
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Poblisku do odgovorot
by Claudia Sonea

Godinata 2009-ta nosi nova perspektiva na čovečkata evolucija, obezbeduvajkji dokazi vo prednost na evolutivnata teorija na Darvin. Ne mnogu odamna, naučnicite otkrija skelet čija važnost leži vo faktot deka toa e prvot skelet od čovečkiot predok koj ličeše so čovekot vo formata na teloto, no imaše mozok mal kako na ptica. Kako što e, teorijata na Darvin ne se čini povekje zbunuvačka što doagja od lud naučnik, no ne beše dovolno da se dobie vnimanieto na lugjeto. Kako i da e, udarnoto otkritie koe se sluči nedelava vo Etiopija definitivno dodava povekje kredibilitet na evolutivna! ta teorija. Prviot skelet, narečen Lusi i vtoriot isto taka poznat kako Ardipitekus, bea pronajdeni vo Afrika, no pokažaa različno poteklo. Lusi ličeše povekje na čovečkiot vid od gledna točka na telesnata konstrukcija, so pogolem trohanter, valgus koleno i lumbalna krivina. Ardipitekus e postar i iako e poblizok do majmunite pretstavuvajkji sličnosti vo golemina i težina, kako i vo struktura na koskite. Site fosili i kamenja najdeni na mestoto na otkritieto dokažuvaat deka imalo šuma i Ardi živeel povekje na drvjata, dodeka ovošjeto bilo predominantno na negovata trpeza. Darvin go otvori patot za prašuvanjeto za našeto postoenje. Toj se osmeli da se konfrontira so crkvata i so Potekloto i veli deka nie sme proizvod na evolucijata. Kako rezultat na negovata rabota i ovie otkritija, denes naučnicite za malku kje ja doznaat vistinata za toa kako sme došle na ovoj svet Vozmožno e ! naučnicite da otkrijat novi raboti na ovaa tema - čo! več kata evolucija- no koj se griži dali nie sme Božja kreacija ili sme evoluirale od zednički predok so majmunite, sé dodeka sme evoulirale dovolno za da bideme proniklivi, da bideme odgovorni za našite akcii i da se odnesuvame taka.
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

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Jadniot pretsedatel
by Claudia Sonea

Krajno vreme e Obama da se vrati vo kolosek! Po odmorot vo pogolemiot del od letoto, amerikanskiot pretsedatel mora da se vrati i da se sooči so glasačite koi ne se voopšto zadovolni od toa što toj go ima napraveno dosega. Kade se site vetuvanja što gi napravi za vreme na negovata kampanja? Trupite ne se povlekoa od Irak, univerzalnata programa za zdravstvena zaštita mnogu brzo beše zaboravena i tie duri ne uspeaja da mu se príbližat na planot "Nova energija za Amerika". Ovaa esen, Obama nema za što da se fali ili barem ništo što toj go veti, ne se ostvari. Namesto optimistički najavi deka ekonomskata kriza se! dviži kon nejziniot kraj vo SAD, postojat skratuvanja, otkazi i zarabotkata od posledniot kvartal se čini deka opagjaat od poslednata godina. Site oči se vpereni kon pretsedatelot i toa što go ima napraveno so programata za pomaganje koja vekje i ne se spomnuva, so reformata za zdravstvena zaštita koja predizvika vozbuda bez rezultat. Po vozdržliviot stav i odbivanjeto otvoreno da zboruva za programata za zdravstvena zaštita, Obama pagja na anketi i imidzot na dolgoočekuvan heroj počnuva da isčeznuva. Vo suština, reformata za zdravstvena zaštita beše pregolem zalak od početokot i posle poblisko proučuvanje za toa, kje najdete mnogu kontradikcii kako vetuvanjeto deka nema da go pomogne deficitot, no vo toj slučaj, koj kje go pokrie osiguruvanjeto za onie što toa ne možat da si go dozvolat? Zatoa što Republikancite, pa duri i nekoi Demokrati razmisluvaat povekje za ekonomijata, a ! pomalku za nivniot javen imidz, nacrt-planot ne pomina vo vtor! nikot, & #353;to frli temna senka vrz imidzot na amerikanskiot pretsedatel. Obama se dvižeše brzo i vo sredata, so emotiven govor, frli prašina vo očite na lugjeto i gi nahrani gladnite orli so enormni investicii vo medicinski istražuvanja. Pette milijardi dolari bi značele golema poddrška za negovata reforma za zdravstvena zaštita i se čini apsurdno da se potrošat pari na istražuvanje koi do sega nemaat nikakvi ili rečisi nikakvi rezultati, za da se napravi razlika. Sepak, sekoj e ostaven da stoi so stravopočit i pretsedatelot e srekjen što go prisvoi herojskiot stav. Na zdravje Amerika!

related story (sgx15541): http://n!
by Claudia Sonea
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mai aproape de adevar
by Claudia Sonea

Anul 2009 aduce o noua perspectiva asupra evolutiei omului, oferind dovezi in sprijinul teoriei evolutioniste a lui Darwin. Oamenii de stiinta au descoperit nu cu mult timp in urma un schelet care a devenit faimos ca fiind primul schelet al unui stramos al omului, care semana cu un om prin forma corpului, dar a avea creierul mic ca o maimuta. Asadar, teoria lui Darwin nu mai parea o aiureala vehiculata de un om de stiinta nebun, dar nici nu era suficient pentru a atrage atentia oamenilor. Cu toate acestea, descoperirea surprinzatoare care a avut loc saptamana aceasta in Etiopia da mult mai multa credibilitate teoriei evolutioniste. Atat primul schelet, pe nume Lucy, cat si al doilea, cunoscut sub numele de Ardipithecus, au fost descoperite in Africa, insele ele prezinta o multime de caracteristici diferite. Lucy se aseamana mai mult cu specia umana din punctul de vedere al constructiei corpului, avand trunchiul mai mare, un genunchi valgus si! sira spinarii curbata. Ardipithecus este mai vechi si totodata mai aproape de maimute cu care impartaseste similitudini in marinme si greutate, precum si in structura osoasa. Toate fosilele si rocile gasite la site-ul descoperirii indica ca acolo a existat o padure inainte si Ardi a locuit mai mult in copaci, in timp ce fructele au fost predominante in dieta ei. Darwin a deschis drumul spre a ne indoi de insasi existenta noastra. El a indraznit sa se confrunte cu biserica si sa conteste Geneza, spunand ca suntem produsul unei evolutii. Datorita muncii sale si acestor descoperiri, acum oamenii de stiinta sunt pe cale de a afla adevarul despre cum aparitia omului pe pamant. Este posibil ca in timp oamenii de stiinta sa gaseasca lucruri noi cu privire la acest subiect-al evolutiei umane- dar cui ii pasa daca suntem creatia lui Dumnezeu sau daca am evoluat de la un stramos comun cu maimutele, atata timp cat am evoluat suficient pentru a avea discernam! ant, pentru a ne asuma respunderea pentru actiunile noastre si! a ne co mporta ca atare.

related story (sgx15523):
by Claudia Sonea
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Closer to an answer
by Claudia Sonea

The year 2009 brings a new perspective on human evolution, providing evidence in favour of Darwin’s evolutionist theory. Scientists discovered not long ago a skeleton whose importance resided in the fact that it was the first skeleton from a human ancestor which resembled in body shape with a human, but had the brain as small of an ape. As it is, Darwin’s theory did not seem anymore a mumbo-jumbo coming from a mad the scientist, but it was still not enough to get people’s attention. However, the breaking discovery that took place this week in Ethiopia is definitely adding more credibility to the evolutionist theory. Both the f! irst skeleton, named Lucy, and the second, also known as Ardipithecus, were found in Africa, but they presented a lot of different features. Lucy resembles more to the human specie from the point of view of body’s construction, having greater trochanter, a valgus knee and a lumbar curve. Ardipithecus is older and thus closer to the apes presenting similarities in seize and weight, as well as in bone structure. All the fossils and rocks found at the site of the discovery prove that there was a forest and Ardi lived more in the trees, while fruits were predominant in her diet. Darwin opened the road to the questioning of our existence itself. He dared to confront the church and the Genesis and say we are the product of an evolution. Due to his work and these discoveries, now scientists are about the find out the truth on how we came in this world. It is possible in time for the scientists to find new things regarding this subject- the human evolut! ion- but who cares if we are God's creation or if we evolved f! rom a co mmon ancestor with the apes as long as we have evolved sufficiently to have discernment, to be responsible for our actions and we behave as such.
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Presedintele la ananghie
by Claudia Sonea

Era si timpul ca Obama sa revina pe scena! Dupa indelungata odihna din vara aceasta, presedintele SUA trebuie sa se intoarca in fata alegatorilor care nu sunt deloc multumiti de ceea ce a facut pana acum. Unde sunt toate promisiunile facute in timpul campaniei lui? Trupele nu s-au retras din Irak, programul de sanatate universal a fost curand uitat si nu au reusit nici macar sa ajunga la planul "Noua Energie pentru America". In aceasta toamna Obama nu are nimic cu care sa se laude sau cel putin nimic din ce a promis ca va realiza. In ciuda anunturilor optimiste ca in America criza economica este pe sfarsite, au loc concedieri si restructurari in masa, iar in u! ltimul trimestru castigurile par sa fi scazut fata de anul trecut. Toti ochii sunt pe presedinte si ceea ce a facut cu programul de salvare, care nici nu mai este mentionat, cu reforma sistemului de sanatate care a starnit o multime de agitatie fara nici un rezultat. Dupa atitudinea reticenta si refuzul de a se pronunta cu privire la programul de sanatate, Obama a scazut in sondaje si imaginea de mult asteptat erou incepe sa dispara. De fapt reforma de sanatate nu avea nici un sens inca de la inceput si dupa o studiere mai atenta veti gasi multe contradictii precum promisiunea ca nu va adauga nimic la deficitul bugetar, dar atunci cine va acoperi politele de asigurare pentru cei care nu isi pot permite? Deoarece Republicanii si chiar unii Democrati se gandesc mai mult la economie si mai putin la imaginea lor publica, proiectul de lege nu a fost aprobat marti, ceea ce a produs insa un nor intunecat deasupra presedintelui SUA. Obama sa miscat rapid si miercur! i, dupa un discurs emotional, a aruncat praf in ochii oamenilo! r si a h ranit vulturii infometati, cu o investitie enorma in domeniul cercetarii medicale. Cele 5 $ miliarde de euro ar fi insemnat un mare sprijin pentru reformei sa de sanatate si pare absurd sa se arunce bani pe cercetari ce pana in prezent nu au venit cu aproape nimic nou, sau nimic care sa faca o diferenta. Cu toate acestea, toata lumea este din nou indragostita de presedintele ce adopta fericit postura erou. Mult noroc, America!
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

President in distress
by Claudia Sonea

It is high time for Obama to get back in business! After resting most of the summer, the US president must get back to face the voters who are not at all pleased of what he has done so far. Where are all the promises made during his campaign? The troops did not withdraw from Iraq, the universal health care program was soon forgotten and they did not even managed to get to the plan “New Energy for America”. This Fall Obama has nothing to brag about or at least nothing that he promised was accomplished. In spite of optimistic announcements that the economic crisis is heading towards its ends in US, there are cut backs, lay offs! and the final quarter earnings seem to have dropped from last year. All eyes are on the president and what he has done with the bailout program which is not even mentioned anymore, with the health care reform that stirred a lot of commotion without any result. After the reticent attitude and the refusal to pronounce on the health care program, Obama went down in polls and the image of long awaited hero is starting to vanish. As a matter of fact the health care reform was a mumbo-jumbo from the beginning and after a close study of it, you will find many contradictions like promising that it will not add to deficit, but then who will cover the insurance for those who cannot afford? Because the Republicans and even some Democrats are thinking more about the economy and less about their public image, the bill did not go through on Tuesday, which caste a dark shadow over the image of US president. Obama moved quickly and on Wednesday, with an ! emotional speech threw dust in people’s eyes and fed the! hungry eagles with an enormous investment in medical research. The 5$ billion would have meant a great deal in support of his health care reform and it seems absurd to waste money on researches that up to now came up with almost nothing or at least nothing to make a difference. Nonetheless, everyone is left standing in awe again and the president is happy to adopt the hero posture. Cheers America!

related story (sgx15520):
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.