lepšie miesto. Potom, čo R2 obrdží nohy, bude schopný takmer ľudského pohybu po stanici. Podľa prvých ohlasov astronauti tento vynález oceňujú – a to nielen pri čistení toaliet...

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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

The biggest volcano threasts Iceland
by Zivka Deleva

A new threat comes from Iceland. Half an year ago, a volcano eruption from Eyhafjallajokul volcano created a "hurricane" of problems in Europe, mostly problems in the air traffic. Then, the biggest Northern European countries were stuck at the airports for five days. Now another volcano creates new headaches. Still, it is not with such characteristics but, who knows. Paranoia is here all the time. A glacier that you can find on the top of the most active Vulcan in the country, now produced that much water, that is normal for everyone to be worried. The fear is the most about the warmth of the mountain and the possibility for the volcano to erupt. Iceland is often a probl! em for Europe due to its volcanos' activities. Geophysicists claim that this volcano might create a similar mess that another volcano provoked some six years ago. Than, the sky over Europe was all covered in dust. This time, the bad boy is the Grimsvotn volcano. The worst predictions are still not on the surface, says Icelandic Meteorological Office geophysicist Gunnar Gudmundsson. Grimsvotn volcano is situated 200 meters under ice in the southeastern part of Iceland. This eruption wouldn't be the first for the biggest Iceland's volcano. It also happened in 1996 and 1998, when big surfaces of plains ended under water. I am certain that it is not easy for someone to be a citizen of Iceland. How would you feel if you would know that your life is under some threat so very often? But,I guess, people are such creatures that can get used to all kinds of conditions very easily. That's why we are everywhere on the Earth, by the way.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

First Artificial Humanoid
by Milota Sidorova

There is something amazing about robots and artificial intelligence in general. It is a reminder of human desire to create the life on its own. We have the precious gift that we can live in era the first technological steps are taken, or to speak more literally, we are living in era of first breaking points – successful clones, artificially created bacteria clone, sensible skin based on nanotechnology and humanoid robots. Soon we won't be far from all those science fiction movies and phantasies. R2 is the first human alike robot that will fly on the International Space Station soon. R2 that is currently looking like a human torso with precisely manufactured arms, elb! ows and fingers, with eyes put into golden head is the first robot aimed for space environment. According to its creators it is going to work in tough conditions and he is ready to face toxins, fire and extreme cold – R2 will be first artificial humanoid accompanying 100 percent human crew. His appearance is grabbing attention since its upper part was purified and has the closest human look alike – there is no such thing as metal finger, R2 is having impression of perfectly tuned, plastic figurine. But the brain is not located in his head, but down in the stomach area – according to technicians it was the best location. So far, R2 has been looking like a human torso, but NASA is expecting to send him legs so he will be able to move in a human way. Legs are however scheduled on 2011.

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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.