
Thursday, December 20, 2007

by Claudia Sonea

The film Sideways was a blockbuster and people loved it. The actors weren't the only ones getting all the credit, the type of grape called Pinot Noir that represented the family heritance in the movie, also become famous. Like all good things, the Pinot Noir had to pass through scientists' experiments and this is how in Italia studies were conducted in order to discover its genetic make-up. On Wednesday more than 2 million genetic variants within the Pinot Noir grape were reported by researchers. This offers a multitude of variants to winegrowers in the hunt for new strains and also leads to hardier vines and cheaper fine wines. Riccardo Velasco, head of genetics at the Istituto Agrario San Michele all'Adige, reinforced the importance of the test adding that the variety at the DNA level gives now the possibility to breed disease-resistant grapes without sacrificing taste. Indeed they are not the first one researching on grapes. Velasco and his team are the first to catalogue the myriad single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs, found scattered amongst its 30,000 genes. Furthermore, it identified a large number of genes related to disease resistance, 289 of which contain SNPs, they reported in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS ONE. One of his benefic effect is fast-tracking the traditional breeding selection process opinions Brian Dilkes of the University of California. Nevertheless, for all those interested in finding out more about cultivating le Pinot Noir, I recommend to read the whole paper at Enjoy!

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

What it will be?
by Claudia Sonea

Have you thought about what kind of Christmas tree to buy this Christmas? Here are some details concerning a real tree and a fake tree in order to help you make up your mind. Don't forget that this is only a presentation pleading for the acquisition of a real tree, the final option is yours. A real tree improves air quality by producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide and it is also a renewable resource, while a fake one has most of its parts non-biodegradable, according to the National Christmas Tree Association, which advocates the use of real trees. The real ones don't go to landfill, but are generally picked up by local jurisdictions, chipped and added to leaves collected to make compost. Furthermore you can compost yourself by pruning the limbs to the main trunk. 32 million real trees are due to be sold this year and most of them have been grown in USA or Canada. The process implies that the real trees that are cut to be replaced with seedlings that will mature into a full stand of trees. On the other hand around 133,000 artificial trees were sold last year in the United States. If you will actually decide to buy a real tree, go to a year-round garden center or tree stand that has experience with live nursery stock and seek trees with root balls if you want to plant them outdoors right after Christmas. Don't forget to check the needles before purchasing for them to be pliable and fresh. I recommend live trees because of the smell and the feeling of real holiday induced by it. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The more variety, the more troubles
by Martina Harvanova

Although it cannot be seen and remarked easily,the humans are deemed the creatures with the biggest capability of development. What our personal life of approximately eighty years means in comparison to the 40 00 to 50 000 years of the entire existence of modern humans? The recently released research is showing that we are evolving more rapidly than it used to be in the faraway past. Mostly, the past 100 centuries are known as the greatest evolution factor that affected, for instance, the appearance of many new genetic mutations, skeletal or dental evolution. Furthermore, scientists claim different people all over the world are varying even more and the further the progress of life is carrying on, the notable difference between various races and in fact, species, however weird it can sound, can be seen. Well, the latest knowledge of scientists believe the humans are right know overcoming one of the biggest changes in the whole history of man. And they don´t follow the science-fiction-author´s views about the future blend of all the races, nations and cultures to a common human form. While trying to imagine, how more different we could possibly be, I´ve started to think of the reverse. How can it have looked like, let´s say, 5000 years ago, when the variety of humans wasn´t as apparent as nowadays is. Due to less of this otherness, the people were maybe happier, more satisfied with their life and didn´t worry so much about irrelevant things of the every-day life. They definitely didn´t have problems with racism in any form, because there was no one that would have been different. Nobody didn´t think of himself as of someone that is more valuable than others are only because of his race. Or maybe I am thinking too naive. Of course, there always occurs the though of primacy or contempt of the others, but anyways. It is just one simple fact and it entirely effects the behavior of humans. Isn´t it absurd? Why should we scorn other people only because they differ? And doesn´t it act on contrary? Isn´t it us who is different? Let´s meditate about the human´s variety and don´t rate it as a disadvantage or even bad luck, but a wonderful opportunity to experience a novelty in our lives.

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New source of energy
by Daniela Simkova

All of us are worried of running down all our sources produced on the Earth. We exhaust the sources by wanting to have a higher comfort in our houses, or in our lives. The problem, which is getting bigger is the question "How can we produce more energy?" The scientists have discovered a new source of energy coming form the amazing color projection of the northern light, which is accompanied by a geomagnetic storm. "Nature was very kind to us," said Vassilis Angelopoulos, the principal investigator of the University of California in Los Angeles. NASA launched five satellites this winter, that recognized the energy coming from a stream of charged particles. Mr. Angelopoulos said that the energy is released as a shiny flow of light, which we can see in the upper latitude of the Northern Hemisphere. New data from the NASA's Themis mission, the name given to the launched satellites, shows presence during aurora borealis, a northern light, is particle flow and magnetic fields from the space. Satellites noticed this incredible appearance in March 2007. The scientists assumed that there is some existence of magnetic fields, which provide enough energy for the aurora borealis, but these were just a cogitations until the May, when the satellites first measured their structure of about 40,000 miles over the Earth's surface. Scientists hope that satellites will record another geomagnetic storm, which could help to figure out how it works with the northern light and how we could use this energy in our benefit.
by Daniela Simkova
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New discovery from the Hawaii Islands
by Ivana Bruderova

t's unbelievable, after centuries of research and millions known species of animals and plants, biologists are still discovering new amazing species living on Earth. In Monday, scientists from Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) informed about new undersea coral and sponge they discovered in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Newly discovered yellow bamboo coral and the giant sponge are living in depth 3,000 to 6,000 feet under sea surface. The researchers came back from their expedition on November19. The monument is about 100 times larger than Yosemite National Park and was created by president George Bush only year ago. Situated in the Northwestern part of Hawaiian Islands include about 1,000 miles of main Islands. Christopher Kelly the principal investigator of this project said the monument is potential place of many future dicoveries. "In Hawaiian traditions Northwestern Hawaiian islands are considered a sacred place a region of primordial darkness from which life springs and spirits return after death." (Kikiloi 2006) Most of new species are detected at the places which resist to human activity, as protected areas. Especially life under sea level is still so surprising various also for scientists. "Most of the monuments are under scuba diving depths,"said Randy Kosaki. He is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research coordinator for the monument."It's important to find ways to explore these deep water ecosystems where the inhabitants are virtually unknown."

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Seaweed, solution of global warming?
by Ivana Bruderova

For somebody only disgusting green stuff bothering them while swimming, for others way how to save our planet. In these days the world's largest conference about climate changes continuous in Bali. The scientist are dealing with many topics, the number one is considered to be the topic how to use natural resources to move carbon from the air. For this, seaweed can be used. In the seaweed research are leaders Asian-Pacific countries, which are also the largest producers of these underworld plant. Seaweed are used to soups, salads and other traditional Japanese or Chinese foods. In the Asian-Pacific seas are situated 80 percent of global production of seaweed. A South Korean environmental scientist Chung Ik-kyo said: " The ocean's role is neglected, because we can't see the vegetation. But under the sea there is a lot of seaweed and sea grass that can take up carbon dioxide." While in the past, the most of the attention were put on the forests the seaweed scientist persuade, people should look to the sea where can be potential answer to such serious question as how to stem global warming undoubtedly is. "The oceans account for the 50 percent of all photosythesis of the earth," said John Beardall with Australia's Monash University. "These are very productive ecosystems, they are drawing down a lot of carbon," he said. As everything, this concept has a problem. Opponents say trees are effective for carbon storage due to their long life. Seaweed are growing very fast but it doesn't have very long life. We can talk just about months. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine how the rapid increase of seaweed production could influence other important industries such as fishing industry and other maritime activities.
by Ivana Bruderova
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Scientist: Seaweed - a possible solution for global warming
by Zuzana Hanzelova

Seaweed and algae are humble plants, and their implication is far more underrated. A group of scientist presented at a climate conference in Bali, that seaweed and algae could be a strong weapon against global warming, because of the ability of sucking damaging carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and they are comparable to the mighty rain forests. "The ocean's role is neglected because we can't see the vegetation," said Chung Ik-kyo, a South Korean environmental scientist. "But under the sea, there is a lot of seaweed and sea grass that can take up carbon dioxide." he added. Scientist from 12 Asian-Pacific countries have done their seaweed research, and it is a part of an important effort to calculate how much carbon is being absorbed from the atmosphere by plants, and show as solutions like reforestation and other steps. So-called "carbon sinks" are suppose to control greenhouse gases, which, as we know, trap heat in the atmosphere, and are the main cause of global warming. The Bali conference is suppose to end two-year negotiations for a new global warming pact, because the old one, the Kyoto Protocol, expires in 2012. New possibilities like the use of Earth's natural resources to remove carbon from the air are the major topic of discussion. As the seaweed scientist mentioned, the full attention to carbon sinks is wrongfully focused on forests, while the world should search in the oceans, where 8 million tons of seaweed and algae are harvested from sources every year. On the other hand, critics say that his will be keeping the absorbed carbon from re-entering the atmosphere, and we don't know yet how would the increase in seaweed production affect fisheries, and other things. Some types of seaweed can grow 9 to 12 feet long in a very short time. Lee Jae-young, with South Korea's fisheries ministry, said: "Some seaweeds can absorb five times more carbon dioxide than plants on land." "The oceans account for 50 percent of all the photosynthesis on the earth," said John Beardall, with Australia's Monash University. "These are very productive ecosystems. They're drawing down a lot of carbon," Beardall added. As far as we know, South Korea and Japan are the leaders in this research. Seoul approved a $1.5 million a year project to search the possibilities. The group companies and government of Japan are also looking into establishing cultivation area in the country's west coast waters. But the difficulties still remain. The main reason, for critics, is what will happen by removing water from the seaweed? The seaweed is converted to fuel, it would require a large amount of energy, and therefore the environmental benefits are reduced. As Chung mentioned, the idea was in its infancy. "In terms of ball games, we are just in the bullpen," he said, "not the main game yet."
by Zuzana Hanzelova
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Vedci: Riasy by mohli zastavit oteplovanie
by Zuzana Hanzelova

Bali, Indonesia - Slizke, zelene a skarede, morske a vodne riasy patria medzi najskromnejsie rastliny. Skupina vedcov na konferencii v Bali tvrdia, ze riasy mozu byt mocnou zbranou proti globalnemu oteplovaniu, schopne vysat nicivy kyslicnik uhlicity z atmosfery v podobnej miere ako mocne dazdove pralesy. "Rola oceanu je zanedbana, pretoze nevidime jeho vegetaciu," povedal Chung Il-kyo, povedal ekologicky vedec z Juznej Korey. "Ale pod hladinou mora je vela rias a morskej travy, ktore dokazu vsat kyslicnik uhlicity. " Vyskum morskych rias, zastreseny vedcami z 12 tichomorsko-azijskych krajin, je sucastou velkej snahy vypocitat kolko kyslicniku sa absorbuje z atmosfery rastlinami, a snahy zvysit tento pocet pomocou zalesnovania a inych krokov. Takzvane kyslicnikove pozierace su povazovane za hlavnu pomocku na ovladnutie sklennikoveho efektu, ktory zadrzuje teplo v atmosfere a je pricinou globalneho oteplovania. Konferencia v Bali ma za ciel zurocit dvojrocne jednanie a vytvorit novy pakt o globalnom oteplovani, aby nahradil stary, Kyoto Protokol, ktoreho platnost vyprsi v roku 2012, a hlavnou temou diskusie je vyuzitie prirodnych zdrojov Zeme na odstranenie kyslicniku uhliciteho z ovzdusia. Kym vacsina pozornosti venovana pozieracom kyslicniku je venovana pralesom, tito vedci tvrdia, ze svet by sa mal sustredit na oceany, kde priblizne 8 milionov morskych rias su tazene s divokych, alebo kultivovanych zdrojov kazdy rok. Toto riesenie je vsak rozpoznatelne Azijske - a nie je bez komplikacii. Kritici tvrdia, ze uz raz absorbovany kyslicnik uhlicity sa nebude moct vratit do atmosfery a je nejasne ako vysoky narast v tazeni rias ovplyvni prietok alebo rybarov. Cina je najvacsim svetovym spracovatelom morskych rias, nasledovana Juznou Koreou a Japonskom. Tichomorske Azijske moria, kde sa riasy tazia na polievka, sushi a salaty, su zdrojom 80 percent svetovej tazby. Zastancovia tvrdia, ze rychla fotosynteza rias, a proces premeny kyslicnika uhliciteho a slnecneho ziarenia na energiu a kyslik, z nich robia kandidatov cislo jeden na absorbovanie kyslicnika uhliciteho zo zivotneho prostredia. Niektore typy rias mozu vyrast od 9 po 12 stop iba za tri mesiace. Lee Jae-young spolu s Juhokorejskym ministerstvom rybolovu tvrdia, ze niektore morske riasy dokazu absorbovat patkrat viac kyslicnika uhliciteho ako rastliny na susi. Morske rastliny su zodpovedne za 50 percent fotosyntezy na zemi, povedal John Beardall a australska Monashova univerzita. "Su velmi produktivnymi ekosystemami. Premienaju velmi vela kyslicniku," Beardall povedal. Juzna Korea a Japonsko su lidrami vo vyskume. Soul spustil minuly rok 1,5 milion dolarovy projekt na vyskum moznosti. Japonska vlada a skupina spolocnosti taktiez preveruju zalozenie velkych pestovatelskych oblasti od zapadneho pobrezia smerom nadol. Na prezentacii v Bali, Beardall argumentoval, ze schopne pestovatelske metody by mohli vyrazne zvysit produkciu v krajinach s dlhymi pobreziami. Kzm skupina vedcov neodporuca ako specificky ciel rozmach pestovania rias, Beardall odhaduje, ze Filipiny by mohli vyrazne zvysit svoju rocnu tazbu viac ako stonasobne pomocou intenzivnejsich tazobnych technik. Naviac, s ukladajucim sa kyslicnikom do rias, budu riasy musiet byt pouzite na bio pohonne hmoty, a tym sa uistime, ze kyslicnik uhlicity nie je jednoducho recyklovany naspat do ovzdusia, ako by bo, keby sme tieto riasy konzumovali. Tento koncept ma napriek vsetkemu problemy. Skeptici hovoria, ze stromy su efektivne na uskladnovanie kyslicnika uhliciteho, pretoze ziju dlhe roky, zatial co riasy su pestovane a tazene v mesacnych cykloch, co znamena, ze uskladnovanie kyslicnika uhliciteho by bolo tazko meratelne a kontrolovatelne. "Zavisi to od dlzky doby, ktoru zostanu riasy hmotne," hovori I Nyoman Suryadiputra z Wetlands International. "Pretoze ak sa rozlozia za mesiac, kyslicnik uhlicity sa dostane naspat do atmosfery." Ine prekazky stale zostavaju. Niektori kritici pochybuju, ci tazba rias z mora a ich premena na palivo nebude vyzadovat prilis velke mnozstvo energie, a tym sa nebudu znizovat jeho enviromentalne vyhody. Privrzneci vsak tvrdia, ze vysusovanie na slnku by bolo riesenim, ale bolo by velmi tazke aplikovat to na priemyselnu tazbu. Enviromentalny vysledok rychleho rozmachu fariem s riasami tiez este nie je celkom premyslena, pripustili vedci. Velke plavajuce farmy by mohli skomplikovat rybolov, plavenie sa a ostatne morske aktivity. Chung poznamenal, ze tato myslienka je este len v plienkach. "V terminologii loptovych hier sme este stale len na treningu," povedal, "a nie na zapase."
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Ghanian forests hiding new species
by Zuzana Moravcova

As scientists explored one of the largest remaining blocks of tropical forest in Western Africa, Atewa Range Forest Reserve, various scientically interesting findings have been made. Among critically endangered frogs, rare species of butterflies known for the widest wingspan in the world and fish that are potentionally highly valuable in the aquarium trade, a strange new species of spider tick was found. Its lineage is as old as the dinosaurs, it looks like a cross between a spider and a crab and, which is very unusual, males have their reproductive organs on their legs. From this group only 57 other species are known throughout the world, scientists consider them exiguous. This globally important forest reserve is not only beautiful unique reservation of the rarest species. Besides having a significant intact forest ecosystem, it also serves as an essential source of water for local villages and for Accra. However, not only the last living inhabitants of the forest are in danger. In addition to illegal timber harvesting and bushmeat hunting, mining exploration activities may cause a future threat, as the reserve contains gold and bauxite deposits. Leeanne Alonso, a Conservation International senior scientist heading the RAP program, claimed "This is an SOS to create with local communities and other stakeholders viable economic development options that also protect Atewa's valuable natural resources." Scientists called for the government to upgrade the area's protection status to a National Park, create a buffer zone around the park and develop a management plan including conversation measures and economic development strategies.
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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Discovery of the mansion linked to Queen Helene of Adiabene
by Daniela Simkova

Imagine that you live in the place you think it's no special. The city chooses to built a parking lot nearby and that's it, an ordinary life. What would happen anyway? It is just a parking lot for the tourists, people of your city, free to anyone. But not everything is as simple as it looks like. Diggers uncovered a mansion of a great extend. Not typical for that period and different than other houses of this region. Archaeologists stated that this mansion may be related to famous Queen Helene, whose family ruled region of Adiabene, today known as Iraq. Queen Helene moved to Jerusalem in the first half of the first century A.D. and converted to Judaism. She became famous for her generosity to poor people and also for the collaboration with the Second Temple, which was the center of the Jewish faith. Queen Helene was buried near the Second Temple not far away from her house. She is often praised in the texts, which means she has an importance of a bigger extend in history of this city. Discovered mansion matches to the historical description of the Queens Helene's house. We can then assume that this mansion belonged to her family. The remains of the mansion were discovered right outside of the walls of Jerusalem's Old City, today eastern Jerusalem. The mansion contained storeroom, ritual baths, living quarters, and also some coins dating to the time when the Jewish revolt was quelled by a Roman legions. "This amazing structure was destroyed with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.," said the Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists Doron Ben-Ami. Now, there is a downtown street in Jerusalem named for her.
by Daniela Simkova
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Thursday, December 6, 2007

by Jana Kokavcova

Maps are very important in our lives jet for many years, because they help us to find a right way and help how to find orientation in unknown country. Bigger maps give us some visions how could our world look like from the sky. No everyone has the possibility to fly in an airplane, so we have some maps from the sky, photomaps that give us information. Today it is very popular to go to Google earth and find some information about another country that are too far or too expensive for us to visit them. I know, visit of a country is really better than maps, because satellite maps can not give au the atmosphere of the city. I would like to go to st. Petersburg, but I haven't got enough money and time to go there, so I go to Google earth and see how it looks like in this beautiful Russian city. Everyone who has internet is able to see a lot of from maps. In school are maps very important too. Students can better find some places and have better view on the world. They know where is Poland and where California. Geography is one from the obligatory subjects, so we all need to know how to orientate in map. Maps are very important for tourists, because they give them information about landscape. So the place of maps in our life is very clear. Maps are needed. People always wanted to know how world looks like. How it could be in another countries, how it looks like in the see, how big is the sea…

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Corals “eat” electricity
by Ludmila Martinicka

Thanks to electricity, corals on the Bali sea shore came back to life and their population grows. Few years ago they were dying, traditional methods of protection and stimulation of growth methods has failed. And now, thanks to the project of two scientists Thomas Goreau and the late architect Wolf Hilbertz, corals are growing again, ready to invite more tourists to Bali. What was the project about? Goreau and Hilbertz created a metal construction in the shape of dome or greenhouse and submerge them in the bay. After hooking up a low voltage energy source on the shore, limestone naturally gathers on the metal. Coral was then salvaged from damaged reefs and affixed to the structure. Similar projects are running on several places, but results of the Bali experiment are most significant. A conference was opened this week on Bali and thousands of delegates, experts and activists are discussing the coral restoration project. They consider the project to be the creative way scientists are trying to fight the ill-effects of global warming. Scientists and environmental initiatives agreed that coral reefs are valuable global environment asset. The protect the shoreline from the tides and waves, host various fishes and plants living in the sea. Some people think, that coral is a plant due to its look, but true is, that corals are marine animals. They live in colonies, building the reef on the bay. They skeleton is really hard. The name of corals carry also the Coral Sea Islands Territory, which includes a group of small and mostly uninhabited tropical islands and reefs in the Coral Sea, northeast of Queensland, Australia.

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New motivation for Jurasic Park screen writers
by Ludmila Martinicka

This is the movie almost everybody have seen. It goes in one hand with Godzilla movie, and some others, fans of science fiction know much better than me. I prefer to watch the creatures in museums, where they can't frightened me, where I am sure, they can't become alive, eat me, scrunch me out like a cigarette, or bite me... New piece will come to museums soon probably. Scientists found remains of prehistoric "monster". It is called a Tyranosaurus Rex brother from the see. The piece is may be not a good expression, as this new founded creature is big as a bus and its teeth at least as big as cucumbers. The skeleton promises to be one of the largest pliosaurs ever discovered. The large excavation was found at Knerten, south of Diabasodden (Svalbard). The locality was discovered during fieldwork in 2006 and represents one of the most important new sites for marine reptiles worldwide. The excavation of the monster took three weeks in August 2007. The dig in Svalbard brought also other asset for archeology. A remarkable 28 new individuals were documented during the short two-week field period, nine of which are believed to be significant discoveries. I don't know how about you, but I am really happy that creatures of this kind doesn't live anymore. Then I would must say bye bye to summer holidays on the yacht.

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Aging and the Alzheimer's disease
by Daniela Simkova

Have you ever thought of what causes forgetting things which you would like to remember? Didn't you think that higher age could be related to loosing your memories? Researchers, Randy Buckner, a Harvard professor and Howard Hughes, a Medical Institute researcher, studied deterioration of brain at Harvard University. The study was specialized on the differences between the clinical deterioration and the one caused by aging. Randy Buckner and Howard Hughes said: "We're trying to understand the edge of that boundary between normal aging and Alzheimer's disease." The study is based on the images of brain took by a PET technique, to detect presence of special chemical, amyloid, which is typical for the Alzheimer disease. The researchers took brain scans of older people aged over 60 and on contrary of younger people aged of 35 and younger. They compared all the brain scans and found out that some brain systems, it's not an ordinance, are less coordinated in higher age: "It looks like it is an effect of normal aging independent of Alzheimer's disease," said Randy Buckner. Brain contains brain structure, which is called white matter tracks, that carry information from different parts of brain. Researchers found out that white matter tracks were impaired in the older group of people, whereas in the younger group of people were not deteriorated. A graduate student in Buckner's lab, Jessica Andrews-Hanna said: "In young adults, the front of the brain was pretty well in sync with the back of the brain. In older adults this was not the case. The regions became out of sync and they were less correlated with each other." This could be the explanation of why some people do well with the Alzheimer's disease and others don't. Brains of some people are better prepared for the aging and therefore for the disease as well.
by Daniela Simkova
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Try to save them.
by Zuzana Valkova

There are millions of species of animals and plants on this planet. From small, like your finger nail, to huge, like truck. All these animals and plants live here with us, share the same space, the same air and water. But for some reason, some of these species, are disappearing. Pandas, white tigers, gorillas, all these animals are going to be only in books, and not in the nature, where they belong. This reason might be pollution of this planet, which is also bad for people, but worse for animals and plants, because they don't know how to protect, or don't have that possibility. Red List is a special list which includes all threatened species, but not only the species of animals, but also plants. Scientist use special criteria for choosing and deciding, which species put on the list and which don't. People are trying to save all these animals and plants, that's why they found many nature reserves. It's a special protected area, where the animals can live in their "natural" conditions, and plants can grow without any danger. These areas are usually designated by government, but lots of them are owned by special foundations or research institutions. This is only small segment of people. That's why, all of us should try protect these species and not to be dangerous for them. Because after them, we are in order.

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Iraq can rewrite history books
by Romana Schlesingerova

Iraq is still full of hidden archeological artifacts. Historians say, our school books will have to be rewritten in next 10 years or sooner. It is very possible, that the proof of cultures living in this area will be revealed and the boundaries and dates known until today will be moved further. "This land is hiding and enormous history. The biggest part of it needs to be still revealed. Once, we will gain this achievement and once it's done, we will have to reassess our present knowledge from the very core," said John Russel, professor of archeology in Massachusetts. Russel was a leader of a working group in between 1989-1990, in the past center of Assyrian kings, Ninive, at the north of Iraq. Every year, his people found something that moved the era of old civilizations thousand years back. "That's Iraq," said Russel. Iraq is fighting against the thievery of historical artifacts. Those have an extreme value on the black market and most of the times end up in private collections all over the world. They are not satisfied only with robbing the tombs. Several monuments vanished from the National Museum as well. The missing things include valuable alabaster mask, portraying woman`s face and 5000 stone seals, used by workers for labeling ceramic goods. According to Russel, there are 20 unique artifacts missing and around 10 000 minor works. Some of those were probably imported to Switzerland, Great Britain or USA. Iraqian National Museum went trough a major reconstruction and if the security allows, it can be open in few months.

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by Romana Schlesingerova
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dinosaurs surprising
by Claudia Sonea

In 1999 in North Dakota a fossilized duckbilled hadrosaur was found by Tyler Lyson, then a teenager who liked hunting for fossils on his family ranch. It is the most complete dinosaur mummies ever found and offers a totally different perspective on the size of dinosaurs and their intern structure, as well as their features. Although it is not as well preserved as the mummies of certain pharaohs or other people, because the body was fossilized into stone, it still offers researchers the opportunity to calculate its muscle mass and other aspects due to the fact that unlike the museum dinosaurs, this one has skin, ligaments, tendons and possibly some internal organs, according to researchers. The study of the mummy is yet to be completed, however some of the results found until now show that hadrosaurs were bigger (3 1/2 tons and up to 40 feet long) and stronger than expected. Furthermore, the hadrosaurus was more flexible and fast enough to outrun predators such as T. rex. Paleontologist Phillip Manning of Manchester University in England approached the issue of the dinosaur's skin and revealed that even though the color cannot be identified (in monochrome shows a striped pattern) it has a lot of detail and in modern reptiles the skin is usually associated with color change. After the discovery, the mummy was called Dakota, bearing the name of the region where it was found, and currently it is studied in the world's largest CT scanner (used for space shuttle engines and other large objects), operated by the Boeing Co, with a lot of precaution because soft parts of dead animals normally decompose rapidly after death. However, the chances of finding the DNA of the 65 million to 67 million years old dinosaur are small, according to Manning. Nevertheless, a Manchester colleague, Roy Wogelius, confesses that Dakota offers some organic molecular breakdown products, while Matthew Carrano, a paleontologist at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, says that it's a progress that soft anatomy of dinosaurs can be studied. The last 8 years of study offered enough material for two books (DinoMummy: The Life, Death, and Discovery of Dakota, a Dinosaur From Hell Creek that goes on sale on Tuesday and an adult book called Grave Secrets of Dinosaurs: Soft Tissues and Hard Science due for January) and a television program, Dino Autopsy, airing on the National Geographic channel December 9. National Geographic Society partly funded the research that will make museums to rethink their dinosaur displays because the animal was actually longer than what is shown in a museum. Stay connected and don't forget to turn on TV on the 9th, it sounds as a promising TV documentary. Enjoy!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Monday, December 3, 2007

Yeti – fact or fiction?
by Ludmila Martinicka

Yeti exists! He lives on the Mount Everest! This words were probably screaming members of United States team from a science fiction program, when they found giant footprints in Khumbu region. Was it really Yeti, who had left the mark of his steps, or just a poor mountain bear, so often mistakenly considered to be the legendary giant? This we could controvert about according to 3 footprints found by an American TV host who traveled to the Himalayas to film a show on the mysterious yeti. The legend about giant ape man lives for decades if not centuries. This "man" has captured the fantasy of explorers, scientists, movie makers and ordinary people too. From time to time somebody come with new findings and proves like foot prints, amateur videos or pictures, unbelievable stories and extraordinary adventures they lived. Every time it wakes up humans imagination. The Yeti is described as a massive half-human, half-ape-like creature. Footprints found on rock and sand could proves not just existence of mysterious "snow man" but also could show, that Yeti has 13 inches long foot and five fingers on it. At least on the right one. Unfortunately, the castings are rarely conclusive enough and can not stand to the touch of science. And moreover, the US team doesn't have any photographies to back up an argument. This may not persuade you to believe in the story of Yeti. But at least it is a nice topic for 13th Friday night when u sit in the wild forest next to dull campfire. However, it is just up to you, if u let American film team to convince you.

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by Ludmila Martinicka
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Two Columbuses
by Jana Kokavcova

What have the world famous seafarer and discoverer Christopher Columbus and the new space station Columbus in common? It is really not in age, because the space station Columbus is new modern machine that will help people on the Earth to explore...To explore, that is it. So, new space station will help us to explore new things in the universe. Christopher Columbus was the man who brought us new knowledge about new and strange country for us & about America. He explored this new continent for Europeans and opened window to new life for a lot of them. The space station Columbus will be so important for humankind too. We really do know that we are not the only in the universe. That our earth is not the one planet, but we really don't know if there is another life, we should only to think about it. We could only guess. And this new space station called Columbus could be helpful, could help us to explore new worlds near our own. Columbus was created as "Columbus" in year 1992 because the creators would like to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Christopher's famed sailing. The space station Columbus will be managed from a control center near Munich in Germany, and the main language in this center and in this space station will be English, because creators think it would be the best decision. English is known as world language, so there is possibility everyone can speak, write, read something in English. Scientist really know, that this language is more popular than Russian that was used years ago in another space station. Now we know what have two Columbuses in common. It is their voyager's passion and the benefit for humankind they both have.

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by Jana Kokavcova
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