
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Atlas V carried a secret satellite.
by Milota Sidorova

Although space missions of any kind are usually well described and publically introduced in advance, this time a rocket carrying classified satellite cargo launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base without any specification. The rocket took off by 9 p.m. from Californian coastline. The whole program was covered by the National Reconnaissance Office, Vandenberg's 30th Space Wing and the United Launch Alliance. NRO has been responsible for designing, building and operating of nation reconnaissance satellites. Some of their clients are including Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. The company has undergone continuously declassification – its headqua! rters were localized in Chantilly, Va in 1994 and opened around 800,000 CORONA images that were transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration. Since 1996 it has become more open, eventuelly announcing launches of a reconnaissance satellites. Atlas V rocket was used for last flight, the next flight under NRO is scheduled on January 15 and later on March. Times however, haven't been specified yet. For January mission Delta IV Heavy is going to be used and Atlas V will take off again in March. The next flight from Vandenberg AFB will be September 26th. Minotaur IV will insert the payload into a 540 km circular orbit. According to official time schedule, the payload is the Space-Based Space Surveillance satellite. Delta II will take off launching COSMO-SkyMed 4 radar Earth-imaging satellite on October 29th. The next scheduled flight will be November 22nd and Taurus XL will carry Glory scientific satellite and three small satellites as secondary payloads.
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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ajde da zboruvame za vremeto
by Milota Sidorova

Sigurno ste bile vo situacija koga namesto sončev den, vremenskata prognoza što ja kažale meteorlozite, završuvate nakisnati i nastinati. Sigurno ste bile luti na meteorolozite i na „povisokata volja“ koga vremeto ednostavno se smenilo. No, kolku povekje prognozi gledam, sé povekje zabeležuvam eden vid na očigledni odgovori na meteorolozite koi se po malku konzervativni da kažat „da, kje bide sončev den so malku dožd navečer“. Tie ne sakaat da go kažat toa, so ogled na toa deka da se najavat doždovi ili ušte pološo – uragani i tropski buri e kako „da predvidite ko&! #353;mar“. Prvo prognozite bea bazirani na intuicija i iskustva od našite predci, bazirani na promenata na site četiri godišni vreminja, životinskata migracija, bojata na neboto, duri i mojot dedo možeše da go predvidi vremeto za naredniot den. No, ova se promeni, našata klima se menuva i doživuvame mnogu poekstremni vremenski situacii vo poslednite godini. Imame mnogu poekstremni žeški denovi, otkolku ladni periodi sred leto, poplavi i zemjotresi prosledeni so cunami i brojot na tropskite buri raste, isto taka. Iako meteorolite imaat visokotehnološki kompjuteri, ne e lesno da se predvide tragata na takva bura, so ogled na toa deka ne e samo edna linija što treba da se nacrta na mapata. No, sigurnosta raste – denes dobivame predupreduvanje eden ili povekje denovi odnapred vo slučaj da se pojavi nešto takvo. Na primer, tridnevna prognoza vo 1980 godina izgledaše „eve doagja“, ! rečisi pred 30 godini, meteorlozite možat da í ! vlezat v o traga na burata so dijametar od 53 dijametar. Modelite i bazata na podatoci kje naprednat vo idnina i da obezbedat specifični proekcii, no kako što Timoti Šot, lider na programata za tropski cikloni od Nacionalnata vremenska usluga sugeriraše „vremeto ne beše prašanje po algebra so eden vistinski odgovor.“

related story (sgx18173):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growi! ng provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Microbes imrove the oxygen level in the Gulf of Mexico
by Zivka Deleva

Finally some good news from the so much talked British Petroleum oil spill. Scientists have discovered a type of microbes that clean up the oil, they don’t diminish the level of oxygen and don’t create the so-called “dead zones” in the Gulf of Mexico. Some areas where the spill happened have lost oxygen for 20 percent, but that still is not something to be afraid of, because that is not enough for the possible killing of the living world in the sea. Federal researchers have written a report 95 pages long with the actual situation after the oil spill. By far, BP has released 771,000 gallons of chemical dispersants. For the water to be classified as ! a dead zone, it is needed for the oxygen to be forever gone in 90 percents. Almost for one year, the federal officials have been fighting with the lack of the element that means life. One of the biggest reasons why the oxygen level has stayed that big, according to experts might be the natural mixing in the Gulf, which allowed bringing oxygen from other areas into the lower oxygen levels. Not everybody agreed with the idea of using dispersants to improve the oxygen level. The one factor that approves its use might be that it helps the bacteria to degrade the oil, but it also tends to hide the oil right below the surface. In only three months, about 172 million gallons of oil have been spilled out of the Gulf of Mexico which created the worst oil spill that has ever happened in the United States of America.
by Zivka Delevafor Cantell TV (http://cantell.! tv)< /td>

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let's talk about weather
by Milota Sidorova

Surely you've been in a situation when instead of sunny day the weather forecast reported you ended up wet and cold. Surely you've been angry on meteorologists and „Higher Will“ when the weather just twisted and turn. But more weather forecasts I see, the more I notice kind of reluctant answers of meteorologists who are bit conservative to say „yes, it's going to be sunny day with some minor rains in the evening“. They don't want to tell it, since projecting rains or worse – hurricanes and tropical storms is like „projecting a nightmare“.First forecasts were based on intuition and experiences of our ancestors, based on changing of a! ll four seasons, animal migration, color of the sky, even my grandfather was able to forecast the next day. But this has changed, our climate is changing and we are experiencing more extreme weather situations latests seasons. We've got more extreme hot days, then cold periods in the middle of summer, floods and earthquakes followed by tsunami and the number of tropical storms is increasing. Although meteorologists possess high-tech computer models, it's not easy to predict the track of such storm, since it is not one line you draw on the map. But the certainty is increasing – today we can be warned one or more days in advance in case something like this appear. For instance, three day forecast in1980 was as just as „here it comes“, almost thirty years ago, meteorologists are able to track the storm within 53 miles diameter. Models and data projections will progress in the future and assure more specific projections, but as Timothy Schott, a tropical cyclo! ne program leader for National Weather Service suggested ̶! 2;the we ather was not an algebra question with only one right answer.

related story (sgx18155):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment a! t the tip of your fingers.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Playing highly dangerous game
by Milota Sidorova

The fact is our planet is running out of food and water, not to mention fossil fuels and another mineral resources. Human civilization has grown multiplied in unprecedented speed past century. From less than 1 billion our numbers have increased up to almost 7 billion that is expected to reach within two or three years. So how come we come across full supermarkets and in average most of us throw up to 25 percent of food without eating it. If you join together these numbers you'll find out that our supermarket and supercheap wealth is balanced by billions of people starving and dying from hunger every day. They don't live only in Africa or Asia, but they live also in our soc! iety. If we could live in balance without major technological interventions, our planet would accept only 1.4 billion of people. We have entered a technological era, but in many cases technologies have taken their tolls in form of civilization diseases. We have found out that fertilization and gene modification helps to increase cropses, but that very moment plenty of ecological and health problems appeared. Population got sick from allergies (now official researches say every second global inhabitant suffers from kind of allergy), diabetes and obesity. We rather don't mention underwater pollution, chemization of soils ending with wastelands not able to produce after decades of intensive fertizilation, etc. It is clear that we can't keep up this pace and this kind of technology progress, since it's turning back to us with catastrophic consequences. Nutrition and gene stability has been changed. Yet, we have to make difference between normal breeding that was kind of speedin! g up of natural selection and genetic modification. While bree! ding wor ks with only plant genes and combines the best features and characteristic resulting in 100 percent plant genotype, genetic modification works with both animal and plant genes. Sometimes even fungi genes are addjusted. Scientists create organisms that would never appear in nature, since animals never mixes with plants and vice versa. So we have soja that is resistant against certain insect or a dry climate, but on the other way it is not a plant, it has genes from certain bacteria -scientists can't predict the consequences, yet medical reports give some evidence – population fed by health gets down and is more sensible to allergy for instance. We have soja, rice, corn even wheat produced that way. It has been normal in U.S. and recent lobbying maneuvers have passed them in EU. Once is a fact, hunger is a great global threat and human civilization needs to find out system to fight it. But the solution has to safe and caring against people and the environment.

! related story (sgx18147):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Podobra prezervacija na Magna Karta vo Vašington
by Zivka Deleva

Možebi nema popoznat legislativen akt koga bilo napišan vo istorijata na čoveštvoto, kako toj što bil kreiran vo 1215 godina, poznat po latinskite zborovi Magna Karta ili Golema Karta. Toa e angliski dogovor. Deset godini otkako beše sozdaden vo monarhijata, toj stana zakon. Najgolemite pridobivki na aktot beše što gi promoviraše slobodite i go ograniči vladeenjeto na aktuelniot Kral Dzon od Anglija. Eden od primerite kade Povelbata beše dobro primeneta beše deka nikoj sloboden čovek nema da bide kaznet, osven so zakonot na zemjata. Znaejkji kolku konzervativna zemja e Velika Britanija i kolku stabilen ustav i! ma, Magna Karta bila vid urenik spored koj bil sozdaden britanskiot ustav. Vsušnost, nekolkumina baroni pomislile na ovoj vid na forma za da se obidat da go zaprat Kralot da bide takov arbiter i se, razbira, da se pogrižat za svoite interesi. Ovaa Povelba ne bila sekogaš mnogu vlijatelna za državata, no eksperti velat deka duri i amerikanskiot ustav bil inspiriran od ovoj dokument. Ne postojat mnogu kopii od vredniot dokument. Dve od kopiite ne se vo Anglija, a ednata e tema na prezervacija. Ednata od kopiite sega e vo Zgradata na nacionalnata arhiva vo Vašington, vo dvokrilen prozorec napolnet so helium. Naučnici smetaat deka heliumot može da mu našteti na dokumentot, no deka argonot e podobro rešenie za pergamentot napraven od životinska koža. Se veruva deka narednata godina, Arhicata kje go otstrani dokumentot. Fintata so heliumot bila vo toa što amerikanskata vlada go koristela zašto imala monol nad nego! i morala da go koristi kolku može povekje.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Better preservation for Magna Carta in Washington
by Zivka Deleva

Maybe there is no more famous legislation act ever written in the history of the mankind, like the one created in the year 1215, known by the Latin words Magna Carta or Big Chart. That is an English charter. Ten years after it was created in the monarchy, it was passed into law. The biggest benefits of this act was that it proclaimed liberties and limited the govern of the actual King John of England. One of the examples where this Charter was well established was that no freeman would be punished, but through the law of the land. Knowing how conservative country Great Britain is and how stable constitution it has, Magna Carta was a sort of samples according to which the Br! itain’s constitution was made. Actually, few barons have thought of this kind of form in the big try to stop the King from being such an arbiter and, of course, to take care of their own interests. This Charter hasn’t always been very influential for the country, but experts say that even the United States constitution has been inspired by this document. There were not a lot copies from this valuable document. Two of the copies are not in England, and one of them are now an issue for a preservation. One of the copies now is at the National Archives Building in Washington in a helium-filled casement. Scientists believe that the helium can derange the document, but that the element of argon is a better solution for the animal skin parchment. It is believed that the next year, the Archive is going to remove the document. The thing about the helium was that the US government has used it because it had a monopoly on it and had to use it the as much as possible.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.